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5 Ways to Use Coffee in your Cooking

Coffee. An elixir to many, a cardinal companion to more. Every day, millions prefer to greet their day with this gift from nature in several forms; Hot, strong and black or smoothly blended with ice, sugar and cream. Carefully roasted grounds slowly dripped to perfection or instant powder hastily heaped and hastily dumped in to a steaming mug of milk, coffee is mainly considered to be a beverage and is mostly consumed that way. In our imagination, what would a good cop movie be without a stale pot of coffee sitting in the corner or a cold evening in Italy without an espresso shot? But it’s always imagined to be a beverage. Well, it could be so much more.

5 ways to reimagine your favorite day and night beverage:

A handful of ground coffee beans could add a new twist to your meat marinades. Throw in some ground coffee with equal amounts of chili powder along with your other usual marinade ingredients and taste the birth of a new favorite meat marinade. Be it beef or pork, coffee tends to bring out the flavor of the meat. Remember, coffee lends a strong flavor. Its fellow ingredients should be picked with this in mind. Experiment by pairing it with soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce or even peanut sauce.

Though usually there is no such thing as having brewed too much coffee, there will be days when this happens. Do not throw away the leftover coffee. Step away from the sink and make an exotic barbecue sauce. Combine brewed coffee, ketchup and vinegar with sautéed onions and garlic and add salt and pepper to taste. Coffee will bring its own brand of richness to the sauce’s color and taste. The stainless steel french press is the winner with regards to full-bodied, rich-tasting coffee. Don’t have brewed coffee but you still want to try something like this? Dissolve instant regular coffee or instant espresso powder in water and cook away.

The last place you would expect coffee to be is on a big, fat, juicy cheeseburger. And yet, it got there too. Make a glaze with instant coffee, Worcestershire sauce, corn syrup and brown sugar. Stack a mighty cheeseburger, top it off with a spicy sauce and glaze it with this aromatic concoction and just, well, bite.

How could we limit coffee’s presence to just meat sauces? It makes a mean fudge sauce too. Bring together instant espresso powder and brewed coffee to make a delightful hot fudge sauce that you can drizzle on top of cakes, brownies, ice creams or anywhere your imaginative faculty takes you. Heat unsalted butter, sugar, unsweetened cocoa powder, a pinch of salt, the espresso and brewed coffee mix, boil for two minutes and add a few drops of pure vanilla extract. Your mocha fudge sauce is now ready to drizzle.

How could we wrap this up without a proper dessert? When it comes to coffee flavored desserts, coffee cakes and Tiramisus are your usual suspects. Since we are reimagining here, let’s go a little further. Sugar, flour, nuts and spices- all good things to put in a dessert. Add coffee and raisins to these and make a refreshing fruitcake. Just imagine the explosion of flavors that you will get marrying coffee with spices like cinnamon and nutmeg.

Happy munching coffee!

Yoga for Anxious Kids


Anxiety disorders are fairly common among children. However, if not treated, it could affect the child’s overall confidence and happiness. Yoga has been known to help alleviate anxiety and stress in people. The ancient practice of yoga helps to unite one’s mind, body and spirit. Kids are known to grasp concepts faster than adults, and have extremely flexible bodies. Doing yoga is an effective way for children to reduce anxiety. It is also helps improve their confidence, and discipline them. Help your little ones try out these ten yoga postures in order to alleviate anxiety and boost their confidence!

1. Snake posture

Benefits: Helps improve blood circulation, improves flexibility, reduces stress and useful for people with respiratory problems.
• Lie face down with your feet together, and your forehead touching the ground.
• Place your palms in line with your chest
• As you inhale, raise your head and chest off the floor; looking upwards.
• Exhale, and slowly release the posture to come back face down on the ground.

