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Long Winter? Get A Hobby!

With the end of winter in sight, some folks may be weeping tears of joy. If you live up above the 49th parallel, November through March can pose a considerable challenge in terms of maintaining a positive attitude and staying productive. And while the inviting breeze of spring may not be far off, with its promise of patios, music festivals and cottage weekend, it’s a good time to reflect on how you fared this winter – if it was really hard, consider why that was and strategize for next year.

If you’re like most Canadians, then you probably default to watching Netflix and hiding under warm blankets (ideally with a romantic partner) during the cold months. While this act of hibernation can be comfortable, it can also stifle personal growth. If you want to stay active during the winter months, it’s a good idea to take up a hobby that actually gets you out of the house. This encourages interacting with other real live humans and also could spark personal growth that will have a positive effect on your life!

Winter hobby

In this post, we’ll explore four great ways to stay active in the winter months and stimulate certain skill sets and brain waves.

  1. Join a specialized gym

 While your friends may give you a hard time for joining a cross fit gym (the culture can be obsessive and all-consuming), it may be worth it – plus there’s a good chance you’ll gain some cool new friends. It’s tough to stay active during the winter months, but working out gives you a chance to move around, makes you strong and helps you feel good about yourself. Rock climbing gyms have also become very popular in recent years; if you’re into puzzle solving and hate the idea of picking up weights and putting them down over and over, rock climbing might be just the thing for you!

  1. Learn a Musical Instrument

Learning an instrument is one of the best options because it’s something that you can work on alone in your bedroom, or with friends. If you never learned an instrument growing up but feel compelled to try, music lessons at Long & McQuade are a great place to start – this way you can get crucial tips about technique and casual assignments that will motivate you to hone your chops. Whether you’ve always wanted to slap the bass, rock the keyboard like Ray Charles or pound the drums like Keith Moon, your local music store should be able to set you up. Practice at home or get a jam group together with friends – if you don’t know anyone who plays an instrument, try or Craigslist!

Music Lesson

  1. Take a Class

If you don’t necessarily want to focus on one thing, you can mix it up every year and learn a variety of skills and crafts outside of your house. You could do art class one year, cooking class the next. There are great alternative classes for people who want to hone their amateur writing skills, improvisational comedy groups, dancing skills (read more about it here), the list goes on and on. If you try to teach yourself something new every winter, you will soon become a very impressive human indeed!

Timeless Skills to Help Build your Wealth

Everyone wants to save more for retirement. Saving for your golden years as early as possible and as often as possible is the ideal way to be as a worker. Funding your 401K is a great way to begin and if you can move on to becoming a self-employed worker without losing your shirt is very valuable as well. Every day wealth builders will stand to benefit by keeping up with the experts, look to the Warrior Trading Instagram page for similar advice on saving and investing.

Learning how to conduct yourself in business is a project that can result in lifelong growth. Reading books like “Letters from A Self-Made Merchant to His Son” can open up your mind to a new way of looking at the world. It gives you a sense of how to conduct yourself as a young worker on the make, looking to build your worth to a company and to society. The writing is colorful and the lessons can be profound, if you let them.

The ultimate goal of any worker is to build their skills and their wealth at the same time. That way you can secure your own financial situation and keep contributing to the world in vital ways. Being able to increase your skills as a writer, a marketer, a computer programmer or in any job can help you help your company, which will increase your salary. Then you can inject more of your income into your 401K, which will set you up to be a productive elder member of society, instead of a destitute person looking for a handout.

When you open up your retirement accounts, whether you are a worker with a 401K or a self-employer person with a Roth IRA, do what you can to set yourself up as a business. Track your spending, so you can be sure to cut unnecessary expenses and funnel the resulting expenses into productive investments. That is the global view of a business owner. Be able to control what you are spending, so that what comes in, stays in and grows.

Saving money is not an inherent trait. Despite what many people may tell you, you can develop the habits of a highly successful person. Staying in control of your time is a vital part. Being able to use your time wisely will pay dividends in the long run. That way, you can use the time that you do have to perform activities that will save you money.

