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3 Benefits of Choosing Montessori Education For Your Kids

Every parent wants the best for their child. Giving them the best education is one of the major concerns that most people have. Many have started questioning our education system because it doesn’t seem to focus much on the overall growth of the children. People homeschool their children or look for different methods that they can incorporate in their children’s life along with traditional education.

Extra activities

Before I tell you the benefits of choosing Montessori education for your kids, let me tell you what it is all about. Montessori Method is a method of education that is based on the natural course of learning, such as self-directed activities, hands-on learning, and collaborative play. The classroom is designed to offer age-appropriate activities and children learn by making creative choices in their learning.

1. Children Become Capable

Allowing the children to make their own choices is the base of the classroom designs in the Montessori method. Children are free to choose which activity they want to work with based on their internal motivation without the adult giving them directions – this helps develop capability in children.

While some children choose to work with others, the younger ones often choose to partake in solo activities. But, that is of no worry because the course and curriculum intentionally provide small group instruction and collaborative activities. There is a combination of the independent, partner, small-group, and whole-class lessons and activities so that the children are capable in all sorts of interpersonal dynamics.

2. Children Become Accountable

Self-correction and self-assessment are an integral part of the Montessori method which helps children learn to look critically at their own work so that they can also learn to become adept at recognizing, correcting, and learning from their errors. Because they take charge of their own learning, they become accountable for their own knowledge.

The children are assessed daily by the teachers and the observations, and academic outcomes are used to prepare an environment that is simultaneously stimulating and accessible academically, physically, socially, and emotionally.

3. Children Become Knowledgeable

Order, coordination, concentration is nurtured in the Montessori method, which results in children developing the ability to educate themselves and to think about what they are learning. It also focuses on independence, which is basically the underlying foundation of the course.

The Montessori method ensures that the children are introduced to complex learning concepts via the means of hands-on experiences. Practical learning is the best way to get a deep understanding of any subject – this is why it is said that in many cases, Montessori learning exceeds state learning.

The curriculum is grouped in 3-year cycles rather than year by year like traditional learning. This is because the method respects the fact that children learn academic topics at different speeds. The teacher supports the learning of every area in spurts for the children to get an all-round academic knowledge.


Montessori education is based on focusing on children’s growth where they turn out to be capable, accountable, and knowledgeable people, who also have a strong sense of self and are confident and comfortable in themselves and their abilities. 

How to Avoid New Baby Budgeting Blues

Having a baby might be a wonderful experience, but it’s difficult to ignore the expense that comes hand-in-hand with the pitter patter of tiny feet. Babies need a lot of things that you wouldn’t generally account for in your budget, like formula, new clothes, nursery furniture, and countless diapers. If you’re not careful, you could end up spending thousands of pounds before you’ve even hit your second trimester. 


It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you’re preparing for the arrival of a new baby. However, the critical thing to remember is that just like any other financial goal, making sure that you’re ready for a baby just requires a little bit of planning and the right budget. 

Here’s what you need to know if you want to avoid excessive new baby debt.

1. Decide if You’re Going to Need a Loan

When most people think about taking out a loan, they consider borrowing money for things like a new car, or even a new house. However, there’s also a chance that you might need to turn towards loan products for help with your baby costs too. Don’t wait until the baby arrives to start considering your loan options. Start by figuring out how much you need to borrow to pay for things like prams and car seats now, and head online to compare your options.

Remember, even if you don’t have the best credit, you can still reduce the amount you need to spend on your loan by comparing providers such as HappyPenguin Loans and looking for the one that can give you the lowest interest rate and the least fees. 

2. Get Ready to Adjust your Lifestyle

There’s a good chance that you’re going to need to do some compromising to make sure that you can afford your new baby. After all, with new expenses to think about, something in your budget is going to need to take a hit, and you can’t afford to ignore things like your rent payments or your emergency savings. With that in mind, look for thing you can cut down on.

Maybe you can afford to spend less on entertainment each weekend – as you’re likely to spend more time at home with the baby anyway. Additionally, there’s a good chance you’re not going to be interested in going to the gym for a little while after your bundle of joy arrives so that you can cut costs there too. 

3. Find Out What Financial Help is Available

Even single parents aren’t alone when it comes to raising a baby. Maternity leave is available to mothers around the UK, although the amount you get from your employer can vary. It’s a good idea to get in touch with a boss and learn as much as you can about what you can expect to receive while you’re away from work. 

