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Healthy Meals Picky Eaters Will Love to Eat


Picky eaters often turn down healthy meals, even if it’s something they will likely end up loving. It can be easy to give in and serve hot dogs, chicken nuggets, and other quick meals they love, but this won’t help them eat healthier. Instead, try out some of these recipes that are so great that even the pickiest of eaters will love them.

Slow-Cooker Mac and Cheese

When it comes to food for picky eaters, sometimes sticking with the old standard is a good idea but making it healthier. Mac and cheese made with healthy ingredients in the slow cooker is healthier than the box mix, just as easy to make, and is going to be a big hit with picky eaters. They may even end up liking to eat this more than the box mix they used to request daily.

Cheeseburger Cups

Cheeseburger cups are made in muffin tins and are great for eating on the go. Just a few ingredients lead to a tasty dinner that can be enjoyed at home or anywhere on busy days. Since they taste like amazing cheeseburgers, most picky eaters are going to love them. Add or change ingredients to customize the cheeseburger cups for a larger variety of meals.

Walking Tacos

Vegan breakfast taco are easy for kids to make and include healthier ingredients, making them a fantastic option. Plus, they’re fun to make and to eat. Open a single-serve bag of chips, then add cooked ground beef, salsa, lettuce, and cheese directly into the bag. Then enjoy the meal while enjoying a game, eating on the go, or together as a family.

Chicken Pot Pie Pasta

A creamy chicken pot pie pasta provides tons of flavor and has a variety of vegetables. They’re in the sauce, though, so picky eaters are more likely to enjoy them. This recipe only uses one pot, so it’s a great option for busy days when no one wants to do the dishes and is tasty enough. Everyone will love having it regularly for dinner, even picky eaters.

Ham and Cheese Waffles

Ham and cheese sandwiches are easy to make and taste great on their own, but using waffles takes it to another level. Plus, waffles can be made healthier than store-bought bread, so this is a great way to get picky eaters to enjoy healthier foods. Make the sandwich, as usual, substituting waffles instead of bread, for an easy lunch that everyone will love. Try heating for a little bit to melt the cheese and make it even more delicious.

Grilled Turkey and Ham Sandwiches

Turkey and ham sandwiches pack a lot of nutrition in a sandwich, and most picky eaters will enjoy them as-is. Add in a little bit of cheese, then grill to create a protein-packed grilled cheese sandwich that anyone will enjoy. This is perfect for nights when a fast dinner is needed, and they can be made a few days ahead of time and then reheated as needed, making them a fast snack to enjoy on busy days.

Restaurant Favorites

Don’t forget to try out restaurant favorites. Most picky eaters have favorite foods they always get at certain restaurants. Making them at home can mean healthier foods, as it’s possible to pick out better ingredients. There are copycat recipes for many restaurant favorites, so this can make it easier to get picky eaters to enjoy healthier foods yet offer them foods that they’ll definitely enjoy.

According to this reliable dentist in Leominster, making them at home is also better in the sense that some restaurant ingredients are too sugary which is detrimental to your child’s dental health.

Getting picky eaters to try new foods can be hard, but there are ways to encourage them to eat healthier. Try out some of the recipes mentioned here to find out which ones are going to be the new favorites. 


11 Tips from School Nurses on Keeping Kids Healthy

Keeping your kids healthy is a high priority for every parent. It’s essential during the cold and flu season, which can be very dangerous for children with weakened immune systems. School nurses provide valuable advice on how parents can keep their kids healthy all year long. Nurses in elementary, middle school and high school know the latest information on staying healthy. They also work in schools where they must keep close track of students’ health. This article discusses tips from school nurses on keeping kids healthy.

Encourage your kids to consult school nurses if they feel unwell at school

Keeping kids healthy is an essential responsibility for parents, and having school nurses on your side can be extremely helpful. Encourage your kids to share their health issues with the school nurse if they feel unwell at school so that they treat the illness immediately and efficiently. Most school nurses are highly experienced, qualified and have a proper degree. To ensure that they are well equipped with the knowledge required to treat kids, you can also discuss their qualifications with them. However, there is a chance that you get more confused after talking to them; after all, there are various nursing degrees. You might wonder what is a Nursing Administration MSN Degree? How is BSN different from other nursing diplomas and degrees? Yada yada yada. In this case, do a little homework before your chat.

To ensure that the school nurses are the best caregivers, most schools often hire candidates with the highest qualification, which in this case is an MSN or doctorate since nurses with these advanced degrees are well-equipped with the highest level of expertise, knowledge and skills in administration and healthcare.

Everyone knows that good health is essential for success in school, but it’s still a common problem for kids to stay healthy and perform well in school. This is where school nurses come in – they work to keep the learning environment as healthy as possible and educate parents and kids about what they can do to stay healthy.

Teach your kids to wash their hands

Healthcare providers like school nurses value good hygiene above almost anything else. Washing and cleaning hands are one of the most effective ways to prevent getting sick, and a lot of times, it can be as simple as using soap and water. Parents should make sure their kids understand the importance of proper hygiene and take it seriously.