Cooking your own meals is one of the most underrated ways to save money. Instead of spending a bunch of your own money in resultants around your office, you want to bring your own lunch. Don’t waste money at the local coffee shop. Switch to tea and microwave your way to savings in the office lunch room.

Being your own business takes a lot of nerve and a lot of discipline. In order to take control of your life, you need to take control of your finances. That means being able to control your spending and funneling the resulting savings into the right places. A 401K will be a lifesaver, especially if you can get your company to contribute.

The Attic Assessment – How to Get the Most Out of Your Storage Areas

Storage area


The average Australian home is currently spending an extra $418 a week on non-essential goods compared to 1984. All this extra spending has resulted in a dire need for storage solutions, as cluttered and cramped homes are becoming all too common. Furthermore, all this clutter results in disorganisation, which can elevate stress levels in the home.

Getting the most out of your storage areas is a great solution to these issues, and can make your home feel fresher and more organised. It may seem a daunting task, and it will take time and effort. But here are 4 ways to get the most out of your storage areas!

Storage Containers.

Invest in some containers to make organisation easier. These not only allow for things to be kept neat and tidy, but also can be used to separate items into categories. Labelling the craft supplies and halloween costumes separately means that it will be easier to find your items, and will prevent your storage spaces from being a room of confusing boxes. Find some good quality storage containers with wheels. This way, you can move and re-organise your storage spaces as you please! All in all, storage containers are a friend to the cluttered and over-filled storage space.

Be Critical.

There are a few reasons why we need to store items in our homes. The most common is that we do not use that particular item on a regular basis; this include things like photo albums, costumes or holiday decorations. Unfortunately, we also tend to store things that we do not need at all, and end up cluttering our storage areas too!

Take a critical look at the things you are keeping, and determine whether or not it is worth keeping. Donate the unneeded items, and keep your storage spaces free of unwanted clutter. This will allow for more efficient storage of the things that really matter.


Although storage containers are a great way to take advantage of your storage areas, shelving systems should also be utilised! While containers are usually kept in cupboards, or under a bed, shelves can hide in plain sight, and are a great way to store and display at the same time!

Invest in good quality shelving, and remember to anchor it to the wall; especially if there are young children in the house. Keep your displays simple as to avoid a cluttered mess. Another great thing about shelving, is that it can be used to add to the essence of a room rather than take away from it. Get creative, and use them to your advantage.

Be Smart.

Instead of storing large pieces of furniture, take it apart and flat pack it. When storing clothes, buy some vacuum storage bags and seal them up, and are more efficient ways of storing items. Both of these ideas allow for less space to be taken up by individual items. Another way to be smart with your storage space is to be aware of what areas you have to use. Don’t forget about the garage or the attic, as these are large areas that should be utilised. At the top of wardrobes or under beds are all storage spaces are also spaces to be aware of. This way, you will not over-crowd any one storage area, and will make sorting through areas a lot easier.

So, there you have it; four ways to get the most out of your storage areas. Try them all, or pick a few favourites to incorporate into your household. Good luck!

4 Studio Photography Tips Every Photographer Should Consider


Clicking in a studio gives you an undue advantage of directing how you want the photograph to appear. Everything is under your control- Lights, camera, hair, background! So to make complete use of this advantage in hand, you might want to try out some tips and tricks to get the best photographs

(1) Using directional Lighting

Good lighting is the only key to a great picture. There are many ways of using light for your shot and one of those ways to use light to your advantage is by using the direction of light. What directional light can do is, it seems to highlight details that overhead light cannot. While one side the light fills in areas, and on the other side it creates deep shadows and dark contours. This careful control of lighting can hide and reveal exactly what the photographer wants the viewer to see. Good window light is always beneficial in good photography. You can place you subject near a window and let the directional light from the outside fall on the subject. You can even choose to use a reflector that can bounce off a light in whichever direction you want. Experiment with the light to get the perfect blend and tone.

(2) De-focus the Subject

Sometimes the subject is part of a portrait. Try to bring out the story of the picture by focusing on some other thing related to the subject. Try focusing on the subject’s hat and have a person standing a few feet away, reaching for this hat. You could try this with a kid’s toy or a woman’s shoe. Be creative!