While you’re at it, think about creating an appointment at your local citizen’s advice bureau, where you can find out about any child tax credits or government schemes you can get involved with. You’d be surprised how much help is out there if you’re willing to search for it.

4. Remember Other Kinds of Assistance

When it comes to getting help with the baby budgeting blues, don’t forget that it’s not just financial assistance that you may need to think about. Asking around among your friends and family members to find out what kind of support you can get with things like babysitting and childcare will save you a fortune on paying for babysitters. 

Additionally, don’t be afraid to ask about hand-me-downs from other people in your circle that have recently had children too. Most people won’t mind letting you borrow some essentials, so you don’t have to splash out extra cash yourself. 

5. Practice a Frugal Lifestyle

Finally, as soon as you learn that you’re pregnant, start working on becoming more frugal with your money. That means continually looking for ways to cut the costs of everything that you buy – whether it’s food or baby supplies. Go online to check whether you can get lower prices from another supplier or find out whether it’s cheaper to buy certain items in bulk.

Some companies like Boots and Amazon even allow you to sign up for free parenting communities where you can get access to vouchers and special deals on the must-have items you need. The quicker you get into the routine of using these tools, the better off you’ll be when your baby arrives. 

7 Ideas For Mom’s “Me” Time

Being a mom is a full-time job and can get extremely tiring, especially if you are a new mom. You want to take a break but worry how on earth will your kids and your family function without you. It feels like you are the only thing stopping your house from collapsing. I feel you. I used to feel the same. I then realized how important it is to take a break.

Yoga poses

I talked about how important it is to take a break without your kids. While I focused on why childless trips are important for the couple, here I want to shed some light on the importance of spending time with yourself. Here are ten ideas to take some time out for yourself daily or once a week.

1. Solo lunch date

Take yourself out to lunch. You cook every day, and you make meals that everyone likes. What do you do for yourself? Most you would do is maybe hit the drive-thru or order some takeaway. But, you can do that anytime, and you don’t get some time just to relax. Take yourself out to a proper sit-down restaurant and enjoy your favorite meal in peace.

2. Catch up on your reading

With motherhood, a lot of hobbies take a back seat. Considering how time-consuming reading could be, nobody can blame you for not picking that book back up. Like lunch, you can instead head out to a coffee shop, get yourself a nice coffee and maybe some pastries, and read for a while.

3. Yoga workshop

You might not have time to join a yoga class, but a yoga workshop can be a great opportunity to learn some new things while also not having to commit for a longer period. There are usually workshops available that last only a few hours. It can be a great way to socialize and learn and let loose.

4. Get a massage

I know how much your body hurts from running after your kids all day and trying to do everything at once. You might not need to exercise considering the chores are an exercise in themselves, but you definitely need to relax. Book a nice full body massage session and relax while stress knots are all relieved.

5. Get a pedicure

My manicures don’t last so I have turned to getting pedicures more than manicures. Taking care of your feet is important, and your whole body will thank you. Throw in a foot massage with the pedicure.

6. Take a bubble bath

Create the whole home spa experience by lighting some candles and playing some soft music. Use bath salts or bath bombs if you like. Don’t forget a glass of ice-cold sparkling cider. Nothing speaks pampering like a nice long bath.

7. Go for a drive

Go for a drive by yourself. No yelling at your kids to put on seatbelts, to keep their hands, legs, and head inside the car, and no cribbing about long car rides. Play your favorite songs and sing along, put the windows down and let the wind blow through your hair, drive to someplace far away to do something from the options I have talked about or something completely different or drive with no destination in mind.

5 Parenting Tips That Actually Work Really Well

Parenting can sometimes be a task, let’s be hones, it is a task most of the times. There are wonderful moments sure, but there are so many painful and teary moments. Getting frustrated when children wouldn’t listen is really common. We always look for ways to make our children listen to us, do as we say. I am talking about tiny tots here, teenagers are a whole different topic.


Teaching them things starts from a very early age. We have to talk to them, remembering that they do not have world experience, we have to tone everything down. Some people forget this when they punish their children or get pissed about something that the child did or something that they questioned.

It is their age to be curious and also to not understand the exact implications of their words and their actions. Teaching them how some things can be insensitive, can hurt others, or themselves is important. But, simply yelling at them helps no one. Here are some things to keep in mind.

