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How To Effectively Deal With A Cockroach Infestation

Cockroaches can be found everywhere around the country from McAllen, Texas to Ann Arbor, Michigan. They are one of the most prolific and difficult insects to get rid of from your home once there is an infestation. The key is to recognize when you have a problem and to know enough about the nature of the bug to properly treat an infestation.

Cockroaches originate from areas of the world that tend to be hot and humid. However, over time, these easily adaptive insects have spread worldwide and can thrive in any kind of environment. This means that no matter where you live, you could end up with a cockroach infestation.

There are a few ways that you can deal with cockroaches on your own. But, the only way to really ensure that you get these creepy crawlers out of your home for good is to bring in the professionals with an Ann Arbor or McAllen Pest Control Company.

The American Cockroach

Although you could end up with a different variety of cockroaches in your home, it’s more likely that your infestation will be the American Cockroach (Periplaneta americana). It is recognized by its reddish-brown shiny exoskeleton body with an average length of 1 ½ inch.

It prefers to inhabit residential buildings and homes where food supplies are easy to access. The American cockroach is nocturnal, coming out mostly at night and preferring dark and damp hiding places during the day.

What Do They Eat?

One of the ways to eliminate cockroaches in your home is to understand what they eat. If you know what they are getting into, it’s easier to eliminate the food source to make your home less tempting. Here are some of the most common foods that cockroaches are drawn to:

Traditional Food Sources

  • Pastries & Bread
  • Rice
  • Dairy Products – Milk and cheeses
  • Meats – Chicken, Turkey, Pork, Beef
  • Table sugar
  • Candy and Chocolate

Non-Traditional Food Sources

  • Human waste
  • Wallpaper glue
  • Drywall
  • Book bindings
  • Other cockroaches
  • Blood

General Behavior

Most species of cockroaches have wings but prefer to scuttle along your floors and walls rather than fly. They will tend to leave droppings that resemble dirt or pepper grains. You may even see blotches of brown looking smudges that are left by cockroaches. They prefer the dark to well lit areas and are commonly found in basements, under sinks, and in other areas that are not well lit.

Cockroaches are extremely adaptive to even the harshest environments. It is said that a single cockroach can live for several weeks even after its head has been removed. They carry their egg sacs with them and each sack or Ootheca can hold up to 20 eggs.

How To Get Rid Of Cockroaches

There are very few off the shelf treatments that are completely effective in treating a cockroach infestation. Because of their ability to adapt and their resistance to chemical treatments, foggers and sprays may not be able to completely rid your home of cockroaches. However, there are a few things that you can do to help eliminate roaches as well as be proactive in preventing any future infestations.

  1. Seal Your Home  –  Cockroaches are low profile insects meaning that they can fit their flattened bodies into just about any sized crack. To keep them from entering your home it’s important to seal any areas from which they could gain access. Use a silicone caulking to seal any cracks or splits in your foundation, along door frames and windows. You can also add weather stripping to your doors to add an extra barrier.
  2. Boric Acid  –  This common household chemical can be effective in killing cockroaches. It can be purchased at most hardware or shopping marts. It can be toxic to pets and children so it’s important to make sure that you are applying it safely in your home.
  3. Traps  –  There are several types of Roach Kits on the market ranging from gel bait to sticky traps. In most cases, the traps are set with bait to draw in the cockroaches to eat a poisonous substance. The cockroaches eat and then die. In some cases, they can take residue back to the population to also be infected.
  4. Home Cleaning  –  Cockroaches prefer areas that are less clean than the rest of your home. By doing a regular deep cleaning and sanitizing of darker and damper areas that are hidden around your home, you can help reduce your risk of infestation. Keeping basement and garage floors cleaned and making sure that areas under sinks and counters are clean and sanitized will limit the draw to cockroaches.

Finding cockroaches in your home can give you the creepy-crawlies but, there is no reason to think that an infestation has to be permanent. Try some of our at-home tips to limit your exposure and call in the professionals to help you get rid of these unwanted pests.

What did Robert Downey JR go to jail for

Robert Downey Jr. was sentenced to three years in prison for drug possession, due to a plea bargain he made with the judge and prosecutor. He had been arrested at LAX airport after authorities found cocaine on his person during a random search by security agents of passengers boarding an airplane. The court ordered him into rehab and not jail time if he agreed to plead guilty to felony charges that would have put him behind bars for up-to-three years. So RDJ went back home from Hollywood’s biggest night with just one Oscar nomination instead of two, because it turns out even Iron Man breaks the law sometimes!