(3) Use a polarizer to minimize glares (reflections) on glasses. Using a polarizing filter in studio can also help reduce the glare on people’s skin. Not everyone comes to a shoot with makeup, especially men. If, like me, they have an oily skin, the light can reflect on it. The polarizer can help reduce the retouching work

(4) Always be creative, always be fresh. Always be looking for a new angle, or a new way of looking at things. A good camera is always a good tip. These days most brand make good, in fact great cameras that are available in the market for a very affordable rate. There are a great range of different equipments available in the market, all that could help you get great shots.

Why it is Important for Parents to Allows Their Kids to Indulge in Extra-Curricular Activities

Extra activities

(1) Not all children grow up to be engineers, scientists, doctors or lawyers. Some of them are made to explore culture, to sing, to dance, and as a parent it is your duty to ensure you child feels loved, whatever decision they make regarding their career. While grades and test scores seem to judge a student, but it is important for the parents to make the kid realize that his/her social life is equally important, if not more. There is small poem I would like everyone to read: Once upon a time there was a boy..A boy who could sing, a boy who could dance..Poems he could write, stories he could tell..

But what he didn’t know, he was a jar full of treasures, No one told him he could have dreams, that he could live his passions, he thought all he had to do was what others always made him, he assumed he had no choice but to be a part of the wheel..

Up above this world, the angels watched him The angels wanted him to realize his potential, *Sigh*
So one day, they came to see him in his sleep. Magic they did, created visions in the boy’s head..made him to see himself. Through his own loving eyes, and through the eyes of the million others,To see what they saw in him, And to come to realize what he was worth..And the next day when the boy woke up, he had a different spark..

So he do what he dreamed of. And after, the boy actually lived the life he was meant to have. So while the sun shines, make the hay, By putting your talents on display. You are responsible for the talents that are entrusted in you. Open your eyes, and see what you are blessed with..Make things happen..

(2) A student needs to learn how to balance studies with his/her hobbies. They need to know how to play football and study for AP Physics. Maybe the kid ends up getting through because of a football scholarship!

(3) It is known that supportive parents produce kids who are confident and self-aware. Parents often want their kids to do well academically, and it is only a natural expectation, but when kids fail to satisfy these expectations, they tend to get into a pressure situation.

How To Ensure Your Kid’s Musical Success

Pediatricians, neuroscientists, and psychologists all agree: early musical training helps children succeed in life. From improving their language and math skills to developing hand-eye coordination and social skills, there are a lot of reasons why you would enroll your child in music lessons. Though there are so many benefits to learning how to play an instrument, don’t let them blind you to the realities of your child playing one. It’s not always easy; it takes hard work and dedication on their part and a lot of encouragement and money on yours. Before you enroll your child in the first lesson available, you should consider how you can support them. Here are four questions you should ask before signing them up!

Musical success

  1. What instruments should they play?

Choosing the right instrument is an important first step to your child’s musical education. Don’t live vicariously through your kid. Just because you always wanted to learn the violin doesn’t mean they want to pickup this string instrument. If you force them to take up an instrument they aren’t interested in, then you’re dooming their musical career. They won’t have any reason to pick up their instrument to practise.

Speak with them to find out what instrument they are enthusiastic about. When you find an instrument that lights a fire inside them, they’re more likely to stick with their lessons and practise on their own time.

  1. Does this instrument match your living situation?

Letting your child pick the piano over violin is a great way to instill a sense of agency over their newfound hobby. But you’re still the parent. You understand the limitations of your home and your budget in a way your child does not. The size, the volume, and the price of an instrument will influence whether or not it’s a great fit for the family.

Let’s say you live in an apartment building. Your child wants to start learning the drums. Your neighbors aren’t going to appreciate your kid banging away on the skins. When your child chooses something that doesn’t match your living situation, let them know why it doesn’t work. Be honest. Then try to find another instrument that works for everyone.

  1. Will you rent or buy an instrument?

Few instruments are cheap these days. Even off-brand budget models can be a lot of money. Renting an instrument is a good way to offset this cost at the start of their musical career. It can save you the frustration of buying an instrument outright, only to find out your kid doesn’t like it after a few months of lessons.