1. Be kind in your firmness

Yes, there are times when being firm with your children is important and needed. But being firm doesn’t mean you have to be rude or mean to them or shout at them. Being firm doesn’t mean raising your voice. When you do that, you are not putting your point across. The point takes a back seat and the negative feeling rises. Being kind doesn’t mean you are a pushover, it just means that you show them respect. Make them feel their opinion matters while also putting your point across and letting them know that there wouldn’t be more arguing about something.

2. Teach them why they are wrong

Have you ever wanted to do something just because you were told not to. Children are curious, a lot more than we are. When you tell them not to do something just because you told them not not. The “why” will haunt them. It is important to explain to them why something is wrong and why they shouldn’t do it. When they have answers, they won’t go out looking for it.

3. Don’t be resentful

When children continuously do something we have told them not to, or disobey us time and time again. It is natural for us to develop resentment toward them. It can then skew our judgment and give rise to anger. This is how relationships go sour. You have to learn to identify bothersome behavior and nip it in the bud so that you don’t develop a feeling of resentment against your own child.

4. Be gentle with your teachings

It is easy to get frustrated teaching something again and again. Also, when you have to teach them why something is wrong after you have yelled at them for doing it, the anger can seep into your explanation and the child will focus on the anger rather than the lesson. When you child does something that you don’t want them to you have to gently explain it to them, which also entails the point about being kind.

5. Hold their hand while they learn about life

It is inevitable that your children will have to go through life, their own set of pain, tests, disappointments. As parents we want to protect them as much as we can, but we cannot. Every person needs to learn about life themselves. What you can do is, let them make their own mistakes and learn their own lessons. Let them know that they always have you in their corner, that you are always there.

Is Your Parent Ready for In-Home Care?

Taking care of aging parents can be difficult, especially if you aren’t sure what type of care or support they need. If they seem reasonably capable of taking care of themselves, but still struggle with some basic aspects of daily life, you may be too worried to leave them entirely on their own, but too confident in their independence to provide them with long-term care.

parents at home

One option in circumstances like this is in-home care, which can provide you with solutions for several problems inherent to seniors. You can also check us home care software, it is a revolutionary innovation that enables health care professionals to effectively manage patient care and provide a more comprehensive and holistic approach to patient care. This software is designed to streamline home care operations, allowing home health care professionals to integrate patient information, create comprehensive care plans, and manage tasks effectively across multiple locations.

The Basics of In-Home Care

Different organizations offer differing levels of in-home care, but most services are designed to provide a combination of medical attention, personal assistance, and companionship to seniors who are mostly independent, but may still require some assistance. The option is designed to be a more comfortable alternative to living in a senior care community or a more advanced healthcare institution.

Services described specifically as “home health care” include specifically licensed nursing care and medical attention, while services described as “in-home care” or “home care” typically refer to non-medical care, custodial care, or other forms of personal assistance. In-home care professionals may still be able to identify if and when a resident is in need of medical attention.

In-home care is available in a wide range of different options. You could hire an individual full-time, you could hire an independent contractor qualified to provide in-home care services, or you could speak with an agency.

The biggest advantage of in-home care is that it provides you with peace of mind. You won’t have to pay for intensive levels of healthcare or other services, and you won’t have to constantly check up on your parents. They get to continue living at home on their own, and you can rest assured that someone is helping them with the assistance they need.

Is Your Parent Ready for In-Home Care?

The big question is, how can you tell if your parent is in need of in-home care?

There’s no single factor that can clue you into this need, but if you notice some combination of the following, it may be time to consider hiring an in-home care specialist:

  • Difficulty with daily activities. A fully independent adult should be able to handle the basic activities of daily life, including getting out of bed, dressing, practicing basic hygiene, preparing meals, and performing certain chores around the house. If you notice your parent is struggling with some or all of these tasks, such as taking an inordinate amount of time to get dressed or being unable to handle the physical workload, it may be in your best interest to hire an in-home care specialist.
  • Periodic medical issues. When a parent has a specific medical issue, they need to get medical attention. The question is, are they capable of noticing and taking action on a medical issue independently? If not, they may end up suffering from an injury or ailment until someone comes in to check on them. In-home care provides a near-constant level of checking, so you can remain apprised of potential medical issues before they get any worse.
  • Mobility issues. You should also consider whether your parent is capable of transporting themselves, both around the house and out of the house to run errands. If they frequently have trouble getting up and down the stairs, or if they can’t easily leave the house to pick up something they need at the grocery store, in-home care may be a suitable option.
  • Cognitive difficulties. It’s common for aging parents to gradually lose their cognitive abilities, with or without the onset of dementia. They may have trouble remembering basic responsibilities, like taking a specific medication on a daily basis, or may have trouble solving problems they face in daily life. Having the support of an in-home care professional can mitigate the consequences from this.
  • Loneliness. If your parent is living by themselves, far away from you, or you can’t make time to see them regularly, in-home care can help them feel less lonely and get the support they need.