Drink plenty of water

Parents should encourage kids to drink water, especially when on the go, as juice and soda can quickly dehydrate your child. The best beverage for children is water, and kids should always have a water bottle with them. Children require continual hydration throughout the day. Many schools have water refill stations, allowing students to fill up their bottles whenever they need them quickly.

Get enough sleep

Parents must prioritize to ensure that their kids are getting enough sleep. Children should be in bed by 8 pm each night to ensure they get their required 10 hours of rest. If your kid is tired during the day, they may be unable to concentrate and learn as well as they should.

Eat a healthy breakfast

Parents should ensure that their child has eaten a healthy, nutritious breakfast every morning. It will help them stay alert throughout the day, improve their memory and concentration abilities, and give them the energy needed to keep up with their schoolwork. A healthy breakfast would include whole-grain cereal, fresh fruit or vegetables, and milk.

Don’t share water bottles

Don’t let your child share their school water bottle with anyone. Many diseases spread through sharing personal items such as water bottles. You should explain to the children that sharing water bottles can lead to the spread of germs. Always ensure that the water bottles are clean and sanitized regularly.

Cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing

Give your kids a clean start for the school day by teaching them to cover their mouth and nose with hands or tissue when coughing or sneezing. This simple practice can help prevent the spread of colds, flu, and other germs. Please provide them with a tissue pack or a handkerchief to use as a cover and remind them of this technique whenever they seem to be sick.

Eat healthy foods

Parents should also be aware of their children’s diets. Help your kids choose healthy snacks at home and send them to school with the best possible fuel in their stomachs. Kids will be less likely to catch a cold or get sick if they eat a balanced diet and avoid junk food and sugary drinks, and parents can talk with school nurses about healthy options. Parents should monitor their children’s food intake to ensure they get the right foods. Monitor how many fruits and vegetables kids are eating, and make sure they take a multivitamin each day. Please encourage them to stay away from junk food because it has very little nutritional value. Make sure they drink a glass of water daily, especially if they will be outside in the heat.

Use hand sanitizer

Hand sanitizer is a valuable tool to have on hand, especially during cold and flu season. Please discuss with your kids the proper technique for using hand sanitizer and demonstrate it yourself before they leave for school each morning. It can help kill germs and avoid spreading viruses to classmates.

Physical activity

Kids should be encouraged to stay active throughout the day. Kids should do some healthy exercise every day, even if it is broken up into activities throughout the day. Many kids have busy schedules but try to encourage your child to go outside and play for at least 20 minutes each day. If they can’t go outside, they should still get some activity. Try to encourage them to do jumping jacks or pushups during commercials when watching TV or do some stretches or yoga poses during that time instead.

Keep Sick Students Home

If a kid is sick, they should stay home from school to avoid getting the other students ill. Staying at home will also help them recover more quickly. School nurses would rather have kids stay home to regain their health instead of struggling through school even though they are sick.

Stay Clean

Kids should practice good hygiene to keep germs away. Wash their hands regularly, especially before eating or drinking anything. Teach them to clean their hands after playing outside using soap and water or hand sanitizer if they can’t access running water. Teach them not to touch their mouths, eyes, or nose with dirty hands. Please encourage them to put dirty clothes in the hamper and wash their hands after handling pets or other animals.


Thank you for reading! Parents should know how their children can stay healthy and what they should do if they are sick. We hope that this blog provided some helpful tips on keeping your kids happy and healthy! Be sure to visit the school nurse with any questions or concerns about your child’s health.

You Might Be Overlooking These 6 Signs Of Exhaustion


There are medical reasons why you might be feeling exhausted – allergic rhinitis, fibromyalgia, depression, anemia, and the like. These will need to be addressed by you and your doctor. 

Take heart. There are wonderful positive outcomes to be enjoyed. If you are mentally and emotionally drained from maybe having too much on your plate, top-rated memory pills might be just what you need. 

Yawning your head off by 2.00 p.m. or passing out in front of the television by 7.00 p.m. is an indication that it is time to sit up and take notice – this type of exhaustion could be downright dangerous to you and your health.

‘Exhaustion is overwhelming’

That’s what nutritionist Jennie Gough, says. She was once a sufferer too, but she overcame it, understanding that it’s not just normal tiredness. She describes it as “trying to move through thick mud and think through thick fog. You can’t function because you feel wiped out all the time.”


6 Signs That You Are Exhausted

1. Your lips are dry

If you notice that your lips are dry all the time and you are reaching for your chapstick while experiencing headaches as well, it could be you are dehydrated. The more dehydrated you are, the more fatigued and exhausted you are. Dr Michael J. Breus, an expert in clinical sleep disorders says that anyone who craves needing something to drink all the time, with skin and lips that are parched might well be “dealing with a level of hydration that can lead to sheer exhaustion.” You should drink sufficient water to the point where you see that your urine is clear.

2. Your mind has become all fuzzy

Sleep is essential to the brain. Like a car needs gas, the body needs sleep to stabilize the chemical imbalances and refresh the mood and behaviour. Check out Neuriva reviews for relief! When you disturb the period of sleep known as REM (rapid eye movement), you might notice that you are exhausted and sluggish the next day. Being deprived of sleep, you are inclined to forget important things and to experience irritability.