However, renting makes less sense when your child falls in love with their instrument. If it’s clear they’ll stick with their lessons for years to come, buying an instrument outright can be cheaper than renting it long-term. If your child does end up showing interest to play the violin, there are violins for sale that might interest you. It’s still an expensive addition to your budget — even more so if your child plays something like the drums. (Even a beginner’s kit can be costly)! So you’ll need to do some math to figure out if buying it will save you money in the long run.

If it does, and you’re still not sure if you can cover all the costs, consider making up the difference with a short term loan. They’re an easy way to fill the gaps in your budget when you want to make these large, one-time purchases.One of the benefits of using a short term loan is that you can apply for and repay them online. You won’t have to go out of your way to hand in application forms, to wait on USPS delivery schedules, or to meet with a lender directly. You can get the cash you need as long as you have access to the Internet and meet the qualifications. In some cases, you’ll receive an online loan in as little as one business day, so you can purchase your child’s instrument right away.

The bottom line: don’t rush into things!

When learning an instrument promises so many benefits, it’s easy to rush into things. You want the best for your child, after all. But music will always be there; there’s no time limit! Allow yourself to consider the realities of learning an instrument. When you consider questions about their instrument and lessons, you’ll be in a better position to support their musical career. So take the time to mull over these questions and talk to your kid about music lessons. Who knows? They may just grow up to be the next Lady Gaga!

Is Today’s Youth Sports Getting to Be a “Hot Mess”? Advice from the Experts

Youth sports

If you read the headlines, you probably think the current state of youth sports is a shambles. It’s nothing like when you played. You worry that your children may never experience the thrill of competition, the teamwork and the health benefits that come from playing sports. Fights, swearing, taunting and a general lack of sportsmanship seem prevalent. What’s worse, it’s often bad behavior from parents making the news!

Bad news always makes the headlines. But, as youth sport blogger Alex Perdikis points out, there are plenty of inspiring true stories that don’t make headlines. Here are positive stories that prove true sportsmanship is still a priority in the youth sports world.

And for parents, a few pointers to make sure your children enjoy the benefits of playing sports without the nasty headlines.

When Finishing Last Means Winning

Matt Woodrum lives in Worthington, Ohio. Matt suffers from cerebral palsy, a disease that limits his mobility. That didn’t stop him from competing in a 400-meter race at his elementary school when he was 11. And it didn’t stop him from finishing.

Yes, Matt finished last. But along with his courage and determination, he had the support of his classmates. His classmates, teachers and other parents ran behind him cheering and shouting words of support to make sure he crossed the finish line. When he did, they congratulated him, hugged him and gave him high-fives.

Matt is an inspiration for all who know him. And so are his teammates who made sure a young man reached what seemed like an impossible goal and became a winner.

People Come First

West Liberty-Salem High School junior Meghan Vogel had just won the state title in the 1,600- meter race, but was not performing as well in the 3,200-meter final. Running in last place, she saw one of her competitors collapse on the track ahead of her.

Meghan could have run past and avoided a last-place finish. But, she didn’t. She helped the collapsed runner back to her feet and they staggered across the finish line together. What’s more, Meghan made sure her fallen companion crossed the finish line before she did. Meghan said, “She was in front of me the whole race, so she deserved to finish in front of me.”

Now that’s inspiring.

Beating the Odds

Rashawn King was a rising high school football star when he was diagnosed with leukemia. After missing his entire junior season to fight the disease, he came back and won all-conference honors as a senior.

The Make-A-Wish Foundation heard about Rashawn and asked him to name his wish. He didn’t ask to go to Disneyland. Instead, he asked for a free lunch for his classmates, teachers and school staff who’d supported him throughout his illness. The school had come together to support Rashawn with fundraisers and hospital lobby campouts during Rashawn’s many stays.

Clearly, good sportsmanship and caring still matter in youth sports. But the bad can’t be overlooked. How can you, as a parent, make sure your child is on the right side?

Parents, It’s Up to You

Out-of-control behavior at youth sporting events doesn’t just happen. In most cases, the blow-up occurs long after signs of trouble first appear. As a parent, it’s your job to make sure your child participates in healthy youth sports activities. Of course, it all starts with you.

