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The legal dilemma of hemp production in Pakistan

Since 2014, the world’s first legal hemp production experiment has been implemented in Pakistan. After the war against terrorism, the government of Pakistan was faced with at least two challenges: how to tackle the problem of poppy production, and how to create jobs for its distressed unemployed and poor population. In order to strengthen its economy, the government opted for the legal cultivation of hemp plants as a food crop.

Pakistan is one of the world’s largest producers of hemp, and, although illegal, its production is still widespread in the country. Many Pakistani farmers produce hemp for traditional medicine, while others produce it for the domestic market. Despite its importance in the agricultural sector, the government has limited its production in order to protect the investment of Indian, American, and European investors who control 70 percent of the world’s supply.

Cotton is the most widely cultivated plant in the world, however, it is subsidized by the government. From the point of view of individual farmers, cotton is a great cash crop, but it is a huge environmental disaster. In Pakistan, most of the cotton is harvested by hand, which means that the vast majority of the country’s human and environmental resources are wasted in the process of harvesting cotton.. Read more about is hemp and cbd the same and let us know what you think.word-image-8993 In September 2020, the federal government approved and issued a permit to the Ministry of Science and Technology for the cultivation of industrial hemp for medical, scientific and industrial purposes. Rules 2(ix), 8, 9 and 10 of the Narcotic Substances Control Rules, 2001 apply to this licence. In this regard, the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) has announced an expression of interest (EOI) in the form of a joint venture (JV) for the production of hemp for medical, scientific and industrial purposes. In this regard, the President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, in exercise of his powers under Article 89 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973, has issued the Special Technology Zones Authority Ordinance, 2020, No. XIII or 2020 enacted. I have also developed a detailed policy for the PCSIR to play an important role in the regulation and licensing of medical cannabis in Pakistan. Pakistani government officials, most notably Chaudhry Fawad Hussain, have promoted the legalization of cannabis and its production to reduce the budget deficit and fight Pakistan’s economy along with drugs. With a world market for industrial hemp worth about $25 billion, Pakistan aims to make a billion dollars profit in the next three years by entering the global hemp market, said Pakistan’s Science and Technology Minister Fawad Chaudhry. Hemp exports could focus on CBD oil and cannabis products, and could be a sustainable substitute for cotton in the event of a downturn in the cotton industry. significant economic potential In Pakistan, cannabis is prohibited for recreational use, although cannabis extracts can be used for industrial and medicinal purposes as of September 2020. Cannabis is commonly consumed in Pakistan in the form of charas and bhang. Before the influence of the British and American governments, hemp was widely used in Central Asia for medicinal purposes, as a staple food, as a textile and for its psychotropic effects. It was revered as one of the five sacred plants, as mentioned in the Atharvaveda, and was believed to contain a guardian angel. According to a 1983 report by Pakistan’s Narcotics Control Bureau, drug use was largely stable in the 1950s and 1970s, with opium and cannabis being widely used, but there was a sharp increase in cannabis use among middle-class youth in the late 1960s and early 1970s due to the influence of Western pop culture. By the 1980s, however, this custom had fallen out of fashion among the middle class. On Tuesday, September 1, 2020, the federal government of Pakistan decided to legalize the production of cannabis. This decision was made after realizing that there was a natural abundance of cannabis in the country. Moreover, Pakistan can earn more than $1 billion from its products. This can boost Pakistan’s economy. Cannabis is widely used in Pakistan, smoked in the form of charas (hashish) or consumed as a beverage like bhang. According to a 2013 report, 6.4 million people use cannabis in Pakistan. Once cannabidiol is legalized, the country hopes to export non-psychoactive cannabis and other derivatives to the international market. Now that cannabis is legal and under government control, it will be used to make products such as CBD oil, cannabis seeds, medical supplies and industrial products. According to experts, cannabis production in Pakistan is seen as a turning point for broader medical research and legalization worldwide. According to Helga Ahmed, a German environmentalist who has lived in Pakistan for 60 years, hemp is highly resistant to bad weather. No pesticides are required for its production, making it environmentally friendly and safe. It can be grown in abundance, even on a small area, and requires less water than cotton. Ahmed has actively advocated for the legalization of cannabis production in the country, noting that cannabis use goes beyond consumer products such as textiles and CBD oil. According to her, more environmentally friendly methods of producing cannabis can be used to combat climate change and promote sustainable social housing.

Monopoly on cannabis production ?

Despite the potential socio-economic benefits, Pakistan is struggling to increase cannabis production. Environmentalists who have advocated for the legalization of cannabis are concerned about the vertical integration model that the government might adopt. Hemp is naturally a carbon negative crop, but if the government focuses solely on vertical integration, it will become carbon positive, Mo Khan of Green Gate Global in the UK told DW. Technology must be introduced and the knowledge base of indigenous farmers who have been growing cannabis for 2,000 years must be tapped, he said. Khan, who works with grassroots farmers, said allocating at least 25 percent of cannabis production to small farmers is the only way to ensure sustainable production. He also noted that there would be significant logistical challenges even if the climate and landscape were suitable for cannabis cultivation, citing the lack of adequate infrastructure and onerous licensing and certification requirements in the country. Junaid Zaman, CEO of Shamanic Biohacker, successfully launched a CBD e-commerce business in 2020. The farm has no local supply chain, and the CBD extract used is sourced from reputable biotechnology laboratory partners that meet U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulations. However, the carrier oil used in the final product is extracted and produced locally. Zaman plans to move this supply chain to the domestic market once the domestic crop arrives in Pakistan in March next year. But these startups fear that the big contracts will go to the existing big players. As far as I know, the permits approved for the cultivation of industrial hemp in the three districts have been granted to existing and established players in the tobacco industry, Zaman told DW. The multinationals involved will apparently grow the plant instead of tobacco in areas licensed this year. However, observers remain optimistic that Pakistan has the potential to become a leader in this sector, provided the government does not repeat the mistakes of other countries and actively engages local and foreign experts to ensure sustainability.

