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How to Use Credit Cards in an Effective Manner and Boost your Finances – Know more

Credit cards

It really sounds crazy to imagine a situation wherein you’ll find yourself into debt, but it seems a lot easier to make use of your cards with an opportunity to pay for your purchases at a later date. The thought of carrying our debt to a better financial month saves us the hassle of repaying the entire amount at once. A vast majority of the global population continues to use their credit cards in a similar way as it brings a lot of unachievable things within your reach.

How a credit card helps in boosting your finances

  1. Improved credit rating

Your credit rating is bound to increase when you make regular payments on time, restrict your spending habits, and resist the urge of submitting too many applications. If you can manage your finances with the help of a couple of cards, then your financial situation is bound to reflect a positive impact. This is a helpful piece of advice for those of you that are meeting higher rates of interest due to bad credit rating or are applying for credit cards for the very first time.

  1. Borrowing without any extra cost

You can actually achieve a credit card without finding yourself into debt. For this, you’ll need to pay the entire balance that by the end of the month. A revolving credit card facility can be availed when you’re seeking the advantage of any special offer till maybe your payday. Your account won’t reflect any borrowed amount and you won’t be charged with any interest if you continue repaying the entire credit balance within the same billing cycle.

  1. Purchase Protection benefits

Purchase protection benefits do come with a few good credit cards. If a company that delivers faulty products can‘t be reached easily and asked to provide a refund, then the lender is bound to compensate for your loss. Such protection is truly beneficial for those that find it tough to repay the entire balance and are only capable of meeting the minimum payment required every month. Your credit cards can help you if you have the right coverage. However, you must check out the offer details prior to signing up.

  1. Payback with reward points

You may get paid for using credit cards. Rewards are certainly among the most lucrative features of credit cards that compel you to use them. You tend to make use of cards for achieving rewards that come to you in the form of points, air miles, and cash-back offers. Credit cards may even help in pulling you out of debt; you may end up acquiring about £100s each year by way of rewards. For this, you must apply for cards with rewards, so that you make savings worth a substantial amount while shopping.

  1. Convenience

A credit card comes in handy for those that find it tough to spend cash or visit an ATM every time we need to buy something. At times, you may need to use a credit card for making payments to car rental companies, lending companies, and hotels. Many of these companies don’t accept payments in cash. Credit cards may prove to be more useful under circumstances when cash transactions aren’t allowed.

Debt rises only when credit cards aren’t used properly

Credit cards don’t symbolize debt. Debt is the outcome of bad financial decisions. Credit cards ought to be used responsibly so that they prove to be a facility of credit in times of need. It’s actually an option for you to repay the credit line at a later date. How you take it up is solely at your discretion.

10 Ideas to Decorate Your Kid’s Room


Kids’ rooms are supposed to be all bright and vivid – that is the first thought that will come into any parents’ minds. Here are some kids bedroom ideas to it magical, inspiring place for them. Read along the following tips and trick to find more:

  • Instead of covering the walls with wall hanging that you have bought from outside, you can use painting created by your child, frame them and use them in their bedroom. This shows that you are actually proud of them and it will turn the kids into much more confident individuals. You can buy frames of different sizes and arrange them to create a gallery on the wall.
  • You can paint the wall with colorful geometrical shapes or you can paint images of animals. Use stencils to get a proper shape. Make sure you don’t just stick to blue for boys and pink for girls, add more colors than the conventional ones that everyone uses.
  • You can use some of your kid’s old t-shirts, by cutting them and using them for a headboard. You can also stitch them up into pillow covers. It is a great way to showcase their personality.
  • You can turn your kid’s favorite cartoon character into a graphic wall art near the bed.
  • If your daughter wants to be a pretty ballerina you could paint a ballerina with hangers to hang her clothes or you could use your son’s skateboards to create a custom skateboard clock, which will add fun and excitement to the room.
  • If you are painting a nursery, go for chic and timeless colors that will keep the room atmosphere peaceful and calm. A coral turquoise combination is a cute and classic choice.
  • You can add cute storage bins to the room where the kids can keep their blankets, shoes, toys and books.
  • The most important part of the room is the reading desk. The reading nook should be pretty, not very distracting, but a place that is comfortable for them while they are doing their homework and studying for their tests.
  • Some kids are big fans of sports cars and famous music bands. Add some posters, maybe on the bedroom door.
  • You may want to try out those colored wash tapes and stick them to the wall to add a fun design to the room.