4 Reasons Why You Should Switch to a Programmable Thermostat

Programmable and smart thermostats are becoming more popular as the wave of high-tech home devices continues to accelerate. You don’t have to be a genius to recognize the benefits of installing a programmable thermostat. It can save time, money, and energy while creating a more comfortable home environment for you and your family. 

Optimize Your HVAC system

The quickest and easiest way to optimize your HVAC system is by programming your thermostat to operate differently during certain times of the day. Whether you choose a basic programmable thermostat or decide to use the programming function on a smart thermostat, the option to “set it and forget it” allows the thermostat to automatically adjust the temperature according to preset conditions you’ve already indicated. Using auto settings causes your HVAC system to work less and also decreases the energy load of the system, which saves costs and helps the unit to last longer. 

Reduce Energy Costs

A smart thermostat can reduce energy costs in several ways. It eliminates a lot of the guesswork and indecision from constantly adjusting the temperature in your home and provides a level of consistency that allows you to reliably determine when and how you’ll need heat or cool. One of the easiest ways to decrease costs is to lower your thermostat settings by 7-10 degrees when you and your family are not at home. By making simple adjustments to your settings, you can save as much as 10% off your electricity bills

Save Time

Homeowners who do not use a smart or programmable thermostat spend an inordinate amount of time every day manually adjusting the climate in their homes to suit the needs of everyone in the household. Families often must wait out uncomfortable temperatures while the system catches up to the desired range. Fortunately, the smart thermostat is a time-saving tool that works to deliver comfortable temperatures without waiting or constant adjustments. Using a programmable thermostat allows you to enjoy your time at home without regular maintenance and adjustments so you and your family can enjoy your time at home no matter what the outside weather is like. 

Access High-Tech Features 


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Smart thermostats are easy to install, program, and use. One of the best features is the ability to access and adjust the settings and features with your phone from any Wi-Fi enabled location. Depending on the needs of your family, you can also set up several schedules for each person and update the settings on the fly when you’re at work, on the road, or anywhere in the world. 

It’s an easy decision to move forward with your purchase of a programmable thermostat. Saving time and money on your HVAC system will allow you and your family to enjoy reduced energy bills as well as a more relaxing climate at home. Smart and programmable thermostats operate with such ease, they might just inspire you to consider more automated devices to further improve the quality and comfort of your home environment.

10 reasons why i love you

I love you because when we were little, and the world was so big, you would always be there to hold my hand. You loved me for who I am, not just what I could do. And even though life is crazy sometimes and it’s hard to find time for each other–you’re still by my side through everything. You’ve made every day of mine better than the last one–and now that we have our baby girl with us…I can’t imagine a life without you in it. Thank-you for being such an amazing husband and father; thank-you for loving me unconditionally; thank-you for giving me this beautiful family that makes everyday worth living again!

What to wear to a 70s party

If you’re looking for some ideas of what to wear, here are a few costume ideas. What do you want to be? A disco queen or king? Go all out with the wildest outfit and get your groove on! You can also dress up as an iconic singer from the 70s like Cher, Elton John, or David Bowie. Or perhaps play it cool and go for a more low-key look by wearing bell bottoms or tie dye tights paired with striped shirts. No matter which way you choose to celebrate this year’s theme, have fun dressing up in celebration of one decade that would never die – the 1970s!

How Can Fashion Brands Utilize Shoppable Features on Instagram for Boosting Sales

Instagram is a hot-favorite photo-sharing social media platform that has over 1 billion monthly active users worldwide. It boasts of over 25 million businesses that are registered on this versatile platform. No wonder today Instagram is the most sought-after destination for promoting your business via advertising and online marketing. Top fashion brands are actively using Instagram to showcase their unique creations and to effectively engage, connect, and interact with their precise target audience. Instagram surely is a fantastic platform for building a robust community, fortifying bond with your customers, and flaunting your brand personality, etc. 


All fashion brands by now have realized that Instagram is an incredibly powerful and vibrant fashion force that is proving to be helpful in boosting sales and setting trends. As per the findings of several studies, there are over 80 million shoppers on Instagram across 120 nations. It certainly makes sense. Instagram is an intensely visual social media channel that proves to be a perfect destination for inspiring brand new trends and promoting a lifestyle that goes much beyond the conventional ways. Instagram is intrinsically compatible with fashion brands because fashion is all about community and visual dimensions.