3. No more energy even for workouts

Exercise requires you to focus mentally. If your brain isn’t up to date because you haven’t been getting sufficient rest, but you continue to carry on like normal, your activities become limited and lethargic. A big sign that you are experiencing exhaustion is if you can’t even get to the gym, let alone do exercises. According to Health Web Magazine, one night of lost sleep can start an unhealthy pattern of excessive eating, more exhaustion, and less exercise.

4. You’re feeling super-stressed but pretending you’re cool

An article on the Health Web Magazine website mentions stress can keep you up at night. One study on over 1000 men and women on stress and how it affected them revealed that those who tried to ignore it or distract themselves were the ones who suffered more from chronic insomnia. The researchers from the study suggested mindfulness techniques ease stress for them to cope better.

5. You’re devouring more junk foods

You have noticed you are forever looking for comfort foods – you feel the need to feed your nervous exhaustion and stress with high carbs and fatty foods. All those junk foods make you feel even more exhausted. Exhaustion often relates to high levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. It is when the blood sugar and insulin levels rise dramatically. So, fuel your body with healthy low-fat foods like whole grains and fruit that stabilize the blood sugar and keep insulin levels normal.

6. You’ve missed a couple of nights of good sleep

Researchers found that after a night of fragmented sleep, people experienced worse moods and weaker attention spans from sheer over-tiredness. It is important to decrease the stimulation of your mind before you go to bed. You can even consider orange light glasses at night to help you sleep better.

Have you noticed that with your exhaustion and stress, you always seem to have a cold, and you often are short of breath at any time, even when you are not even exerting yourself? Check out our Neuriva reviews to know how to deal with mental exhaustion. While taking supplements, eat smaller meals, get plenty of sleep, and control your stress levels. Mindful meditation and yoga can do wonders too.


If you have been exhausted for well over three or four months, you might have chronic fatigue syndrome. Common symptoms you will notice are sleep problems, headaches, muscle or joint pain, you feel nauseous with fast, irregular heartbeats, or heart palpitations. There are more symptoms, and they often get exaggerated with exercise. If you believe you have the symptoms of exhaustion – it’s time to schedule a visit to your GP. A doctor may advise whether it is your lifestyle, depression, stress, post-viral fatigue, and more that is causing your exhaustion.

You may opt for the top-rated memory pills to pull yourself together while adding vitality, focus, and joie de vivre because your life matters!


How to Get a Better Night’s Sleep

According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults need approximately 7-9 hours of sleep per night to function optimally. Unfortunately, many people are getting much less than they need, and if you are one of these people who are not getting enough sleep, you may experience side effects such as tiredness during the day or even having a difficult time concentrating. Lack of sleep also increases your chances of getting sick; however, do not worry because there are some things you can do to help improve your sleeping habits, and in this post, we will give you some tips on how you can get a better night’s sleep. 

Choose Proper Sleepwear 

Many people don’t realize just how important the right sleepwear is for a good night’s sleep. The best materials to sleep in include lightweight cotton pyjamas, knit, flannel pyjamas, bamboo-derived material, linen, or even silk. Lightweight fabrics always provide the best quality of sleep because they allow you to move with ease while you sleep. These fabrics are also great for lounging around because they are very comfortable, and that is the key to restful sleep. Socks are another sleep hack. It is said that sleeping in a pair of cashmere socks makes you fall asleep quicker and helps maintain a relaxing body while sleeping, which will improve sleep quality. 

Establish a Bedtime Routine and Stick to it

One way to ease yourself into a better night’s sleep is to establish a bedtime routine. This can consist of anything that is going to help you relax and enter into a calmer state before bedtime. A few great ideas include taking a nice warm bath to relax your body, meditation to relax your mind, and reading a book which is known to help people become sleepy and fall asleep faster.

Having bedtime tea is another good bedtime routine idea, and probably the most important part of your bedtime routine that should be number 1 on the list is to choose a bedtime. Make sure it is not too late or too early; the recommended bedtime for adults is 10 pm. 

Avoid Using Electronic Devices in Bed

Our technology devices, such as phones, tablets, laptops, and even televisions, emit blue light, which disrupts our natural sleep cycle as well as our natural hormonal cycle. It is because of this that it is not recommended to consume technology at bedtime. Rather, we stop using technology at least an hour before we sleep. This ensures that we get a restful night’s sleep without any disturbances. If you are in a situation where you have to use technology at night, perhaps you work late, you should invest in blue blocker glasses which absorb the blue light emitted from technology so that it doesn’t affect you.

You can purchase these glasses without a prescription. However, it is recommended that you get them from an optometrist. Instead of scrolling on social media before bed, try reading a book. 

Keep Your Bedroom Cool and Dark

When you keep your room cooler and darker at night, you are reinforcing your body’s instinct to fall asleep because as night approaches, the temperature of our bodies naturally decreases, which signals to our brain that it is time to slow down and get some much-needed rest. Exposure to light at night can also mess with your sleep cycle because light increases melatonin levels which slows down your body’s organic progression to sleep. If you don’t have one, invest in a dim night lamp such as a Himalayan salt lamp which gives a warm glow instead of a harmful bright light. Natural light is also wonderful, so light some candles. 