2. Warrior posture

Benefits: Strengthens the legs and pelvis, relieves back pain, and alleviates anxiety.
• Place your legs four feet apart; with your right leg in front and your left leg at the back.
• Turn your torso to a side.
• Now, turn your right foot 90˚, and your left foot 60˚.
• As you inhale, stretch your hands upwards.
• When you exhale, bend your right knee as you stretch your left leg.
• Repeat with your left leg in front and your right leg at the back.

3. Tree posture

Benefits: Helps strengthen the bones and muscles, improves concentration and stability, and helps calm the mind.
• Stand straight with your feet close to each other.
• Keep your hands to the sides, with fingers pointing downwards
• Lift your right leg, and place your foot on the inner thigh of your left leg.
• Fold your hands in prayer position and focus on your breathing
• Slowly place your right foot down, and repeat the steps with your other leg.

4. Camel posture

Benefits: Corrects hunched-back, relieves chest congestion and helps improves confidence.
• Kneel down, with your legs slightly apart and your palms on your hips.
• As you inhale, extend your chest and abdomen forward and bend backwards while looking upwards.
• Focus on your breathing, and slowly return to the start position.

5. Fog posture

Benefits: Helps tone legs, improves blood circulation and reduce stress.
• Stand with your feet slightly apart.
• Bend your knees and sit down, placing your hands between your feet.
• While you concentrate on your breathing, lean forward and shift your body weight to your hands.
• Slowly raise the soles of your feet upwards.
• Gently place the soles of your feet to the ground and stand up.

6. Downward facing dog posture

Benefits: Helps tone muscles, strengthens the body and leaves you feeling energized and calm.
• Get on all fours so that your back remains straight and parallel with the floor. This is the table pose.
• Now, push up your hips by straightening the knees and elbows so that your body forms an inverted V shape.
• Hands must be shoulder-width apart, feet must be hip-width apart and parallel to each other, and toes should point straight ahead.
• Hold the pose for 30-60 seconds and take long deep breaths.
• Exhale and slowly return to the table pose. Relax.

7. Cat posture

Benefits: Improves blood circulations, relaxes the mind, strengthens the wrists and shoulders and improves spinal flexibility
• Get on all fours so that your back remains straight and parallel with the floor. This is the table pose.
• Your arms must be perpendicular to the floor; with your hands directly under the shoulders and your knees must be hip-width apart.
• Look straight ahead.
• As you inhale, raise your chin and tilt your head back and push your navel downwards. Raise your tailbone upwards and compress your buttocks.
• Hold the pose and take long, deep breaths.
• As you exhale, drop your chin to your chest, arch your back upwards and relax the buttocks.
• Hold the pose for a few seconds before returning to the table pose.

8. Star posture

Benefits: Improves flexibility, helps maintain balance and builds confidence.
• Stand straight with your feet close to each other and your hands by your side.
• Slide your legs widely apart.
• Stretch your arms upwards on either side in such a way that you take the shape of a star.
• While you hold this position, concentrate on your breathing.
• Lower your hands and slowly stand upright again.

9. Child posture

Benefits: Helps alleviate anxiety and strengthens the back.
• Sit on your heels. Bend forward and lower your forehead to the floor.
• Keep your arms alongside your body with the hands on the floor and your palms facing upwards.
• Gently press your chest on the thighs and hold the pose.
• After holding the pose for one or two minutes, slowly lift yourself up to sit back on your heels.

10. Corpse Pose

Benefits: Helps alleviate insomnia, useful in reducing stress and calm the mind.
• Lie flat on your back and close your eyes.
• Keep your legs apart, with your toes facing to the sides. Place your arms a little spread apart from your body, with your palms open and facing upward. Relax your arms and legs completely.
• Slowly relax your entire body by taking your attention to different parts of your body.
• Begin by bringing your attention to your right foot, move on to the right knee and so on. Slowly move upwards to your head after relaxing both your legs.
• Focus on your breathing; keep breathing slowly, gently and deeply.
• After 10-20 minutes, while keeping your eyes closed, slowly roll onto your right side. Lie in that position for a minute or so.
• By taking the support of your right hand, gently sit up.
• Keep your eyes closed and focus on your breathing as you gradually become more aware of your relaxed body and mind. Slowly open your eyes.

