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Enjoying The Little Things In Life

Penelope is a NY blogger who writes a personal blog at Penelope’s Oasis, where she shares beauty tips, fun relationship ideas, health and fitness advice and more.

” Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” –Robert Brault.

Sometimes we rush through life, with big plans and big goals that we spend our time trying to attain. Big dreams are great, as long as our focus on them doesn’t make us forget to notice all the wonderful things in life we tend to not appreciate. One day we may look back and wish we had spent more time playing with our children or talking to a deceased grandparent, and find that a big house or successful career don’t give the satisfaction that we thought they would when we sacrificed family time, health, and more to chase them.

What are ways to slow down and appreciate the little things in life, so you can always feel that you live a full life and have no regrets?

1. Make family time a priority. Do not let chasing career recognition or an obsessive hobby (no matter how fun or exciting it seems at the time) take away years of your life during which your children are growing up and your marriage is growing apart.

2. Make it a priority to do simple things with your family when you are spending time with them. Don’t just watch tv together, or play video games, or give them toys to occupy them. Talk to your spouse and children. Tell them things that they’ll be glad they know when you are gone one day. Teach them things. Show them how to make a great burger or things you learned in the Scouts. Build sand castles together or look for berries.

3. Enjoy hobbies that connect you to the world around you, to people and to nature. Find hobbies that require you to slow down. Fishing with your sons is a great hobby that brings you outside, with your family, close to nature, and active. It’s relaxing and exciting.

4. Reconnect to your parents and siblings, and have family reunions and get-togethers. Don’t let your old friends and family fall apart, scattered around the world. When you are older, you’ll wish you had kept in touch with people who were once very important to you, so keep those relationships strong. You will regret not ever learning how your parents met, or what the war was like when your uncle was a child. Ask them, and listen.

5. Everyday, do something that has no point. Don’t focus only on doing productive things. Sit in the sunlight, on a bench, and just watch the world around you. Notice the beautiful weather, the grass, the people walking by. This is life, and you are lucky to be part of it. Catch butterflies and let them go. Smell flowers (really). Walk through the park. Learn to live without always feeling the need to produce results.

6. Do things you enjoy and relax you. If you love reading the morning paper and sipping coffee, but feel it doesn’t fit into your fast-paced life anymore, change your schedule. You’ll feel like you burned through your life like a match if you rush through it and never just relax and enjoy yourself. If you enjoy jogging, make sure your schedule isn’t so tight you can’t do this. Make room to enjoy the life you are lucky to have, and enjoy things you have been pushing aside or overlooking.

7. Know your priorities, and keep them straight. Everyone says family comes first, but if you barely see them because you are always working or travelling or shopping, they really aren’t a priority. If you know what your priorities are, and keep them priorities, it makes like simple. When your boss asks you to leave your family for a year for a promotion, since family is #1 and work is #3, the choice is easy. No. Having your priorities straight makes it easy to say no to friends who impose on you, tasks that risk your health, and anything that tries to take your focus away from what matters most. It makes it easy to enjoy your life and appreciate what matters when you show everyone what matters to you.

Thank you to Penelope for providing our readers some wonderful inspiration to take a step back and enjoy life.

Project 52 – Week 27

It’s week 27 for Project 52.  This is where I give you a peek into what goes behind the blog that we don’t get around to posting about. Project 52 focuses around family, the activities that we do, the places we go and usually random silliness. I’ve missed the last 2 weeks and I’m bummed. I was really excited that I had kept up but life got really busy but in a good way.

project 52, weekly photos

This installment is going to be playing a little bit of catch up. I’m not gonna flood you with details of the last 3 weeks but I’ll give you a taste of the things we did.
a couple weeks back I was invited to General Mills Nationa Box Top University. The entire trip was a whirlwind and extremly educational. Here’s a peek at what we did.

our visit started with a beautiful tour of Lake Minnetonka, no one got sick

kitchen supplies and photo props

if you know anything about me you know I love kitchen stuff. we were given special permission to tour the food stylist/photo shoot prop room. this is where I want to be buried when I die

general mills prop closet

baskets of every shape, size and color

Last weekend we went on a last minute trip to the beach. The weather was gorgeous, our hotel was on the beach block and the kids had a blast.

daddy, lets jump the waves

higher daddy !

felix #2, sabreena's 2nd sand turtle

they are so cute when they get along

Let’s see what your week was like!