Stretch or do Relaxation Exercises Before Bedtime 

Exercise is important because it releases energy and naturally makes us feel more tired. Experts suggest that exercising at night is good sleep hygiene, and it is recommended that you do low-intensity exercise before bed and avoid any vigorous activity at least 60 minutes before. Stretching is also brilliant because stretching your muscles and loosening your joints is a great way to relax your body and mind. A more relaxed body and mind will produce more relaxed sleep. 

Everyday Challenges and How Do Nurses Deal With Them in Their Career

Nurses combat overwhelming bouts of pressure, exhaustion, and inflexibly demanding schedules to maintain patient safety and healthcare quality. Their careers are riddled with overpowering challenges and burnout causes, which impede their growth and professional development. Many nurses find themselves struggling with unhealthy work-life imbalances, stuck within the same professional capacity, and unable to pursue career advancement.

However, nurses who take the initiative to understand and eliminate their challenges emerge as dynamic healthcare leaders with vast clinical expertise. Gone are the days when nursing professionals lacked resources and avenues to overcome challenges impeding their growth and advancement. Modern-day nurses are the bedrock of the healthcare sector, driving facilities towards innovation and superior quality standards.

However, nurses must overcome everyday challenges and develop preparedness to achieve clinical authority and professional glory.

Ensuring Patient Safety & Clinical Preparedness 

Nurses have more direct engagement with patients than other healthcare providers, making them directly responsible for patient safety. Nurses perform the preliminary diagnosis and administer emergency clinical assistance in most healthcare facilities. Nurses feel the overwhelming responsibility of ensuring patient safety with clinical preparedness and accuracy.

Nurses who lack advanced clinical training and specialized expertise struggle to ensure patient safety while monitoring treatment outcomes. The slightest errors can lead to glaring health concerns aggravating the patient’s condition and often resulting in medical malpractice. At times, nurses feel pressured to diagnose or administer medications to prevent life-threatening emergencies.

Regulating patient safety is a formidable challenge for entry-level nurses without advanced clinical specializations. BSN nurses are well-trained and qualified to handle sensitive cases and emergencies that demand clinical preparedness and advanced knowledge. Click here to learn more about how nursing professionals can develop clinical authority by pursuing online degrees, expanding their opportunities for career advancement.

Continual learning and academic advancement are the most pragmatic strategies to overcome the challenges of ensuring patient safety. Developing well-rounded clinical skills will help you emerge as a knowledgeable and specialized leader in your healthcare facility. Most importantly, BSN paves the road for a master’s degree and doctoral program, allowing nurses to pursue clinical leadership opportunities.

The e-learning route makes it easier for nurses to combine their exhausting full-time routines with continual learning endeavours. And you can apply the knowledge you acquire from your online program to improve patient safety standards in your facility.

Exhausting & Unrewarding Work Routines 

Despite their dedication and hard work, it’s natural for nurses to feel overworked, underpaid, and unappreciated. Nurses are consumed by demanding and exhausting work routines that leave them struggling with social isolation and continual pressure. Most nurses without advanced specializations feel dissatisfied by their pay rates and inflexible work schedules.

Nursing homes, hospitals, and clinics struggle to address ongoing healthcare staffing shortages to address rising patient demands. Many nurses are forced to work longer shifts or tackle the jobs of two or more nurses to facilitate their employers. Providing more effort than your job description may appease your employers, but it will compromise your clinical efficiency.

Overworked and unappreciated nurses struggle with exhaustion, mental health challenges, and health concerns. These challenges render them vulnerable to making mistakes and errors that compromise patient safety. More importantly, it will compromise your physical and mental wellbeing. How can nurses overcome this challenge to build a rewarding career?

We must prepare ourselves for the jobs we think we deserve. For nurses, continual learning and specializations hold the key to freedom, clinical leadership, and rewarding job dynamics. It’s also crucial to use effective communication to voice your demands and needs and consult your employers regarding workplace challenges. Nurses are also advised to negotiate their salaries or hourly rates and elevate their skills to find rewarding opportunities. ‍

Overwhelming Bouts of Occupational Stress 

Working long and exhausting hours without sufficient sleep and adequate nutrition is bound to take a toll on a nurse’s health. Occupational stress and physical burnout are formidable challenges nurses encounter and shrug off daily. It’s natural for nurses to dismiss their needs and devote their attention and efforts to prioritizing patient wellbeing.

When we continue ignoring stress, it develops into the far-reaching mental health challenges of anxiety and depression. Nurses serving back-to-back shifts with overwhelming occupational stress are increasingly vulnerable to health risks and eventual breakdowns. More alarmingly, occupational stress risks making grave medical errors and mistakes. And depression ruins our life quality, impeding our personal and professional growth.

As a nurse, you are driven to care and share your gift of empathy with those in need. But you cannot dispense care and compassion at the cost of your wellbeing. It’s essential to make time for self-care and develop a healthy lifestyle. You can address this challenge by taking a deep breath and setting priorities to achieve a healthy work-life balance.