Guide to the Ultimate Family Road Trip

There is nothing quite like the open road. You can see the country in a whole new way, experience excitement, and stumble upon some of the most unexpected fun you could imagine. The trouble is, there are so many choices, it can be hard to choose the right trip for you and your family. And then there’s the planning.

Let’s take a look at how to plan the trip and where to go.


The planning stage is critical. Before we get into destinations, consider what you should do to plan the trip right.

Map it Out: Sure, you have a GPS mapping app on your smartphone to guide you along the way, and it may be updated with real-time traffic and construction delays. But what will you do if you run into too much traffic? Map out your route and bring maps along in case you need to find a detour around problems.

Hang Loose: When you are planning, don’t get set into stone. The best part of taking a road trip is enjoying the open road and whatever adventures you stumble across. Give your route flexibility to enjoy the ride as much as the destination.

Budget, Budget, Budget!: Did we mention budget? While taking to the road can be cheaper, remember the hidden expense. There are gas and food and lodging. Set a realistic budget.

Choose Your Ride: While it may be tempting to drive your car, it isn’t your only option. Have you considered buying an RV? It’s a hotel on wheels, and you can stock your own fridge, make your own meals, and enjoy entertainment. It doesn’t have to cost a lot either. You can get an RV loan with great rates.


It’s about where you’re going just as much as how you get there. Find out what five destinations you should take your kids, or consider one of these options.

Route 66, Illinois to California: By far the most famous and iconic driver in America. Because of interstate construction, the route isn’t quite the same as it used to be, but you can still find some of the classic stops along the way.

Great River Road, Minnesota to Louisiana: Did you know that most of the rivers running through the center of the US lead back to the Mississippi River? But it isn’t just the waters that are amazing. From eagles to the bayou, there is so much to see and love about this natural raging wonder. There are also a number of great cities to stop in along the route. It’s recommended to start in the north and work your way south for the best effect.

Pacific Coast Highway, San Luis Obispo to Monterey, Calif.: Route 1 runs all along the California coast, but experts on the route claim the center of the state is where the best scenery is. You can visit art stands and wineries, and so much more. If the driver wants a good view of the route, it’s best to drive south to north. Along the way, make sure you visit Hearst Castle.

Skyline Drive and Blue Ridge Parkway, Virginia and North Carolina: Running along the length of the Appalachian Mountains, this scenic drive offers beautiful natural foliage and unique southern style. The speed limits are slower and strictly enforced, but you won’t want to drive any faster for fear of missing something.

If you’re looking for more ideas, take a long at this extensive bucket list of road trips in the US. And as always, enjoy the drive.

Warts : Facts & Statistics

Parenting From 10,000 Miles Away – How To Look After Your Child While They Are Traveling

As children get older, they start to crave more independence. It also might be something you encourage. For example, your child getting the bus on their own is a step towards teaching them valuable life skills – such as how to handle money and pay for things. Soon, these things will become second nature to both you and your child. But what happens once they get older? When your kids reach college age, it’s fairly likely that they are going to want to go travelling. Gap years are more popular than ever – albeit more in Europe than they are in the US. But, more and more universities are readily accepting students who have taken a gap year to go travelling as it shows they have initiative and independence. So what can YOU do as a parent to ensure your child is safe if they choose to travel the world before college?

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Know their whereabouts all the time

This is likely to be the kind of conversation that makes your teenager sigh and roll their eyes. But, it is a good idea to know their exact itinerary so you are aware of their whereabouts should anything happen. Plus, once you know they are there safe, it will make you relax a bit rather than calling them constantly asking what is next on their agenda. Ask your child to give you the address of their accommodation, include hotel room number, and a phone number if possible. That way, if anything should happen, you will know who to speak to first.