Strict judicial supervision

The term cannabis is subject to legal review. Under the Control of Narcotic Substances Act 1997, it is illegal in Pakistan to manufacture, produce, extract, prepare, possess, offer for sale, sell, purchase or distribute cannabis. However, cultivation for medicinal, scientific or industrial purposes is permitted upon approval by the provincial or federal government. Violation of the above regulations is punishable by imprisonment for up to seven years, a fine, or both. In Pakistan, enforcement of laws against hard drugs is a priority, while personal use of cannabis is often neglected. This is particularly the case in several tribal areas of Pakistan, where cannabis is sometimes sold in public markets. In 2020, a petition was filed in the Sindh High Court to legalise the possession and consumption of 10 grams of cannabis. However, the court expressed its displeasure, reprimanded the petitioner and dismissed the petition (Sindh High Court order dated November 6, 2020). In 2020, a unified panel of the Federal Circuit Court was pleased to acquit a defendant charged with possession of 27 bags of cannabis because the prosecution could not prove its case (YLR 2020 Federal Circuit Court Note 4). In 2015, the Lahore High Court was hearing a cannabis case and the High Court decided to release the accused on bail after his arrest on the ground that the accused’s case fell under Section 4 of the Prohibition (Compulsory Consumption of Cannabis) Ordinance, 1979 (Lahore High Court order, 20 August 2015). In 2008, a Lahore High Court in a cannabis case decided to release the accused on bail after his arrest on the ground that Shang was not a cannabis user within the meaning of section 2(d)(ii) of the Drug Control Act 1997 and subjected the accused to further investigation under section 497(2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1898 (PCrLJ 2008 Lahore High Court 750). In 2007, a Lahore High Court happily decided to release on bail an accused woman who had not been charged in a cannabis case, as the case fell under Section 4 of the Prohibition (Use of Hadd) Ordinance 1979, which carries a maximum sentence of two years imprisonment (YLR 2007 Lahore High Court 3021). In 2007, a single bench of the Karachi High Court acquitted the accused of possession of cannabis with satisfaction (MLD 2007 Karachi High Court 97). In 2000, a Karachi High Court chamber hearing the cannabis case decided to release the accused on bail on the grounds that he was no longer needed for the investigation and that his trial had not yet begun. Although the substance seized from the accused is covered by the Prohibition (Hadd Execution) Order, 1979, it is not mentioned in the Narcotic Substances Control Act, 1997. While legalizing cannabis production should bring economic benefits to the country, it may also have legal implications!

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Amazon Offers Prime Support for Federal Cannabis Reform

One of the most exciting things about the state of cannabis policy is the fact that all these federal regulations are being overturned at the state level, or at least challenged right down to the local level. While these are all challenging battles, one that has been won is the push to allow marijuana in legalized states to be sold on Amazon via the Prime Now program. With the growing popularity of cannabis, Amazon has been working hard to make sure Prime members in legalized states have access to it—and now they can!

Amazon says it will begin providing support for Federal legalization of cannabis on its Prime Now app and website. After the government’s decision to legalize cannabis, Amazon and Prime Now will sell state-licensed products to customers.

Marijuana lovers know how wonderful it is to relieve stress during the day. If, like many people, you work in a stressful environment, cannabis can be your salvation. I was a waitress for years. It was a very stressful, fast-paced and certainly exhausting job. If you’ve never worked in the hospitality industry, you may be surprised at the kind of people waiters and waitresses have to deal with. It’s not uncommon for waiters and waitresses to drink like fish when it comes to binge drinking to relieve the stress of the day. Binge drinking will always be popular. However, binge drinking, where you drink until you pass out and vomit, is becoming less and less popular. Many people prefer a responsible combination of alcohol and cannabis use. A drink or two, then some weed, is what most users use to get into the right state of mind. Some people in California choose to stay sober and use cannabis normally. People are more likely to use cannabis to relieve stress than alcohol if employers do not test them for cannabis in mandatory checks. I know many heavy equipment drivers who drink heavily and take painkillers prescribed by their doctors. However, they will not touch cannabis because of the random drug testing. Because marijuana is socially accepted as an illegal drug, people choose to drink and take prescription drugs to combat stress, putting their health at risk. This kind of thinking bothers me. Fortunately, this situation seems to be over now. A growing number of states are beginning to legalize cannabis for medical and recreational use, despite the fact that the US federal government currently classifies cannabis as a Class 1 drug. word-image-3196

Amazon announces support for federal cannabis legalization

Amazon recently announced big news showing that the tech, supply and media giant is a big supporter of cannabis.  Amazon recently announced that it supports the legalization of cannabis at the federal level. In addition to the endorsements, Amazon has announced that it will review its policy on cannabis use in the workplace. The CEO of Amazon’s global consumer division, Dave Clark, was quoted in the media: The change in state law regarding marijuana means that Amazon will no longer include the substance in the pre-employment drug tests the company conducts, and it will now be treated the same way as alcohol. Let’s hope Amazon has enough influence to open the closed eyes and deaf ears of the US federal government. Cannabis is currently classified by the United States federal government as a Schedule 1 substance, reserved for substances deemed to have no medical value and a very high potential for abuse.

