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What to Do if You Suspect Your Child Has ADHD

If your child is showing signs of hyperactive behavior and you have noticed that they have a difficult time staying focused or paying attention to certain things, you may be wondering whether or not it is worth having them screened for ADHD. Most experts will agree that it’s usually quite difficult to determine whether or not a child has ADHD until they are around six or seven years old, so if your child is younger, it may be worth waiting until they are this age in order to see whether or not they are still showing ADHD-like symptoms. Many younger children are often a little bit hyperactive, and will grow out of this trait over time. However, if you are worried and still want to have your child evaluated, here’s how to go about it.


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Finding a Professional

If you are concerned that your child may be suffering from ADHD, it’s important to make sure that they are evaluated by a qualified professional. It’s a good idea to start off by visiting your pediatrician or family doctor when you go see someone for help, as they will be able to refer you to specialists and other health professionals who work with children who have ADHD. Your family doctor or pediatrician will also be able to run some preliminary screenings in order to ensure that any other potential health conditions or causes are ruled out.

What to Expect

If you have never been to an ADHD evaluation before, it might be a little daunting for both you and your child if you are unsure what to expect. Usually, an ADHD evaluation or screening will consist of a thorough screening of your child’s family, personal and medical history, along with interviews with your child, yourself, and perhaps a teacher from their school. Along with this, there is usually a physical examination of your child carried out in order to ensure that any other physical causes of ADHD-like symptoms are ruled out. Once the evaluation is complete, you will be asked to return for a follow-up meeting.

Ongoing Treatment and Support

When it comes to managing ADHD, it’s important to ensure that your child is given the right ongoing treatment and support. Many children who are diagnosed with ADHD will be able to recover from the disorder before they reach adulthood with the right therapy, treatment and support. Your doctor or pediatrician may be able to refer your child to regular counselling and other talking therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or Psychotherapy, which can often be very useful when managing and learning to live with the symptoms of ADHD. Along with this, it’s important that you support your child as well as possible by taking part in their treatment and asking advice about how to change your home life and environment to make things easier for them.

If you think that your child may be suffering from ADHD, it’s important to take them to a professional in order to find out for certain.

Personalized Presents With Pizazz – Christmas Is Nearly Here!

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Personalized gifts are a great way to show your recipient that you care and are thoughtful. Bespoke gifts make a great emotional addition to your Christmas presents and can bring so much joy. They can tell stories of your life together and bring to life the personality of the receiver. They also create wonderful memories and have sentimental value that can be treasured forever. Personalized gifts show that you have gone out of your way to put care into your gift. But just remember that if your gift is personalized, you are going to want to get your order in early, in time for the holidays! Let’s take a look at three ways you can add a personalized touch to your presents this year.

Personalized Puzzles

Who doesn’t like a conundrum every so often? And a personalized puzzle is a great way to keep the kids quiet on Christmas day afternoon! There are companies that offer wooden puzzles that can be personalized with a family photo. All you have to do is send through a selection of photos that you want to be turned into a puzzle. Then the company’s graphic design team will see which ones fits the best. You can also add names and dates that can be blended into the puzzle too. This is a brilliant gift for kids as it will inspire them to finish off a project! Custom jigsaw puzzles can also be created with old theater tickets, maps and invitations too. It’s a brilliant keepsake gift that will mean something special to the recipient. If you have lots of children in your family, you can even make one for each member!

Personalized Bathrobes

It’s so nice to feel cozy over the holidays! So why not buy a set of monogrammed bathrobes for all the family. They will be a stylish and sleek addition to your ‘lazy day’ wardrobe, and they look super cute too. Companies such as provide soft, luxurious robes for women, men and children. And if you want to go one step further you could also add a set of personalized towels to your gift. offer an array of towels in different colors that can be monogrammed. And then everyone will know who is guilty of leaving their towels hanging around on the bathroom floor!