Financial Tips for Busy Mothers

Finance tips

As a mother, you know you have a number of responsibilities on your shoulders. To add to the list, if you have the burden of taking care of the finances even, it can be extremely difficult for you to keep yourself going for a long time. However, we would like to help you with some financial tips that should help you in taking care of the finances even if you are occupied with a number of responsibilities most of the time.

1. Make the most of the coupons available

There are many coupons available, and if you can find some of the most effective sources to get the right coupons, it will be easy for you to place an order at the right time. There are many coupons available, and it should help you in cutting down on the expenses you have to make on a monthly basis. However, we do not suggest that you should include the advantages of coupons in your monthly budget because coupons and their conditions change from time to time.

2. Avoid grabbing every deal you get

With a number of deals available at retail outlets and even online stores, you might be tempted to get hold of every deal that comes your way. Avoid making this mistake because most of the cases you might not need the items that are available in those deals. Remember that the moment you have second thoughts in your mind with regards to a particular deal, you should consider avoiding it.

 3. Consider making an investment

For every common person in this world, there are many investment opportunities, and if you are smart, you’ll even be in a position to make a profit after taking a loan to invest. Understand that it is the type of investment That Matters and so you need to take the right call in this case.

As far as loans are concerned, online loans for bad credit are even available. So, make sure that your entire focus is on getting the necessary amount to make a profitable investment.

4. Stay organized

Taking the right steps to get organized will help you in ensuring that you are making the right financial decisions. Staying organized is easy if you use a financial planner and make a budget for every type of expenditure you make on a monthly basis. Also, there are a number of tips available online that should help you in taking the right steps to get organized with your finances. Make the most of the suggestions available and reorganized if you want to be happy with your finances even after your busy schedule.

What Role Should Parents Play In Their Kids’ Career Choices?

kids career

In this technologically driven world, with everything moving so fast, mean and women have become slaves to the digital world – with jobs they don’t like, to buy things that mean nothing. How exactly is career? How important is it to choose a job that you actually like?

Career is much more that having a job or earning a living. It is crucial for any individual to make these choices on their own, based on their interests and capabilities. Otherwise, your profession simply drains out your soul, leaving you lifeless. And to what extent are parent responsible for their kid’s choices about their careers?

It isn’t acceptable to impose your opinions and interests on your kids’ personal choices. What you should be doing instead is helping them discover their talents and fields of interest. Exposing them to a variety of constructive activities is what parents should be doing. Parents, do be forceful, instead be a guiding force.

T hatch an egg, warmth is what is required, not pressure. Pressure will only break the egg. Similarly, parent need to give a supportive hand to their children’s dreams instead of playing a decisive role in their lives. Let you child make mistakes. Let them be themselves and let the fall down enough times. All you would need to do is to be able to pick them up and hold them.

It is important to lay down all the options in front of kid, and then only will they be able to make a well-informed decision about their career path. This allows the child to work in a field that interests them, instead of going to a job they don’t desire. Success in the long run depends upon the career choices they make today. To excel professionally they need to do a work of their choice. This world is highly competitive, and a person can only survive if they like the work that they do and therefore they put their 100 percent into that work – to be able to choose their careers will give them confidence to be able to survive in the corporate world.

Don’t be demanding, instead be patient and supportive. Career choices are very crucial decisions to make, and often very confusing as well. If you put additional on your child, they might not completely evolve as an individual. Children will be satisfied if they are allowed to make their own decisions.

Let the child have his own experiences. Let him make mistakes. Parents should simply stand beside them and motivate them. Children have an inborn drive to fulfill their dreams. Parents, bring out the best in your child.


4 Tips To Beating Debt When Holiday Bills Linger

The halls are un-decked, the decorations are packed away, and the tree (and all its fallen needles) have long since been removed from your house. On the surface, it looks like the holidays are finally over, but for many Americans, there’s more than what meets the eye. After a long season of shopping, credit card debt remains as an expensive reminder of the holidays, and it’s often the focus of New Year’s resolutions. If you ended up charging more than you expected this year, you wouldn’t be alone. Let’s take a look at some pre-holiday shopping polls to see how the nation expected to overspend, so you can learn some tips to pay off any lingering debt.