However, note that in-home care may not provide a sufficient level of care for someone who is suffering from a chronic health condition, a debilitating injury, or other health developments that require a medical professional. If you’re not sure what your parent needs, consider talking to a doctor or other medical professional about the best approach.

In-home care isn’t a perfect solution for every adult with an aging parent, but it does serve as an important middle ground between taking on all responsibility associated with caring for your parent and relying on a formal institution. Make an assessment on your parent’s cognitive, emotional, and physical state, and determine whether in-home care would be ideal for them.

What to Do and Not to Do When Negotiating Debt

Have an ugly stain in your financial past? Around 77 million people have credit reports that show a debt in collections. According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the average balance is over $5,000.


However, depending on the type of debt one carries, effective negotiating might be enough to help you climb out of the hole.

Here’s what you should and should not do when negotiating your debt.

Do: Understand the Difference Between Creditors and Collectors

A creditor is an entity that issued the loan. A debt collector is a third-party company hired by a creditor to recoup payment. In some cases, a debt collector may purchase debt and try to collect it on their own to earn as much of a profit as possible.

If you’re receiving phone calls about your debt, then it’s likely from a debt collector. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) protects debtors from harassing collectors. The FDCPA covers mortgage, credit, medical and other types of personal debt. If you’re receiving phone calls at odd hours of the day or feel harassed by a collector, you’re legally entitled to protection.

Even if a debt is legitimate, you can still write a letter to the debt collector to stop communications. Once a collector has received your letter, they can only contact you via mail and to announce that:

  • There will be no further contact.
  • They might take action in the future.
  • They are certainly going to take action.

Do: Know the Statute of Limitations on Your Debt

One of the beautiful aspects of America is the variance across regions, cultures, and people. When it comes to legalities though, we’re victims of luck. This is especially true with the statute of limitations on debt. If your account has been delinquent for more than a few years, you might not be legally obligated to pay it back.

It all depends on the state you live in and the type of agreement you have. Oral and written agreements, promissory notes, and open-ended accounts each have different statutes of limitations. For example, open-ended accounts, like credit cards, tend to have the shortest statute of limitations, with many states’ lasting just three years. Written agreements and promissory notes (e.g., a student loan) tend to have longer statutes, with over a half-dozen states having limitations as long as ten years.

Here’s a list of every state’s statute of limitations by agreement type.

Do: Document Every Discussion and Get Agreements in Writing

Whether you’re trying to survive a debt-collection experience unscathed or researching the possibility of having legally expired debt, your effectiveness at recordkeeping will determine your success.

The burden is on a debtor to prove they’re covered by a statute of limitations. If your debt is expired, you need to have the agreement that says when the debt originated. Don’t expect the creditor to help you out here.

It’s equally imperative to keep a log of discussions with creditors and collectors. Every interaction, whether in writing, email or over the phone, needs to be documented clearly. This will help you keep a timeline of events and refute any incorrect claims made by the opposition.

DO: Investigate refinancing or if you are a senior age 62 or older consider taking out a reverse mortgage loan to settle your debt with creditors at less interest. According to, the current interest rate on a reverse mortgage is as low as 3.5%. This is far below the average non-secured debt loan which will save you A considerable amount of interest charges.

Don’t: Agree to Pay an Amount on the Spot

If you can help it, it’s wise to never talk to a collector over the phone. Of course, this isn’t always possible. They may use tactics to catch you on the phone unexpectedly. If this does happen, ask them for all pertinent information about your debt. Debt collectors must legally provide you with their name and company, how much you owe, the details about the original creditor, and information about how to dispute the debt.

If they are legitimate, request for communication via mail going forward or write them a letter to end contact. Whatever you do, never acknowledge that you owe a debt, and most definitely never agree to pay it. Both of these things could land you in a lawsuit you’ll lose.

Don’t: Yell!