Personalized Gifts For Mom And Dad

If you’re looking for a gift from the children to the grandparents, then personalization is a great way to go. Head to websites such as for lots of unique ideas. Grandpa might love a set of initial coasters or perhaps a luxury personalized cheese board. And grandma might love a ceramic baking dish personalized with her name, or perhaps a galvanized planter tub which features her initials. On websites such as these, you can also order some great Christmas accessories that will truly personalize your Christmas. There is everything from stockings with the kid’s names on them to monogrammed baubles and personalized Santa sacks. So why not make Christmas bewitching this year with a gift that is unique to each person in your life!

Why You’re Traveling All Wrong

If you find that traveling is more stressful than enjoyable for you, then you’re probably traveling all wrong. Here, we’re going to talk about why you’re doing it wrong and how you can fix it. Enjoy!

You’re Booking Accommodation The Wrong Way

Booking accommodation in advance can save you time and hassle. It can help you to feel safe, as you have somewhere to go when you arrive at your destination. However, many people book their accommodation the wrong way. What if you get to your location, and find that you’re miles away from all the things you wanted to do? There are a number of reasons you may want to change your accommodation. Make sure you book through a company that allows you to cancel with no charge. You can usually do this using your phone, and then book your new accommodation the same way. It’ll save you so much hassle in the long run!

You’re Choosing The Most Expensive/Stressful Mode Of Transport

Have you explored every mode of transport? You can usually get trains, buses, planes, boats – just about anything depending on where you want to go. Many people are opting for bus rides these days, with sites like It’s cost effective and hassle free, so you can have a better time.  


Sticking To A Rigid Itinerary

Why would you want to stick to a rigid itinerary? Staying flexible will help you to relax more. You won’t need to rush around, trying to get from A-B in record time. If you do that, you’ll never truly enjoy what you’re doing! Make sure you give yourself free time to relax and explore. You might want to switch things up once you arrive.

Packing Way Too Much

Lugging a heavy case or bag with you wherever you go is something many people do. Only take what you know you need. Bear in mind you’ll probably pick up souvenirs and things on your travels, so save room for those. Whether you’re going for a week or a month, packing too much can be a huge hassle.

Not Creating A Budget

Creating a budget before you travel is important. It doesn’t matter if you’re on a luxury trip or if you’re trying to save some cash. Creating a budget will ensure you don’t spend too much of your money on one thing and end up broke at the end of it all.



Failing To Interact With Other Travelers

Guidebooks can be helpful, but you’re missing out if you’re not interacting with other travelers. Why not ask them if they know anywhere cool to visit? You might discover somewhere amazing, not found in any guidebook!

Attracting Crime With Flashy Stuff

If you’re covering yourself in finery before going out, you could end up attracting crime and scams. Do you want to be mugged? Do you want to be ripped off for souvenirs? Don’t flash your jewelry or cash around.

Unrealistic Expectations

Keeping realistic expectations about any trip is a must. We’d all like to think it’ll go perfect and be the best of our lives, but this isn’t always the case. Just go with the flow.

Don’t Ignore This Advice If You Want Healthy Kids!

Who doesn’t want healthy kids? Kids soak up things like a sponge when they are younger, and many of us don’t realize just how much the things we say and do affect them. If we say things we shouldn’t about their eating habits for instance, even in jest, it can affect them later on in life. If you want to make sure you’re raising happy, healthy children, you shouldn’t ignore this advice…

Set An Example

The first thing you need to acknowledge is that kids take your lead. If you’re constantly on a diet or talking down about yourself, they are going to see this as the norm. If you want your kids to be healthy and happy, you must first make yourself healthy and happy. Learning to love yourself and eating a balanced diet will go a long way. It doesn’t matter what you are telling them, if your words don’t match your actions then it just isn’t going to stick.