Holiday bills

The Stats: Nerd Wallet and the NRF’s pre-holiday shopping surveys

The folks at Nerd Wallet published its 2017 Consumer Holiday Shopping Report back in November of 2017. The report analyzed spending habits of average Americans by crunching the numbers of an online Harris Poll survey completed in October by more than 2,000 adults. Some of the questions respondents had to answer included how they intended to plan for the holidays, when they expected to shop for presents, and how much they prepared to spend on these gifts.

At an average of $660, their projections were similar to the National Retail Federation’s holiday shopping report. Though the NRF included other spending categories, such as miscellaneous purchases and non-gift holiday items, it projected Americans would spend $608 on gifts during the 2017 holidays.

This isn’t a big change from holiday spending in 2016. According to Nerd Wallet’s report, roughly 80 percent of respondents anticipated they’d spend roughly the same as the previous year. If actualized, this admission promises challenging times for the average American. One of the report’s key findings was that 56 percent of shoppers acquired substantial credit card debt during the 2016 holidays — many of whom were still paying it off as they shopped for gifts in 2017.

Debt advice: how to undo the credit consequences of holiday overspending

Overspending in 2017 when still paying off debt from 2016 only compounds the problem. If you don’t want to add 2018’s holiday shopping in the mix, you need to simultaneously pay off your debts and plan for the future, so you don’t go into debt this year.

From your position underneath a mountain of bills, these two tasks can sound like trying to juggle flaming chainsaws while riding a unicycle, but it’s not as difficult as you may think. The trick is to divide it into smaller subtasks that are easier to attempt and easier to complete.

#1: Table a budget: Your first task must include making a budget. This financial document can help you reroute money towards credit card debt and online loan repayments. In the future, once you pay these debts off, it will also help you contribute cash towards your 2018 holiday shopping fund. It doesn’t come easy to everyone, so don’t be discouraged if you feel out of your depth. There are a variety of online resources that can help you table an effective budget, including government webpages and award-winning money management apps.

#2: Cut out unnecessary purchases: A budget helps to identify harmful spending habits, so you can eliminate them. It also gives purpose to your spending, so you aren’t guestimating how much money you can spend on things or forgetting how much you’ve already spent. Use your budget to find the silly ways you spend your money thoughtlessly. Be vigilant; it’s not just your daily trip through the drive-thru that’s at fault. Little things like going over your cell phone’s data limits, spending too much on auto insurance, or opting for brand-named items could be the reason why your hemorrhaging money.

#3: Use a calendar:In the grand scheme of things, it’s easy to cut out your daily latte. A simple post-it note to remind you of your promise and a cupboard full of ground coffee beans for a homemade brew can help you get over the habit. What can be a challenge is tackling those bad spending habits like your insurance. It’s not as simple as avoiding the drive-thru on the way to work. It requires researching alternatives on your own, speaking with an auto insurance representative, and making the switch.

When the solution involves several complex steps like the one above, write each task into an agenda. It can be a simple wall calendar, a pocket bullet journal, or an online app. The format doesn’t matter so much as you keep to it and organize your responsibilities according to a date and time. Once you carve out a specific time to tackle these objectives, you’ll have a better chance of actually achieving them.

#4: Be strategic: Once you eliminate those unnecessary purchases, you’ll have more excess cash to put towards your credit cards and payday loans. Which ones you use this money on is important. Financial experts suggest you tackle those debts that have the highest interest rates first because these debts can grow faster than those with lower rates, even if they have less on them.

It’s not the only way you can pay off debt. If you need the gratification of success to keep you motivated, try paying off the smallest debt first. It can be empowering to see a zero balance on the statement, and the sense of accomplishment can encourage you to keep budgeting.

The bottom line: stay determined

New Year’s resolutions are notoriously hard to keep. Most people ditch theirs less than two months after they make them. Don’t join them. It might not be easy, but when you follow a detailed plan and stay motivated, you can slowly chip away at the debt your holiday shopping created. More importantly, you’ll have the tools to help prevent adding debt to the next round of holiday shopping.