Like any job, debt collectors come in many varieties. Some will be more pleasant to deal with than others. If you find yourself in a frustrating conversation, resist the urge to react negatively. Though co-founder of Freedom Debt Relief, Andrew Housser, recalls a story of a friend settling debt through these means, it’ll often result in more harm than good.

A rotten debt collector may be difficult to deal with no matter how you behave, but should things ever proceed to court, your track record of composure will reflect favorably upon you.

Don’t: Make Unrealistic Offers to Settle Debt

The only way to be successful in negotiating debt is to a) have an outstanding balance (the older, the better), and b) make a legitimate offer to resolve the debt. Creditors and/or debt collectors want their money at the end of the day. Taking you to court means time and money on their part too.

When deciding what to offer, first choose between a repayment plan and a lump-sum offer. Either strategy could get a creditor or collector off your back, but think carefully about your offer amount. Every debt and creditor/collection situation is different, but as a general rule of thumb, aim to offer around 30 percent of your original debt amount. You can help your cause by stating that you’ll send payment immediately as long as they sign off that the debt as settled.

Dealing with outstanding debt is one of the most stressful experiences we can go through in life. If this describes your situation right now, know that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Know your legal protections, communicate via mail, keep records of everything discussed, and when the time comes to try to settle, make the offer worth their while.

7 Ways Dads Can Help Moms with a Newborn

newborn babies

After she gives birth, the new mother needs help both physically and emotionally. The emotional side means giving her a mental break from the intensive care of the beautiful new baby. The physical side means giving her a break to do things for herself. You want to be the best Dad you can be the one. Here are some of the things to think about:

1. Exhaustion

If you are exhausted, remember mom is even more exhausted. Think about ways to help her and encourage her to get enough rest and feel loved. The stronger the mama, the better for the baby.

2. Peaceful environment

Set up an environment that is peaceful. This is a sweet, beautiful time with your family and it can also be very emotional. Keep the place neat and tidy. Fresh air, some light music, healthy food, candles at night, a kiss and a hug and a thank you to mom for making such a beautiful baby. The “little things” make a huge difference.

3. Be there for her

Anything and everything mom asks you to do, you have to do, or she would not be too happy? Take proper care regarding her diet. If possible take a vacation from work. If mom is sore, ask her if she wants a back rub or a massage. Sometimes, just by being there for her and offering to do what she needs is enough to show her that you care.

4. Learn to change diapers

Always make sure to check the diaper often and change it whenever needed. Go ahead and use as many wipes as you need. The goal is to keep your kid clean, so do what it takes to get it done. You should also take great care while bathing your baby.

5. Spend enough time with your baby

Bring the baby to mom, don’t let her get up. If bottle feeding, then feed the baby. Don’t assume all the feedings have to fall on mom, and she would love it if you would take on some of the feedings. This is especially true at night. It is a great idea to come up with a schedule that works for both mom and dad about who gets up with the baby and when. This means that both can get enough amount of sleep.

6. Help mom with laundry and shopping

It might feel quite overwhelming but remember how she manages all such things. Do the necessary shopping required for the mom and the baby. Also, cook her fresh and healthy meals. Make sure she is eating three wholesome meals a day that is full of proteins and nutrients, not much sugary and fatty foods. Give her green leafy vegetables, fruits and plenty of water.

7. Show appreciation

Let her know that she is doing an amazing job. Point out where you think she is doing great. Tell her that you are proud of her and how much you love her. Encourage her to go out of the house once in a while, and connect with other moms. Do ask her time tot time if she needs something. At such times, all of her attention is going to be on the baby, so someone needs to look after her needs.

5 Fun Activities to do With Your Family This Weekend

Sharing quality time as a family gives you a chance to become a loving family with strong bonds and also share experiences. These experiences make great memories that stay with us all our lives. With busy schedules, it can be difficult to spend time every day with your family, but weekends should be reserved for quality family time.


You have to find opportunities to spend as much quality time together as possible. A strong family isn’t formed by just being born in the same family, the bond is made stronger by experiencing things together, watching each other grow, and spending time together per se.

1. Home Video Night

I have always loved watching “America’s Funniest Home Videos.” How do you think those videos came into existence? It is a fun idea to film ourselves and our kids to watch when we grow older. Kids love watching themselves when they were younger and also listening to funny/ embarrassing stories about themselves. Your wedding videos and photos also are a fun thing for them. Don’t forget the vacation videos and pictures, they are the most fun.