Don’t Talk About Weight At All

One mistake parents make is talking about weight too much. It doesn’t matter if it’s your weight, their weight, or somebody on the TVs weight. Our value should never be attached to a number on the scale. Sure, we need to be healthy weights to thrive, but you and your child can achieve that without ridiculing people for being ‘too fat/too thin’. Don’t mention their weight at all. Tell them how amazing they are instead!


Let Them Try New Foods In Their Own Time

Kids are naturally going to dislike foods that they haven’t tried before. It’s normal. You can’t force them to eat something that they don’t want to. You shouldn’t put too much emphasis on this or turn it into a bigger deal than it needs to be. They may need to see something a number of times before they finally decide that they want to try it. Let them do it in their own time. If you tell them off or try to force them, chances are they will feel more inclined to stick rigidly to their habits. As long as you’re serving your kids healthy food, you don’t need to force it down their throats. If you really think there’s an issue, the next step is to consult a professional so you know how to handle the situation.

Plan Dinners A Few Days In Advance

Plan dinners a few days in advance so your kids know what’s coming up. You could even let them contribute. This should make them more inclined to eat what you put in front of them. Not only that, it’ll make shopping for food and cooking far more effective!

Keep Them Satiated

Your kids need to be satiated. You shouldn’t leave it too long without giving them food and drink. Usually, they should eat every 2-3 hours. You should also ensure they have a drink at all times. They might not want to eat if they’re having too much fun with their friends, for example, but you should make sure you offer them something.

Cook And Eat Dinner Together

Research shows that families who cook and eat dinner together are healthier. Not only that, you’ll all feel closer. It’s a great bonding exercise where you all stay away from electronics and other distractions, even if it’s just for a short while. If you get your kids involved properly, you could even teach them some valuable skills! Make sure you invest in safe cookware to use with them, as well as aprons and other things that could help.


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Try Sugar And Dips For Fruit And Veggies

Getting your kids to eat their fruits and veggies can be a little tricky, but it’s important. When they start eating these early on, they’ll be more inclined to eat them as adults. They are the healthiest things that any of us can eat. If your kids struggle to eat theirs, try giving them different dips to try. Maybe even sprinkle with some sugar for extra sweetness. It might not be ideal, but at least they are eating them!

Allow Treats For A Balanced Lifestyle

You shouldn’t deny your kids treats if you want them to lead a balanced lifestyle. This is key to a healthy life, mind and body! It’s what they put into their bodies overtime that matters, so as long as they are not eating too much junk, they’ll be OK. Make sure you monitor treats to ensure they’re not eating too many additives, sugars, or other nasty stuff. Feel free to treat them to ice cream occasionally, or even take them out for food!

Reward With Praise

Some parents tend to reward their children with food – you need to remember that they aren’t pets! If you teach your children that they deserve food whenever they accomplish something or do something good, they could get into some bad habits later on. Reward your kids with praise instead.



Increase Their Self Esteem

Kids with high self esteem aren’t going to have issues in decision making, making friends, body confidence, or any of the other problems we most commonly see these days. Here are a number of different ways you can help them raise their self esteem:

  • Give responsibility with household chores.
  • Let them make choices.
  • Don’t do everything for them.
  • Don’t overpraise them as this can do more harm than good.
  • Encourage your kids to take on tasks they are interested in.
  • Offer praise where appropriate.
  • Encourage failure and healthy risks.

Get Active Together

Getting active together can teach your kids to love exercise and the endorphins that come along with it. Kids are usually active anyway, but doing it together can help you become closer as a family! It’s also a good way to get them off the sofa, and into the fresh air. It isn’t healthy for kids to be staring at screens all day long!

If you want healthy kids, make sure you bear this advice in mind. It’ll take you far!

Favorite Places To Shop For Craft Supplies

If you are a regular reader of the blog, then you will know that we love crafts! It is so fun to create something new; the kids have a blast with it too. If you are here for the first time then now you know that we love crafts. As a result, I thought it might be fun to share with you some of the ways I save when I buy my craft supplies. As well as where the best places to look for craft supplies. If you have got dreams of creating a Pinterest perfect home or craft, then you need the right supplies. So here I will share some of my wisdom. I hope that you find it useful.


