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10 Healthy Habits Of Fit People You Never Even Knew About

Have you ever considered lifestyle habits for healthy weight loss? If not, then you’re missing out! Depending on your genetics, your overall health condition, and other factors, your weight loss habits may vary. If you’re tired of lack of success in weight loss, here’s a list of 10 healthy habits of fit people you never even knew about.

Being fit doesn’t have to be a chore. In fact, it can be one of the most enjoyable things you’ll ever do. That’s because through fitness, you can improve your mental, physical, and spiritual state, physical health, and immunity. For example, you will have more energy, feel more alive, be healthier, and have longer life expectancy. You just need to find the right fit for you.

Check out these 10 healthy habits of healthy people that you may not have thought of yet, and change your routine to live a healthier life. word-image-10460 So, do you want to change your routine a bit and live a healthier, happier and better life? Are you tired of feeling tired all the time, having no energy or motivation and just feeling miserable? So check out the 10 healthy habits of healthy people I put together today! For some of you, these small changes may be the deciding factor. I often talk to men who are completely unaware of how their daily habits are slowly destroying their health, step by step. Many men don’t know where to start when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. I’ve got it. They don’t teach us these things in school. Our college professors didn’t talk about everyday health either. And what’s more, we see that most men go through life in a way that seems normal to us. So we follow this path blindly. But that’s not always a good thing! We need to pause, take a step back and begin to change our perspectives. Become a member of word-image-10461 The bald boss

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10 healthy habits of healthy people

See also these related articles: If you feel like you need a few simple tips to change your daily lifestyle, check out these easy-to-implement daily tips.

1. Protein rich breakfast

word-image-10462 If you love breakfast, it’s time to ditch the sugary cereal and start eating healthy. Most people never eat protein for breakfast, but it’s actually quite beneficial. Eating a high-protein breakfast has several benefits, including:

  • Reduces cravings after the morning meal so you don’t fall back on unhealthy foods.
  • It can burn fat much easier
  • A high-protein breakfast can also help you gain less fat.

A high-protein breakfast doesn’t have to mean scrambled eggs and bacon every day. Start with foods like plain Greek yogurt, eggs, cottage cheese, seeds and nuts, oatmeal and healthy protein shakes. If you’re in a hurry in the morning, try one of these 10 healthy protein shakes. They can be collected in an instant!

2. Drinking enough water

I know so many people who don’t drink enough. Friends and family members who only pour themselves a glass of water when they are thirsty. Studies show that drinking water can help you lose weight. Don’t just drink a glass of water before every meal, drink one or even two large glasses of water in the morning. Every day when I wake up, the first thing I take is water. I drink about half a litre before I go to the toilet. It helps boost metabolism, gives you energy and revitalizes your body. Don’t forget you just didn’t drink for 8 hours!

3. Exercise

word-image-10463 Even if it’s just a short workout, you should still make time for it. And on your days off, take the time to relax for 30 minutes! We can all take 30 minutes a day to sweat, that’s for sure. If you don’t know how, or even why, you should start a daily exercise program, read this article. This is great! There’s no better way to start the day than with a workout. If you can, try to get up early and do your daily workout. Did you know you don’t even have to go to the gym to get in shape? Check out these great articles on strength training:

4. Making healthy living a constant

Those who have achieved and maintained high levels of fitness and health over the years have in common that none of them focus on quick short-term fixes. You don’t want to give yourself six weeks to get the perfect beach body and then give up as soon as summer is over. Healthy, strong people are never on a diet for a month. Or train hard for a few weeks to reach a certain goal by a certain deadline. They do it systematically. Week after week. Month after month. This is the key to everything. It is best to start small and build up week by week. Make the decision for yourself to make the fitness lifestyle your permanent lifestyle.

5. More walking

word-image-10464 Try to walk as much as possible – it is another effective way to stay healthy and fit. If your situation allows, try to walk to and from work as often as possible. Or even in the supermarket. Assuming you can put on a few extra miles every day. It’s too easy to take transportation everywhere. I’ve got it. But if you make it a habit to walk, it will do you good.

6. Follow the 80/20 rule

A big myth surrounding people who live an exceptionally good lifestyle is that they only eat lean foods and exercise all the time. Studies show that most healthy people follow the 80/20 rule. This means that 80% of the time they eat healthy, but 20% of the time they eat and drink whatever they want. It is good to maintain a balance, otherwise too much movement in one direction will lead to stagnation!

7. Training season is year-round

word-image-10465 Don’t fall into the trap of exercising just a few months out of the year and then going into hibernation during the cold season. Stay in shape 12 months out of the year, regardless of the holidays! Even if you go on vacation with friends or family, try to stick to your workout routine as often as possible. Like I said before, consistency is the key.

8. Not placing too much importance on weight loss

Ignore the scale and focus on improving your physical strength. Even if you are trying to lose belly fat, it is best to focus on a better workout. How the runtime decreases. How many extra push-ups can you do? And so on. This will result in an improvement of your physical condition.

9. cook at home as much as possible

word-image-10466 Cooking at home almost always means eating healthier. Even if you order a salad in a restaurant, it is usually accompanied by two pints of beer and a dessert. I try to cook at home at least five nights a week, so I can afford a few treats on the weekends. With extra training, of course. When you cook at home, you have complete control over what and how much you eat.

10. Write down your weekly fitness goals every Sunday evening

Many people I talk to who are serious about their health and fitness tell me that at the end of each weekend, they often write down their plans for the week ahead. So they can mark each training session, day after day. It’s a great way to set goals and stick to them every day.


A few small changes in your routine can make a big difference in the long run. Try a few of these along with a good workout and see how you feel. Thank you, Richard. Made for you word-image-10467 The bald boss

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 10 healthy habits?

Healthy habits are like muscles. You can work them every day, but without exercise, they won’t get any bigger. In a similar way, you can only build good habits by doing them every day. You might be surprised to learn that there are certain habits that people who are fit, healthy, and successful have in common. These habits aren’t necessarily new, but they’re things that many people don’t know about. If you want to be fit, healthy, and successful, you need to know about these habits.

What are the 5 healthy habits?

These 10 habits of fit people are the secrets behind how they stay fit and healthy. Let’s have a look at them! The human body is an amazing thing. It has the ability to change in a matter of days, and we wonder why we can’t seem to keep up with it. The human body is a machine, and it is capable of renewing itself and improving, but we must make the right choices. Here are five healthy habits you may never have known about, and they are easy enough to start, but will provide significant benefits to your health and fitness.

What are the 6 healthy habits?

The 6 Healthy Habits Of Fit People You Never Even Knew About Fit is a new book by lifestyle expert and author of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Steven Covey. In his first book since the famed ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective People’, Covey reveals that more than ever, it is more important to be fit and healthy than ever before. A healthy lifestyle is not just a matter of staying in shape. It is a lifestyle, which is based on good habits. It is not about becoming a gym-geek and eating only the best of food. It is all about leading a healthy life, a life that helps you to fight sin and stay on the right path.

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Destroy Your Bench Press Sticking Points! – Revolutionary Program Design

Did you know that sticking points happen on the bench press? How many times have you had sticking points on the bench press? It may have been your shoulder, chest, or one of your other pressing muscles, but did you know that all of these are fixable? The sticking points on the bench press happen because of your bench press form. You may have a bench press form problem even if you have a great bench press strength. What you may not know is that these sticking points can be fixed.

Many lifters struggle to put on weight when they get to the stage where they are bench pressing 4-6 times a week. The training itself becomes more challenging as your body becomes accustomed to the routine, and the sporadic nature of the bench press in and of itself can be a deterrent to progress.

word-image-10096 Bench pressing is one of the most popular exercises in the world. It’s also one of the hardest exercises to do. Most people have a bottleneck when bench pressing that limits their progress. The hanging during the bench press is the part of the range of motion where the bar slows down and you do not perform the lift. If you z. B. Always make a mistake when bench pressing. If the bar is 10 inches from your chest, that’s your drop point. Powerlifting coach Josh Bryant says attacking your release points is the fastest way to improve your bench press. If you are strong enough to press 400 pounds, but you can only press 300 pounds out of your chest, what will you press? The answer is: Three hundred pounds! In this comprehensive guide, I’ll show you the most effective ways to overcome your bench press deficiencies. The best way to lift lockout in bench pressing is to use isometric training methods, such as powerlifting isometrics and isometrics. Isometric training is very effective because it allows you to focus precisely on the point in your range of motion where you are weakest. Another good strategy is to use new supplementary or supporting exercises, such as the dead bench, reverse band bench press and triceps chain extensions. Here’s a summary of the rest of this article:

  • Part 1: Isometric training
  • Part 2: Extra exercises
  • Part three: Practice with accessories

By the end of this article, you will have an idea of how to overcome the difficulties of bench pressing. Message: If you have trouble reading the workout routines in this article, check out this workout reading guide. Let’s get to work… Part 1: Isometric training word-image-10097 Isometric training is the most effective way to overcome stagnation in bench pressing. Fitness trainer Josh Bryant even believes that isometric training is his secret weapon in helping world-class powerlifters break world records at the bench press. Here is an excellent demonstration of an isometric bench press workout: As you can see, a powerlifter presses an empty 45 pound dumbbell as hard as possible into a pair of safety pins for 6 to 8 seconds. He doesn’t just hold the dumbbell on the safety pins – his goal is to bench press so hard that he breaks the safety pins in half! So why would anyone want to train this way? In fact, isometric training has a number of advantages over traditional training methods. With isometric workouts, you can activate 7% more motor units and exert 15% more effort than with normal sets. However, the real magic of isometric training is that it allows you to eliminate the stumbling blocks. In isometric training, you can place safety pins at the exact point in your range of motion where you are weakest. When you’re 5 cm from the chest, that’s where you should place the pins. During the isometric series, press the safety pins as hard as you can for 6 to 8 seconds. That’s a huge amount of time to get the tension just right at the point where it’s stuck! In fact, research shows that most of the strength gains from isometric exercises occur at the joint angles you train. In other words, if you place the pins 2 inches above the chest, that’s where the greatest strength increase will occur. The only drawback to isometric sets is that they must be combined with full movement sets in the same workout. Fortunately, Josh Bryant has found a way to do it. Josh prefers alternating between isometric bench press and fast bench press, with about 2 minutes of rest between sets. For example:

  • Set 1: Isometric bench press
  • Sentence #2: Quick Bench Press
  • Movement No. 3: Isometric bench press
  • Movement No. 4: Quick Bench Press

By alternating speed and isometric sets in this way, you teach your body to transfer the isometric strength gains to the full range of motion bench press. Let’s take an example of bench press training with isometric exercises. Here you can see the first part of a workout performed by world-class bodybuilder Vincent Dizenzo. During this workout, Vincent trained for a 600-pound bench press. Look at this: Vincent Dizenzo Isometric bench press training

  • A1: Bench press (competition grip), 1 x 3, 1/1/X/1, 4 minutes rest
  • B1: Isometric compression**, 2 x 1, hold for 6 seconds, rest for 2 minutes
  • B2: Fast bench press (competition grip), 2 x 3, 1/0/X/0, 2 minutes rest
  • C1: Overcoming isometrics in high position****, 2 x 1, hold for 6 seconds, rest for 2 minutes
  • C2: Fast bench press (competition grip), 2 x 3, 1/0/X/0, 2 minutes rest.

**Press an empty 45 pound dumbbell firmly onto a pair of safety pins for 6-8 seconds. Place the pins 5 cm above breast height. **Press an empty 45 pound dumbbell firmly onto a pair of safety pins for 6-8 seconds. Place the safety pins 2″ (5 cm) below the lock. After the initial exercises, Vincent performed a series of supplemental and supportive exercises, including the sling bench press, deadlift bench press, and various isolation exercises. As you can see, Vincent starts his workout with a heavy triple bench press. Then he moves on to isometric and fast bench press. Vincent actually performs isometric sets in two different places: 2 inches above the chest and 2 inches below the lock. It’s a great way to hit two different sweet spots in a single workout. Another good isometric training strategy to eliminate congestion in bench pressing is called functional isometrics. Functional isometrics was a popular training method of Canadian strength trainer Charles Polikin. Functional isometrics are essentially a combination of partial movement repetitions and overcoming isometric contractions. Here is an excellent video demonstration of functional isometric training: As you can see, the lifter performs incomplete repetitions between two pairs of pins. Here is the exact protocol for the functional isometric complex: Perform 4-6 reps with a partial range of motion. Firmly press the top pins for 6-8 seconds on the last repetition. Then lower the weight again and do another repetition with a partial range of motion. A full functional isometric workout consists of a total of 10 sets. Here’s the exact protocol:

  • Perform 3 functional isometric sets in the lower third of the bench press.
  • Perform 3 functional isometric sets in the middle third of the bench press.
  • Perform 3 functional isometric sets in the upper third of the bench press.
  • Perform a set of bench presses with a full range of motion.

Functional isometric exercises are very effective because they allow you to target tender points at three different points in the range of motion during the bench press. The combination of partial range of motion repetitions and overhead isometric contractions is incredibly effective in stimulating strength gains in your central nervous system. It is also excellent for down-regulating the Golgi tendon organ, allowing you to exercise your true power potential more effectively. Here’s a complete functional isometric workout you could try. Look at this: Functional Isometric Bench Press Training

  • A1: Isometric functional bench press (wide grip), 3 x 6**, 2/0/2/0, 180 sec. Interruption
  • B1: Functional isometric bench press, intermediate position (wide grip), 3 x 6**, 2/0/2/0, 180 sec rest
  • C1: Isometric functional overhead bench press (wide grip), 3 x 6**, 2/0/2/0, rest 180 seconds
  • D1: Bench press (Wide Grip), 1 x 6, 3/0/1/0, 180 seconds rest
  • E1: fly 30 degrees, 3 x 8-12, 2/0/1/0, 30 seconds rest
  • E2: Rope curls with hanging rope, 3 x 8-12, 2/0/1/0, rest 30 seconds

**Performed as an isometric set for the bench press. Perform 6 reps with partial range of motion. Press 6. Repeat the top pins down as hard as possible for 6-8 seconds. Then lower the weight again and perform 1 more repetition with a partial range of motion. This is the traditional way to perform functional isometric training. However, this is not the only way. Josh Bryant has found creative ways to use functional isometrics as part of his regular bench press training with powerlifting. One of Josh’s favorite strategies is to use a set of pins placed directly under the blocking. You do 6 reps, touching and pinning your chest each time. On the last repeat, press the pins as hard as you can for 6 to 8 seconds. After an isometric contraction, simply lift the weight. Here is Jonathon Irizarry demonstrating this teaching method: Josh Bryant likes to use this exercise as a supplement to overload his triceps and practice the blocking points right after a lockout. Here’s the bench press exercise Josh Bryant gave Jonathan Irizarry when he was training for the 500-pound bench press. During this workout, Jonathan did functional isometric exercises and a bench press with a band to destroy his lockout trigger point. Look at this: Jonathan Irizarry Functional isometric bench press training

  • A1: Bench press (competition grip), 1 x 2, 1/1/X/0, 120 seconds rest
  • B1: Fast bench press (hold match), 6 x 3, 1/1/X/0, 10 seconds rest
  • B2: Tilt 30 degrees with chest support, 6 x 6, 1/0/X/1, 120 seconds rest
  • C1: Functional Isometric Full Bench Press (competition grip)**, 2 x 5, 1/0/X/0, rest 120 seconds
  • C2: Banded Bench Press (Competition Grip), 2 x 1, 1/0/X/0, 120 seconds rest
  • D1: V-bar squats (front torso squats), 2 x 15, 1/0/X/0, 120 seconds rest
  • E1: DB floor swing, 3 x 8-12, 1/1/0, rest 60 seconds
  • F1 : Unilateral cable pumps (forearm grip), 3 x 8-12, 1/0/X/1, 60 sec rest

This is a high training volume, and for most people who train, it will be too much to recover from. Of course, Jonathon Irizarry is no ordinary intern! If you specialize in bench pressing and have a weakness in the lockout area, this type of training may be just what you need to make progress again. Part 2: Extra exercises word-image-10098 One of the best strategies to overcome stagnation in bench pressing is to use additional bench pressing exercises. These are variations of the bench press where you can overload certain parts of the range of motion. Some of the best supplemental bench press exercises to improve chest strength are the dead bench press, the pause bench press and the extra wide bench press. On the other hand, some of the best supplemental bench press exercises to improve closing strength are the band press, chain press and sling press. Let’s take a closer look at each of these exercises. Bench press Optional exercise 1: Dead Bank The dead bench was invented by powerlifting coach Josh Bryant. The deadlift is a bench press performed from a deadlift position with the bars placed 1 to 4 inches above the chest. Here is an excellent video demonstration of this exercise: So why does Josh love this exercise? Many people have a stumbling block 1 to 4 inches above the chest when bench pressing. You bounce the rod off your chest, then it immediately slows down and freezes. The reason most people get stuck here is because they rely too much on the stretch reflex. The stretch reflex is the name for the elastic energy that builds up in the connective tissue during eccentric exercise or the downward phase. The stretch reflex will help you for the first 1-4 inches of bench pressing, and then disappear completely. The dead bench is designed to strengthen at the exact point where the stretch reflex disappears. Josh asks his athletes to perform 5-10 sets of individual exercises with 30-60 seconds of rest between each set. The dead bench forces you to use only your muscles to lift the weight and is a great way to train the supports directly above your chest. Josh Bryant says your max 1 reps on the dead bench should be 90% of your max 1 reps on the regular bench press. In other words: If you can do a 300 pound bench press in one rep, you should be able to do a 270 pound bench press in one rep. If you haven’t achieved this strength balance yet, I highly recommend incorporating a dead bench into your routine. Bench press Optional exercise 2: Bench press interrupted The bench press with break is one of the best exercises you can do to increase your chest strength. You just need to pause for 1 to 4 seconds on the chest for each repetition. Here is an excellent video demonstration: The escape bank works for the same reasons as the dead bank. This reduces or eliminates the stretching reflex in the bottom position of the exercise, forcing you to use only your muscles to lift the weight. Unlike the dead bench, the bench press can be performed with rest for multiple reps. This exercise is powerlifting coach Chad Wesley Smith’s favorite exercise to increase chest press strength. Bench press Optional exercise 3: Ultra-wide bench press handle The ultra wide grip bench press is one of bodybuilding guru Louis Simmons’ favorite exercises. To perform this exercise, grasp the bar with the widest grip you can without straining your shoulders. For most people, this will be much wider than your strongest hold. Here is an excellent demonstration of this exercise: Don’t worry if you have to use much less weight on the extra large bench press than on the normal bench press. This is perfectly normal. This exercise is designed to increase chest and shoulder strength rather than lifting as much weight as possible. I recommend performing this exercise between 6-8 reps to improve your bench press. The range of 6-8 reps is low enough to engage your fast twitch muscle fibers, but high enough to not overload your shoulders. Bench press Optional exercise 4: Bench press with chain The chain bench press is one of the best exercises for improving the lockout or strength of the upper half of the bench press. To perform this exercise, attach powerlifting chains to each side of the bar and perform a bench press. Here is an excellent video demonstration of this exercise: As you lower the bar to your chest, the chains fall to the floor. Then when you push the bar back until it clicks, the chains come off the ground. In other words: Chains make the dumbbell lighter on the chest and heavier on the block, which can cause you to overload the top half of the exercise. They also force you to accelerate the bar all the way to the end, as this is the only way to overcome the extra weight of the chain. The dumbbell press is often the best option over partial range of motion exercises, such as. For example, the Plank Press or Barbell Press, because they allow you to do exercises with a full range of motion. This means that the transition to the normal bench press will be much better. Bench press Optional exercise #5: Bench press with belt Bench pressing with bands is similar to bench pressing with chains in many ways. The bands make the exercise easier at the bottom and harder at the top. However, the bands give the exercise a very different feel than the chains. Here is an excellent video demonstration of bench pressing with the band: As you can see, large rubber bands or bungee bands are wrapped around the barbell. These bands pull the barbell down faster than gravity and make your muscles work much harder than normal. In my experience, bench pressing with a band is one of the best exercises to improve bench pressing strength. Depending on the bands you use, the exercise may be significantly more difficult in the lockout than on the chest. One of the biggest disadvantages of bench pressing with a belt is that it can be very difficult to recover from. Ligaments cause a lot of muscle pain and can seriously damage your joints if you are not careful. One of the best solutions to this problem is to bench press inverted with a band. Here is an excellent video demonstration by John Meadows: In reverse bench press, the bands lift the weight down instead of pulling it down. This makes the exercise even more difficult in the high position and easier in the low position. However, it gives the exercise a completely different feel than regular tires. Reversible bands are even kinder to your joints and connective tissue than regular straight weights. If you’re looking for the sweet spot around the lockout, but don’t want to put extra strain on your joints, the reverse bench press is a great exercise. Bench press Optional exercise 6: Slingshot Barbell Press The slingshot is a training tool invented by Mark Bell, world-class weightlifter. The slingshot is a pretty confusing tool to practice, so let’s watch the instructional video first. Look at this: The sling is a modified version of the powerlifting bench press jersey. It is made of elastic material that stretches when you get into a low bench press position. The sling can be considered a trampoline on the chest. As you lower the weight, the trampoline stretches and slows the movement of the weight. Then, when you push the weight off your chest, the trampoline propels the weight until it clicks. The slingshot is a great workout tool because it takes pressure off the joints and connective tissue in a low position, so you can work on your closing strength with super heavy weights. Unlike a regular bench press shirt, the Slingshot is incredibly easy to put on and take off. Mark Bell struck a blow with his invention of the catapult. If you have access to it, I highly recommend you try it to increase your blocking power! Part 3: Auxiliary exercises word-image-10099 If you want to overcome the difficulties of bench pressing, you need to use the right assistance exercises. In other words: Supportive exercises should be chosen to address your specific weaknesses. If you drop the weight directly off your chest, you’ll need to strengthen your chest and shoulders to move forward. On the other hand, if you lose weight during the lockout, it means your triceps need special attention. There are a million different corrective exercises that can be used to correct these deficiencies. In this article, I want to show you the six best corrective exercises that you don’t use. These supportive exercises are favored by some of the best powerlifters in the world, including world record holder bench press Julius Maddox. Here’s the list: Six best bench press supporting exercises