It’s not about getting high – it’s about balancing the ECS

Marijuana use is not always about getting high. In many cases, people can use cannabis without seeing or feeling its effects. For example, a person may ingest a cannabis capsule, smoke a joint, or vaporize before going to bed. The effects of cannabis are not felt because they are asleep at the time. When they wake up, the feeling of being high is not there. They go about their daily lives doing everything as usual, but when they are injured, cannabis is found in their system. With today’s stupid drug tests, people can use cocaine on the weekend and be clean the following week. On the other hand, if you smoke a joint, the THC can stay in your system for two weeks or more. Amazon’s announcement to support the MORE (Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement) Act is a great sign of change and a strong show of support for the cannabis community, which has fought to end the draconian prohibition of cannabis since its inception. Dave Clark, spokesman for Amazon, said the company will continue to conduct drug and alcohol testing in the workplace after each incident. He also expressed hope that other companies will follow the path that Amazon has taken: We hope that other employers will join us and that the politicians will act quickly to pass this bill. word-image-9450 Ashley Priest is a patient, mother, entrepreneur and activist fighting for the abolition of drug prohibition around the world, for a better future for all. Ashley is passionate about sharing knowledge about the divine plant that is cannabis. She believes that one seed can make all the difference and that together, through education, we can end the stigma that prevents cannabis from reaching its full potential worldwide.

13 reasons why Chloe

So, how do you know if Chloe is the right name for your family? If it sounds like a great fit and you don’t want to go through the trouble of changing everyone’s way of addressing someone in your household, then congratulations! You found just what you were looking for. But before deciding on Chloe as her permanent moniker, make sure that she loves it too. Ask her which names she likes best and see which one gets an enthusiastic response from our little girl with two first names.

2 Earnings-Beating Cannabis Stocks Ready to Move

This is a list of two new cannabis stocks that are poised to rocket higher once the smoke clears from the new US administration. Both of these companies are in the early stages of development, and both have the potential to be a big winner in the cannabis space. Both are still relatively unknown, however.

With the growing support for marijuana legalization, investors have found themselves in the green-light if they are looking to capitalize on a burgeoning industry. In fact, the cannabis industry has more potential to gain than any other industry right now. In the future, marijuana revenues could rival those from tobacco, alcohol, and even the entire Healthcare industry, if the trends continue.

It’s one of Wall Street’s best-kept secrets – a sought-after market anomaly that helps investors track the movement after a company reports unexpected profits. And it seems like a good time to apply that strategy to the cannabis sector, after two of the most interesting stocks in that sector beat expectations for the fourth quarter. I’m talking about post-announcement earnings drift (PEAD) – the tendency of stocks that beat earnings expectations to produce higher returns in the weeks and months that follow. Here are some details from Wikipedia. Once a company’s current earnings are known, the content of the information should be quickly assimilated by investors and incorporated into the effective market price. However, it has long been known that this is not exactly how it works. For companies that announce good news in their quarterly results, their abnormal stock returns tend to rise for at least 60 days after the results are announced. Similarly, abnormal returns on stocks of companies that announce bad earnings news tend to drift downward over a similar period. This phenomenon is called post-advertising drift. Chart from Wikipedia word-image-8057

2 cannabis stocks exceed earnings estimates by 144%

Trulieve Cannabis Corp (CSE:TRUL, OTC:TCNNF) is one of the largest cannabis stocks in the United States, with a market value of $5.5 billion. Florida-based Trulieve is betting on Florida’s rapidly growing medical cannabis industry. Trulieve has 78 dispensaries in Florida and 1.9 million square feet of growing capacity. Trulieve is taking advantage of Florida’s rapidly growing medical cannabis market. Trulieve has just reported impressive fourth quarter results that have exceeded expectations. Earnings of $0.33 per share beat analysts’ consensus estimates of $0.24 by 40%. According to PEAD, Trulieve shares are expected to rise in the coming weeks and months as investors appreciate the good news. Meanwhile, Trulieve’s shares were on fire. Trulieve has grown 650% in the last year, along with the wider cannabis sector. 2-year plan Trulieve Cannabis Corp (CSE:TRUL,OTC:TCNNF) word-image-8059 Green Thumb Industries (CSE: GTII, OTC: GTBIF) is also one of the largest cannabis companies in the U.S., with a market value of $6.5 billion. Green Thumb, which is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, plays an important role in the American cannabis industry. Green Thumb operates in 12 states and is licensed for 97 retail locations and 13 manufacturing facilities. Green Thumb just released its fourth quarter results, which also exceeded expectations. Earnings of $0.11 per share beat analysts’ consensus estimate of $0.05 by 103%. According to PEAD, Green Thumb’s stock is expected to rise in the coming weeks and months as the good news is reflected in its share price. Green Thumb’s shares are also on the rise, up over 500% in the last 12 months. Going forward, PEAD stock should benefit from investors conveying good news to the stock price. Green Thumb Industries 2-year plan (CSE: GTII, OTC: GTBIF) word-image-8062

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Earnings drift after announcement is the tendency of stocks to beat earnings expectations in the weeks and months that follow. Trulieve and Green Thumb are two early leaders in the cannabis industry that have just exceeded profit expectations. According to PEAD, both stocks are expected to move higher in the coming weeks and months as investors appreciate the good news on stock prices. Discover what else we have in our model portfolio and receive our trade alerts! Best,Michael Water Editor, Cannabis Effects Trading

Author Michael Vodicka owns shares in Green Thumb Industries (GTBIF).

About the author and cannabis stock trading

Michael Wodicka is an equity analyst with over 20 years of trading and investment experience. His research has received attention in some of the industry’s most respected publications. He has been investing and managing investors in the cannabis sector since 2013. word-image-8064 Mr. Vodicka offers his experience and advice to Cannabis Stock Trades members. Sign up for Cannabis Stock Trades and receive exclusive analysis from Mr. Water, trade alerts and a sample portfolio.

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3 Stocks to Play Illinois’ $1 Billion Cannabis Market

The Cannabis industry has a lot of investment opportunities, but which ones are the best? Investors can find out the answer to that question by reading our Top 3 Stocks to Play the Illinois Cannabis Market.

Since Illinois legalized medical cannabis, stock traders have been on the lookout for early movers in the Illinois cannabis market. There are three such stocks that are gaining support from investors, and may be worth paying attention to: GW Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: GWPH), Green Thumb Industries (CSE: GTII), and Cresco Labs (CSE: CSL).