Protect them against theft

Unfortunately, in some parts of the world there are gangs of thieves who specifically target backpackers. It is unlikely your child will be able to do much to mask their ‘backpacker’ appearance  – especially if they quite literally have to carry a backpack around with them! But, there are ways they can be savvy and not openly advertise their possessions to thieves. Buying a money belt before they leave is an excellent idea as they can store money for the day in there underneath their clothes. Also, encourage your teenager to not take out too much physical money for their trip. If they get a bank card stolen, they can call the bank up to cancel the card, meaning the thief will not be able to withdraw anything. Once physical money is gone, it’s gone, so consider splitting your child’s money between a card and notes.

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Encourage them to take a smartphone

This might seem an unusual tip, as smartphones are some of the most stolen items in the world. But, as long as your child is discreet about their phone in certain areas, having a smartphone with them can really enhance their trip. If they get into any difficulty, they have the internet at their fingertips with a smartphone, and it can also help them speak the local language.  From a more lighthearted perspective, they can use their smartphone to take amazing pictures of their holiday to remember it by. Plus, it is easier than ever to video chat over a phone, so you’ll be able to keep in touch too.

10 Unique Subscription Boxes for Everyone

I’m a fan of subscription boxes. Our family has used them for makeup and personal beauty, shoes, bras, cigars, hot sauce and kids clothes. All of those are pretty normal for everyday life but wait till you see what I’ve found.  Below you’ll find 10 Unique Subscription Boxes. There is truly a box for everyone and this short list is just a tiny portion of what can be found out in the interwebs.10 Unique Monthly Subscription Box

Keep in mind that these below aren’t for everyone but you gotta give these companies props for honing in on their market and creating something special.

Dive Bar Tshirt Club – So much more than a souvenir shirt these Dive Bar tees are a staple to anyone’s wardrobe. I don’t even know any of the places listed but I want to wear each of these shirts with frayed jeans and converse. $22/shirt shipping included plus $2.5 for larger sizesDive Bar Tshirt Subscription Box
420 Goody Box YUP, it’s exactly what you think it is. For those individuals that partake in a little Mary Jane or regular tobacco there’s a box for them. The goodies shipping can include snacks for the munchies, gear and paraphernalia and good reads. Starts $27.98/month
420 Goody Box Subscription Box
Vinyl Me Please. I’m hiding this one from my husband. He’s become a little obsessed with record players and old vinyl. This subscription box pairs music, cocktails and eclectic art. Online you’ll find more about the artist or band such as tour dates, history of their music and more. For real music lovers. Starts $23/month Vinyl Me Please Music Subscription Box

Dollar Shave Club. Many have heard of this club but it’s not just razor blades. This company offers everything from peppermint butt wipes to shave butter to green shower products.  We’ve been using Dollar Shave Club for quite a while now and love it. It so cost effective especially with 3 of us using razors. The quality is great and the pricing even better. Starting $1/month plus shipping but I recommend the 4X with Shave Butter Add On.dollar-shave-club