  • Bending with a V-bar
  • Overland trip with break
  • Hinge press with belt
  • Triceps stretcher
  • Skull crusher
  • Skull crusher

The first three exercises are great for improving lower bench press strength, and the last three exercises are great for improving lockout strength. Let’s take a closer look at each of these supporting exercises. Auxiliary bench press exercise #1: Leans on cross member Dips are one of the best supported bench press exercises you can perform. They train the chest and triceps very intensively and are ideal for improving strength from the low bench press position. Many of the world’s strongest weightlifters, including James Strickland, who lifts 700 pounds, use the V-bar bend as a pressing exercise. Here, James climbs with a load of over 250 pounds on his waist: What an impressive number of dives! There are many reasons why bending over is so effective. Unlike most upper body exercises, flexion is a closed circuit movement. In other words: You have to move your whole body across the room to perform this exercise. This automatically means that you will gain more total muscle mass with this exercise. In addition, the chest and triceps are stretched tremendously in the lower oblique position. A growing body of research shows that exercises that force muscles to stretch deeply under tension are ideal for stimulating growth in size and strength. EMG studies even show that squat exercises work better on all three heads of the triceps than other compound exercises such as closed bar bench presses. If the barbell is structurally sound and doesn’t hinder your shoulders, I highly recommend making it one of your main support exercises. Auxiliary bench press exercise 2: Squat with floor break If your breasts are weak, you may need to do targeted breast isolation exercises. To those who follow the Westside Barbell training program, this may seem like heresy, but direct chest work has its place in a powerlifter’s bench press program. Powerlifting coach Josh Bryant has had great success with pec isolation exercises to eliminate chest stiffness. One of Josh’s favorite pec isolation exercises for powerlifters is the swing break. Here is an excellent video on this exercise: For this exercise, lie on the floor and look at the ceiling. You lower the weight until your arm touches the ground, pause for 1-2 seconds, and then lift the weight again until it snaps. Because you put your hands on the ground, you don’t have to worry about falling further and injuring yourself. Many of Josh’s powerlifters have had great success with this exercise to strengthen their pecs. Auxiliary bench press exercise 3: Bench press with strap Many powerlifters are locked out of the chest when bench pressing because their shoulders are too weak. If your shoulder strength prevents you from bench pressing, you should try the hanging band bench press. The basic idea is to hang weights on resistance bands on either side of the bar. You can use a regular 45 pound dumbbell or special dumbbells like a bamboo dumbbell or an earthquake dumbbell. Here is the world’s strongest weightlifter, Julius Maddox, training with a suspension belt and an earthquake bar: In the hanging strap method, the weights are shaken in all directions. This forces the shoulders and small rotator cuff muscles to work overtime to perform the movement. I think you’ll be surprised how sore your shoulders are after a few sets of this exercise. Many people find that their bench presses become much more stable after just a few weeks of practicing this exercise. Bench press Auxiliary exercise #4: Triceps Chain Stretch If you want to improve your closing power, training your triceps with different types of skull crushers is a good choice. Unfortunately, skull crushers can be very hard on your elbows. Josh Bryant learned that the hard way when he tore his triceps tendon during a 330-pound press session! These days, Josh is much smarter about the tricep exercises he offers his powerlifters. One of his favorite exercises to help the triceps is the triceps stretch with a chain. Look at this: In this exercise, most or all of the resistance is provided by the chains. The chains make the exercise easier in the low position and harder in the high position, so you can really overload your triceps without straining your elbows. Many powerlifters who struggle to feel their triceps, find that this exercise fires up their triceps on the first try. Stretching the triceps chain is also good for improving lock strength, as the hardest part of the movement is at the top, when you have to lock your elbows. Bench press Auxiliary exercise 5: Dead Stop Skull Crusher Dead Stop Skull Crushers were made popular by Dante Trudel, creator of DC Training and co-founder of the supplement company True Nutrition. Here is an excellent video demonstration of this exercise: As you can see, the Dead-Stop Crush is a triceps stretching exercise in the prone position where you place the bar on the floor behind your head between reps. This exercise absolutely destroys the long head of your triceps because it incorporates elbow extension and shoulder extension into one movement. Pauses between reps also force you to move the weight using only your triceps. This exercise should be performed with a slightly higher number of repetitions. I recommend you start with sets of 8-12 reps and work your way up. If you perform this exercise correctly, the next day you’ll feel like a bunch of angry ninjas beat up your triceps with a bamboo stick the night before! Bench press Auxiliary exercise #6: hanging skull crusher The Suspended Band Crossover is a popular triceps exercise performed by the Westside Barbell Powerlifting Team. The basic idea is to perform triceps extensions in the prone position using the suspension band method. Here is an excellent video demonstration: If you’ve never done this triceps exercise before, you don’t know what you’re missing! In this exercise, the kettlebells bounce in all directions. This forces your body to use more muscle fibers in the triceps than normal head kneads performed with a straight weight. Many Westside athletes swear by this exercise to strengthen the triceps. It’s also very elbow-friendly. Many powerlifters who can’t perform the triceps extensions in the prone position without getting pain in the elbow find that they can perform this exercise without any problems. If you don’t have access to a bamboo or earthen barbell, you can always hang weights from a regular 45-pound dumbbell. Supplement word-image-10100 If you have problems with your bench presses, you need to stop what you’re doing and make a plan to eliminate them once and for all. Isometric training is by far the most effective way to eliminate the stumbling block of bench pressing. Isometric exercises are very effective because they allow you to target exactly the point in your range of motion where you are weakest. They also teach your body to generate more force and activate more motor units than traditional training methods can. Another good strategy to clear the blockage is to carefully choose complementary and supportive exercises. If you have a weak chest, the dead bench, break bench and ultra wide grip bench are good options. If, on the other hand, you are weak in the upper half, a chain sofa, band sofa or horn sofa is for you. When choosing the right assistance exercises, the most important thing is that you can feel the exercise in the intended muscle group. Josh Bryant says remedial exercises have an internal focus, and he’s absolutely right. If you have trouble feeling your triceps when you lie down to stretch, try a triceps stretch with a chain, a cranial deadlift, or a cranial knead with a hanging strap. With all these exercises, you can train your triceps without straining your elbows. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to create a new training program and solve your bench pressing problems once and for all! You are dreaming. You will. You can reach us. There will be obstacles. There will be skeptics. Errors will occur. But with hard work, with faith, with trust in yourself and in others, there are no limits. Thanks for reading and good luck with your strength training! Dr. Mike Jansen. I am the creator and owner of Revolutionary Program Design. I help advanced athletes take their training to the next level and achieve results they didn’t even know they had.