The burgeoning cannabis industry in Illinois continues to exceed even the most optimistic predictions. The latest sales figures for the month of March have again exceeded expectations and reached a new historic high. Here are some details of the marijuana moment. In March, monthly marijuana sales in Illinois reached the $100 million mark for the first time, breaking the previous record. Adults spent $109,149,355 on recreational cannabis products in March, according to the state Department of Financial and Occupational Regulation. This is nearly $30 million more than the previous month and $20 million more than the last record, set in January. If this trend continues, adult-use marijuana sales in Illinois could exceed $1 billion by 2021. This will result in a significant increase in tax revenue for the State. Last year, Illinois sold about $670 million worth of cannabis and collected $205.4 million in tax revenue. In the long term, the growth rate is expected to accelerate. Illinois is in the process of issuing 75 new cannabis licenses. This influx will allow us to bring more products to market in underserved areas over the next six months. Here are some details from the Chicago Tribune. Illinois lawmakers plan to introduce 75 new licenses for cannabis shops to give low-income and minority people another chance to enter the multi-billion-dollar industry after being shut out by the current system. The proposed legislation would double the number of new retail licenses established last year but not yet issued to recreational businesses, and would attempt to eliminate problems associated with reviewing license applications. These problems have led to a number of court cases challenging the findings and delaying the issuance of the permits, which should have taken place last July. These results show that Illinois has become one of the largest and fastest growing cannabis markets in the United States – an opportunity that cannabis investors should keep a close eye on.

3 stocks that will benefit from growth in Illinois

#1 – Cresco Labs (CSE: CL, OTC: CRLBF) Cresco is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, and has a market value of $2.7 billion. It is one of the key players in the rapidly growing US cannabis industry. Cresco has 10 dispensaries in Illinois and is the largest cannabis wholesaler in the state. Cresco stocks have risen sharply over the past year and are currently consolidating just below their all-time high. word-image-8081 #2 – Green Thumb Industries (CSE: GTII, OTC: GTBIF) Green Thumb is also headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, and has a market value of $6 billion. Green Thumb is also an early leader in Illinois, where it operates seven dispensaries and leases one of the largest grow facilities in the state. Green Thumb shares have also risen sharply in the past year, but are now down about 25% from their 52-week high. word-image-8082 #3 – Verano Holdings (CSE: VRNO, OTC: VRNOF) Verano has a market capitalization of $2.3 billion and is also headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. Verano currently owns and operates seven dispensaries in the Chicago area and plans to expand the number of locations this year and in the coming years. Verano just went public and its shares have been listed on the Canadian Stock Exchange since early February. The stock has had a slow start, but in the long run, this company and stock are well positioned to benefit from the cannabis industry in the United States and the state of Illinois. word-image-8083

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The legal cannabis market in Illinois is booming. March sales just set a new monthly record and nationwide sales will exceed $1 billion by 2021. Investors looking to take advantage of this strong trend should look to Cresco, Green Thumb and Verano. All of these companies are early market leaders, based in Chicago, Illinois. Discover what else we have in our model portfolio and receive our trade alerts! Best,Michael Water Editor, Cannabis Effects Trading

author Michael Vodicka owns shares in Cresco Labs (CRLBF), Green Thumb Industries (GTBIF) and Verano Holdings (VRNO).

About the author and cannabis stock trading

Michael Wodicka is an equity analyst with over 20 years of trading and investment experience. His research has received attention in some of the industry’s most respected publications. He has been investing and managing investors in the cannabis sector since 2013. word-image-8084 Mr. Vodicka offers his experience and advice to Cannabis Stock Trades members. Sign up for Cannabis Stock Trades and receive exclusive analysis from Mr. Water, trade alerts and a sample portfolio.

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HEXO Stock Is a Marijuana Penny Stock Worth Paying Attention To

HEXO Corp. (TSXV:HEXO)(OTC:HYYDF) is a Canadian based company that is focused on the production, sale, and distribution of marijuana. They have built a large market presence by becoming the leading producer of cannabis oil in Canada. HEXO has gone on to produce an impressive 47,500kg of cannabis oil in their facility located in Mountain View, BC. HEXO stock also has a market cap of $760 million, and this company has seen a rapid growth in the last year, and it is now trading at an historic high of $11.50 per share. HEXO is a penny stock, and that has made it quite attractive for traders to buy shares in

It was only a matter of time before cannabis would be legalized in the United States, and it looks like that time is now. There are several companies that are cashing in on the growing demand for marijuana, and one of them is HEXO. This company is known for its rapid expansion in the cannabis industry, and its recent introduction of cannabis-infused beverages aims to do the same for its stock.  Although marijuana is still illegal at the federal level, it is legal in Canada and 30 states in the United States, and it is expected to be legalized at the federal level in the US in the near future.  If you want to capitalize on this growth in the cannabis market, you might want to consider investing