How To Wow Your Valentine Without Going Over Budget

According to Bankrate, a gift basket containing the typical V-Day presents comes with an astonishing $600 price tag. Your heart may be full to bursting with the love you have for your significant other but that doesn’t mean your wallet is, too. If you’re a habitual penny pincher, then Valentine’s Day is a challenging holiday to navigate. If you need a little help finding a gift that will impress your SO and satisfy your budget, look no further. Here’s a super simple guide to some affordable yet thoughtful gifts that will spoil your valentine. And don’t worry — it doesn’t involve cheap chocolates or a plush toy from the local drug store!

An essential oil diffuser

Oil difuser

TV and movies tell us there’s nothing more romantic than an evening in surrounded by hundreds of candles. The flickering flames cast a soft, warm light across the room, and the fragrant wax envelopes the space in your favorite scented. Sounds great, right? Wrong. Ignoring the question of who’s lighting all those candles, let’s think about the fire hazard this number of candles pose. Nothing kills the mood faster than an emergency. Then there’s all the melted wax dripping over the bookshelves and hardwood.

Luckily, the romantic ambience you need for the 14th is still within your capabilities. The Aukey Natural Oil Diffuser is the chic love child of a candle, alarm clock, air purifier, and humidifier for a fraction of the cost. Its sleek wooden teardrop design is a stylish addition to any room, and it pumps out the delicious scent of your chosen essential oil. All you have to do is plug it in and keep it topped up with water—no flames necessary.

iPhone skins

Iphone skin

Did you and your honey upgrade to the X at the same time? It may be the Apple’s newest handset but neither of yours looks it anymore thanks to its glass backing. The material—chosen for its wireless charging capabilities—isn’t suited for real-life usage. It highlights the evidence of every text, swipe, call, and (totally accidental) drop. As a result, it can look as though it were years old, rather than just a few months.

An iPhone X skin covers up these cosmetic damages and reinvents the phone. When you shop from the catalogue of skins designed by dbrand, the material is scratch-, water-, and grime-proof, so your SO doesn’t have to worry about smudge or scrapes again. You can also customize their wrap to look like dragon skin, stone, wood, or carbon fiber. Choose whichever color or texture would wow your valentine, but don’t forget about a gift for yourself. At just $15, you can make your iPhone X stand out from the crowd with your own design without breaking the bank.

A cute mug and coffee

You love your SO with all your heart, but even you steer clear of them in the morning until they’ve had their morning Joe. When your honey is the opposite of a morning person, a caffeinated gift basket would cheer them on the morning of the 15th.

Cute Mug

A Yoda One For Me mug would be a great idea for anyone who’s a huge Star Wars fan. If you’ve lost count of how many times they’ve seen The Last Jedi, pair the adorable green guy with your SO’s favorite beans and K-cups. Otherwise, search through a list of other mugs and find the fandom that fits their interests. And if you still haven’t found something that you like, try printing your own pic onto the front of a mug. A mug and some coffee to go in it shouldn’t cost you more than $40.

A streaming package

Video streaming


If your plans for Valentine’s Day involve Netflix and chill, then you better up your streaming game. Netflix is hardly the only service available. There’s HBO Now, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and so many more. Plus, almost every cable company offers an online version of their channel. Do some research to find out each service’s catalogue to figure out which one would fit their binge-watching preferences.

Pair it with a Roku StreamingStick to really solidify their title as binge-watch royalty. It’s a USB stick that fits into any TV’s HDMI port and casts any subscription they have onto the big screen. It’s also compatible with iOS, so they can pair it with their handset and turn the X into a glorified remote control.

An adult coloring book

Coloring book

Is your SO dealing with something stressful in their live? Maybe they’re just starting a new job or navigating conflict in an old one. Whatever it is, you can help them tackle their anxiety with an adult coloring book. This trendy hobby wins big with art therapists who believe the act of coloring these intricate designs acts as a method of meditation. They say that by focusing on the color scheme and keeping within the lines, the artist directs attention away from their negative thoughts in a relaxing way.

You can make your own coloring book by browsing free images on Google, or you can choose one from a list of the top adult coloring books like this one. Alternatively, you could stick with the V-Day theme and wrap up a love-inspired coloring book for the bae.

The bottom line: you don’t have to spend hundreds to show you care

While some people will spend their money on diamond-encrusted jewellery, fancy champagne from France, or elaborate 8-course meals, these grand gestures aren’t what the holiday’s about. It’s all about spending time with the person you love most and showing them how much you care. Though the gift ideas above won’t cost you more than $50, each of them solves a problem your SO might struggle with. Whether it’s stress, a smudgy iPhone, or the need for caffeine, their issues can be solved with a simple yet thoughtful present. Spoil them without spoiling your budget.