My Olive Box. The box for the lover of words, paper goods and anything meaningful. My Olive Box offers hand picked items to help bring back hand written notes and unique gift giving embellishments. $35.00/Boxmty-olive-box
Fair Ivy. A carefully curated collection of handmade and handwrapped gifts that are perfect for those that want something unique or need special gifts for the hard to buy for. The surprise package each month could be jewelry, kitchen wares, purses or bath and body goods. $30.00/month but there is a waitlistfair-ivy-silver-pinecone
Doki Doki Crate. Each phenomenon that comes out of Japan can be found in a Doki Doki crate. Each shipment is chock full of trinkets, plushies, keychains, candy, tees and more of favorite characters and memes for the most fanatical Japanese pop culture fans. Starting $30.00/month shipping included
Pipsticks. A collection of at least 15 sheets of stickers. This is a toddlers dream and maybe a parent’s nightmare but stickers are always fun.  You get a variety of puffy, glitter, smelly and more to appeal to the child in everyone. OR get the adult version that works well with scrapbooking, journaling and good old fashioned letter writing. $15.00/monthpipsticks
Nerd Block. Choose your theme and get a tshirt and other fun items each month. For example Arcade Block send 4-6 Video Game collectibles from favorites like Super Mario Bros., Tetris, Sega and MORE. Switch your theme to get things from the Horror, Nerd, Sci-Fi, JR and Comic genres. Starts $19.99/monthNerd Block Subscription Box 
SockPanda. My girls are sock fanatics. Each Christmas their stockings are filled with no less than a dozen new pairs of fun socks. The cheesier and more colorful the better. Sock Panda bring the gift of fun to your feet each month.Choose from men’s, women’s or kids socks. And every sock purchased means a pair donated. Starts $10/month for 1 pairsock-panda
There really is something out there for everyone.  Whatever your hobby, passion, quirk or lifestyle you find a company that caters to your needs and wants. Try one of these out and let me know how you like it. OR let me know what kind of box you subscribe to each month

5 Awesome Backyard Camping Ideas To Try This Summer

The summer is in full swing, and it’s time to get out of the house and enjoy the sunny weather. Still, we’ve got commitments like work and school that prevent us from going on vacation. Never fear! You can hold a vacation in your own backyard with a bit of creativity. So, buy the large dome camping tents from an online store, find a sleeping bag or two, and take some inspiration from our ideas.


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Bring Your Home Movies Outdoors

Ah, home movie night. A great opportunity to sit around and cringe while watching our former selves. While movie night might be a great idea, you don’t want to be stuck indoors. So, as part of your backyard camping idea, why not bring the movies outdoors? For this, you’ll want a cheap projector of some sort. You can find these online, and the cheapest ones aren’t all that costly. Then, hang up a white sheet, and you’ve got everything you need for the perfect evening.

Invest In A Fire Pit

One of the best things about going camping is the ability to sit around the campfire and tell stories. If you want to recreate that experience in your backyard, a fire pit is the best way to go. Fill it with a visually appealing material like fire glass for the best effect. Then, you can all enjoy sitting around the fire in the evening before retiring to your camping tents. Sounds good, doesn’t it?!

Make Lanterns With Glow Sticks

The one downside of being outside in the evening is that you won’t get the benefit of electric light sources. While you could use phones and tablets, we want to ditch the technology as much as we can. Instead, start getting creative. You can actually make awesome lanterns with nothing but glass jars and glowsticks. They create a visually striking effect that will compliment your evening perfectly.


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Create A Treasure Hunt For The Kids

While there are plenty of positives when camping in your backyard, the downsides are plentiful too. Normally, when we go on a camping vacation, we’re able to go on adventures and discover our new surroundings. That isn’t the same here, so you need to make it more interesting for both you and the kids. How can you do that? Create a treasure hunt! This will encourage everyone to explore areas of your backyard that you rarely pay attention to.

Stories & Songs

What’s a camping trip without a few songs and stories to tell around the fire? You’re at an advantage – spend the day researching some basic songs and finding the best stories to tell. Print them out and bring them with you in the evening. That way, you’ll never be stuck for great stories and new songs to learn. You could even invest in a used guitar-or-two. Teach your kids some basic songs around the fire, and you never know if you’ll have a budding superstar on your hands!

Don’t let this opportunity go to waste! Camping in your backyard is a great way to bond as a family throughout the hot, summer months.

Why Do Stay-At-Home Moms Need Life Insurance?

It makes a lot of sense to have a life insurance policy on the primary breadwinner or in a married couple when both parties are contributing financially to the household. That being said, it is just as important for a stay-at-home parent to have a life insurance policy as well.

There can still be a tremendous financial impact on the family if a stay-at-home parent passes away. Few people, however, think about the important services provided by a stay-at-home spouse. The loss of him or her could mean significant expenses and frustration for the other spouse to have to identify appropriate childcare and household management services. Did you know, for example, that the price of full-time care for an infant in a daycare center could be as high as $15,000 a year? This is just one of the reasons why a stay-at-home parent should always have a life insurance protection.