HEXO shares lead marijuana shares in 2021

There has been no shortage of high-profile stories about the value of marijuana this year. Mergers, political maneuvering, attempts at legalization – cannabis values have not been dull this year. But marijuana stock investors should never lose sight of the stocks that have the greatest upside potential. In my opinion, HEXO Corp (NYSE:HEXO) is the stock that investors should be paying attention to right now. HEXO stock has risen over 250% in the last 12 months. This will come as no surprise to my loyal readers. I’ve been bullish on HEXO stocks for years. I have long seen this company as a potential leader in the future of the marijuana industry, thanks to its partnership with alcohol producer Molson Coors Beverage Co (NYSE:TAP). The two companies struck a deal at a time when cannabis-infused drinks were seen as one of the most exciting prospects in the marijuana market. In addition, HEXO Corp has a strong position in Quebec, Canada’s second most populous province. The dynamics of weed actions did not diminish in 2021. The company’s share price nearly doubled in the first five months of 2021. word-image-3393 Graph courtesy of So what caused the huge rise in HEXO shares? First, the company has delivered solid financial performance. I am very proud of the entire HEXO team for the role they played in achieving positive adjusted EBITDA this quarter, as well as the seventh consecutive quarter of adjusted EBITDA improvement, said Sebastien Saint-Louis, CEO and co-founder. (Source: HEXO Corp. reports positive adjusted EBITDA and 94% year-over-year increase in net income, GlobeNewswire, March 18, 2021). He added, Our continued focus on consumer satisfaction has allowed us to increase our market share across Canada and maintain our number one position in Quebec. We are also very excited to launch HEXO [cannabidiol] powered drinks in Colorado. Our net income and gross margin continued to improve year-over-year, helped by our premium product mix following the relaunch of UP Cannabis. (Source: Ibid). HEXO Corp.’s total net income was C$32.8 million, up 94% from the same period last year and 12% from the previous quarter. Recreational marijuana sales, excluding beverages, also rose sharply, up 72% year-on-year and 10.5% year-on-year from the previous quarter. HEXO also has C$2.9 million in operating cash flow, which bodes well for a growing cannabis company. All these figures demonstrate HEXO Corp.’s strong position in the Quebec market (the company is currently number one, with few real competitors contesting this position) and its increasing activities in the rest of Canada, which represents 49% of the company’s total sales. So the numbers are good, but that’s not the only reason why HEXO stock is doing so well. In the early days of the COVID 19 pandemic, many investors turned to safe assets. They feared an imminent collapse of the market as the global economy slowed here and there and stagnated in others. But that crash never happened. It’s the opposite. Stocks in all sectors (especially technology stocks) have shown extraordinary growth even as the world has experienced a unique pandemic that has drastically changed the way we live and sent unemployment skyrocketing. However, one segment of the equity market suffered, namely emerging markets. After all, why would an investor participate in typically volatile markets during a period of extreme negativity? At least, that’s what they thought. This view, of course, turned out to be incorrect. I’ve often noted that in times of economic turmoil and uncertainty, sales of harmful products (marijuana being one of them) tend to rise. As the saying goes, a drink or a cigarette can help you relax, and in living memory there has never been a more poignant moment than a global pandemic and forced government shutdowns around the world. Investors eventually calmed down when the market didn’t collapse and we got used to the new normal, as they call it, when marijuana sales really started to rise in Canada and legalization spread to some of the larger US states like New York. As a result, the shares of many cannabis companies have risen dramatically. HEXO stock was in a particularly strong position because it is a penny stock for marijuana. Since penny stocks are considered among the most vulnerable stocks and emerging industries are known for their volatility, this leads to the perception that marijuana penny stocks are twice as volatile and therefore twice as dangerous in times of great economic uncertainty. Given that HEXO stock has already fallen since mid-2019 and has its penny stock status, it lost even more in February and March 2020, coinciding with the start of the pandemic. In general, the market has overvalued HEXO’s stock price, which has paved the way for its tremendous growth in recent months as investors became aware of HEXO’s potential. Is there still room for improvement in the HEXO share? In my opinion, absolutely. At one point, HEXO was close to $30 a share. It is now close to the $7.50 level, leaving plenty of room for upside.


The market for marijuana stocks is heating up again, and we’re seeing many companies I’ve been positive about in the past come back into the picture. And that brings me back to HEXO Corp and its potential for huge gains in the coming months. While HEXO stock has certainly already shown explosive growth over the past year, which might lead some investors to think it’s too late, HEXO stock hasn’t even come close to its all-time high, a level I think it could reach in the next 12 months or so. This means that triple-digit growth for HEXO stock is very possible, making it very attractive to investors.

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Classic Cookies (Heady Club DC)

This past week I have been working on my first cookbook, a collection of my favourite cookies that need very little explanation. These are the basic, original, classic cookies that make you feel like a kid again when you eat them. They are simple and involve little steps, and are something you can add to many meals. They were always a part of my diet, and I felt they should be a part of yours as well.

The combination of spices and dried fruits is what makes the classic “Heady Club” cookie so delicious. The fact that it’s so filling (and even healthy!) makes it a great choice for a snack or dessert, and the fact that it’s made with only the finest ingredients makes it a great snack choice for any occasion!

Welcome, my fearless band of trans-dimensional psychonauts! Now I know what you must all be thinking. Why isn’t the captain wearing pants? And the answer to that question is a resounding yes! Let’s get on with today’s mission. Jordy, are you watching virtual porn while I talk? Yes, that’s right, your Visor shares your screen. Turn it off, damn it! Nobody wants to see that… Oh, my God. Then send me the link. Put your hand down, android! Ahem. Are we done? As I said, our sensors have detected a vein of excellent cannabino in the I-71 sector that needs to be explored. Get our contact information at Heady Club DC! Heady Club DC has a simple and straightforward website with some pictures of cannabis flowers that Gentleman has long admired. The instructions indicate that you must become a member to order, but the process only requires the same basic information as most DC services, so don’t let that deter you. Keep up the good work! You can find the current gift certificate here. You can call them at 202-460-8698 if you have any questions, or use the contact form on their website. Today we take a look at the flowers in the classic Heady Club DC cookie. These buds are visually very striking, alternating between green and dark purple hues, with clusters of bright orange hairs spreading across their surface like a powdery trail, practically running down the lush trichomes. All my specimens were well cared for, excess stems removed, and a few purple sugar leaves left for aesthetic purposes. This cannabis flower has a perfect density and structure – dense, but not stiff. The only downside is that they are a little dry. Overall, the appeal of the bag here is excellent. word-image-8108 The classic Heady Club DC cookies have a warm, sweet flavor that reminds me of brown sugar or, say, maple barbecue syrup….. Does it exist? Oh, sure, sure, sure. You see, this is why I don’t write before lunch. Where was I? Oh, yeah. The smoke itself, while not particularly tasty, is smooth and doesn’t give a sharp aftertaste, which is exactly what we want. However, this respect is justified as it is a dense smoke due to the large number of trichomes. Moderate intake avoids the short-lived coughing fits of this heavy drug. Overall, this herb is an excellent and enjoyable smoke. The power is intense with Heady Club DC’s Classic Cookies. A hybrid variety that tends towards the sativa in the first phase. You will feel an influx of thoughts and ideas, making them ideal for brainstorming sessions or creative activities. This energy, combined with a good mood, can make him a very productive guy for a variety of otherwise tedious tasks. However, it can be difficult to strike up a conversation with squares because you forget that you have to respond with words, not just smiles and laughter. As this phase wears off, the strong psychoactivity is felt and a short nap is discreetly suggested before continuing with the day. Personally, I find this combination of effects very desirable and enjoy the classic Heady Club DC (aka GSC) cookies all week long. The Lord strongly advises you to try them for yourself.