How to Avoid Loneliness in a New Place

Travel new city

You may find yourself in a new city or country for a number of reasons. Perhaps you have moved there to start a new job or maybe, the trip is more temporary, spanning a few weeks or months. Initially, you are probably filled with excitement over this new opportunity and everything seems new and exciting. Unfortunately, after you have settled down, it is quite likely that you will feel loneliness descending upon you. This isn’t entirely uncommon after moving to a new place. The good news is that this doesn’t have to be a permanent state for you. Here, you will be able to find a few tips on how you can move on:

Try to Get Outside As Much As Possible

It can be tempting to curl up at home in front of the TV or with a book in hand. While this may seem safe, it really isn’t going to help you to meet new people. So, the first step involves actually getting outside whenever you have a free moment to spare. You can either explore the city, join a club, or try out new restaurants. The main thing is that you are out there, where all of the people are.

Be Bold

Now, not many people are brave enough to go up to strangers and start talking to them. This is understandable considering how intimidating the whole thing is. However, if you are bold enough to do this, you will find that you are able to make friends a lot quicker. Of course, you are probably going to have to prep yourself up first so try to start small first. Perhaps you can approach someone in a bookstore and ask them their opinion on a book.

Take Any Opportunities That Come Your Way

At some point or another, you will be invited by a colleague or other acquaintance to a party, function, or similar event. The key here is to say yes. Even if it sounds like it will be quite awful, it is important to participate. You can think of it as the first step to starting a friendship. Not to mention, it also gives you the chance to meet even more people outside of your immediate social circle.

Use the Internet to Your Benefit

There is no denying that simply going up to people and tapping those on the shoulder can be downright scary. If you haven’t been able to muster up the courage to do so, don’t be discouraged. There is still another option available to you – the internet. Here, you will be able to find Bayswater escorts, people with similar interests, potential soul mates, and lots more. The great thing about this possibility is that you can meet other individuals who have also just moved to the city. This way, you will be to explore the area together and commiserate about being lonely.

As you can see, there are lots of ways to meet new people, even if you have only just moved to a particular spot. While it can feel a bit daunting at first, you will get over your fear once you begin to make friends that you can actually connect with.

Outdated Technology that Entrepreneurs Need to Get Rid of

Outdated technology

Using outdated technology can incur unnecessary losses to your company. Instead of helping you out with the work and reducing costs, using obsolete technology only increases your bill. To maintain efficiency your supporting system should also be efficient. Maintenance is very important. Everything comes with a time limit. You don’t get smart by overusing it instead of upgrading it. Each new upgrade brings in more efficiency only. It would be really stupid on your part to pay extra bills for the outdated technology instead of saying time and money by simply upgrading it. The things that you should get rid by 2018 are,

  • Paper

Many workplaces are turning completely electronic and stopped using paper altogether. It is time that everyone adopts such practices. There is nothing that can’t be done electronically, billing, filing etc everything can be done electronically and stored there too. There is no need to cut down anymore trees.

  • Fax

Fax is a seriously redundant technology nowadays. There is no need felt for faxes at a time where technology has reached to be wireless! That day is not far when no more telephones will be manufactured. It is an already obsolete technology. Along with the telephone goes the fax. The whole humdrum of laying wires is going to go away. This is the time where people are thinking of residing on Mars. And you on the other hand are stuck with a fax! You shouldn’t be. So if you have one at your workplace, then get rid of it without thinking twice.

  • Old hardware

According to trends in technological advancements, the speed of a PC increases and it gets doubled in four years. So technically you should upgrade or change your computer every four years. New hard drive versions keep coming up with better specifications and faster speed. The bottom line is to get rid of old and slow hardware, keep upgrading in every three to four years. By this time the technology gives its full value and there is nothing more to take except losses.

  • Software that doesn’t support

Moving on to the software of the system that you are using, like hardware it is also keeps upgrading and keep getting better with each new update. This might not be entirely true all the time but you should upgrade to new versions nevertheless because of the overall better performance of the new software.

Using unsupported software could be a serious security threat to your business. Hence you must upgrade to better technology and get rid of unsupported software for the safety’s sake.