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a link to Chad Wesley Smith’s powerlifting program! Chad Wesley Smith’s powerlifting program! Chad Wesley Smith is one of the brightest minds in the modern fitness industry. Chad was active in three sports at the highest level: Shot put, powerlifting and triathlon. link to Should I do squats with my heels up? Should I do squats with my heels up? There are many different ways to perform squats. However, one of the most popular variations is the high heel squat. There are several ways to do this: You can use special squat shoes, which are…

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How To Train A Lagging Chest! – Revolutionary Program Design

Chest training is a big issue. Between rounded backs, low testosterone, and overall poor posture, many guys have limited results when it comes to their chest. The problem is that their options are limited. There is no way to effectively train your chest without a set of dumbbells and some resistance bands. That’s where the Absolut Chest Training Program comes in. This program is based on a revolutionary approach to chest training, and will target your lagging, underdeveloped pectorals with a comprehensive program that uses the best exercises and the most effective techniques to develop a strong chest.

When you’re trying to get a bigger chest and you want to begin training for it, it can be extremely frustrating. You want to get a good foundation in the chest, but it seems like you have to learn a whole new body part. The following article will show you how to train your chest from the beginning to the end. This article is based on research and personal experience.

word-image-9961 Most modern bodybuilders have sagging breasts. Her shoulders and triceps are absolutely huge, but her chest generally lags behind the rest of her upper body. If your chest is lagging behind the rest of your upper body, it means your current workout routine isn’t working and you need to change something. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll teach you the top 5 training strategies for taking care of a sagging chest. The best strategies for chest training include using a proper mechanical stance with the chest up for all chest exercises, proper sequencing of exercises, and using proper high-intensity training methods, such as. B. Drop sets and Iso plugs. Here’s a summary of the rest of this article: Overview of Article

  • Strategy # 1: Mechanical training position
  • Strategy #2: It gets really weird with this thing.
  • Strategy #3: Practice sequences
  • Strategy #4: Frequency of training
  • Strategy #5: High intensity training techniques

After reading this article, you will have all the knowledge you need to clean your sagging breasts. Message: If you have trouble reading the workout programs in this article, check out this workout reading guide. Let’s get to work… Strategy #1: Mechanical training position word-image-9962 The most important factor in building a huge chest is the use of proper mechanical exercise positioning. I learned this term from bodybuilding coach Dante Trudel. In any chest exercise, the sternum should come up and protrude and the shoulder blades should go back and down. This ensures maximum chest extension throughout the range of motion of each chest exercise. Here, IFBB professional Stan Efferding shows you the correct mechanical chest position during the 30 degree incline bench press. Look at this: Stan lifts the sternum as high as possible and pulls the shoulder blades back and down with each repetition. This creates a strong stretch in the chest throughout the range of motion and maximizes tension on the muscle fibers in the chest. Stan also maintains this mechanical position in the upper bench press position. That’s what you need! Once you bring your shoulders forward during a chest exercise, you lose the tension in your chest and transfer it to your shoulders and triceps. Some bodybuilders, like. B. Ronnie Coleman, only do the bottom two-thirds of their chest exercises because this is where the most breast growth occurs. Just look at Ronnie Coleman pressing 500 pounds: Ronnie pretty much ignores the top half of the bench press! Why is Ronnie doing this? The reason is simple: a mechanical exercise position! Ronnie knows that the chest develops best in a stretched position with a deep load and a high chest, so he focuses exclusively on this part of the bench press. Ronnie Coleman had the second largest chest in the history of bodybuilding (just behind Arnold Schwarzenegger), and I don’t think that’s a coincidence. In reality, you can modify any chest exercise to make it more effective by pushing your sternum up and your shoulder blades down and back. If you learn to maintain this position while performing compound and isolated chest exercises, you will get better breast development. Strategy 2: It’s getting really scary with this! word-image-9963 The most important factor in caring for a stunted body part is to use the right exercises for your body. If you don’t feel your breasts working when you do basic exercises, it doesn’t matter what volume, frequency or intensity you use: Her boobs will never grow! What’s the solution? As Dante Trudel says, the decision to be with this one is very strange. This means changing the old exercises and using new ones where you can actually create tension in your chest. One of the most overrated chest exercises in the world is the bench press. Bench pressing was great for Arnold Schwarzenegger, but it doesn’t do much for most people. Additionally, the flat bench causes more upper body injuries than all other exercises combined. Don’t get me wrong: the flat bench is a great exercise! But if you are trying to firm up sagging breasts, there are better options. Legendary bodybuilder Dorian Yates was a big fan of the bench press and the incline. Throughout his career he has used both with great success. Dorian rightly points out that the variations in incline and decline train the chest more, while putting less strain on the tendons of the pectoral muscles and causing far less injury. Flat, incline and decline dumbbell presses are also a much better choice than the flat bench press. They offer the chest muscles a greater range of motion and involve more motor units and muscle fibers in the chest muscles than dumbbell exercises. However, training the pectoral muscles is not limited to using the same incline / 30 degree drop every time. In fact, the chest can contract at any angle, whether downhill or steeply uphill. If you never experiment with dumbbell parallel squats, 15-degree dumbbell presses, 60-degree dumbbell presses, etc., you’re leaving a TON of chest growth on the table. Here, IFBB pro Ben Pakulski talks about the concept: Ben rightly points out that the chest can contract at different angles. If your breasts aren’t growing, you MUST start experimenting with these different angles to work the dormant muscle fibers in your chest. One of the most popular chest exercises is the dumbbell swing. With this exercise you get a big chest stretch in the low position of the movement. It is also one of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s favorite chest exercises. Unfortunately, many people get poor results from this exercise. The low position can put a lot of pressure on the shoulders and chest tendons, while the high position puts little pressure on the chest muscles. A much better option for most bodybuilders is the chain fly, made popular by bodybuilding coach Josh Bryant. Here is an excellent video demonstration: This is a perfect example of how to get really crazy with it! The chains make the exercise easier in the low position where you are weaker and harder in the high position where you are stronger. In other words: The gears are ridiculously heavy at every point in the range of motion! The chains also make the exercise much safer. You can stretch your pecs considerably without worrying about overloading your shoulders or chest tendons in the down position. I think you’ll be shocked how hard your chest works when you first try this exercise. Strategy #3: Exercise Sequences word-image-9964 Let’s say you’re doing everything right in terms of exercises, but your breasts still aren’t growing. They use a correct mechanical posture, with the sternum high and the shoulder blades lowered and pulled back, to obtain maximum chest extension during each exercise. They are also very enthusiastic and use a wide range of chest angles/exercises where you can really feel your chest working. What are you doing now? The next step is to make sure you have the right sequence of exercises for your chest. This is something John Meadows has perfected in his mountain dog training program. John divides his chest training into 4 different phases to encourage as much chest growth as possible while avoiding injury:

  • Phase 1: Pre-pump/activation phase
  • Phase 2: Explosion phase
  • Phase Three: Supramaximal pump phase
  • Phase Four: Stretch phase

John starts his chest workout with a routine where he can really feel his chest working. John has a lot of fun doing dumbbell and hammer presses at different angles in sets of 8-12 reps. This first stage aims to establish a good connection between the mind and the pectoral muscles and drives the blood to the working muscle. The second phase is called the explosion phase. This is where you do heavier sets of 5-8 reps on a meat and potatoes chest exercise, such as. B. the 30 degree barbell. Through trial and error, John has found that doing the dumbbell exercises second in his program, after warming up and preparing for the first exercise, gives the best results. After the explosive phase, John goes straight into the supramaximal pump phase. John’s goal is to take and perform the exercises and pump up his chest as much as possible. John likes to perform high intensity bodybuilding techniques such as drop sets, partial reps or iso holds in the last work set. That’s when you get really mad and put your foot down. Finally, John finishes his chest muscle workout with an exercise that effectively stretches the muscle. Exercises such as cable swings, push-ups with extension, chest presses and dumbbell presses with the hand in the extension position are all acceptable. Performing a stretching exercise at the end of your workout, after your muscles are already perfused, is a great strategy to further stimulate growth. There are many ways to do chest exercises, but John’s system is one of the best. It’s definitely worth a try if you struggle to feel your chest during large compound exercises like the barbell squat. Strategy #4: Frequency of training word-image-9965 We looked at the main strategies for chest training, such as. B. The correct mechanical position for chest exercises, the odd selection of exercises and the sequence of exercises for maximum growth. If you are doing all this but your breasts are still not growing, you can try advanced breast shaping strategies. One of the best strategies for getting a lagging body part back on track is to increase the frequency of your workouts. Most advanced bodybuilders train each body part once a week in a typical bodybuilding pen pattern. For example: Typical bodybuilding splits

  • Monday: Chest
  • Tuesday: Biceps
  • Wednesday: Feet
  • Thursday: On the website
  • Friday: Shoulders / Triceps
  • Saturday: Back
  • Sunday: On the website

There is nothing wrong with such a low frequency training split. Most professional bodybuilders use something similar. However, if you have a body part that is overdue, working out once a week may not be the best solution. Let’s look at a few different ways to increase your training frequency. One of the easiest strategies is to add an extra chest workout to one of your other training days. For example: Chest workout with delayed split

  • Monday: Chest
  • Tuesday: Biceps
  • Wednesday: Feet
  • Thursday: On the website
  • Friday: Shoulders / Triceps (extra chest)
  • Saturday: Back
  • Sunday: On the website

Add an extra shoulder and tricep workout to your day with this split. It can be as simple as adding one or two exercises at the end of the workout for a relatively higher number of reps. Even if you use light weights, that extra day of exercise can be very beneficial in rebuilding sagging breasts. John Meadows often uses a similar strategy to lift a sagging chest. For example: John Meadows Split Chest Workout

  • Monday: Feet
  • Tuesday: Chest / Shoulders
  • Wednesday: On the website
  • Thursday: Back
  • Friday: Breastfeeding day
  • Saturday: Weapons
  • Sunday: On the website

If you train with John and your chest lags, he may ask you to do an extra chest workout at the end of the week. This pumping workout consists of exercises that are easy on the joints and performed with lots of repetitions. Barbell, dumbbell and rope exercises are suitable for this workout. Heavy barbell exercises like the bench press – no! If you want to get rid of the weight distribution and train each body part more than once a week, there are several ways to do it. Dorian Yates used a non-traditional training regime where he trained each muscle group once every 6 days. Look at this: Dorian Yates Formation Splitting

  • Day 1: Chest / Biceps
  • Day 2: Feet
  • Day 3: On the website
  • Day 4: Shoulders / Triceps
  • Day 5: Back / rear deltoids
  • Day Six: On the website
  • Day 7: Say it again.