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Harvest Dispensaries Is Being Bought in Massive Marijuana Deal

Harvest is a dispensary in Colorado, and they’ve been in business since 2010. Now they’re being acquired by a cannabis conglomerate called the MedMen, and the sale won’t close until later this year. This is a big deal, because the deal will make MedMen one of the largest cannabis companies in the world.

A cannabis startup called Harvest is planning to sell itself to Canadian marijuana giant Canopy Growth. The deal is a $4.8 billion all-stock acquisition that will give Canopy a powerful foothold in the U.S., where a handful of states have legalized recreational cannabis.

word-image-8160 Trulieve Cannabis Corp. and Harvest Health & Recreation Inc. are pleased to announce that they have entered into a definitive agreement pursuant to which Trulieve will acquire all of the issued and outstanding subordinate voting, multiple voting and supervoting shares of Harvest. Under the terms of the Agreement, Harvest shareholders will receive 0.1170 of a Trulieve Subordinate Voting Share (each a whole share) for each Harvest Subordinate Voting Share (or its equivalent) held, representing total consideration of approximately $2.1 billion based on the closing price of Trulieve shares on the seventh trading day of the Offering Period. May 2021. Trulieve, a leading multi-state operator specializing in the Northeast and Southeast United States, and Arizona-based Harvest, a leading multi-state operator specializing in the West Coast and Northeast United States, have established deep, vertically integrated operations in their key markets and have become the leading operators in the United States, the largest regulated cannabis market in the world. Upon completion of the transaction and the completion of the previously announced acquisitions of Harvest and Trulieve, the combined company will have a presence in 11 states and include 22 cultivation and processing facilities totaling 3.1 million square feet and 126 retail outlets serving the medical and adult-use recreational cannabis markets. Key points and benefits:

  • creating the largest cannabis operator in the United States in terms of retail space and combined cultivation;
  • creates the most profitable MSO in the U.S.,, with combined adjusted EBITDA of $266 million1,2 in 2020 and combined adjusted EBITDA3 of $461 million in 2021, providing an unprecedented platform for continued growth;
  • offers a superior existing distribution and retail model –has a strong retail network of 126 pharmacies in 11 states, the combined company will have a leading market share in Arizona and Florida ;
  • Strong and Growing Presence in Multiple States –strengthens Trulieve’s expansion in the Northeast and Southeast of the U.S. into Florida, Pennsylvania and Maryland, and creates a southwestern hub in key markets like Arizona, where recreational cannabis use by adults was recently legalized ;
  • optimizes national presence –has established retail and wholesale channels in all markets, as well as the ability to reach an estimated total addressable market of $19.3 billion by 2025 (Arcview market estimate) ;
  • adds premium brands –complements Trulieve’s portfolio of private label and national partner brands with a range of successful products in different form factors;
  • utilizing expert operational teams and best practices –of Trulieve and Harvest, improving operational efficiency through a combination of unparalleled expertise and success in applying for state permits and the ability to bring operations to market quickly; and
  • Value-CreatingTransaction Strengthens Trulieve’s Financial Performance –reinforces Trulieve’s superior financial performance relative to its competitors, driven by best-in-class margins and strong expected profitable growth.

Today’s announcement is the largest and most exciting acquisition in our industry, creating the most profitable public operator in several states. It is important to note that our companies share the same values for customers and focus on deep penetration of key markets. This merger allows us to build on our strong foundation and create an unparalleled platform for future growth, said Kim Rivers, CEO of Trulieve. Harvest gives us an immediate and significant presence in new and established markets and accelerates our entry into the Arizona adult market. Trulieve and Harvest are leaders in their respective markets, known for their innovation, brand and operational expertise, with real business depth and scale. We look forward to providing patients and clients with world-class care on a broader national scale as we build an iconic brand for cannabis in the United States. We are excited to join Trulieve, which has seen unprecedented success and scale in its home state of Florida, said Steve White, CEO of Harvest. As one of the oldest operators in several states, we believe that our experience in identifying and developing attractive market opportunities, coupled with the recent successful launch of adult distribution in Arizona, will add significant value to the combined business as it continues to develop and grow in the coming years. The transaction will be effected by way of an arrangement with creditors under the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia). Under the terms of the settlement agreement, Trulieve will acquire all of the issued and outstanding Harvest shares, with each Harvest shareholder receiving 0.1170 Trulieve shares for each Harvest share, representing a price per Harvest share of $4.79, representing a premium of 34% over the closing price of the Harvest shares on the seventh trading day. May 2021 means. At the effective time of the transaction, Harvest shareholders will own approximately 26.7% of the pro forma issued and outstanding shares of Trulieve (on a fully diluted basis). The exchange ratio may be adjusted if Harvest completes certain refinancings during the interim period, with the potential adjustment being proportional to the incremental cost of such financing relative to the transaction value. Further details of the transaction will be described in the management information circular and proxy statement (the Circular) to be sent to Harvest shareholders in connection with the special meeting of Harvest shareholders (the Meeting) to be held in the third quarter to approve the transaction. The agreement contains a number of customary provisions, including a commitment not to enter into alternative transactions, the right to negotiate more favorable offers, reciprocal payments of $100 million in certain circumstances and reciprocal expense reimbursement provisions in certain circumstances.

