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I forgot about this

I was going through old youtube videos and found this one of Shae. We honestly watched the Lion Sleeps Tonight video over and over and over and over and she LOVED it. She’s so little here, LookWhatMomFound wasn’t even a thought then. Of course I teared up when I watched it, i miss her at this stage.

I Disclose

First Decent Snow of 2011!!!

Here in Delaware we were suppose to get 4-8 inches of snow overnight and we did get snow yet I am not sure how much but it was enough for school to be cancelled and for me to take the day off of work.

We got an inch or so a week ago and Shae was dying to go outside and make snow angels which we never did but she made up for it today.  Shae literally just came in now for lunch but she was outside for about 3 hours.  Melinda and I were outside with her for a little while while she did some sledding and snow angel making then we came in and Sabreena took the second shift.

Shaun on the other hand is still outside.  We even put his lunch and water on the front step so he didn’t need to get undressed to come in for lunch.  I am sure we won’t see him until dinner time.

Must be nice to be a kid and love the freezing cold snow. LOL!!

Wordless Wednesday – The Three Amigos

This was taken on Thanksgiving.  I can’t believe they are all smiling and looking at the camera.

Why are toddlers so unreasonable?

I asked this question yesterday on Twitter. I wasn’t looking for an answer I was just kind of venting a little bit. She turned 2 a couple weeks back and instantly we had to implement time-out because her little baby crying episodes turned into full-blown temper tantrums with ear piercing shrieking, stomping, hitting and falling to the floor. Yesterday’s episode actually made me laugh. It was lunchtime and she asked for banana, no biggie, I gave her one. The second I put it in her hand she walked over to the trash can to toss it. I grabbed it and said no. The switch was flipped and the freak out began.

At that moment my phone rang and it was one of my best friends who I haven’t talked to and I didn’t want to blow her off. I went to the basement, closed the door behind me and proceeded to talk for a few minutes. My friend could hear Shae screaming the whole time and laughed it off, she has kids and knows how it can be . I felt bad because I had to cut the conversation a little short but I had to deal with Shae. I opened the basement door and she calmed down and asked for the banana again. I asked her if she was going to eat it and she said YES very enthusiastically. The switch was turned off. That quickly it was all over. I deal with this craziness everyday. I try to stay calm and console her if she’s upset or put her in time-out if she’s being mean but I really wanted to lock myself in the basement for the rest of the day.

Look at this sweet face, it’s the devil in disguise.

Bad Mommy Moment

I had my 1st really bad mommy moment with Shae.
I was standing at the screen door waving bye to the little girls I watch. They got in their car so I turned away and pushed the door closed and locked it. I stood in the foyer for several seconds as Sabreena was walking towards. We talked for a couple seconds and I glanced around looking for Shae and then I heard a muffled talking. I turned towards the closet knowing she likes to grab hats out of the basket of winter gear. At that exact moment I realized what I had done. I closed and locked the door with Shae still looking out of the screen door. I yelled for Rob as I was opening the door but actually couldn’t stop laughing. She wasn’t affected, she was still waving to the girls but it broke my heart that I would do that to her. I didn’t even know she was standing at the door and she’s such a shortie that I turned around and didn’t noticed her standing there. So go ahead and pass the award my way, I deserve it.