Project 52-Week 22

Welcome to my 22nd entry into Project 52. Project 52 is my attempt to post weekly updates on family, life, whatever goes on behind the blog. This is where we give you a peek into what goes on that we don’t get around to blog about.

project 52, weekly photos

This week is a mish mosh of stuff.


war wounds of crafting-a hot glue gun injury


flowers, bows, skirts and skulls, isn't that what every girl wears

Shae’s Bedtime Routine


bubble fun, it's the little things in life




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Top 10 Travel Destinations For Families

Summer vacation planning is in full swing for most families right now. There’s just a couple weeks left of school and then the fun begins. Our vacation is staying the same is every year, a week at the Jersey Shore. Thankfully not the Jersey Shore that is depicted on TV but a more relaxed and toned-down version. Travelocity dug into it’s their records of summer reservations and came up with a list of Top Family Destinations for 2011. Not surprisingly beaches flood the list.
1. Orlando: Orlando is, not surprisingly, the number-one family destination for summer 2011. With theme parks galore and some of the summer’s most competitive room rates, fun and value reign supreme on Orlando vacations.

2. Cancun: A destination once known for spring break debauchery, Cancun has reinvented itself as a family-friendly destination. It comes in as the number-one destination for families traveling internationally, and two on the overall list.

hawaii-sunset-purple-orange3. Honolulu: Four destinations in Hawaii made their way into the top ten summer destinations for families, but of those, Honolulu comes out on top. Direct flights to Honolulu are available from many U.S. cities, making getting to world-famous Waikiki Beach a breeze.

4. Maui: Famous as a honeymoon destination, Maui vacations are also a favorite for families, especially during the summer months. Turns out kids and couples alike love the beautiful beaches, where the sand color ranges from white to black to red.

5. Kauai: Beautiful coastline and secluded beaches are a given on Hawaii vacations, but Kauai is the perfect island choice for active families and nature lovers.

6. Bahamas: Cheap flights to Nassau make getting to the Bahamas both easy and affordable. Though not technically part of the Caribbean, expect the same beautiful white-sand beaches, hotels in every price range and flowing rum punch.

7. Kona: Found on the island of Hawaii (or, The Big Island), Kona is an excellent destination from which to explore. From snow-capped mountains (yes, there’s snow in Hawaii!) to rainforests to the world’s most active volcano, this island is also the state’s most diverse.

8. Puerto Vallarta: Puerto Vallarta is Mexico’s second-most-popular destination for families this summer. Mexico vacation packages are always a great value and this beach destination on the country’s west coast is no exception.

9. Turks & Caicos: Talk about an island that just keeps getting more and more popular – Turks & Caicos climbs up the list of top-booked destinations each year. Caribbean vacations are always popular for families and this island is proving to be a top pick.

10. Dominican Republic: Rounding out the top 10 most popular summer destinations for families is the D.R. and it’s no wonder. There are many direct flights to Dominican Republic every day, so towing the kiddies and all their stuff is no problem. Plus, Dominican Republic resorts come in every shape, size and price range.

Where are you going this summer? Where is your top vacation spot?

This list was provided by Travelocity and they would like to welcome you to Window Seat Blog for updates, images and daily rates.



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Project 52 – Week 16

This is my 16th installment of Project 52, my attempt to capture our lives in a couple pictures once a week.

project 52, weekly photos

This week was a busy one again but not much that was picture worthy.  Last Sunday Shae, Sabreena and I went to see the Imagination Movers in concert and it was sa-weet!  I had so much fun but then again I love those guys and could watch them all day.  Other than that not much else to report, oh yeah except for our crafts 🙂

Imagination movers choo choo soul

final performance with choo choo soul


sabreena and shae dancing in the aisles


me and the lil one


the girl squad




more goofy


this is what i get when i give the 3yo the camera


dining room art gallery

What was your week like?




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Football Will Be The Death Of Me

This year Shaun is finally old enough to play tackle football and I found a new team that is part of a 14 team Pop Warner League in our area.  When I found this league I dove in head first not thinking about all of the work and hours it was going to take to help make this team successful.

