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Double Chocolate Candy Bar Milkshake #TruMooTreats

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of TruMoo for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

The candy is about to roll in. Trick or Treating is such a big deal with my  kids. It’s like a competition who can get the most candy. What they don’t seem to understand is they visit the same houses so the quantity is the same. Then when we get home everything goes into one bowl, a communal bowl, a family bowl of goodies to be enjoyed over the next few months.

Candy is important for kids but that’s not how we live our lives all the time. We are pretty healthy eaters. The kids have balanced meals and snacks but we don’t deny some treats and sweets. Sometimes this means cakes, cookies and candy. Sometimes this means an icy cold glass of TruMoo Chocolate Milk.Double Chocolate Candy Bar Milkshake
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TruMoo Chocolate Milk has just the right about of sweetness and the creamy silky finish. For a long time chocolate milk has been seen as an unhealthy choice for a kid’s diet due to the added extra sugar & calories. TruMoo offers their flavored milks with NO high fructose corn syrup and less sugar then other brands.Double Chocolate Candy Bar Milkshake #TruMooTreats

Nutritionally 1 cup of low fat chocolate milk comes in at 140 calories and provides 25% of your needed calcium. This equals the amount of calcium on 5 cups of broccoli. No matter how hard you try you’re not going to get a kid to sit and eat 5 cups of broccoli a day.  Give in and feel good about TruMoo Chocolate Milk.

I went above and beyond and made the kids one of their favorite treats. Milkshakes. Not just any milkshake. Double Chocolate Candy Bar Milkshakes.  This idea comes from knowing the candy bars are going to be making their way into our way very soon. Here’s a way to use up the candy in a new and fun way. This is meant to be a dessert, a fun dessert that the kids will remember and ask for over and over.
Double Chocolate Candy Bar Milkshake #TruMooTreats

Double Chocolate Candy Bar Milkshake-serves 2


  • 3-4 scoops Chocolate ice cream of choice (we used chocolate marshmallow)
  • 1-2 cups TruMoo Chocolate Milk
  • 4-6 fun size Snickers bars
  • chocolate syrup
  • caramel syrup
  • whipped cream
  • mini chocolate chips


Rinse mugs/glasses with water and place in freezer while building milkshake.
In a blender combine ice cream and candy, blend for 5 seconds to chop candy.
Add 1 cup of milk to blender (more or less depending how thick you prefer your milkshake). Blend for another 5-10 seconds.
Remove glasses from freezer and drizzle inside with caramel and chocolate sauce.
Pour milkshakes into each glass and top with whipped cream and mini chocolate chips or chopped candy pieces.
Add a straw and spoon and enjoy.

This is just one way to create an indulgent treat from wholesome chocolate milk from TruMoo. visit their website for more delicious TruMoo Halloween recipes or on Facebook or Pinterest to treat your family to something new and yummy.
Double Chocolate Candy Bar Milkshake #TruMooTreats

Double Chocolate Candy Bar Milkshake #TruMooTreats

Double Chocolate Candy Bar Milkshake #TruMooTreats

Double Chocolate Candy Bar Milkshake #TruMooTreats

Double Chocolate Candy Bar Milkshake

Double Chocolate Candy Bar Milkshake


  • 3-4 scoops Chocolate ice cream of choice (we used chocolate marshmallow)
  • 1-2 cups TruMoo Chocolate Milk
  • 4-6 fun size Snickers bars
  • chocolate syrup
  • caramel syrup
  • whipped cream
  • mini chocolate chips


  1. Rinse mugs/glasses with water and place in freezer while building milkshake.
  2. In a blender combine ice cream and candy, blend for 5 seconds to chop candy.
  3. Add 1 cup of milk to blender (more or less depending how thick you prefer your milkshake). Blend for another 5-10 seconds.
  4. Remove glasses from freezer and drizzle inside with caramel and chocolate sauce.
  5. Pour milkshakes into each glass and top with whipped cream and mini chocolate chips or chopped candy pieces.
  6. Add a straw and spoon and enjoy.

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Can E-Cigarettes Really Work?

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of NJOY for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.

My parents are a HUGE part of my family.  My children have grown up with them involved in every part of their lives. They attend lacrosse games, graduations, birthday parties and random dinners just because. Living 5 miles apart from each is probalby a big contributor of this but also it’s because we all love each other very much.

A couple of years ago my husband and I started to pull back from so many visits to them because of their cigarette smoking habit.  We didn’t stop spending time with them but we just limited the time spent at their house. The kids started to complain of the cigarette smell on their clothes, the dogs, their hair and of course on my parents themselves. The kids often asked US when and if my parents would stop smoking. These days kids are very educated ans aware on the dangers of smoking and I think it started to make them more aware and scared. They would hear Pop-Pop cough and cough and wonder if it had to do with smoking.  I told the kids that quitting was a decision their grandparents had to make on their own. The kids would leave hints, make comments but they understood that the choice had to come from my parents.