2. Have a Fun Competition

Having fun, creative contests like a scavenger quest with the kids is a great way to bond and develop sportsmanship in them. Have competitions for a game they love or even some art competition: cricket, carrom, cheese, any game.  You can also introduce them to new games this way. It is a fun way to learn. You can also keep rewards for the kids so that they feel more excited.

3. A day out

You can go to the beach, museum, fairs, theme parks, the world is your oyster. These trips help create memories, help learn new things if you visit places like science fairs, art galleries, and museums. Playing at the beach is fun, you can make sand castles, play in the water, collect shells. Those shells can then be used to make jewelry. Visiting new places can give rise to new hobbies as well.You can also play darts. When you choose Best darts, the time will pass quickly and with pleasure. This is essential for a good holiday.

4. Barbecue Night

Speaking of outdoor activities, barbecue parties are the best way to bond. You can invite your neighbors, friends, and family. Everyone can have one task to do. Kids love working with the adults and being given responsibilities, especially during parties and such. Cooking and eating together is one of the most fun and meaningful activity I know, and you also get to eat delicious food. It’s a win-win.

5. Camping

Camping is one of the interesting memory-making activities. Camping helps kid learn so much. They learn to enjoy nature, which is very important. Teach them how to build a campfire, then you can roast marshmallows and tell stories huddled up around the campfire. Help them identify the insects and animals from the noises. You can also identify and catalog the plants.

Spending time with the family doesn’t always have to cost money. Think of activities that interest everyone and try incorporating it. Teach your kids things that could be done at home. Even if you are too tired to go out, you will still spend a fun time at home with your family, by playing board games, watching movies, cooking at home. The idea here is to spend time together doing something that helps us grow together, bond, and create fond memories.

Traditional Lice Treatments are Toxic to Children

Child hair

The temperatures are warming and summer camps are fast approaching for your children. Do you know what else is approaching? Head lice. As we head into warmer weather, the creepy, little blood-suckers love to latch on to any scalp they can reach.

It pays to be prepared and know what to do if your child becomes infested with head lice. It can happen any time children are in close contact with one another and it has nothing to do with cleanliness or the state of your home. In fact, lice prefer clean scalps!

Choosing a treatment can be a difficult choice. There are several different lice treatments on the market, from prescription drugs to over-the-counter chemical treatments. You can also find several chemical-free remedies as most of us would like to limit exposure to nasty chemicals, and for good reason!

Lice treatments can be toxic

Let’s start by looking at the types of treatments that are usually found in a pharmacy or prescribed by a doctor. Common treatments include:

  • Pyrethrin – These pesticides are derived from chrysanthemums and kill lice, but not the nits (eggs).
  • Permethrin – This is a synthetic version of pyrethrin.
  • Malathion – Kills lice and some of their eggs.
  • Benzyl alcohol – A lotion that suffocates lice, but not the nits.

The problem with ALL of these treatments is that they’re not without risk to your child. The primary risks are:

  1. Rashes
  2. Migraines
  3. Respiratory Issues
  4. Seizures

Let’s explore this more closely. If we dig into FDA reports on adverse events and other studies done on the key chemical ingredients found in common lice treatments, we can find a host of negative impacts. Pyrethroids have been known to cause reactions from rashes, to migraines, to respiratory issues, while there are also questions about their impact on reproductive health.

Additionally, pyrethrins and pyrethroids are known to disrupt the central nervous system, causing anything from seizures to loss of consciousness, particularly at higher exposures. Lindane lotion, a prescription-based treatment has been linked with seizures and death in some extreme cases.

The bottom line is that, at best, your child may suffer no ill effects at all. At worst, these treatments can be quite toxic. Is it worth the risk?

Lice treatments can be ineffective

Another critical risk with these common, chemical-based treatments is that they often don’t work. Treatment-resistant super lice have become a prevalent problem in most states. In fact, around 99.6% of lice have developed a resistance to pesticide treatments.

This is where the risk of toxicity can go together with super lice. Over-exposure to pesticide treatments is a key cause of adverse reactions. So, you try a chemical treatment on your child and find it hasn’t worked. What do most people do? Try again. Children can end up over-exposed to the treatment and fighting off the ill effects.