Feeling Lonely & Socially Isolated

Nurses struggle with overwhelming loneliness and social isolation as their lives revolve around their work and patients. Professionals serving in hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes have demanding routines with barely enough time to sleep. They struggle to make time for family, friendships, and romantic relationships, leaving them isolated.

‍Social isolation and loneliness are incredibly disheartening, negatively impacting your mental wellbeing and professional prowess. Nurses with families and children often carry the overpowering burden of guilt caught between their patients and family members. Therefore, it’s crucial to engage with your social circle and find your tribe to create avenues for therapeutic release.

You don’t need to isolate yourself to perform your job to your best abilities. In fact, sacrificing your social wellbeing gives rise to depression, making you vulnerable and unprepared for healthcare emergencies. We strongly advise nurses to work towards a healthy work-life balance to counter isolation and make time for some fun.

Final Thoughts 

Have you noticed how continual learning and clinical specializations solve nearly all challenges nurses face every day? That’s right. Specialized nurse practitioners have control over their career trajectory and higher marketability. They enjoy job security and financial stability, alongside flexible work schedules and a healthy work-life balance.

Those who might be considering nursing roles only for its financial stability should also  have in mind the challenges it brings. You should be prepared to deal with tiresome shifts, stressful working conditions and even cultural differences, especially if you work as a travel RN. Although these positions sound adventurous and travel nursing salary is known to be considerably higher, it’s definitely a challenging position with great responsibilities.

Conduct your research on what do travel nurses do. Advancing your career with specialized skills will help you achieve the clinical authority that drove you towards nursing. We strongly advise nurses to build their skills and pursue higher education to overcome their growth challenges.

Five Ways of Taking Leadership Positions in Nursing

Many aspiring nursing candidates aim to work in leadership nursing roles once they’ve gained a few years of clinical experience. After all, moving up the career ladder from bedside care to a management level position is the next natural step to recognize progression in your specialty field.

But the question is, what are the best nursing management and leadership positions? There isn’t one answer to that question. In fact, due to the availability of various leadership and administrative opportunities in nursing, the roles you can apply for can be confusing most of the time.

 Furthermore, according to the AACN (The American Association of Colleges of Nursing), more than 3.1 million registered nurses are working throughout the United States. Nursing is amongst the highest-paying careers across the nation, as more than 100 jobs are advertised daily with their perks, salaries, and growth potential.

What’s more, nurses who enroll in higher education degrees will be better positioned to take on various leadership roles within their field of work. That said, let us look at a few ways of taking leadership positions in the nursing field.

Chief Nursing Officer

CNOs are tasked with overseeing the entire functioning of a healthcare facility’s nursing department. These professionals ensure that nursing units and teams have the proper staffing and equipment to meet the demands of patients.

They are also responsible for coordinating with nursing administration, typically nurse administrators, to procure supplies, develop budgets, hire nursing staff, and much more. Moreover, whenever there’s an emergency the internal nursing staff cannot handle, a chief nursing officer takes over.

If you try searching for the term how to become a chief nursing officer on Google, you’ll know proven management and leadership skills are a must, in addition to a DNP or MSN. According to the BLS, the median salary of a chief nursing officer is around $104,980/year.

Nursing Educator

A nursing educator is responsible for educating the next crop of nurses in a specialty area. In addition, they are tasked with providing continuing education and positioning new nurses into a nursing school or program.

Furthermore, A nursing educator can also serve as a valuable asset for nursing staff and patients for help and guidance on various medical situations and issues. This nursing leadership role requires candidates to work a nine-to-five or 1st shift job where they spend most of their time training nursing staff.

Typically, nursing educators are employed by healthcare agencies, nursing schools, extended care facilities, hospitals, and clinics.

Candidates must first obtain a BSN and a valid state-issued RN license to apply for this position. However, to improve chances of employment at a healthcare facility, previous working experience in a teaching job and an MSN are preferred.

In addition to this, excellent verbal and written communication skills are necessary to succeed in this role. According to Payscale, the average salary of a nurse educator is around $78,014/year.

Nurse Administrator

As one of the top leadership positions in the nursing field, a nurse administrator is typically responsible for directing and hiring nursing staff for a healthcare facility. However, roles vary from one institution to another.

For instance, while working at the federal government level, nursing administrators help provide oversight and leadership for government health organizations and public health programs. Furthermore, individuals working as nurse administrators can also be hired as chief nursing officers, nurse managers, or directors of nursing.

A bachelor of science in nursing and a valid RN license are needed to work in this leadership and management role. However, depending on the healthcare institution’s requirements and job duties, an MSN might also be required. Furthermore, at least five years of clinical experience is a must to work as a nurse administrator, just like any other nursing leadership position. According to the BLS, the average salary of a nurse administrator is around $118,800 per year.  

Clinical Nursing Leader

A CNL is a knowledgeable and experienced nurse who serves as an essential resource for a team of nurses. As one of the more promising and newer nursing leadership positions, this specialty came into existence to accommodate highly skilled and knowledgeable nurses into the healthcare system.