As per a fashion guru on, social media has been acting as a double-edged sword in terms of both fashion, as well as, fashion copying. True, Instagram, and other popular social media platforms help small lesser-known fashion brands to reach a much broader target audience. However, on the flipside, this has made copying and even sale of copies much simpler and definitely, easier.

Shoppable Features for Fashion Brands Planning to Initiate Sales on Instagram

Shopping via Instagram Stories is certainly not something new. Numerous fashion brands and even influencers have been briefing their potential customers and followers to start ‘shopping their stories’ by incorporating product URLs along with ‘Shop Now’ CTAs within their Instagram Stories. Here are some shoppable features for new or lesser-known fashion brands to start selling on Instagram.

Shoppable Posts

You must capitalize on Instagram’s Shoppable Posts that make things simpler for users to go on shopping the items they find on the platform simply by tagging those items on posts. This smart shopping feature of Instagram has been having a huge impact on both shoppers and fashion brands too. Shoppers could enjoy buying the products they want without exiting the app. Moreover, followers could even tap on the prominent ‘Shop’ button present on their profile for seeing one by one all the items that have been tagged individually. 

They have the option of bookmarking the items that they wish to shop later. You could click for choosing from various options like color or size. You may then go on to make the payment. You could complete the entire process without exiting the Instagram app! You simply need to enter your name, billing information, email ID, and most importantly, the shipping address while checking out the first time. Fashion brands could buy Instagram followers and likes by getting in touch with a reliable digital marketing agency.

Shoppable Stickers of Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories provide a feature called Shoppable Stickers. Fashion followers have the liberty of tapping on each sticker for getting more information and details about the specific product advertisement thereafter, buy the product. We know that tagging products feature present on Instagram Stories could be a far more organic way of promoting shopping on Instagram Stories. This lets you demonstrate product features and other detailed information without being spammy or salesy. The Instagram Stories’ shopping sticker could prove to be a wonderful marketing asset and a boon for smaller upcoming fashion brands.

Shopping From Creators 

Users now enjoy the ability of shopping straightaway from the account of the fashion designer who created the outfit without at all exiting the Instagram app. Fashion brands are free to tag their products on posts thus, making it simpler for their followers so that they could go ahead and buy their favorite items from the creators straightaway from their feed.

Instagram Shopping Channel

Instagram has now come up with an amazing shopping channel for helping you in locating product-associated posts from your favorite brands that you are already following and also from brands that Instagram assumes that you would like. This is a golden opportunity for e-commerce brands and online retailers to reach brand new audiences and keep showcasing their creations to a broader and highly-engaged audience of more than 500 million each day. 

Moreover, the topic channels of Instagram could assist you in browsing content relevant to your precise interests and taste like fashion, food, sports, photography, music, travel, and even more. Thanks to Instagram’s novel feature the Shopping Channel, you could enjoy getting product-associated posts from all the brands that are followed by you or those brands you are aspiring to buy. Instagram Shopping Channel: the brand new feature on Explore necessarily provides a highly-centralized way of shopping on Instagram. Moreover, since the Instagram algorithm is aware of what or who you are engaging with or following; it would be putting in tremendous efforts displaying to you only those shopping posts that you may find interesting. 


Thanks to the above-discussed shoppable features, fashion brands could now rest assured that their product posts could be strategically presented to potential new audiences who would be interested to buy those products. 

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We found that glucose and lactose, when both present in the gut, can have a synergistic effect on microbial growth. The presence of one nutrient seems to stimulate production of other nutrients by certain bacteria. Understanding this dynamic may help us develop better probiotics for people with diabetes or obesity who often struggle with low levels of stomach acidity due to medications they take or because they are unable to produce enough themselves. This is an exciting new area for future research!

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Some of the answers to this question are easy, but others may require a little more thought. The letter “i” is missing from any state name in America. Similarly, there are no states with names that start with the letters “j,” “k,” or “x.” If you’re still not sure which answer we were looking for then take your best guess and try again!

How often to wax car

The frequency of your car waxing is dependent on the type and condition of your vehicle, but generally speaking you should be looking at a minimum of every 6 months. If you want to keep up with all the latest trends in auto detailing, stay tuned for our upcoming blog post about this topic!

1 pint equals how many ounces

As you can see, a pint is not always equal to 16 ounces. In the US and Canada, a pint of beer or cider typically has 12 fluid ounces in it while other countries have 14-16 fluid ounces in their pints. Be sure to check how many liquid ounces are included when ordering your favorite drink at the pub!