Do you make derisive remarks about your child, the other team or your child’s teammates? Do you make fun of people on or off the field? Your child follows your example — good or bad.

It’s also your job to find a program that promotes healthy competition and superb sportsmanship. Attend events before signing your child up. Do the coaches display and demand excellent sportsmanship? How do the other parents behave? If you see people behaving badly with no checks, look elsewhere.

Warm Nights Guaranteed: How To Find The Warmest Duvet

Across the United States’ eastern seaboard and in much of central Canada, it’s been one of the coldest winters for a long time. Major snowfalls, extreme low temperatures, and weather events like the “bomb cyclone” have kept people across the Northeast shivering at night and cranking up the heaters. You wouldn’t be the only one to find that your duvet was just no match for the freezing cold this winter.

Warmest duvet

You don’t have to suffer cold nights if you know how to find the perfect winter duvet. First, you need a few tips for telling which duvets work better for different seasons. While thread count may be the number you check first for comfort, warmth has to do with heaviness and you have 3 options:

Summer: 125 g/m2 is a warm weight, but generally much lighter and great for people who feel overheated when they sleep.

4 Seasons: 165 g/m2 is designed for very temperate climates or for people who tend to be fairly comfortable year-round.

Winter: 205 g/m2 is a great winter weight that will keep you toasty even on the coldest evenings. If you’ve been suffering through these winter nights lately, this is the weight you should be looking for.

Next consider down vs. down alternatives. Down provides better insulation at a fraction of the weight, meaning it breathes better and doesn’t feel like you’re trapped underneath the blankets. However, natural down is not recommended for allergy sufferers. Synthetic fills are less expensive, but may not provide the same amount of warmth at similar weights. Know what you’re buying when you shop for a duvet for the winter season.

Duvet construction is a factor you hear less about, but it’s essential for a long-lasting duvet that doesn’t let down shift and thin in certain areas. Hold up an old duvet to the light and see where the light shines through. That’s where the down has thinned and you’re covered by little more than just the fabric itself. Duvet constructions mitigate down shift and there are several types:

Quilt Stitching: This will give a duvet a checkerboard appearance. It’s less expensive than the baffle box construction and works well with lighter duvets.

Baffle Box: If you’re looking for the warmest winter duvet available, get baffle box construction. It’s the warmest though also often the most expensive option available. You won’t regret spending the extra money the next time the power goes out on a winter night.

Channel: These use parallel seams which allow the down to shift. If your partner prefers it warmer and you prefer it cooler, channel construction can be a good compromise.

There’s also gusset duvet construction that gives a duvet more height, though it’s based on the baffle box construction.

Staying warm in the winter doesn’t have to be a struggle if you pay attention to the kind of duvet you’re buying and go for a high-quality comforter. Just be careful; a cozy duvet might make it even harder to get up in the morning.

Top 5 Home Maintenance Services You Need to Hire

Home maintenance service

If you’re like most people, your home is your single biggest investment; so it makes sense to want to keep it in tip-top shape for years to come. Whether you plan on living in your home for the next two years, or twenty, the importance of regular maintenance is of the utmost importance.  For the most part, you want to hire professionals for certain services. Here are the top 5 professionals you need to have in your overall maintenance plan.

