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Is You Grocery Bill Out of Control? Mine Is Starting To Get There!

Yesterday I read an article over at Life as a CEO about her grocery bills and how expensive they are becoming.  It got me thinking about my families shopping habits and our grocery expenses and how much we spend on food on a monthly basis.  

Yesterday I went food shopping early at Shop Rite because there were a few good items on sale that I didn’t want to miss like $1.99 Blue Bunny Ice Cream quarts and 4 for $8 General Mills Cereals.  My kids eat a TON of cereal so I wanted to buy 8 boxes.  Thankfully Melinda found a bunch of coupons online saving me $6.  So for 8 boxes of ceral I spent $1.25 per box which is an awesome price. 

The one thing Melinda and I have been trying to do lately is look through the entire store circular and use coupons so that we can try to save as much money as we can.   Yesterday Melinda also started back up her weekly meal planning which in my opinion is a money saver because we know what we are having for dinner everyday and it saves us from having to order out.  Preplanning is so important in saving money on food because I find if you need to go to the store more then once in a week you will be in big trouble.  You will buy things that might be on sale but not on your list and items that you may not necessiarly need.

Below are 10 tips provided by Consumer savings expert, Andrea Woroch to help you with the increase in food prices:

1. Shop Warehouse Stores
Not all prices are better at membership stores, particularly if you tend to go overboard, but there are some really good deals to be had. Look for great buys on perishable items and shop towards the end of the day, when department managers want to unload extra inventory.

2. Use Coupons
Now’s the time to get in on the extreme-couponing trend, particularly since there are so many ways to access them these days. You’ll find coupons online in both Internet-code or downloadable (IP) form.. Mobile coupons are as close as your cell phone. CellFire is a great source for grocery savings.

Don’t overlook the coupons that print out with your receipt at the register. Known as Catalinas, these coupons are targeted towards the purchases you’ve made that day. Some stores, like King Soopers, also allow you to stack manufacturer and store coupons for additional savings. Not all supermarkets allow you to stack, however, so check first.

3. Hit Dollar Stores
Whether you cruise the narrow aisles of Dollar General or hit one of the smaller chains, dollar stores offer “ka-ching” savings on boxed, bagged and canned goods. Make sure you check the expiration dates, however.

4. Use Grocery Store Rewards Cards These loyalty cards have become a necessity to access store sales, but they also have another benefit; You can download online coupons directly to your rewards card and the savings will be taken off at the register. Visit the rewards-card pages of such supermarket websites as Safeway and Food Lion to find these manufacturer coupons.

Some rewards card also provide gas savings when you buy groceries. At times, King Soopers has taken up to 10-cents off each gallon you purchase at their pumps when you spend $100 or more in their store.

5. Buy Generic
By and large, store-brand generics can be much cheaper than manufacturer products with the exact same quality. In fact, generics come off the same assembly line before being slapped with separate labels so skip the brand name items.

6. Use Discount Gift Cards
Shop websites like GiftCardGranny for discount gift cards from Kmart, Walmart and other major chains that sell food goods and produce. Paying just a portion of the card’s face value gives you an instant savings on your grocery needs.

7. Make A List
Avoid impulse purchases by making a list before you leave home and sticking to it when you hit the store. Knowing specifically what you need also helps avoid duplications of products you already have at home.

8. Plan Your Meals
It’s a lot easier to make a list when you have a plan. Creating a weekly menu also helps you avoid quick trips to the supermarket that end up costing you more in many ways. For last minute meals, create a gourmet dish at a deep discount by buying meats, produce and other food items that are on sale at your local grocery store.

9. One-Stop Shop Save gas, time and money by shopping stores like Target that allow you to buy everything on your list within one visit.

10. Avoid Out-of-Season Produce To every vegetable and fruit there is a season…and a better price. Squash are cheaper in the fall while asparagus can be a bargain in the spring. Wait until prices are at their best and plan your menu around seasonal produce to save big.

Melinda and I try to do everything above to save every dollar we can.  We go to the grocery store every week and to BJ’s Wholesale club once a month so the money starts to add up.

What do you do to save money on food?