Dorian opted for a traditional bodybuilder split, combining several training days and scrapping one of the extra rest days. The result is a training split where you can train each muscle group once every 6 days, while using a wide range of exercises for each muscle group. Training with Dorian is like the best of both worlds! If your chest (or any other body part) is lagging, this can be a great split workout to get it back up to speed. Another good format of high frequency training is the 4 day format for press/pull/legs. This is a bit of an odd distribution, but it allows you to train each muscle group about once every 5 days. For example: Four day split: bench press / deadlift / legs

  • Monday: Chest / Shoulders / Triceps
  • Wednesday: Feet
  • Friday: Back / Biceps
  • Saturday: Chest / Shoulders / Triceps

With this split, just alternate push, pull and leg exercises. All the muscle groups you trained on Monday will be trained again on Saturday. This split is ideal for bodybuilders because it allows you to train the stunted muscle groups every 5 days. It’s also easy to do an extra workout that day for the weak body. Another good high frequency split to try is Poliquin’s 5 day split. For example: Polyquina Five-day split

  • Day 1: Arms / Shoulders
  • Day 2: Feet
  • Day 3: On the website
  • Day 4: Chest / Back
  • Day 5: On the website
  • Day Six: Say it again.

With this approach, you train each muscle group once every 5 days. With this split, you can also use antagonistic muscle groups, such as. B. Chest and back, train together. It was Arnold Schwarzenegger’s favorite strategy, and he seemed to know a thing or two about building large breasts. Arnold performed antagonistic supersets with exercises such as bench press and pull-ups or dumbbell swings and cable pull-ups. In summary, there are a number of different high frequency workouts you can use to firm up your sagging breasts. You can add additional chest muscle exercises at the end of the week, or use an entirely new split to train each body part more than once a week. These high-frequency splits are not mandatory, but can be very effective in getting stuck body parts, such as…… breasts, in order. Strategy #5: High-intensity training techniques word-image-9966 If you are doing everything right, but your breasts are still not growing, the traditional 3 sets of 10 exercises will not be enough. You should train until you fail and continue with different high intensity training methods. What these high-intensity training methods have in common is that they make the chest work harder by extending the tension time in the set after the muscle has succumbed. Here are some of the most effective high-intensity workouts for firming sagging breasts:

  • Advance
  • After the exhaust.
  • Forced rehearsals
  • Rest stop
  • Extreme Stretch

If these intense workout methods don’t make your breasts grow, then nothing will! Let’s take a closer look at them. High intensity technique #1: Prior signature procedure The pre-exhaustion method is a high-intensity training method where you perform an isolation exercise immediately followed by a compound exercise. Isolation exercises isolate the target muscle, while compound exercises overload the muscle with more weight, causing the target muscle to work the hardest and fail first. Here’s a brutal pre-stretch triset that John Meadows had performed by IFBB pro Ken Jackson at the end of his chest workout. Look at this: Here is the exact protocol for this tri-set if you don’t want to watch the whole video:

  • A1 : Pectoral extension machine, 1 x 10-15, 1/0/1/0, without rest
  • A2: cable pulley / chest press**, 1 x 10-15, 1/0/1/0, no rest
  • A3 : Incline weight machine Hammer with bands, 1 x 10-15, 1/0/1/0, rest as needed

**Execute as a hybrid between the cable swing and cable chest press. Talk about a cheeky triset! Ken does an isolation exercise until he fails with a few more forced reps, then goes right on to two compound chest exercises. This is a great way to make sure you are using your pecs during full body exercises. High intensity technique #2: Post sign method The post-processing method is in many ways the opposite of the pre-processing method. In this method, you perform a compound exercise after the exercise, which is immediately followed by an isolation exercise for the targeted muscle group. Studies show that the post-workout method is actually better for building muscle mass than the pre-workout method. It’s so powerful! Here’s an example of a post-workout chest workout you can try. Look at this:

  • A1 : Bench press at a 30-degree angle, 4 x 6-8, 3/0/X/0, 180 seconds rest.
  • B1 : Power Press with flat hammer, 3 x 10-12, 2/0/X/0, 10 seconds rest
  • B2: crossover with cable (high pulley), 3 x 12-15, 2/0/X/1, 120 seconds rest

The post-exercise method is used for the last 2 years of this routine. You do a power press superset with a flat hammer and a cable crossover with a high pull. The isolation exercise allows you to increase your overall chest tension after you fail in a compound exercise. T This is a great way of exercising to get your sagging breasts back in order. High intensity technique #3: Forced repetitions Forced reps are a high-intensity training method in which your training partner helps you perform 1 to 3 additional reps of the exercise after your muscles have succumbed. Your training partner helps you lift the weight in a concentric range, and you lower the weight yourself in a controlled manner. These extra forced reps are incredibly effective in creating neurological adaptation and muscle adaptation. In other words, they help build strength and size at the same time. It’s not a bad deal! Here Stan Efferding demonstrates perfectly forced reps on the incline press with dumbbells. Look at this: Stan can do eight perfect reps by himself. On the 9th. He fails a few times and his training partner helps him perform 4 more forced reps in a row. These forced reps are so effective because they are actually a form of eccentric training. They help you increase your eccentric strength level after you reach concentric failure. Here Stan Efferding talks about the importance of using forced reps in training: So you have to go to the limit, do forced reps, give it your all and put your body in a state it has never been in before, so it adapts and gets bigger and stronger. Everything else is unimportant in comparison. I couldn’t have said it better myself! High intensity technique #4: Sets with rest The rest interval series is a high intensity training method invented by bodybuilding coach Dante Trudel. The basic idea is to train to failure three times in a row in the same exercise, with only 20 to 30 seconds of rest between each attempt. Yes, pause sentences are as brutal as they sound! Here Dusty Henshaw demonstrates the perfect setup for bench pressing: As you can see, Dusty uses the same weight on all three tests. He gets 8 reps on the first attempt, 4 reps on the second attempt and 2 reps on the third attempt. Immediately after the last attempt, Dusty does a static weightlifting move. This is something you can do if you are an advanced bodybuilder and really know what you are doing. Statically, the tension time of the series is further increased and your muscles are eccentrically overloaded. Usually when doing a rest set you want to fail somewhere between 7 and 10 reps on your first attempt, but you can go up to 15 or even 20 reps before failing if you really want to. Rest sets have many of the same benefits as forced reps: They allow you to break down your target muscle in a very short period of time while stimulating growth in size and strength. The only downside to rest-pause sets is that you can only do one such set per exercise. If you can do two consecutive sets with a break, it means you didn’t go far enough on the first try! High intensity technique #5: Extreme rack I saved the best for last! If you’ve tried everything to grow your breasts and they’re still not moving, it’s time to try extreme stretching. The extreme stretch is essentially a weighted stretch performed in the lower chest exercise position. One of the most popular methods of extreme chest stretching is to hold the lower barbell swing for 60-90 seconds. Here’s Dusty Henshaw demonstrating this technique to perfection: Why on earth would anyone do that? The reason is simple: Extreme stretching is one of the most powerful hypertrophy training tools you can use. Many people have completely transformed their weak body parts simply by incorporating extreme stretching into their routine. Here are 6 benefits of extreme stretching:

  1. They stimulate mTOR, a switch for protein synthesis…
  2. You’re overworking your rapidly recruiting muscle fibers…
  3. They increase blood flow and cause hyperemia in the muscles.
  4. You release anabolic hormones in your muscles.
  5. You are **potentially** stretching the fascia that surrounds your muscles.
  6. You are **potentially** stimulating hyperplasia in your muscles.

I recommend doing this extreme chest stretch at the very end of your workout. Dante Trudel recommends doing a full body stretch longer than 60 seconds, and strength trainer Christian Thibadeau recommends doing 3-4 easy, submaximal stretches for each body part. The choice is yours. Just make sure your chest is already very tired and full of blood before you try it. Trying to do extreme stretching at the beginning of your workout will only get you into trouble. Supplement word-image-9967 It’s time to turn your sagging breasts into one of your strongest body parts! In this guide, I outline the top five strategies you can use to replenish your soggy treasure chest:

  • Strategy # 1: Mechanical training position
  • Strategy #2: It gets really weird with this thing.
  • Strategy #3: Practice sequences
  • Strategy #4: Frequency of training
  • Strategy #5: High intensity training techniques

One of the most important strategies is to choose the exercises that best suit your body, perform them with the right mechanical posture and in the right order so that you really feel your chest working. If you do all these things well, it may be time to play with more advanced strategies, such as. B. Increase training frequency or use high-intensity training methods. If you follow the information in this article, you will be well on your way to a fuller, more powerful chest. You may not become like Arnold Schwarzenegger overnight, but even he had to start somewhere! So, what are you waiting for? Go back to the gym and train your chest the way you want to! Whatever you pursue, many people will tell you it is not possible. But all it takes is imagination. You are dreaming. You will. You can reach us. Thanks for reading and good luck with your strength training! Dr. Mike Jansen. I am the creator and owner of Revolutionary Program Design. I help advanced athletes take their training to the next level and achieve results they didn’t even know they had.