Technology is advancing at a great speed, we need to keep up with its pace. Else we will be left behind.

Do You Have a Photobook on Your Shelf Yet?


If you, like many others, love to look back at photographs of events gone past, reliving those special memories, then you need to invest in a good photobook. In the past, people used to create photo albums. This was fun and creative, but it was also impractical, time consuming, and expensive. Plus, the albums wouldn’t last, as the quality of the pictures would deteriorate, and many of the photographs would fall out. None of those issues are of concern with a modern photobook, however, which is created digitally and printed on the highest quality, most durable paper.

The Benefits of Creating a Photobook

  • You can fully personalize the album, which is perhaps its greatest benefit. You no longer run the risk of having the exact same album as your friends on the shelf, in other words. Of course, you can also fully customize and personalize the content of the album, adding pictures in any way you see fit, picking styles and colors that you enjoy. You can decide to print hundreds of tiny pictures on a page, a single large one, or anything in between.
  • The print quality is of the highest possible standard. You no longer have to worry about children smudging your images with their dirty fingers, or about pictures becoming dull over time. Rather, they are printed on the pages themselves, using high quality, durable paper and ink.
  • These albums are surprisingly light weight. While that may not be the biggest issue of concern, it is important to some people. A light weight album is easy to pick up and to carry around with you as well. For instance, if you want to show others your pictures, then this is quite important.
  • You can merge images, overlaying them, changing them into sepia or black and white shots, and so on. You can add texts if you like, add frames, shadows, and borders. You can tilt and turn your images in any way you see fit, and do a myriad of other things that make it completely unique and truly yours.
  • It is highly cost effective. For many people, this is perhaps the most important thing of all. No longer do you have to buy an album, pay for the prints, buy the glue, and so on. Those costs all add up, and you will find that creating a photo album, which is far less stressful and creates a far more beautiful, longer lasting result, is also a whole lot cheaper.

As you can see, creating a photobook instead of a photo album is the way forward. We live in the 21st century where everything is digital, and you should take advantage of that. Anyone can now have professionally printed photographs and albums at a price that is very easy on the budget as well. Finally, you will be able to bring back those memories whenever you feel like it, having stacks of albums on your shelves at home.

How to Make the Most of Networking Events

Business network

You are here reading this article because you still value the good old tradition of talking face to face and having a real conversation instead of the humdrum of pseudo connectivity that the virtual world has made us all believe. However well and wide off we may be connected through the internet but there is no replacement to a networking event. To grow truly and make some real connections in your respective field of interest, you must attend networking events. But do not merely attend it. It is easy to sign up and show up for an event without doing anything productive at all. Neither do we nor do you want that for yourself. It is better that you network online than not make the most of such an event.

Here are a few tips you can use for your benefit so that the next networking event that you attend doesn’t turn into a sheer waste of time.

  • Do your homework

Being prepared boosts confidence. Being prepared includes knowing all about the event. If it’s a big event then there will be an app giving all the information about the event, its attendees. If there is not an app then try and get list of the people coming on the event. Shortlist the people whom you want to meet specifically. Prepare a short and concise speech about you and your company. At such events you have very less time and only a single opportunity to make an impression. First impressions are the last impression. So design your speech in such a way that it not only tells all the important information about you but also has a unique touch to it that sets you apart from the rest. Dress accordingly. There are some things that keep your confidence level high, good appearance is one of those. Don’t forget to carry business cards and pen-paper. These are the silliest and the most common errors that people make. Attend enough events so that you at least get over these habits.

  • Get out of your comfort zone

A networking event isn’t the place to be shy and quiet. To make the most of the event you have be in each moment and take initiatives. Set small goals like saying hello to ten new people that you meet. Learn to remember names. It puts a really good impression when you address someone by their name. Maintain eye contact with the person while having a conversation. Don’t wander off and look at other targets. It really puts off the conversation when someone does that and shows poorly on you. It reflects how serious you are about this thing. Pay attention and you will be paid attention when you speak. And always help others. It never goes in vain.

  • Follow up

Following up is very important else attending the event would just turn into a waste of time. If you did well at the event and made new connections then do follow them up. Thank them through an email after the event. Call or text them. Do not go overboard with it but don’t let yourself be forgotten.

Carpe Diem my dear friend!