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Why Does Cannabis Cultivation Have Such a Negative Impact on the Environment?

Cannabis cultivation is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. This is due to the widespread legalization of medical and recreational marijuana use in America and the staggering increase in demand for these drugs in developing countries around the world. As the world’s population continues to grow, the need for more hemp and cannabis products is only increasing. The problem is that most of the hemp and cannabis products we consume every day are grown in unhealthy, environmentally-irresponsible ways.

In the U.S., it is estimated that the cannabis industry will be worth approximately $3.5 billion a year by 2021. This industry is largely responsible for the downfall of many ecosystems around the world. Cannabis is an annual herb that is most well known for its psychoactive properties. Therefore, it has been widely grown across the world. Cannabis has also been made into an item of clothing, which is why it is so common in the United States.

Earth Day has just passed and once again our planet has been the victim of all sorts of terrible disasters caused by mankind. Opponents of the legalization of cannabis like to point out the environmental impact of cannabis cultivation and legalization. They point to the amount of waste generated by cannabis packaging, as well as the impact of rising electricity prices and the runoff of nutrients and chemicals used in cannabis cultivation. I started researching the topic and the article that came out on top was about the environmental effects of cannabis terpenes. This scientific article points out that a team of researchers has concluded that cannabis has the potential to double the current levels of volatile organic compounds in our atmosphere. The team came to this conclusion by growing four cannabis varieties for 90 days in a closed environment and measuring the amount of terpenes released. I thought it was strange from the start, because hemp grows very differently outside than inside. Yes, it’s all about light, water and nutrients, but anyone who has ever grown plants indoors and outdoors will tell you that there is a difference. When they talk about the need for further research, I think they mean that more specific research is needed. In theory, one could blame the US federal government for the environmental impact of cannabis.

Growing plants indoors pollutes the environment

Decades of cannabis prohibition have put millions of Americans on the underground market. People who grow cannabis illegally do so indoors or outdoors. We’ve all seen the news images of landscapes littered with trash and debris where cannabis has been grown. Sometimes trees are cut down and excess nutrients and pesticide leaching are released into the environment. By forcing people to grow plants indoors, we have also caused a huge increase in utility costs. This increases the pressure on energy companies and on the precious natural resources of our planet.

We don’t grow oranges in every state, why cannabis?

If cannabis had not been banned and placed on the federal list, things might have turned out differently. Only Texas and California can grow enough cannabis to supply the entire United States. Instead of a few small businesses scattered across the country, these states could run larger businesses. There is a misconception that hemp is of poor quality when grown outdoors. One of the best cannabis products in the world is grown outdoors under the right conditions. Texas and California have these conditions. However, current federal restrictions on cannabis prevent the plant and people from having the freedoms they both deserve. This freedom means that one can travel openly to any part of America without fear of persecution, while carrying a natural plant. word-image-3445

Mining equipment damaging to environment

Cannabis cultivation is not the only concern regarding the environmental impact of the cannabis sector. The raw materials industry is also in the spotlight. Upstream companies often use methods involving solvents such as butane, propane or CO2. These companies have equipment that also consumes electricity during this process. Many of these companies are taking productive steps to not only control supply costs, but also to reduce the environmental impact of the cannabis industry through methods such as operating facilities during off-peak hours, using energy-efficient equipment, and using technologies and methods that prove conservative in their products.

Cannabis cultivation is water intensive

Water is another problem when growing just about anything, and cannabis is no exception. Opponents of cannabis legalization and those who insist on strict rules and regulations often use this method. They point out that it is known that the cultivation of cannabis requires large amounts of water, which is taken from the irrigation systems used in agriculture and also has a negative impact on the ecosystem. Before you point the finger at hemp, remember that there are many other agricultural goals to point the finger at as well. Almonds, for example, are the cause of many environmental problems in the state of California. The almond industry is a multi-billion dollar industry in California that consumes huge amounts of water. You’ve never heard people complain about tonsils on the news, have you? A little research has taught me that it takes about three and a half gallons of water to produce one almond. This is insane! Imagine the United States if we had a federal ban on almonds. The world is crazy, so anything is possible, but for now the federal government seems quite content to maintain its draconian stance on federal cannabis prohibition. In the United States of America, cannabis remains a Schedule 1 drug. As long as these fossil policies remain in place, it will be difficult to truly and accurately measure the true impact of the cannabis industry on the environment. Personally, I can say that I grow both indoors and outdoors. When I grow plants outside, I rarely have to water them because the rain takes care of that. Only in very dry periods should the hose be pulled out. I guess I don’t see the water usage they are complaining about. To all those who work in the cannabis industry to improve the environment by growing a medicine that many people love and need to live, I want to say thank you! word-image-8214 Ashley Priest is a patient, mother, entrepreneur and activist fighting for the abolition of drug prohibition around the world, for a better future for all. Ashley is passionate about sharing knowledge about the divine plant that is cannabis. She believes that one seed can make all the difference and that together, through education, we can end the stigma that prevents cannabis from reaching its full potential worldwide.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is cannabis environmentally friendly?

Cannabis cultivation is not a particularly environmentally-friendly process. Harvesting the plant, transporting it home, preparing it to be smoked, waste disposal, cleaning, and burning all takes up a huge amount of energy, and the by-products of cannabis cultivation can be quite detrimental to the environment. The modern cannabis cultivation industry is a massive global industry, and the cultivation practices employed by these operations come with a surprising cost to the environment. This review examines the top seven most environmentally-damaging cultivation practices and describes how to improve the sustainability of the cannabis industry.