That said, the role’s primary focus is to improve the quality of patient care. CNLs typically work alongside administrators, doctors, and other nurses to help educate healthcare professionals and achieve better patient outcomes.

Clinical nursing leaders aren’t restricted to only working inside a hospital. Instead, these professionals can work in other healthcare institutions like consulting firms, research facilities, nursing schools, and private clinics.

Applicants looking to apply for this nursing leadership role must graduate from an accredited MSN program and become an RN with valid practicing licensure. Furthermore, a master’s degree in Clinical nurse leadership will also improve chances of employment at a reputable healthcare facility or institution.

Moreover, candidates must also have five years of previous working experience in a leadership or management role. According to, the salary of a clinical nursing leader ranges from $84,420 to $105,856 per year.

Nursing Program Director

A nursing program director or NPD is responsible for directing and implementing nursing programs at the university level as per accreditation standards. In fact, the NPD is usually the one who heads a nursing school’s nursing department.

In addition to maintaining accreditation of nursing programs, these professionals also have to develop learning curricula, manage nursing faculty, and ensure that nursing students remain satisfied.

To become a nursing program director, aspiring candidates must obtain an advanced nursing degree such as an MSN. However, a DNP or Ph.D. in nursing is usually preferred to work in this leadership position.

In addition to becoming an RN (Registered Nurse), applicants must also have two years of teaching experience as a nursing faculty member and five years of clinical experience as a nurse. Moreover, effective leadership and communication skills are also necessary to succeed in this role.

According to PayScale, the average salary of a nursing program director is around $87,429 per year.


As you can see with the job titles mentioned above, a leadership role in nursing can take your career to the next level. Therefore, with the motivation to advance your career and the right experience and educational credentials, you can eventually become the one in charge of your healthcare facility’s nursing department. You can find all nursing leadership jobs in the USA on Jooble

Making Sure Your Cat Gets the Right Nutrition

We all know the importance of getting the proper nutrition when it comes to our health and wellbeing. Your diet can have a significant impact on other aspects of your life, which is why many people try to ensure they eat the right foods and get a balanced diet. However, it is not just us humans that have to get the proper nutrition in order to thrive in life – it is also our pets. As the owner of a pet, you need to ensure that they receive the right food and the proper nutrients for a healthier, happier life, and when it comes to your cat, there are plenty of great options to choose from.

One thing to remember when it comes to cat nutrition is that certain nutrients are necessary for your feline’s diet to aid their health. If you constantly go for the cheapest foods without any regard for quality and ingredients, you could end up starving your pet of these valuable nutrients. This is why it is so important to choose the right food, and there are several critical benefits that come with doing this. You can even save money on high-quality food by using promos such as Chewy shopping discount codes, and this can help to cut costs without cutting quality.

What Are the Benefits of Proper Feline Nutrition?

There are many benefits that come with ensuring your cat gets the right food and nutrition as part of its staple diet. Some of the benefits you can look forward to being:

A Healthier and Happier Pet

One of the significant benefits of ensuring your cat gets the proper nutrition is that your cat will be far healthier and happier. As we mentioned earlier, diet and nutrition can have a substantial positive impact on all aspects of life, and this includes overall health and wellbeing as well as appearance, energy levels, and more. By making sure your cat gets the proper nutrition, you can aid their health and wellness.

Support as They Age

Just like humans, as pets get older various aspects of their health can start to suffer. This includes everything from the joints and muscles to their vision and hearing. By feeding your cat the right food, you can provide valuable support as they get older such as joint and bone support that can keep them more mobile and comfortable as they reach their senior years.

Financial Benefits for You

There are even financial benefits for you when you invest in food that is of excellent quality. When you feed your cat cheaper food with lower nutrition levels, they will feel hungry more quickly and will end up eating more food. With higher-quality, nutritious food, your cat will feel full for longer, and this means that they eat less food. This then means that you do not have to go and purchase food as often.

These are some of the significant benefits of ensuring you give your cat high-quality, nutritious food. 


Want To Buy Health Insurance? 7 Factors to Keep in Mind before Investing

If you have to buy health insurance, then you are in the right place. We want to highlight a few factors to consider before taking the giant leap. If you are still debating about it, then you are in the right place. These valid points would aid you in making the right decision. There is much to consider when you are buying medical insurance, and you have to have the correct information so that you can make a decision that matters the most. When you choose health insurance or medical insurance, you need to consider who you are buying for and what the pre-existing conditions are, too. The more you think about it, the more you’ll need to know!

Medical insurance is crucial for everyone as it provides much-needed financial support during a health scare. Everyone wants to be healthy and happy. However, we do experience our share of ailments throughout our lives. The type of illness would determine the course of action and cost. It could be cold that disappears with mom’s magic chai or lifestyle diseases that require lifelong treatment. 

Either way, the treatment cost is significantly high owing to the inflation in the health care industry. Most people do not have the backup funds to handle sudden and emergent situations. When this situation arises, they tend to panic and struggle. Though we cannot predict the twists and turns, we can be prepared. 

When you buy health insurance, you secure the future of your loved ones. This small premium could be a lifesaver in terms of emergencies. However, it is vital to choose the best-customised plan that would achieve its purpose. It would be prudent to consider all the relevant factors before purchasing the first or cheapest option. Here are some factors to consider before signing the dotted line. 