There are all kinds of ways to figure out how to calculate the costs you might have to pay in order to obtain similar results as you would from a stay-at-home parent’s work. That being said, it can run anywhere from $50,000 to more than a $100,000. Remember that a stay-at-home spouse typically works more than 96 hours a week serving as chauffer, cook, teacher, housekeeper and even psychologist. You might think of the stay-at-home parent as the at-home CEO. In order to determine how much life insurance a stay-at-home parent needs, you need to think carefully about your own individual circumstances.

The annual financial value of services provided by a stay-at-home parent can be used to establish a face amount. There are two primary choices for a life insurance; temporary and permanent coverage. Temporary coverage gives you a set period of years during which if the insured individual passes away, the life insurance company provides death benefit outlined as the face amount on the policy. Sadly, families put in the position of copying without a stay-at-home-parent might not realize just how many functions were handled by this one person until it’s too late. Take the time now to appreciate and protect those valuable inputs and services provided by a stay-at-home parent by taking out a life insurance policy.

Term life insurance with or without exam is typically cheaper and easier to obtain. Permanent life insurance, on the other hand, lasts for the duration of the insured individual’s life, but it is typically more expensive. There are usually more riders and bells and whistles on a permanent life insurance policy, but most people choose a term life insurance policy because they are so much easier to get and so inexpensive. For a minimal cost associated with paying your term life insurance premium, you will get the peace of mind in knowing that the working parents will have the necessary support if something happens to the stay-at-home parent. Investigating your term life insurance options can start online and can be assisted tremendously by the help of an independent insurance agency.

Ultimate Teen Party on a Limited Mommy Budget

So, you promised your teenager a party? Perhaps it is the sweet 16 bash your child has waited their entire life for or maybe it is to celebrate a great year, they remembered to put their clothes in the laundry or any other major accomplishment. The day has come (after your child has reminded you about a ½ dozen times) to start party planning. Mommy, you were a teen once, so I know you remember your expectations versus your parents, right? You remember your list of wants versus what your parents were willing to pay for being drastically different! Most of us don’t live like the people our teens idolize on television. So as you plan your party, set limits and guidelines right away. You can still have an amazing party on a realistic budget.

No Helicopters, No Limos, No Way

It is your choice if you can financially afford to spend a large amount of money on a party for your teen but for the majority of us, we can’t fly in the latest pop artist or rent out a fleet of limousines, but we still want to throw an amazing party. It is important to set that financial boundary with your overly excited teen at the beginning of the planning stage. Use this opportunity to talk to your teen about budgeting and being smart about expenses. Instead of renting out an expensive venue, mommy can move some furniture around in the basement. Transform your basement into a cool party space and remember, it is your teen’s party but it is your budget, so you have to do what makes sense to your pockets. Check out Limo Find.

No alcohol/Drugs, No Drama

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Yes, teenage parties get a lot of negative flack. Television has done a remarkable job depicting teenage house parties as wild and uncontrollable with the police arriving only after the entire house is destroyed. Ensure that this party is safe and fun and use this as an opportunity to have a conversation with your child about how important it is for you to have open communication. Set the ground rules and your teen will understand that they are responsible for everything that takes place. Make it clear that if all goes well, mommy may very well consider more parties in the future but if all goes wrong, then it will never happen again (and stick to your agreement).

No Surprises

Once you have all the details figured out, allow your teen to send out invitations. These days, the speed of technology is both great and maybe not so great here. Teenagers can text faster than most of us can speak so the fact that they can communicate about anything in seconds makes for a huge guest list if you aren’t careful. You don’t want a few kids showing up that your teen doesn’t even know. Be clear about who is coming and it isn’t a bad idea to communicate with the parents of each child.

