If you want to make a 5 minute speech, then the most important thing is to get your message across in less than 120 seconds. Your audience will have heard many messages before yours and are more likely to tune out if they don’t feel connected with you at some level. The best way of getting this connection is by starting off strong – it’s what people remember about speeches that made them unforgettable for all the right reasons! If you’re looking for five minutes inspiration, here’s one: “If not us, who? And if not now, when?” ~Rosa Luxemburg
Top 6 Benefits of Green Tea
We all know that green tea is packed with a lot of goodness, be it our health, skincare, haircare, or even for many chronic diseases. It has been a favorite among people of all ages, since long, now let us take a closer look at what all benefits we can reap from green tea, and why you should make a cup for yourself today!
Green tea can help regulate the blood glucose levels, thereby preventing insulin spikes and subsequent fat depositions. So if you are struggling to control your sugar levels, you can give green tea a try and add it as a healthy habit!
Regular green tea consumption, along with a healthy diet and exercise, can bring down your cholesterol levels. It can lower the levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL ) cholesterol, and triglycerides.
Heart Ailments
Green tea is thought to keep the linings of the blood vessels in a healthy condition, and thus can prevent heart ailments.
Dental Benefit
It is good for your teeth health as well! If you have a gum problem or recently got your teeth removed, green tea can help reduce the pain and have an overall soothing effect.
Blood Pressure
Certain green teas can keep your blood pressure levels in check on regular consumption.
Skin Health
Due to the high antioxidant property of green tea, it is excellent for your skin. It helps flush out toxins and also shows anti-inflammatory properties. It can also reduce sunburn and wrinkling of the skin.
Beneficial Bioactive Compounds
Specific catechins in green tea are beneficial towards preventing cell damages through its antioxidant properties. Moreover, the polyphenols in green tea aids in reducing inflammation and even shows anti-cancerous properties. Cool right?
Insomnia Treatment
Green teas like chamomile help soothe the nerves and have an overall calming effect. This, in turn, lets you relax and can help symptoms of insomnia. It is known to be an excellent sleep inducer and highly beneficial for overall health.
Bacterial Infections
Regular consumption of herbal teas can ward off bacterial infections and ailments of the urinary tract and give you better health.
Better Liver
Some green teas like hibiscus tea can be beneficial for maintaining a healthy liver by its protective effect, thus increasing its working efficiency.
Brain Activity
Apart from caffeine, the L-theanine in green tea, which is an amino acid, increases the activity of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA. GABA has anti-anxiety effects. Moreover, green tea also increases alpha wave production in our brains and increases the happiness hormone dopamine!
Shed Some Weight
Green tea increases your rate of metabolism and thus helps burn your calories. It is a good idea to include this tea along with your daily exercise regime to get into your desired shape!
As I mentioned earlier as well, green tea has antioxidants which reduce the accumulation of harmful free radicals in the body that, in turn, lowers the chances of certain types of cancer. Recent studies have shown that the chances of breast cancer among women who consumed green tea, the risk factor is reduced by approximately 20%. Moreover, it has been observed that green tea also reduces the risk of colorectal and prostate cancer in people. Now, this is pretty impressive, right?
Brain Disease
The antioxidant load of green teas prevents oxidative damage in your brain and thus provides a highly beneficial neuroprotective function. This can prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s or at least delay their effects by reducing amyloid plaque formations.
Bone Density
The polyphenol-rich active compounds of green tea are great for maintaining bone mineral density. By reducing oxidation-related damage to the osteocytes or bone cells, green tea can help regulate bone health and prevent the early onset of osteoporosis.
Regular consumption of green tea can help prevent the abnormal build-up of proteins in organs like the heart.
Upper Respiratory Tract Infection and Flu
Consuming or gargling with green tea can reduce the extent of upper respiratory tract infections. It can also help alleviate symptoms of seasonal flu and thus improve the recovery process.
Even with all this, I can say that it is not an exhaustive list of benefits! Green tea has multifaceted roles in promoting better health when taken daily. It is overall an excellent addition to your daily routine, especially in current times, when our immunity needs a boost!
What do ecologists do
Ecologists study the distribution, abundance, and interactions of organisms with each other and their environment. They often focus on specific regions or habitats to monitor changes in populations over time. As ecologist jobs are growing at a rate faster than any other field in biology, it is no wonder that so many people are interested in this line of work! To learn more about what an ecologist does, visit our website for more information today.
When to euthanize a dog with liver failure
If you are considering euthanasia for your dog, make sure to talk with the vet about all of the options and their possible consequences. When it comes to dogs that have liver failure, there is no one-size fits all answer as every situation can be different. The veterinarian will take into account many factors including age, condition of other organs in addition to any medications or supplements being taken by the animal before making a decision on how best treat them. We hope this post has helped inform you about when it might be time for euthanizing your pet so they don’t suffer needlessly from organ damage! What do you think? Is now right time?
What zodiac sign is the best
We’re not going to tell you which sign is the best, but we can provide some tips on how to have a successful relationship with your partner no matter what their zodiac sign. Here are a few of our favorite zodiac compatibility tips that will help keep peace in any marriage or union. -Whether it’s an Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo…etc., there are plenty of ways for these two fiery signs to get along peacefully and productively! There may be more than one way for all 12 Zodiac Signs to make a relationship work successfully – it just takes patience and understanding from both parties involved.
How old are you in first grade
This can be a tricky question to answer. Some people will say they are the correct age if it is their first year of school, meaning that they have been enrolled in an elementary school for at least one month. Others may consider themselves as being old enough when they start kindergarten or preschool without ever having attended another grade level. Still others might not consider themselves eligible until receiving a diploma from high school.
1l equals how many ml
You might be tempted to think that 1 liter equals 1000 milliliters. But in reality, it means you have one thousand cubic centimeters of liquid (or about .26 gallons). If this is the case for your business and you’ve been pricing products based on what’s more convenient to measure or easy to calculate with a calculator, now is the time to change those practices. We can help by offering conversion services so there are no mistakes when converting fluid measurements from liters into milliliters or vice versa!
How much are corgis
So, there you have it. The average corgi price is $1,800 and just like the internet meme says “If you don’t know what a corgi is then I’m sorry for your loss.” If this information has piqued your interest in getting one of these dogs yourself or to purchase as a gift for someone else, make sure that you’re ready with at least $1800 before taking on the responsibility of caring for them.
When can doctor patient confidentiality be broken
It is ethically wrong for a doctor to break confidentiality if there is no potential harm that could come from not doing so. If the patient has given consent and it would be in their best interest, then breaking confidentiality might be necessary. In some cases of child abuse or elder neglect, a physician may need to break confidentiality with parental permission in order to report these crimes. Breaking this rule can have consequences like lawsuits on behalf of patients filed against physicians who violate those rights. Physicians are encouraged to keep detailed records about any confidential information they receive during the course of treatment; otherwise, they risk being sued by patients who feel their privacy was violated when doctors share what should have been private medical info without first getting written consent.
What to wear to a kids birthday party
The most important thing to remember when picking out what you will wear is that it should be something comfortable. You want your child’s birthday party to be enjoyable for everyone, so make sure that you are having fun too!