When dealing with super lice, you’re unlikely to get anywhere with some of these more traditional over-the-counter treatments. In fact, we’d suggest that if your child is going to summer camp this year, don’t let the camp use potentially toxic treatments on him or her. Fortunately, there are effective alternatives you can pack in your child’s bag, just in case.

Non-toxic lice treatments

If you were to Google natural lice treatments, you’ll find a range of suggestions. Some of these will not be effective, so be careful about what you choose. Mayonnaise in the hair? That will just make your child smell like a ham sandwich.

Mayonnaise and other hair-coating treatments (such as coconut oil) can help to suffocate lice, however they have no impact on the nits (lice eggs) laid by the lice. This means that in 7 – 9 days, when those eggs hatch, your child will be itching again.

One of the most effective treatments is combing. While painstaking, when done properly, combing removes everything, including those pesky nits. In fact, combing has been reported to be the safest method for removing lice. Researchers suggest using a fine-toothed lice comb in conjunction with a lubricant to comb out the lice and eggs. You could also use it with a Lice and Egg shampoo, to easily break the bonds the nits and lice form with hair and scalp.

If you want your combing efforts to be easier and even more effective, then an electric lice comb such as RobiComb can provide the answer. This works by safely zapping and killing the lice on contact so that the comb easily removes them. There’s no need to lubricate hair to use it – the combs work best on dry hair making them one of the most convenient and least messy lice removal options.

Head lice prevention

If there are head lice around and you want to prevent an infestation, or, if you want to prevent a recurrence once lice are gone, look at preventative measures.

For starters, anything that has been in contact with lice-infested heads should be carefully laundered or quarantined for several days, until you’re sure lice will be dead. Head lice need a scalp to survive and will die within three days of isolation.

Secondly, keep long hair tied up to reduce risk of exposure. Lice don’t jump around, but little heads playing close together form an easy bridge. Tying hair back helps immensely.

Lastly, try using a non-toxic lice repellent spray. This is handy to keep at home or to pack into the summer camp bag for a daily spritz. With a plan for treatment and prevention, you can keep lice at bay without exposing your children to toxic chemicals!

5 Signs that You Love Your City

There are some people who grumble about their city – the traffic, the weather, the cost of living – but there are others who absolutely love their city and aren’t afraid to show it. Are you one of them? Here are five signs that show you love your city and are not afraid of letting the world know it.

There are some people who grumble about their city – the traffic, the weather, the cost of living – but there are others who absolutely love their city and aren’t afraid to show it. Are you one of them? Here are five signs that show you love your city and are not afraid of letting the world know it.

1. You Know Where all The Best Restaurants Are

Perhaps one of the most important signs that you love your city is that you know where all the best restaurants are. Finding the top dining spots in your local area has become a bit of a trend, as evidenced by Google’s Local Guide initiative.

But someone who truly loves their city will know even the tiniest, most out of the way restaurants for a good meal and/or a great deal. They can easily list for you where to get the best sushi, tacos, Thai food, or hamburgers. Don’t even try to argue with them because they’ve done the research and aren’t afraid to educate you!

2. You Got Yourself Some City Swag

You show your city some love with custom t shirts and other clothing that has unique prints on them that represent your city. T shirt designs are a great way to show off your interests, and people who love their city wear some amazing streetwear to show off their pride.

City swag

City-inspired custom t shirt designs aren’t only for tourists. Whether it’s a baseball cap, t shirt, hoodie, pullover, or tote bag, there is a ton of swag to choose from when showing off your roots. Someone might even design their own shirt if they’re really looking for a unique way to express their city pride.

3. You Tag All Your Instagram Posts with Your City’s Name

Did you snap a photo of yourself walking your dog on a nice day in the city? Time to post that onto Instagram and tag your city’s name in the process. It’s a great way to show off that you love your city and also find like-minded people who are interested in seeing locally taken photos.

4. You Know the Best Places to Shop

Finding the best places to eat isn’t the only sign of someone who loves their city – they’ll also know all the best places to shop. Whether it’s about finding the right product, knowing where the best deals are, or even just knowing which shopping areas are the most fun, this person will be able to fill you in.

5. You’re Active in Your City’s Community

Most importantly, the best way to show you love your city is by being involved in it. Whether you’re often out and about and enjoying the various events going on in your city, or are directly involved in social or community-building efforts, someone who loves their city will know what’s up.

So how about it – are you in love with your city? Did you check any boxes on this list? If so, give yourself a pat on the back for taking pride in where you live!