  1. Pest Control Services: Sure, you’ll have to kill the odd spider or bug; but if you experience an infestation, it’s time to call in the experts. Ants, roaches, mice, and other pests are not only unpleasant, they can cause real damage to your home that can be expensive to repair. Make sure you call your local pest control company for knowledgeable service. For example, pest control Denver Colorado companies will have the best solutions for Denver residents, while pest control services in Honolulu will have different pest concerns.
  2. Cleaning Services: Who doesn’t love coming home to a shiny clean house every day? If you work outside the home, you’re probably too tired to clean at night, and you don’t want to take up your weekends vacuuming and scrubbing bathrooms. Luckily, there are professionals who will do this for you! Whether you hire a company or the lady down the street, hire house cleaning in portland maine it can take some stress out of your life.
  3. Landscaping Services: You need curb appeal whether or not your house is for sale. A great looking yard enhances the look of your home, increases its value, and keeps your neighbors happy too! Landscaping involves more than just weeding your garden; it encompasses a whole range of services, like walkways to your front door, garden planning (so you can have blooms all year long), tree planting, and more. To get the best curb appeal for your home, hiring professionals can make the difference between ‘meh’ and ‘wow’.
  4. Handyman: Does your fence need straightening or strengthening? Do you need odd jobs done around your home inside and out? Are you short on time or skill (or both)? Sounds like you need a handyman! Luckily, there are plenty of skilled workers right in your local area, and with a bit of online research, you can find one that fits your needs. Or, you could ask some of your neighbors, friends, and relatives for recommendations. You’ll be amazed at what a coat of paint or a simple repair job can do to make your home look better and give it a more luxurious atmosphere.
  5. Window Washer: Do you have second-story windows that need washing? Winter can wreak havoc on the outside of your home, and windows can take a beating throughout the cold months. A good cleaning can make a world of difference in how your home looks. They can even do the inside. It’s more affordable than you may think and can make your home brighter as it allows more sunshine to brighten each room.


Of course, before hiring professional services, you’ll have to consider your budget. Make a list of the jobs that are most important to you, and devise a plan to save up for ones you think you’ll need in the future. Always get quotes first and hire based not just on price but quality as well. From choosing your house cleaner to making sure your handyman knows exactly what you want to be done it’s up to you to make your intentions clear, and get quotes up front so there is no confusion or surprises when you get your invoice.

Ways to Motivate Your Child to Save Money

Kids saving money

If you want your kids to become sensible when it comes to their finances before they grow into adulthood, start training them right now. Now is the best time to teach your children about saving money while they’re young.

If you don’t do it now, it will be more difficult to motivate them when they become older. Teaching your kids the value of money is probably one of the most important lessons they’ll ever learn.

It may seem too early as they won’t be able to comprehend the concept of money, but you might be surprised at how well kids these days can learn anything at such a rapid pace. They’re much smarter than you think.

If you think about it, their minds are like little sponges. They can absorb a lot of information, and they learn from example. That’s why it’s our responsibility to set a good one they can follow, especially when it comes to money matters.

We know that, even as adults, it’s not easy to be financially smart or money savvy. But we can, as parents, impart the value of saving at a young age. To help you get started, Alpha Car Finance has come up with several ways to motivate your children to start saving money.

Start simple.

Buy your kids a piggy bank. This is a tried and tested way to get your kids into saving. Make the idea of putting coins into the piggy bank fun. You can turn it into a game. Set some goals. They can start with putting a dime or a quarter into their piggy bank every day. After a month, you can increase it into a dollar per day.

Open an account.

Once their piggy bank gets full, you can open a savings account for them. While you’re at it, have fun by letting them count all the money they’ve saved. This is an effective way to reinforce their motivation. Teach them the concept of earning interest. Show them how beneficial it will be for them to leave their money untouched as their savings grow over time.

Turn it into a matching game.

Earlier, we mentioned setting a good example for our kids. One great way to do this is to match their savings. This will make saving even more fun and make it feel like a game. However, you must be consistent. Always follow through with the amount you need to match. Remember that children will learn by example.

Praise and reward them.

Building your child’s self-esteem is important. Compliment them every now and then for being consistent. Small praises like, “Good job!” can positively reinforce their them.

Occasionally, you can also give them some rewards. It doesn’t have to involve spending money. You can give them an extra hour to watch TV or play games or spend more time with their friends.

Have open lines of communication.

Kids are smarter than you think. Never underestimate them. Be perfectly clear about teaching them the difference between what is necessary and what is not. Even some adults need to learn this, too. If they are thinking of buying an item, ask them if this is something they really need or just something they want but can live without.

Let them have jobs.

One of the best ways to teach children the value of money if to show them how hard it is to earn it. Give them simple chores and pay them, so they’ll understand that this is how grown-ups do it. The sooner they realize this, the easier it will be for them to save more as they know earning money is not like picking it up on the street.

Without proper guidance, your children will not grow up to be responsible adults. They may never truly learn the value of money. Your kids will eventually turn into adults. So, raise them right before it’s too late. Do you have your own ways to motivate your children to save? We’d like to hear them. Please share them in the comments below.