The Age

The age of the person has a direct correlation with the premium amount and the coverage plan. This is also the reason why specialists urge people to buy health insurance before 40. 

The Premium

The expectations from the policy would determine the premium. When people opt for a family floater plan, they should identify the best option for everyone in the group. Most companies do have EMI options to ease the burden when you buy health insurance. 

Waiting Period

All policies do require time to mature. For example, some people tend to purchase only when they have an emergency. However, the regulations are straightforward and segmented based on the treatment type. 

Cashless Transaction

One of the primary benefits of owning medical insurance is the lack of financial burden. However, it is essential to note that there are two distinctive types of policies. The first type is when the patient pays and later reimburses the bill. The second is the cashless treatment option, where the insurance company directly makes the payment. Check for the list of empanelled hospitals to avail the benefits of the latter. 

Coverage Plan

Always look for a policy that would provide maximum coverage. The hospitals and insurance firms have a unique way of addressing the stay. Familiarise yourself with these specifications to identify a comprehensive coverage plan. Some companies also offer master health check-up coverage as a part of the policy. 

No Claim Bonus

A no claim bonus is an incentive the company provides if the policy holder does not make any claim during the policy period. This can be used for renewal or increasing the coverage amount. It would be prudent to check for these options. 

Claim Procedure

When you buy health insurance, always check the claim procedure to ensure hassle-free transactions. 

Insurance is a competitive market with various unique policies. When people buy health insurance, they should always read the fine print. It is reasonable for people to feel a little overwhelmed by the complex jargon and concepts. Fortunately, credible insurance companies such as Care Health Insurance have skilled representatives who help consumers adapt to the system. 

The goal of these professionals is not to increase sales. Instead, they concentrate on providing customised and affordable solutions to their consumers. Always window shop when you decide to buy health insurance as it would help to get a perception about the industry. Finally, make a list of your expectation and find the policy with the closest match. 


Health and Fitness Tips for The Busy Mom

Being a busy mom can be quite challenging as you will have lots of things to deal with every day. While you are taking care of your family and other things, you may have little time left to take care of yourself. Unluckily, this can be harmful to you and your household. Therefore, you must never overlook the need to be fit and healthy.

To help busy moms, this article will reveal some tested and trusted health and fitness tips.

Set Fitness and Health Goals for Yourself

If you start a fitness and health journey without having a goal, it will be difficult for you to achieve anything. Therefore, you must set health and fitness goals for yourself. Don’t create big goals that may be too cumbersome; create small ones that can be achieved easily. Such small goals will assist you in building more confidence and staying motivated to continue the journey.

Have a Calendar for Your Fitness and Health

Once you have created your workout goals, you need to have a calendar for the activities you need to do to achieve them. As a busy mom, you must be proactive with setting your fitness and health schedule. Nothing will ever change if you don’t act appropriately.

How many hip dip workout do you want to do every day? What is the thing you have to eat? How many hours will you dedicate to cardio and strength training? These are important questions that can help you to create a calendar.

Take Advantage of an Online Workout Plan

Are you struggling to create a fitness and health calendar? If yes, go online to see various workout plans. Nonetheless, you must note that some plans may not fit into your schedule. Therefore, you need to check out different plans and find one that suits your specific needs, preferences, and schedules.

The good thing about online workout plans is that they are easy to follow. Furthermore, some plans come in the form of an app that will send a notification to you. As a result of this, the app will keep you informed when it is time to exercise.

Plan Your Diets

Many busy moms don’t have time to plan their meals. Consequently, they just eat anything available whenever they are hungry. Unluckily, this can jeopardize their wellbeing. So, you should prioritize the need to eat balanced diets every time. Make sure you eat lots of vegetables, fruits, proteins, etc., each day.

Use parts of your weekends and leisure time to schedule what you and your family will eat during the coming weeks. This will assist you in having a particular timetable to follow. You may also download a health app like JennyCo for health product recommendations.

Body Contouring or Body Sculpting

Busy moms can look and feel great with body contouring or body sculpting. This is a non-surgical procedure that helps reshape and define areas of the body—such as the stomach, buttocks, thighs, arms, neck, and face. It can also help reduce fat and tighten loose skin for a more youthful appearance. This will save you a lot of time and effort as you don’t have to hit the gym every day. Visit Emsculpt NEO NYC to learn more about how you can look and feel your best with body contouring!

Drink Lots of Water

No matter how busy you are, you must always stay hydrated. Drink lots of water every day to speed up your metabolism rate, refresh your skin, and stay healthy. Start by taking a cup of water when you wake up in the morning. You need to maintain proper hydration throughout the day.

Sleep for at Least 7 Hours Every Night

Your busy schedule may want to make you assume that sleep is not essential. However, the lack of sleep can hamper your health and make you useless to your family. Therefore, put away your smartphone or tablet and sleep for at least 7 hours every night. Sleep will keep you rejuvenated to deal with the various activities of the day.