Latest materials

link zu Klebepunkte beim Bankdrücken beseitigen! Destroy your bench press blocks! Bench pressing is one of the most popular exercises in the world. It’s also one of the hardest exercises to do. Most people have a bench press stumbling block that limits them….. a link to Chad Wesley Smith’s powerlifting program! Chad Wesley Smith’s powerlifting program! Chad Wesley Smith is one of the brightest minds in the modern fitness industry. Chad has competed in three sports at the highest level: Shot put, powerlifting and triathlon.

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GG #4 (Peace In the Air)

The air in the world is changing, and we as a species are changing with it. The temperatures are getting warmer, the icecaps are melting, and our actions are causing a cascade of climate change scenarios that are already having a damaging impact. But, as the Nobel Peace Prize winning author of the book, Peaceable Kingdom, puts it – “Climate change will not be a weapon of mass destruction, but a weapon of mass transformation”.

I’ve been looking for a blog to share my thoughts and ideas about peace. I’ve been reading a lot of “Peace” books and listening to a lot of “peace” music. I’ve been looking for a way to put it all together and bring it to life. So, I’m going to start a new blog. I’ll make it a place where I can write out my thoughts, share what I’ve learned, and add to the collective wisdom of the Internet. I’m going to call it Peace in the Air.

When this quarantine began, a quiet vacation on a digital island seemed like the most appropriate option, but I ended up losing my shirt on a bad turnip deal, and now I’m deeply involved in the raccoon gang. I don’t even know how it happened. What is my financial responsibility for infrastructure projects such as bridges and ramps? I don’t even use those weird people who keep showing up and getting rude if I happen to talk to them twice in one day. Yeah, I’m looking at you, Tammy! That’s why your garden is now filled with garbage bags and flamingos! Who knew Animal Crossing could be so intense? Here, let’s put some peace in the air and Chil… Excuse me. BECAUSE YOU’RE AN ASSHOLE, TAMERA! !! Oh, here we go. Here are your mother’s earrings, please. word-image-8491 Peace In the Air is a I71 store located at 2118 18th St NW in Washington DC that promotes their favorite local hip-hop artists. Delivery is also possible! Buy tracks from their downloadable album, support local music and get free weed if you want.  And if you use the code TOKER at checkout, you’ll get $20 off and a free preroll from the company! word-image-8492 Today we take a look at GG#4 from Peace In the Air. My gift was wrapped with a collection of knots of several half-grams (or so) around a button that weighed over an ounce – quite acceptable for an eighth. Tiny trichomes cover the surface of these light green fluffy buds, from which numerous dark red hairs of oxidised iron protrude. Much of the sugar leaf remained on the buds, although the excess stems were carefully cut off. The humidity is within the maximum range and not too dry. Overall, the bag feels good. This GG#4 has a solid, woody aroma with a hint of pepper contributing to the flavor. The smoke is light, clear and fairly even. No nasty bite, no nasty cough. Theoretically, you could give it to your grandmother to smoke. I don’t even know if she smokes. But if she does, she’ll love it. Why don’t you call more often? Remember when Billy grew up across the street? She met her mom at Safeway and would love to tell you about it. word-image-8493 Peace In the Air GG#4 tends towards indica. The power is enough to put me in a good mood and relieve some anxiety, but not too much. If you smoke it during the day, you don’t fall asleep, but you also don’t think about anything heavy. Better yet, save it for when you’re ready to relax while watching What We Do in the Shade, because this flower is a bit of a laugh riot, if you know what I mean. Overall, Gentleman is quite pleased with this flower. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. Come on, Guillermo. Today we fly! The post GG #4 (Peace In the Air) appeared first on .

Frequently Asked Questions

What does GG slang mean?

With a name like GG, the GG tag is surely one of the most unique in the GG scene. The most common meaning of GG is “Good Game”. And it is. But GG stands for more than just “Good Game”. It is a moniker of respect, a way of letting the other person know that you are fully aware of their dominance over the game. Now there is a term that is difficult to define, yet very important: GG.  GG is used to let the GG#1 know that you’re aware of their superiority in the game. Getting “GG” is a slang term that means “get goo-gah”. The slang is mainly used on forums, but the term has become more and more popular these days. In English, the slang is used to show approval of a post. It is often used on Facebook groups, subreddits, and other social media platforms. For example, in Facebook, someone posts a “nice photo”. Someone will respond with “GG” to show approval. ~ ~ ~ About me: I’m Lexy, a college student and blogger. I have been blogging since about 2010, and I blog about anything I feel like, including writing tips, college reviews, and such. You can find me at: https://lexylle.

Is GG a bad word?

I always find it interesting when people are triggered by a four letter word. Before the internet, ‘G’ and ‘G’ alone were greetings, you could get an ‘agreement’ from someone and vice versa with just saying it out loud. Over the years the usage of the word has changed and there are many more offensive ways to use it. I asked my friends what they thought about it and here’s what they had to say. “GG” has been a hot topic lately, mostly because of the controversy surrounding the hashtag.  I first noticed the hashtag because  a post  was being shared on Twitter by  @DisneyDCPat, the official Twitter account of Disney Movies & TV, and later on by  @DisneyDCPat again, this time about the video game  Kingdom Hearts  3. I followed the tweet, and it led me to a  blog post  about the movie  Star Wars  (I didn’t realize it was from a Disney blog, and I wasn’t looking for it, so I thought it was from a movie blog). After reading the blog post, I found out that the

What does GG mean to a girl?

Girls have a way of knowing when a guy is a player, but what about when he’s a keeper? That’s when GG comes in. What does the #GG heart symbol mean? GG stands for “Girl Gets Guys”, and it can stand for many things. Maybe it’s a girl who is confident enough to approach a guy, and gets what she wants. Maybe it’s a girl who can’t get a guy to open up to her, no matter how hard she tries. GG might be a girl who has the confidence to open up to a guy, and make him realize that he’s wanted her all along. That girl is GG – and she gets the guy. I am a girl who grew up in and out of foster care in a series of different homes. When I was 12 I was in a stable home for about two years. Then I was removed. I have been out of the system for about 3 years now.


CbdMD Botanicals Debuts Luxury CBD Skincare Product Line

CBD is one of the most exciting, buzzy new areas in the world of natural health, and it’s now getting its first luxury stage: CbdMD Botanicals, the first line of CBD skincare products. The line, which is exclusive to cannabidiol-rich cannabis, is made by a team of Colorado-based experts who have devoted years to researching and testing the benefits of CBD. The line includes a high-quality CBD balm (for lips and body), a CBD-infused lip balm, a CBD-infused serum, a CBD-infused moisturizer, and a CBD-infused oil. CBD is gaining a lot of attention for its medicinal effects, and the CbdMD Bot

CBDMD Botanicals is a brand new botanical skincare company that is reinventing the way beauty products are designed. The founder/CEO, Kyle Godfrey, has over 20 years experience in the skincare industry, and has been perfecting his own proprietary formulas since 2004. He’s worked under the guidance of some of the most renowned beauty experts in the world to create a superb line of skin care products that harness the healing properties of CBD, known for its restorative benefits on the skin.

word-image-8512 – display CbdMD has launched a new line of broad spectrum skin care products, taking a monumental step forward in the beauty industry. CbdMD, a well-known CBD-based health and wellness company based in Charlotte, North Carolina, is celebrating its entry into the beauty world. They have launched 15 new luxurious cosmetic products made from patented, all-natural nutrients and plant oils. The Cbd® brand offers body care products such as scrubs, facial oils and serums, facial masks, moisturizers and toners. According to Martin Sumihrast, co-president and president of CbdMD, CbdMD Botanicals contains a super potent proprietary CBD formula with a broad spectrum of effects. Cbd® is a luxurious, natural skin care line formulated with all-natural nutrients and botanical oils. The best thing about these products is that they infuse your skin with luxurious botanical ingredients and enhance the balance of your daily personal care routine. Cbd® botanicals are safely formulated and contain no parabens, GMOs, gluten, cruelty or vegan ingredients. Botanicals is known for offering luxurious botanicals at a great price and with optimal effectiveness. Since CbdMD has a proven track record of providing consumers with the best CBD products, you can rest assured that these products are extremely powerful and reliable. CbdMD Botanicals is currently available for purchase on the company’s official website –

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This Could Be the Next Big Cannabis Buyout Target

After years of publicly railing against the public use of cannabis, Canada’s largest pharmaceutical companies are increasingly turning their attention to the cannabis industry. It appears that, despite the country’s current stance on the substance, the country’s largest pharmaceutical companies are looking to take advantage of the growing demand for cannabis.

Altria Group (NYSE: MO) is a company that has been in the US tobacco market for a very long time. As the largest tobacco company in the world, it has been involved in the tobacco industry for over 100 years. The company is also the owner of Philip Morris International which recently acquired the Israeli company EZ-GO. It is expected that Altria will start supplying cannabis to the US market in the near future, which would be a major development in the US cannabis market.

When a stock goes up 47% in one day, it’s time to pay attention. GW Pharmaceutical (NASDAQ: GWPH), one of the world’s largest cannabis biotech companies, did just that on March 3. February was marked by the announcement that GW had been acquired by a leading pharmaceutical company, Jazz Pharmaceutical (NASDAQ: JAZZ). With this news, GW shares rose 47% in one day to a new high. GW Pharmaceutical (NASDAQ: GWPH) 12-Month Chart word-image-8548 The agreement with GW is part of a growing trend. Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the cannabis sector are on the rise.