This is NOT a sponsored post but the 10 tips listed above were provided by Consumer savings expert, Andrea Woroch.

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Share Your Breakfast and Feed a Hungry Child

Today one in four children goes without meals due to economic hardships or poverty. These families are food insecure; inability to obtain sufficient nutrition. As a mom I try my best to provide my children the food required to keep their brains functioning and bodies moving.  Growing up I remember going to school without a meal in my stomach.  I don’t want that for my family.

Kellogg’s believes that breakfast can be a child’s best start to a productive and active day. Share Your Breakfast and Kellogg’s will share a breakfast with a child who needs it. Upload a picture, give a description or send a text and Kellogg’s will supply the funds required to a school to provide 1 child a nutritious and much needed breakfast.

Each time you share, Kellogg’s will donate the monetary equivalent of school breakfasts. Kellogg’s will donate up to $200,000 – the equivalent of one million school breakfasts.

Today I shared mine, Shaun’s and Shae’s breakfasts with Kelloggs. That will feed 3 children. A step so small but that will make such a large impact on a child’s life. Help me and Kellogg’s feed the children by participating in Share Your Breakfast today and each day until the goal of 1Million meals is met.




I Disclose This is a sponsored post through a compensated Mom Bloggers Club member program
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What’s For Dinner? – I Need You Help!

These are words that I ask every single night and Melinda is great with giving me an answer but lately nothing sounds good.  In our house we eat a lot of chicken, ground turkey, pasta and occasionally pork.  Over time there are only so many things you can make from these items.  Melinda had told me numerous times to come up with ideas if I don’t like the ones she has and I have tried but I come up empty. 

So that is the reason for this post.  I need your help.  If you have a recipe or idea on what we could have for dinner using the meats above let me know.  What the heck if you have a great recipe that doesn’t use the meats above let me know.  We are open to trying new things.  I want to thank you in advance for your help and I can’t wait to see what you have for me/us.

Eat your Veggies and #Win $100 AMEX GC

One of my 2011 goals was to incorporate better eating. We’ve been slacking the past couple months and now is the time to kick start the healthier habits. Bird’s wants to help us AND YOU through the “Feed Kids Better” campaign. Bird’s Eye is encouraging all generations to discover the virtues of vegetables and make vegetables the centerpieces of our meals.

Statistics say that only 6% of Americans get the recommended daily servings of veggies each day. Not a good number. With some Meal Makeover help from No Whine With Dinner: 150 healthy, kid-tested recipes we’ve been able to update our meal plans with tasty changes.

As a family we’ve had the chance to try out Simply Delicious Shepherd’s Pie, Grilled Pork with Pineapple Pizazz and Buffalo Chicken Pizza. All of these recipes can be found in No Whine with Dinner. All of these recipes also include generous helping of veggies and nutrition. With a little tweak here and there you can turn any family favorite into a healthier version that will still please but that you won’t feel guilty about serving.Feed your kids and the rest of your family better starting today with the help of Birds Eye veggies. Share your favorite sneak in a veggie tip or kid & veggie friendly recipe idea for your chance to win the “Virtuous Veggie Giveaway”. This prize pack includes; an apron, No Whine with Dinner cookbook, Birds Eye Recipe Cards and $100 AMEX GiftCard.


To receive these extra opportunities for entries, you must fulfill the first REQUIRED entry above. Please note the changes to the entries and frequency, entries that don’t follow rules will be disregarded/ignored/deleted.

  • Subscribe to LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! via email or RSS feed
  • Publicly follow this blog of Google Friend Connect, bottom of page
  • Follow Mom and Dad on Twitter and Tweet this giveaway 1 time per day, please leave your twitter link each time, tweet a form of this message: Feed Kids Better with Birds Eye & #win $100 AMEX GC #giveaway from @lkwhtmomfound…@anddadtoo!
  • Like Birds Eye and LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! on Facebook AND like this giveaway.
  • Enter another Giveaway – let us know which one in the comment (one extra entry per giveaway you enter, just leave separate comments)

Your entries must follow the rules or they won’t be eligible for prizes. This contest ends 11:59 pm, Friday, February 4, 2011. The winners will be emailed and will have 24 hours to claim their prize. This contest is open to US residents only. For complete rules please read our contest rules page.