Exercise With Your Family

While you can exercise alone, doing so with your family can be more fun. It can also serve as an activity that brings the family together to share a great time. However, this doesn’t mean that you need to do the same activity every time. As you are doing a hip dip workout, your spouse can be training his biceps. Meanwhile, the kids can just be playing with the slide.

Pack Your Lunch Every Day

If you are a busy mom that works 9-5, you are at risk of missing lunches. Even if you eat lunch, you may end up consuming unhealthy snacks and meals. But you can stay in control of your health and fitness by packing healthy lunch every day. Apart from improving your wellbeing, lunch packing can also save you lots of money.

Get Help

Sometimes, you may be overwhelmed with the challenges of taking care of your kids, work, and lots more. You should not suffer in silence; seek help from your partner, friends, family, etc. You can also consult a health and fitness professional for more guidance on how to maintain your health and fitness as a busy mom.

Conclusively, you should note that nothing is impossible. Despite your busy schedule as a mom, you can still work out, eat and drink healthily, sleep, and stay healthy. Therefore, be motivated and don’t give room to excuses.


Big Drug-Free Benefits of Kinesiology Tape

Most athletes, along with non-athletes, reach for the pain-killing meds when confronted with personal injury, be it the result of accident that occurs at the workplace, or in the car, or in the sports arena. But there is a new, natural healing method that is getting a lot of attention among those people who prefer natural, non-invasive healing methods. It’s called Kinesiology tape. 

Says County Line Chiropractic, accident injury clinic Plantation, Florida, you may have noticed your favorite sports athlete wearing brightly colored tape on their neck, back, legs, and arms. This isn’t a fashion statement, but is instead, K-Tape, or kinesiology tape, which is used instead of medication to treat all sorts of injuries. 

What exactly is K-Tape? It’s a thin, waterproof, breathable cotton tape that can stretch along with your skin. Said not to be bulky, it provides support where needed without limiting mobility. It’s safe for both adults and kids.   

According to a new report, for any physically active person, annoying injuries like muscle aches and pains can be a real downer. Enter kinesiology tape. This tape will ease sports-related (and some non-sports related) work-out injuries faster, easier, and perhaps even better than medicines.

The Benefits of K-Tape

If applied correctly, K-Tape actually feels like a second skin while never limiting your movement. That’s due to the fact the K-Tape is engineered to mimic the elasticity of human skin along with its thickness. 

That said, here are some other big, drug-free benefits of kinesiology tape:  

Reduction of Swelling and Inflammation

The swelling and inflammation that can come from muscle injury can be annoying and, in some cases, debilitating. Muscles that are injured naturally swell. It’s a purely physical, biological reaction. Even a hard free-weight lift at the gym can result in swelling and inflammation. 

Rather than ingest pain medication and/or anti-inflammatory drugs like Advil, K-Tape provides “a holistic approach” with almost zero side effects.    

A recent study states that because of its elasticity, kinesiology tape is able to lift the skin away from the swollen and inflamed muscle tissue. This provides less resistance to fluid that’s retained in both the venous and lymphatic drainage systems.


Promotion of Space Between Joints

When there is minimal joint space between bones, it can result in pain. But studies show that K-Tape increases joint space, thereby providing relief. It is especially effective on shoulders (baseball pitchers and football quarterbacks take note). In a word, K-Tape creates additional space, not only preventing bones from rubbing together but also reducing swelling and inflammation.  

It also improves overall circulation. 

Enhancement of Contusion and Bruise Recovery

When capillaries and small veins break beneath the skin, it causes internal bleeding and bruising. While in most cases, this is not considered a medically severe condition, it can still hurt. By applying K-Tape to the bruise, it encourages blood drainage and the movement of fresh blood to the injured area. 

Biologically speaking, fresh blood is highly oxygenated and filled with the nutrients that promote healing. This process is said to be linked directly to your lymphatic system, which is designed to remove excess fluid and, in turn, assist in reducing bruising and swelling. 

Because the tape lifts the skin from the muscles, there is a better fluid flow throughout the body.  

Muscle Spasm and Cramping Relief

By enhancing circulation in the body, you can relieve muscle spasms and cramping. Good circulation translates into the consistent delivery of nutrients and oxygen to fatigued muscles. It cannot be emphasized enough that K-Tape is an excellent, drug-free promoter of better circulation throughout the body.  

Studies show that the overall effect of K-tape on skin blood flow is an increased “circulation of the lymphatic fluids.” 

Overall Support for Injured Muscles

Some people believe that K-Tape might restrict muscle movement. But in reality, it has the opposite effect. Kinesiology tape possesses elastic properties that actually match the elasticity of human skin. This makes it possible for the material to support joint pain and muscle injuries without the least bit of restricted movement. 

If you’re an athlete who relies on mobility, K-Tape will support and enhance your muscles.

Reduction of Injury Risk

Since K-Tape can provide support for weak limbs, it can reduce the chance of serious injury. A study of the use of the tape for professional dancers proved that it helped mitigate both the primary and secondary injury risk that sometimes occurs to dancers. 

The study also proved that kinesiology tape reduced muscle spasms and improved overall strength due to its ability to support muscle tone, along with joint movement and spacing.