  • The 16th. December 2020, two of Canada’s largest cannabis companies, Tilray (NASDAQ: TLRY) and Aphria (NYSE: APHA), announced a $4 billion merger, creating one of the largest cannabis companies in the world. Tilray’s shares jumped nearly 50% on the news.
  • The 22nd. December 2020 US multi-state operator AYR Strategies (OTC: AYRWF) announced an agreement to acquire Liberty Health Sciences (OTC: LHSIF) for $290m. Liberty Health shares rose 60% on the news.

Looking ahead, I see a strong possibility that 2021 will be a banner year for cannabis M&A. I think we are going to see some mega deals in the next six months. Investors are now asking themselves an important question. Which cannabis stocks will be next to jump on the buying wave? One of the cannabis stocks seems to be the perfect buying target. This company is :

  • is already active in six states
  • Market leader in high-growth Arizona
  • with impressive sales growth
  • Undervalued compared to competitors

Harvest Health and Recreation (CSE: HARV, OTC: HRVSF)

Harvest, headquartered in Tempe, Arizona, is one of the largest cannabis companies in the United States, with a market capitalization of $1 billion and operations in six states. The company has 36 retail locations, 12 processing and cultivation locations, 15 retail locations in AZ, 8 medical pharmacies in PA and 6 medical pharmacies in FL. This early leadership in Arizona’s medical cannabis market is expected to be a powerful catalyst for growth. Arizona voted to legalize recreational cannabis in November 2020, and the state is expected to become one of the largest cannabis markets in the United States. Harvest has the opportunity to benefit from this growth, as companies with medical licenses are typically the first to be authorized to sell recreational cannabis. This puts Harvest in an ideal position to benefit from the legalization of recreational cannabis in Arizona.

3 reasons why Harvest is a good buyTarget

#1 – The crop has the right size to release

With a market value of $1 billion, Harvest is technically one of the largest cannabis companies in the United States. However, it is significantly smaller than industry giants such as Curaleaf (OTC: CURLF), which has a market value of $9.5 billion, and Green Thumb Industries (OTC: GTBIF), which has a market value of $6.2 billion. Harvest’s low market value compared to the largest companies in the sector makes it a potential takeover target.

#2 – Harvest provides quick and easy access to new markets

The purchase of Harvest allows the larger competitor to quickly and easily enter some of the fastest growing cannabis markets in the US, including Arizona, Pennsylvania and Florida.

#3 – Harvest for sale

Over the past six months, Harvest shares have risen significantly thanks to impressive revenue growth and an uptick in the broader cannabis sector. But despite this sharp rise, the stock is still 70% below its all-time high in March 2019. That means Harvest is for sale and trading at a steep discount to its highest price in two years. Harvest biennial health and recreation plan (CSE: HARV, OTC: HRVSF) word-image-8549 Members ofCannabis Stock Trades are betting on Harvest’s sharp rise. word-image-8550 The second one. In September, we alerted them that we would be adding Harvest stock to our cannabis stock portfolio. Since adding this position, Harvest shares are up 158%. If you want to know when we add or remove cannabis stocks from our portfolio, sign up for a free two-week trial.

Overview of performance and potential for return

Merger and acquisition activity in the cannabis sector is increasing. Harvest seems like the perfect target for redemption. The company is smaller than the largest U.S. cannabis companies, an acquisition would be a quick and easy way for a larger competitor to enter new markets, and the stock is on a tear, trading 70% below the all-time high it reached in March 2019. All factors considered, 2021 should be a great year for Harvest, with strong tailwinds for the stock. *Author Michael Vodicka owns shares in Harvest Health and Recreation (HRVSF). Best,Michael Water Editor, Cannabis Effects Trading

About the author and cannabis stock trading

Michael Wodicka is an equity analyst with over 20 years of trading and investment experience. His research has received attention in some of the industry’s most respected publications. He has been investing and managing investors in the cannabis sector since 2013. word-image-8551 Mr. Vodicka offers his experience and advice to Cannabis Stock Trades members. Sign up for Cannabis Stock Trades and receive exclusive analysis from Mr. Water, trade alerts and a sample portfolio.

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Big Growth Coming for Tiny Pot Stock

The niche market for marijuana-connected companies is still very small, but it’s gathering a lot of steam. In recent weeks, two companies with large market caps have made significant headlines.

As you may know, cannabis stocks are extremely volatile and difficult to trade in, due to the nature of the marijuana industry. However, a new cannabis product is emerging that is making waves in the industry.  This product, Potbox, is a cannabis concentrate unit that has been gaining popularity in the industry.  Potbox is a small, discreet, and portable unit that requires no assembly or prep work.  The Potbox comes with a pre-filled cartridge and contains a quality flower.  The unit is managed by an app on your phone which allows you to track your inventory and monitor your consumption.  While a completely new concept, the product is growing in popularity.  Now, it appears that another company

George Leong, BA. Published on 18. May 2021 word-image-8563

OrganiGram shares have a high risk/return ratio

Weed shares are under pressure after reaching multi-year highs in mid-February during a wave of buying triggered by Reddit. The vast majority of marijuana stocks have experienced a correction of more than 30-60% from their February levels. Such is the case with OrganiGram Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:OGI), a vertically integrated producer of medicinal and recreational cannabis. OrganiGram is currently a pure player in the Canadian herbal market and has a small presence in Germany and Israel. The company does not currently have the capacity to enter the potentially huge cannabis market in the United States. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if OrganiGram opened a facility there as the country continues to legalize recreational firearms.

Reduced but not eliminated for OGI actions

OrganiGram shares were listed on Feb. 11 at $6.45, but the next three months were unforgiving for OrganiGram Holdings Inc. OGI stock has lost 60% since February, even though it is up 88% this year. In the chart below, OrganiGram is trading cautiously in a narrow sideways channel bounded by the 50-day moving average as resistance and the 200-day moving average around $2.00. A drop in OGI stock to its 200-day moving average, which is a 17% drop from its current price, would be a good opportunity. The key level has held up in the past as well. word-image-3584 Graph courtesy of

Revenue is expected to increase and profitability is in sight

OrganiGram Holdings Inc reports for the year ended 31. the fiscal year ended August. The company’s revenues increased from C$6.1 million in 2016 to C$86.8 million in 2020, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 95%. Revenue growth fell to 7.9% during the 2020 COVID 19 pandemic and is expected to continue to decline this year.

Fiscal year Revenue (millions of Canadian dollars) Growth
2016 $6.1 N/A
2017 $5.4 -12.1%
2018 $12.4 130.6%
2019 $80.4 547.0%
2020 $86.8 7.9%

(Source: OrganiGram Holdings Inc MarketWatch, last accessed May 14, 2021). Analysts estimate that OrganiGram’s sales will decline 16.8% to $72.2 million in 2021, depending on the economic recovery in Canada, where the pandemic remains a major concern. (Source: OrganiGram Holdings Inc (OGI), Yahoo! Finance, last accessed May 14, 2021). The good news is that there are signs of economic improvement in Canada. Not surprisingly, analysts expect OrganiGram’s revenue to increase 57.8% to C$113.9 million in 2022. Right now, the most important thing for OrganiGram is the revenue stream and the ability to control costs and reduce losses. OrganiGram has reported negative earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) for the past four years, but I expect things to improve as the company reduces costs and increases revenues.

Fiscal year EBITDA (millions of Australian dollars) Growth
2016 $1.7 N/A
2017 -$8.2 -568.1%
2018 -$11.9 -45.5%
2019 -$60.3 -407.2%
2020 -$161.7 -168.1%

(Source: MarketWatch, op. cit.) OrganiGram Holdings Inc. is making a loss on both a GAAP and adjusted earnings per share (EPS) basis.

Fiscal year GAAP diluted earnings per share (C$) Growth
2016 $0.01 N/A
2017 -$0.11 -900.0%
2018 $0.16 244.4%
2019 -$0.07 -141.9%
2020 -$0.79 -1,064%

(Source: MarketWatch, op. cit.) As the company keeps its costs under control, we should see improvements. OrganiGram Holdings Inc. is expected to reduce its adjusted loss in 2021 to C$0.43 per diluted share. This is despite the fact that the company’s revenues will decline in 2021. (Source: Yahoo! Finance, op. cit.) This figure is expected to improve to a loss of C$0.08 per diluted share in 2022. OrganiGram had negative free cash flow, but the company’s focus on cost reduction should increase free cash flow.

Fiscal year Free cash flow (in millions of Canadian dollars) Growth
2016 -$6.6 36.7%
2017 -$40.2 -509.5%
2018 -$71.9 -79.0%
2019 -$148.8 -107.0%
2020 -$126.0 15.3%

(Source: MarketWatch, op. cit.)


In my opinion, OrganiGram Holdings Inc.’s projected revenue growth and trajectory to adjusted profitability by 2022 are encouraging. The performance of OrganiGram’s shares will largely depend on the recovery of the Canadian economy and continued vaccine sales. A final consideration is that the relatively small size of OrganiGram opens up the possibility of acquisitions.

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Beware of Bringing Cannabis Across the Canadian Border

You may have heard that a new law has come into effect in Canada that will allow Canadians to legally carry up to 30 grams of marijuana and use it in public. This policy has been in the works for some time, but the implementation of the law doesn’t mean that everyone is safe to do so. The new law provides for punishment of up to 14 years in prison, for possession of 30 grams or more of marijuana. This is more than enough to put away for life, but what if you want to use marijuana in public? Your best bet is to not bring it across the border in the first place.

It’s 2018 and Canadians can grow a legal crop in their backyards. It’s a fact that cannabis legalization in Canada is going to be big news in 2018. But not all of the news is positive. Canadian border officials at ports of entry are warning Canadians that it is illegal to bring cannabis across the border. They even have a term for it: “importation”.