This is a sponsored post but the opinions and descriptions presented belong solely to LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! Your experiences and reactions may differ from ours.

Sausage and Pepperoni Soup-Recipe

I love soup in the winter but the kids don’t like lots of stuff mixed together and Rob isn’t a big fan and doesn’t think soup is very filling. I came up with this using the same base as most of my other soup recipes so it came together quite easily. I used ingredients the kids usually love and I think it was a successful dinner. Try it, change it, let me know what you think.

Sausage and Pepperoni Soup
2 Italian Sausage links with casings removed
3 oz sliced pepperoni, quartered
2 carrots, peeled and diced
1 celery stalk diced
½ tsp oregano
¼ tsp thyme
2 boxes low sodium chicken stock
1 tsp garlic powder or 2-3 cloves finely chopped
1 tsp onion powder or ½ medium onion chopped
2 cups ditalini or other preferred shape
8oz whole leaf spinach, fresh for thawed from frozen
Salt & pepper to taste

In a large stock pot brown Italian sausage and break up into crumbles. Pull out and set aside on plate. In same pot, crisp pepperoni, about 1 minute. Pull out pepperoni while reserving fat in pot. Add carrots and celery to pot with pepperoni grease and sauté for 5 minutes. Add pepper, oregano & thyme, stir till fragrant add stock. Bring to simmer then add pasta. Cook till al dente then add spinach. Stir in sausage and pepperoni. Serve with crusty bread to soak up broth.

The Dirty Dozen

A goal of the new year is to get back to healthier eating. We’ve always done pretty good but I’ve gotten lazy and also bored with our tried and true recipes. Nothing sounds appealing anymore. My mission is to come up with some new recipes or revamp our existing goodies.

To start I researched the foods we should and shouldn’t be eating. We’ve never fully gone organic but I need to be more conscious of what goes into our bodies. Below is a list of the Dirty Dozen; the list of produce that should be avoided unless grown organically. Pesticides and herbicides are toxic and can’t just be rinsed off.
• Celery- with no skin to protect it, celery is one of the most contaminated veggies out there
• Peaches- it’s skin get sprayed with pesticides to keep insects away
• Strawberries
• Apples
• Blueberries
• Nectarines
• Bell Peppers
• Spinach
• Kale
• Cherries
• Potatoes
• Grapes (Imported)

Local farms, farm stands, farmers markets and things like that are your best bet. While most farms and orchards are certified organic many of them utilize the same practices. The certification process is expensive but just ask questions. Farm to table is the healthiest, freshest and usually tastiest way to eat.

Tailgate or Entertain with Farm Rich

Football season is upon us and that means Rob wants munchies for the games. I try to something different and more exciting than chips and salsa but really don’t feel like cooking anything most weekends. Farm Rich has a selection of tasty stand-ins that are not only easy to prepare but are quite tasty.

Most recently we got the chance to try the Mini Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches. I’m from Philly so I know a good cheesesteak. While these aren’t a match to the original they are a good substitute. They are cheesy, flavorful and small enough to be a snack or light lunch. The kids aren’t cheesesteak fans (they can’t be my kids) so Rob and I are able to enjoy 1 bag over a couple meals. We’ve always been Farm Rich fans though, most days you can find the French Toast Sticks and Cheese Sticks in our freezer.

Start your Football weekends off right with delicious selections from Farm Rich.

This is a sponsored post but the opinions and descriptions presented belong solely to LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! Your experiences and reactions may differ from ours.

Shae’s First

Yesterday was the first time in Shae’s life that she had McDonald’s. I got her a chicken nugget happy meal with a Strawberry Shortcake toy. She was so excited about the toy more then the food because for some reason she has an obsession with Strawberry Shortcake.

Shaun and I helped with parking at the University of Delaware football game for his Cub Scout troop (fund-raiser) and as a way to reward the kids they give them $5 to go to McDonald’s. Shaun himself hasn’t had McDonald’s in about 4 years because we stopped eating there but today he was so excited to eat there. So while I was ordering Shaun’s meal I felt I couldn’t go home with only a meal for him so I got one for Shae.