What are negative environmental impacts of hemp?

Cannabis cultivation has been shown to have a very negative impact on the environment. This is primarily due to the use of toxic chemicals. The effects of these chemicals in combination with the continued use of water and power makes cannabis cultivation a very expensive process. What are negative environmental impacts of hemp? In this blog post, we will talk about the negative environmental impacts of hemp cultivation. Hemp cultivation is a huge environmental burden. It requires a lot of water to grow and produces lots of waste. It is also a very labor intensive crop to grow and harvest.

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Congratulations to New Mexico for Recreational Cannabis Legalization!

“New Mexico is the first state to legalize recreational cannabis, but that doesn’t mean the country is ready to follow suit. The attitudes and laws surrounding marijuana have changed rapidly over the past few years—from decriminalization in Colorado, to medical marijuana in California, and now the first state to legalize “recreational” cannabis with a ballot measure in 2016. Even with the rapid change, the US federal government has yet to fully change its attitude towards legalizing marijuana. As a result, each state is left to decide how to handle marijuana in their own way, and New Mexico has recently become the first state in the nation to legalize the sale and use of recreational cannabis.

This is a big week for New Mexico. Last night Governor Susana Martinez vetoed a bill that would have legalized recreational cannabis in the state. (Martinez’s decision comes as a surprise to most, although the bill’s sponsor, Senator Joseph Cervantes, released a statement claiming he’s not surprised by the governor’s decision.) But as long as Martinez is in office, the decision is ultimately hers to make, and it’s up to her to decide how to handle the fallout from her decision.

On the 12th. In April, New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham signed a law officially legalizing recreational cannabis in the state. Medical cannabis is already legal in New Mexico, and we even won an important court case that established patient rights for all, including people with medical records who are in jail in New Mexico, or who are on parole or house arrest.  Asked about the legalization of recreational cannabis, Governor Grisham said: It’s good for the workers. This is a good thing for entrepreneurs. It’s good for consumers, and it brings the social justice we’ve been talking about and arguing for for decades.

Modification requested for New Mexico

In 2020, New Mexico had a population of approximately 2,106,319. The state suffers from poverty and high rates of violent crime and property crime. In 2018, New Mexico had the second highest poverty rate in the country, with Mississippi in first place. According to Safewise, New Mexico has one of the highest crime rates in the United States. Of the 50 states, New Mexico has the second highest violent crime rate (after Alaska) and the second highest property crime rate (after Louisiana). Recreational cannabis stimulates tourism. I always wanted to see Roswell and look for gold in the mountains around Taos. I avoided these places unless it was necessary for work. Not anymore. I can now add a trip to New Mexico to my future plans. Like many other Americans, I prefer to stay away from states that deny me the freedoms I have in my own state. ABC News reported that the governor emphasized the harm done to racial and ethnic minorities by drug crime and police enforcement, noting that the new law could keep about 100 people out of jail and clear the criminal records of thousands of residents. With expunged criminal records, new jobs, and legal access to adult-use cannabis in New Mexico, it’s a great time to live in New Mexico!

What is permitted for recreational use

What’s up? Let’s break it down! Adults may legally purchase and possess up to two ounces of cannabis and/or 16 grams of cannabis extract from licensed dealers. word-image-3458

  • Adults over 21 may purchase and possess up to 2 ounces of cannabis.
  • Legal adults may purchase and possess up to 16 grams of cannabis extract.
  • Adults may grow six plants per person or a total of 12 plants per family.
  • The smell of cannabis will no longer give police the right to search people.
  • New Mexico regulators have the ability to limit cannabis cultivation in the coming years.
  • The state, like many others, mandates child safety packaging.
  • They leave the issue of employee consumption of services to employers.
  • There are no product safety regulations yet, but they are expected to be introduced in early 2022.
  • Cannabis will be subject to a 12% excise tax, which will rise to 18%. These taxes are in addition to the existing taxes.
  • The passed bill allows the state to enter into agreements with American Indian tribal governments, opening the door to green industry for Native American businesses.

Whatever the details, one thing remains beautiful: cannabis is finally legal, both for medical and recreational use, in New Mexico.

State motto takes on a whole new meaning

New Mexico’s motto, Crescit Eundo, means it grows as it goes, and there’s no better motto. From 29. This June, adults in New Mexico will be allowed to possess up to two ounces of cannabis outdoors and grow cannabis in their homes. The failed war on drugs, launched by an ill-informed and racist federal government, has ruined lives everywhere. The state of New Mexico, on the border with Mexico, where large quantities of cannabis originated before widespread legalization in the United States, is experiencing particular difficulties. Congressman Javier Martinez of Albuquerque has been on the front lines of this war, has seen firsthand the damage it has done, and has witnessed the failure of this draconian effort by the US federal government. Representative Martinez articulated very nicely what states like Kansas, Tennessee, South Carolina, Idaho and a few others would have to open their closed ears to hear, and that was it: I grew up on the border. I’ve seen what the war on drugs has led to. I am proud that New Mexico – little old New Mexico – did its part to make the federal government understand once and for all that cannabis should be legalized. It’s no secret that the American people support the legalization of cannabis, and that support has never been greater. As more states legalize marijuana, 91 percent of American adults think marijuana should be legal for medical and recreational use. Crescit eundo for the legalization of cannabis in America! word-image-8244 Ashley Priest is a patient, mother, entrepreneur and activist fighting for the abolition of drug prohibition around the world, for a better future for all. Ashley is passionate about sharing knowledge about the divine plant that is cannabis. She believes that one seed can make all the difference and that together, through education, we can end the stigma that prevents cannabis from reaching its full potential worldwide.

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