In 2018, Canada decided to legalize cannabis for adults across the country. Canada thus became the largest country ever to legalize cannabis for recreational/retail use by adults. Meanwhile, the legalization of cannabis in the United States is progressing at a steady pace. Few states still abide by the draconian federal ban on cannabis. Although access to medicinal or recreational cannabis is legal in many places in the United States, it is still illegal to transport cannabis across state lines.

If you have very little on you and you are in the United States, some officials will not bother you. However, they can do so if they wish. If you’re traveling back and forth between the United States and Canada, make sure you don’t have any weed with you. Just wait and buy cheap Canadian weed when you arrive at your destination. A good tip before leaving or arriving in Canada is to make a checklist for your luggage. Make sure you’re not wearing cannabis products. Check your pockets, and if you’re one of those people who likes to hide their stash in their socks or other odd places, make sure you don’t find it this time. Check all the compartments before you pack, because many of us use them as hiding places and may forget that there are spices in them. The last thing you want is to be arrested for a bag you thought you lost, but which the border guards found, confiscated and then fined you. Crossing the Canadian border with cannabis, whether entering or leaving the country, used to be punishable by fines and up to 14 years in prison in Canada. The Canada Border Services Agency, or CBSA, has announced new penalties for those caught possessing cannabis while crossing the Canadian border.

New penalties for transporting cannabis across the Canadian border

From 29. In March 2021, the Canada Border Services Agency will begin fining travellers. To legally transport cannabis across the Canadian border, you must have a valid exemption or permit. If the CBSA catches you crossing the border into or out of Canada, you could be costly. According to the CBSA, individuals who fail to declare cannabis or cannabis products when crossing the border may face fines and criminal prosecution. word-image-3585 The CBSA will impose fines on travelers who provide information to an official that is not truthful, accurate and complete, or who fail to declare imported goods containing cannabis. Undeclared cannabis or marijuana products shall be placed in custody without conditions for release. Individuals can face fines ranging from $200 to $2,000. The penalties depend on the severity, the history of non-compliance and the nature of the violation. In serious cases, the CBSA may still impose criminal penalties.

Do not take CBD

Not only can medicinal or recreational cannabis not be imported or exported across the Canadian border without a valid license or appropriate exemption from the Canadian government. This law also applies to CBD-containing products derived from medicinal cannabis, recreational cannabis or industrial hemp. Let’s get down to business: If you do not have the required identification, do not travel to or from Canada with cannabis in any form. Otherwise, you risk fines or even jail time, depending on the severity of the offense. Remember, you can buy cannabis once you get there, and Canada has absolutely fantastic cannabis! If you are coming to the US market from Canada, it is understandable that you would want to bring your own cannabis, as much of the US market is flooded with low quality products. Avoid temptation and do some research to find out where you can get fire. There are many artisan manufacturers in America who perfect the floral ladies and create a product of the highest quality. However, it can be hard to find because it flies off the shelves. A good product sells itself, it doesn’t need flashy advertising.

We hope the future will be different

Hopefully, with the first policy change in the United States in decades, new faces will help usher in an era when traveling with a legal drug will no longer be accompanied by fines, penalties and possible jail time. American politicians have been dividing the country for years. Imaginary lines define where we can and cannot go, what we can and cannot do. Perhaps in the future, when the U.S. federal government decides to reform its draconian laws, we will see a change in cannabis crossover laws. But don’t take any chances yet!


Ashley Priest is a patient, mother, entrepreneur and activist fighting for the abolition of drug prohibition around the world, for a better future for all. Ashley is passionate about sharing knowledge about the divine plant that is cannabis. She believes that one seed can make all the difference and that together, through education, we can end the stigma that prevents cannabis from reaching its full potential worldwide.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is forbidden to bring to Canada?

We all know that if you’re caught with marijuana in Canada you can be detained and fined, but what about other banned items? Here’s a list of things that you can’t bring into Canada. We’ve done our research and want to keep you safe. You can bring cannabis into Canada without having a medical marijuana card, but you cannot bring it across the Canadian border. If caught, the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) will confiscate your cannabis, and you could end up facing a jail sentence. But, you can get around this by purchasing it in Canada, and then travelling across the border. This is actually a much more complicated process than you might think.

Can I bring a machete into Canada?

Cannabis is currently federally illegal in Canada. So is there any way you can bring your machete and grow it? Well, there is a loophole in the law that allows you to have cannabis seeds and plants in your possession, but the plants must be no larger than a 30 cm (12 inch) plant. And no, you can’t bring your machete and chop up those plants and smoke it. If you’re a cannabis tourist, or you’re vacationing in Canada and want to bring your machete along for the ride, you’re going to need to be on your game. Not only is the country a multi-cultural, multi-religious society with over 300 distinct ethnic groups, but it’s also a nutty country.

Can you bring fireworks from US to Canada?

Do you know someone who wants to buy a firework for their upcoming birthday, but there are restrictions on what you can and cannot bring from the US to Canada? Well, this guide will explain in detail what the Canadian Border Service Agency (CBSA) allows you to import into Canada, and what you cannot. The Canadian border is a long, long way from the U.S. Despite the vast distance, it has long been a popular smuggling route. In fact, it’s long been a popular smuggling route for drugs, firearms, and just about anything else that can be fit into a suitcase.



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Marijuana Stocks July 2019 – Stocks Newswire

There are a lot of different types of marijuana stocks, and one of the most common types is a bit like an index fund. You can get a diversified portfolio of marijuana stocks that tracks an index of the entire industry, or you can take a pick-and-mix approach by picking individual companies that have certain qualities. It’s not a requirement, but your index fund will likely track the S&P 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average, since they are the most widely followed indices.

Marijuana stocks can be a profitable investment, but they face a lot of competition. Many companies are vying for your money, and the market is flooded with brokers offering various investment products. And those products are not cheap. Why not separate yourself from the pack and go for a reputable firm that offers a secure, hassle-free service with 24/7 customer support?


Marijuana Shares July 2019

The growth of the marijuana industry has given businesses in Canada and the U.S. huge growth opportunities thanks to government legalization. People interested in less risky stocks always prefer the big prices to buy cannabis-related stocks. The sector has grown in recent months and the U.S. stock market has been a success for many emerging marijuana companies. The NASDAQ was the world’s first electronic stock exchange, and many important stocks are listed on it. The stocks are low risk and contain all the necessary information about the companies. Here are some of the NASDAQ-listed marijuana stocks that have a bright future:

  • Atlantic Alliance Partnership Corporation (AAPC)

This company is currently in the process of merging with Kalyx Development Inc, a real estate brand in the regulated cannabis sector in the US. It is a newly formed company with a blank cheque in the British Virgin Islands. The partners of the company are not liable for more than the value of the shares they have paid up (limited liability). CSLA’s stock price is $10. Cara Therapeutics is a company that specializes in the development and commercialization of new chemical compounds for the treatment of conditions such as pain and itching. The company is currently researching cannabinoids for the treatment of neuropathic pain. The share price is currently $16.60.

  • Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings Inc. CRBP.

Corbus Pharmaceuticals Holdings Inc – Biotechnology company engaged in the research, development and production of cannabis compounds for the treatment of chronic diseases. The company even produces medical cannabis solutions to treat other conditions. This Canadian cannabis company has licensed cannabis production subsidiaries and manufacturing facilities. Altria announced a $1.8 billion investment in the company in December 2018. This will contribute to the development of the company’s current activities and give it more opportunities to expand its position.

  • GW Pharmaceuticals (GWPH)

This pharmaceutical company manufactures cannabinoid-based drugs for the treatment of various chronic diseases, including cancer pain, sclerosis and childhood epilepsy. The company has a good reputation in many parts of the world. The activity of this pharmaceutical company, specializing in medicinal cannabis, is broader and includes the production of the most effective cannabis-based medicines.

  • Insys Therapeutics Inc. INSY.

Insys is a specialist company that develops cannabinoid-based therapies for a variety of conditions, including Prader-Willi syndrome, epilepsy and amphetamine addiction. The company has received FDA approval for its drug to treat chemotherapy-induced nausea and anorexia in AIDS patients. The unique composition of the company’s drug list follows from the positive outlook for drugs in the future. The company is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing drugs based on cannabinoid technology. The company is working on indications for the treatment of fibromyalgia and low back pain. The stock is valued at $7.4 and is expected to grow thanks to the company’s positive results.

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UK Medical Cannabis Registry – First Study Results

Scientists from the UK have released the first study results from a registry of patients with chronic pain receiving medical cannabis in the UK, which shows that the majority of patients are using the medication to treat their pain. Widespread prescribing of medical marijuana has been debated in the UK for many years, as it isn’t approved by the UK government, though it is legal in many other countries.

One year ago, the UK’s Home Secretary announced plans to set up a medical cannabis research center. The proposed center will be a first-of-its-kind in the world and will focus on the non-smoked alternative to cannabis to help treat a wide range of medical conditions.

word-image-8578 420 Intel is the world’s leading source of cannabis information. Get the latest news on cannabis legalization, policy and technology, and the evolution of medical and recreational marijuana. Our goal is to bring you the most important cannabis news every day of the week. At 420 Intel, we know that effective coverage of the marijuana industry is an ongoing process. Every day there is news about the legalization of cannabis, technological developments and the medical benefits of marijuana use. Each new development has the potential to impact the marijuana industry regionally, nationally and internationally. 420 Intel is a marijuana industry news portal that keeps you up to date on these events and how they affect the world around you. Since the marijuana industry is constantly changing, you need an information channel that will keep you up to date with the latest information. At 420 Intel, we cover marijuana legalization news from around the world, provide reliable information to cannabis business owners, explain technological developments affecting the marijuana industry, report on marijuana gatherings around the world, and everything else. You can get 420 Intel news delivered straight to your inbox by subscribing to our daily cannabis news to keep up to date with the ever-changing cannabis industry. To stay up to date on marijuana legalization, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

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