I am hoping I didn’t start something because this was a onetime treat and not an ongoing thing!

Without Peanut Butter My Kids Would Starve…

So when I got a note a while back asking if I wanted to participate in the Jif Peanut Butter Online Tasting party I said Oh Yeah! The word party wasn’t actually part of the invitation but that’s exactly what it turned out to be.  My family received a ridiculous amount of peanut butter (peanut butter and honey, Omega-3 Creamy, Crunchy, Natural & Creamy), crackers, icing, pretzels, cookies, pita chips and MORE along with some cool lunch bags and reusable bags. We were then told to do a little shopping and come up with some recipes and new ideas to share with the Jif team.

The night of the online party came, Rob and Sabreena sat with me while signing in to the online tasting and it the fun started right away. We immediately taste-tested baby carrots and peanut butter which surprisingly were good. We already know peanut butter and celery are a good match. The taste testing got more elaborate then downright weird when they paired bacon and peanut butter.

Sarah Donahoe and Cody Adams both with J.M. Smucker Company worked on some great ideas, recipes and fun stories while interacting with a slew of online party-goers with our own ideas, recipes and dares.
One of our favorite recipes that we ate right along was:

Peanut Butter Apple Rings
• 1/3 cup Jif® Natural Creamy Peanut Butter Spread
• 4 teaspoons honey
• 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
• 1 large red delicious apple, cored and cut crosswise into 6 rings
• 1/2 cup granola cereal with raisins

1. STIR peanut butter, honey and cinnamon in small bowl. Arrange apple rings on serving plates. Spread rings evenly with thin layer of peanut butter mixture.
2. LIGHTLY PRESS granola cereal into peanut butter mixture. Serve immediately.

The trick is to pat the apple dry otherwise the peanut butter won’t stick.

Each and every day in our home a peanut butter jar can be found on the counter as some point during the day. Often it’s for breakfast, usually it’s for lunch and sometimes it’s for snack after school. I’ve found since doing this event with Jif I really appreciate the flavor over other brands. It tastes like peanuts. I did share a couple of ideas that we do in our own home like peanut butter on toasted waffles for breakfast or adding a couple TBLS to smoothies to boost protein and flavor.

Are you a peanut butter fanatic? Could your child use a $25,000 scholarship? Enter the Jif® Most Creative Peanut Butter Sandwich Contest for your chance at the Grand Prize. Just mail in the recipe of your most creative and tasty sandwich creation. All entries must be postmarked by October 22, 2010. Visit for complete rules and details as well as the entry form.

This is a sponsored post but the opinions and descriptions presented belong solely to LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! Your experiences and reactions may differ from ours.

Got Cereal? Get Some with Me & Goji

There is a club for everything; beer, chips, fruit. But there isn’t another food club out there that looks out for your well being like Me & Goji does.

Me & Goji, the creators of some really tasty and unique artisanal  and custom cereal has started a cereal club. Artisanal cereal is a blend of quality, hand selected natural ingredients from around the world to create not only a delicious product but one that satisfies your nutritional needs. Me & Goji has produced 3 collections of this premier cereal; The Superfood Indulgence, The Active Edge and The Gluten Free Escape.
Each collection is made to benefit a certain lifestyle or in the case of The Gluten Free Escape a dietary restriction. Ingredients are blended to create not just good food to eat but food that works as fuel for the body. Join today for 3, 6 or 12 months for as low as $25/per month.

For a Limited Time Me and Goji is offering a special incentive for those signing up for 6 or 12-month cereal club subscriptions; receive any 1 of me & Goji’s “our recipes” for free.

Unlike traditional boxes of cereal Me and Goji is made with wholesome ingredients meant to be filling, satisfying and balanced. This actually makes a standard serving size of ¾ cup plenty for breakfast or afternoon snack.

We’ve enjoyed Me & Goji for many months now, Shae calls it her crunchy cereal and Rob uses it as a healthy snack packed with protein, fiber and essential carbs for his cycling days.

This is a sponsored post but the opinions and descriptions presented belong solely to LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! Your experiences and reactions may differ from ours.