No Extra Expenses, No Stress

Here are a few additional party tips:

  • Throw a candy party/candy buffet. Teens love snacks so consider reaching out to a company that specializes in sending bulk candy and candy buffets. Something quick at a decent price and a different spin on your typical party treats!
  • Don’t hire a DJ, get your speakers and have your child create a playlist using their phone or MP3 player.
  • Don’t forget, this is your teen’s party so this is your teen’s mess! Part of being a responsible parent is to raise a responsible kid.
  • Have fun, create memories!


Author Bio


Wendy Dessler

Title: Super-Connector at OutreachMama

Wendy is a super-connector with OutreachMama who helps businesses find their audience online through outreach, partnerships, and networking. She frequently writes about the latest advancements in digital marketing and focuses her efforts on developing customized blogger outreach plans depending on the industry and competition.


Twitter Handle: @outreachmama

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Poise Your Child for Success at Youth Baseball Tryouts

We all want our little ones to succeed, and it’s no different when it comes to organized sports. If your son or daughter loves heading out onto the field and taking part in America’s favorite pastime, you know how stressful it can be for both parent and child when it comes time to try out for competitive leagues. If you’re looking for ways to set your kids up for success on the baseball diamond, keep these tips in mind and help them stand ready to impress the coach and improve their future both on and off the field.

Preparing Beforehand

If you want your little one to do well at tryouts, make sure they’re in shape and practicing long before they step in front of a coach. It can be tough to get kids off the couch in those hot summer months, but you can circumvent this behavior by turning physical activity into a game or challenge of sorts with the help of a children’s activity tracker from iBitz. They’ll love seeing the rewards they get from fitting more activity into their days, and this will leave them prepared to impress when they head out to tryouts.

The Right Gear

It’s important for your child to look the part when they step out onto the field. As much as we hate to say it, appearances are important, and that’s true of the tryout world. Make sure your kid is ready to impress with the right gear and equipment, without breaking the bank. It’s not to say you need to run out and buy top of the line baseball bats and gloves, or deck your little one out in a miniature jersey. However, having them show up in a pair of shorts with no equipment will show they’re not serious about the game, and that impression can stick with a discerning coach. Providing them with the right tryout essentials can go a long way and it doesn’t mean you have to put your life savings into gear; find cheap infield gloves here, ask neighbors and family members if they have any hand-me-down bats and equipment you could borrow for the time being, and always check out local listing sites like Craigslist.

Encourage Your Child to Introduce Him/Herself

If your little one has never met the coach before, encourage him or her to go up and introduce themselves before tryouts start. This will help them get noticed from the get-go, and show the coach your child is professional (as much as little ones can be) and confident—a feature every coach wants in a player.

Check Yourself

Coaches aren’t just watching the kids—they’re watching you, as well. Parents are just as much a part of the team when it comes to tryouts, and if you stand out with loud, obnoxious tendencies on the sidelines, it may unfortunately factor into the coach’s decision about your child. Keep comments to a minimum, be positive, but try to refrain from being over-celebratory when your child is doing well in the tryouts.

Be Prompt and Punctual

Life gets busy, and no one understand that better than a fellow parent. However, when it comes to tryouts, ensure you’re there on time (which usually means being early), and be prepared to stay late when time inevitably runs over—we all know how difficult it can be to wrangle kids and keep things punctual. If you truly want your child to succeed in baseball, you need to make a commitment to the sport. Coaches won’t see a late arrival or early departure as the sign of a reliable player. Punctuality is an important skill for every child to learn; lead by example, and make the opportunity to be on time more exciting with the purchase of a children’s watch from Flik Flak. Guaranteed they’ll love showing off this personalized new gadget and it will definitely instill the importance of understanding timelines, a facet every coach will appreciate.

Make sure your child is ready to throw and catch like a pro with these tips and impress the coach by encouraging the aforementioned skills and behaviors—it’s sure to make a difference in both their extracurricular and academic endeavors.