Currently I am the head coach for the mitey mite which is for kids that are 7,8,and 9 years old and weigh between 45 lbs and 90 lbs.  Being that this team is new they were looking for volunteers so I have been trying to help in every area that I can.  I have worked on recruiting, registration as well as website redesign.  I work on something football related everyday weather it is for myself or for the team.  Today I spent some time finding CPR classes as well as coaches clinics in the area.  Tomorrow we have a meeting at 7pm.  Since this past Friday today will be the third straight day with tomorrow being the four where I have had something to do for football.  Recently Melinda was lucky enough to be pulled into the madness.  Right now the team is very disorganized and we have a long way to go but I feel in the end we will be successful and a great asset to the community.

Right now I can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel but the end is coming and I am really excited to see what unfolds and maybe be able to rest a little.  I guess being a head coach is going to make it hard to relax. Guess I will have to relax after my team makes it to the playoffs.

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Project 52 – Week 15

Welcome to my 15th installment of Project 52, my attempt to capture our lives in a couple pictures once a week.

project 52, weekly photos

This week was very quiet but last weekend was full. Shae had her first soccer “game” and we celebrated Shaun’s birthday with a party with friends and family. We did lots a crafts and ran errands but other than that, not much to report. This weekend is going to be a full one too, I’ll fill you in next week about that.

the in-laws came to celebrate

make a wish

present time

shae and cousin ella

there's nothing in my shirt

look at her go!

Hope this gives you a glimpse onto our lives behind the blog. If you are doing Project 52 this week leave your link in the comment so I can come check out your life.



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All Eyes On You

We were out to dinner last week and I was facing a table with a tween and her parents. I kept glancing at them because I was curious about the girl’s behavior. I look at Sabreena and see polite, kind, sweet, chatty, happy and relaxed. I was looking at this kid and I saw grumpy, arrogant and dismissive. Her mother was chatting with her and all the girl did was roll her eyes and shrug her shoulders.

Dessert time came for the other family and mom wanted to share her sundae with the girl. The spoon came up to the girls lips and she did something that shocked me; she roughly shoved her mother’s arm out of the way and gave her a check to the body. I tried to quickly glance away but the mom caught me. Before I turned away I noticed the mom just laughed it off but when she saw that I noticed what really happened she quickly started disciplining her daughter. I could hear Mom say how disrespectful she was being and she needed to cheer up and have a good time. Tears started rolling down mom’s face. The daughter’s attitude didn’t change. This was her normal self, her normal behavior. Me noticing the interaction had no change in how she treated her family and the situation.

Rob and I are strict and we expect certain behavior and respect but we also are fun and open and talk to our kids, all of them, about almost anything. The second Shaun rolls his eyes at me we’d be having a serious conversation about it right in the restaurant. I have no problem disciplining my children wherever we are. Sometimes I’m subtle and to the point talking quietly in their ear, sometimes I’ll engage some tough love and hope embarrassment in front of others works. This mother knew her daughter was in the wrong but for whatever reason wasn’t going to deal with it until she thought she was perceived as “not in control” of her child. Maybe she was so used to the disdain and withdrawal from her kid that she didn’t know how to react differently. Maybe she was putting on a show that there was nothing wrong with her relationship and laughing it off was how she kept things calm outside the home.

Do you parent differently outside the home when all eyes are on you?

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Happy Birthday Big Daddy

Today is Rob’s Birthday. You may already know that since he likes to mention it a lot. In fact he calls March his birthday month.  We are celebrating tonight with a little family and friend gathering with food, drinks and of course cake.

Happy Birthday to my husband, my love, my friend!

daddy's girl

just hug me already

trains are his hobby

man stuff- Carnival Dream Bridge Tour


a bunch of characters

us but funny

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Project 52- Week 12

Welcome to my 12th edition of Project 52, my attempt to capture our lives in a couple pictures once a week.

The week started a bit busy.  Shae and I went to Sesame Street Live with my best friend and her little girl; it was so much fun.  The rest of the week was normal and ended with Shaun’s Cub Scouts Blue and Gold Banquet.


Shaun getting his Wolf Badge


this is our whittled down collection of Wii games

one of those games is Shae's; an Elmo numbers and letters game

playing sleepover

Are you participating? Add your link in a comment and I’ll come check out your week.

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