Three months ago my parents decided to make a change. They were switching to electronic cigarettes. This was amazing news for my family.  No more skipped visits to see the people they love best. No more complaining of smoke and smells. No more interrupted trips for smoke breaks. I was so proud of the attempt.

Electronic cigarettes like NJoy are a technological breakthrough for those with smoking habits. Vaping is the process of inhaling a vapor that contains nicotine, flavors and chemicals. The NJOY e-cig is constructed to feel as close to a real cigarette as possible. The inhalation of the flavored vapor creates that familiar feeling of smoke in your mouth and throat. The flavors just add a little something extra.

NJoy Vapor Cigarettes Can Really Work

NJoy is NOT owned by Big Tobacco and never will be. They are committed to setting the highest standards for corporate responsibility related to the prevention of use of their products by people under the legal age, transparency and disclosure related to the ingredients contained in and the processes involved in manufacturing of our products, and the advancement of scientific evidence related to the potential benefits associated with the use of their products as an alternative to traditional tobacco products.NJoy Vapor Cigarettes Can Really Work

I personally think my father’s smoking had a lot to do with needing something to do with his hands and mouth. We’d often witness him hold a cigarette, take a puff or two and be done with it till it burned out on its own. Having an electronic cigarette gives him the same feeling of a traditional tobacco cigarette without all the mess and smell and health issues.

Today to say I’m crazy proud of my father is an understatement. He said if he had he known how easy this was he would’ve made the switch years ago without having to go through the trouble of patches, gum, prescriptions and withdraw symptoms.

Is NJoy something a smoker in your life would be willing to try? Learn more about #NJOYVape to help someone else kick the habit.

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Use #TexasPete to Spice up your Meals #FeedingAmerica

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Texas Pete for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Something happened with Rob’s palette 2years ago. He started craving super spicy foods and adding hot sauce to everything. Now when it’s time to set the table for any meal the kids are required to grab hot sauce along with any other condiments needed. Texas Pete Hot Sauce is one we’re going to try because I found this chicken wing recipe that sounds amazing.

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These lip-smacking, delicious, party-style chicken wings are marinated in CHA! by Texas Pete® and roasted in the oven until golden brown and delicious, then finished with an explosive CHA! hoisin glaze.

YIELD: 48 party wings

PORTION (Serving Size): 1 party wing



Chicken wings, fresh: 4 lbs. or 48 party wings

CHA! by Texas Pete®: 1 cup

Butter, salted: 1 stick

Salt and pepper to taste


CHA! by Texas Pete®: 1⁄2 cup • Hoisin sauce: 3⁄4 cup

Scallions, sliced thin for garnish: 1 bunch


Marinate the chicken wings in the CHA! by Texas Pete® for 24 hours. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. After 24 hours, place the chicken wings in a large mixing bowl. Melt the stick of butter and pour over the chicken wings. Season with salt and pepper and mix well. Place the chicken wings on as many baking trays as needed, keeping space between each chicken wing and not over-crowding the pans. Roast the chicken wings in the oven for approximately 45 minutes or until golden brown, crispy, fork tender and fully cooked to an internal temperature of 165 degrees. Flip them once halfway through the cooking process so they crisp evenly on both sides. Depending upon the size of the wings, you may need to cook them for over an hour. While the wings are cooking, prepare the glaze and slice the scallions.

Mix the 1⁄4 cup of CHA! by Texas Pete® with the 3⁄4 cup of hoisin sauce and mix well. When the chicken wings are finished cooking, carefully place them into a large mixing bowl and toss them with the spicy CHA! hoisin glaze. Arrange the chicken wings on a serving platter, garnish with the sliced scallions and serve.

Texas Pete CHA! Hoisin Glazed ChickenWings

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With football season just starting I could make these easily for a crowd and adjust the heat for mild taste buds or make them more fiery for my husband who wants heat on everything.  Texas Pete is more than just hot sauce too. You can find Texas Pete Hot Sauce and condiments and ingredients to fit your own meal plan. You can also find Texas Pete Hot Sauce recipes online to try for yourself.

Choose Texas Pete to kick up so many other dishes like macaroni and cheese, tacos, ribs and even baked potatoes topped with cheese. Best of all Texas Pete will be donating $1 to Feeding America (up to a $5,000 total donation!) for every social share of THIS post.

Help get them to their goal with a little social clicky above or below. Let me know where to find your share.

How do you like to use hot sauce in recipes?  

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