Where to Shop?

There are a ton of places that sell craft supplies. If you are kind of new to it all, you might not know about these outlets just yet, though. You shouldn’t have to look too hard. First off, you will want to decide if you want to shop online or in an actual store? Sometimes shopping online can be tricky, as you can’t see the true colors of things. Sometimes the sizes of things might be incorrect, or the fabric not as you imagine it. I don’t want to put you off buying craft supplies online. It is just something to bear in mind when deciding.

If you choose to shop online, then there are so many places to look. You could start off with eBay for starters. You can things in bulk when you buy on there. So it is perfect if you are doing crafts for a school project or even making decorations for a wedding. You can find some little trinkets and things like ribbon on stores like Etsy too. If you are after personalized items, like labels or ribbons, then that is a good place to look. Save-on-Crafts is a great online store if you are looking to save some money on your supplies too.



If you are looking to go into an actual store, then there are plenty of options for you too. It does depend on where you live, as to how many options you have. Michaels and JoAnns are the most common names that you will know for crafting. If you are looking for more places, though, you could try small and independent wool and supplies stores. They are quite often just one of a kind and are more likely to be found in city center locations. So do a little research as to what is around where you live.

How Do You Save Money?

Crafting can be expensive if you’re not savvy about it. One of the things that I always like to do, though, is looking for coupons. You know if you find Michaels Coupons that you are onto a good thing! Then you can get some money off the things that you want to buy.
I also find that buying in bulk is best in the long term. If you run out of all your supplies, all at the same time, then it is going to be costly. So buy as much as you can, when you can. Things like hot glue gun sticks are great to stock up on, as well as fabric and cardstock.

5 Outdoor Activities Kids Love

What was your favorite activity as a kid? If your answer includes something that you can do outdoors … then you’re not the only one! Both children and adults alike love being outdoors, getting fresh air, and soaking up the sunlight. For this reason, we’ve listed five activities below so your kids will be sure to have a blast outside.

1.) PLAYING CATCH – That’s right, it doesn’t matter what sport is involved. There is something universal about having a catch. One of the most fun ways kids can enjoy throwing a ball around is to pick up the legendary Velcro pads and ball set called Pitch-N-Catch Velcro Game (though it might also go by other product names). What’s great about them is they float in water, so you can have fun with family and friends in the pool or at the beach. It’s also a safer alternative to baseballs and softballs.

2.) RIDING BIKES – One of the most popular activities for kids, of course, is to go bike riding with friends around the neighborhood. Many of us might be reminded of the first training wheel experience, and the excitement behind riding without them. Well, that’s when you’re usually late for dinner! As for the right bicycle, sometimes it’s better to go with city bikes instead of mountain bikes, since they have more suitable tires for a paved environment. Brooklyn Bicycle Company has some excellent models to choose from if you live in a more urban area and can ship to a local dealer near you.

5.) SWIMMING – It’s often funny how most children are drawn like magnets to water. It doesn’t matter if it’s the pool, lake, or the beach, the earlier you have kids enjoying the water and taking swim lessons the better. A great resource is EnjoySwimming, which shows the traditional swim methods like the butterfly, backstroke and breast stroke. Even though your kids might be too busy with sand castles, at least you’ll be able to introduce swim safety lessons over time.

4.) ROLLERBLADING – This fun sport is also called ‘inline skating’ and was a popular version of roller-skating back in the 1970s. Instead of 4 wheels set in a rectangular pattern, the 4 wheels are in line with each other from front to back of skate. In addition to be great activity for kids, LiveStrong reports that it can also build up muscle endurance, stamina, and burn calories faster than running or jogging can.

5.) HIDE AND GO SEEK – Yes, that famous evening and night-time activity kids will always love! Finding that best tree or rock to hide behind, the game involves 1 seeker who counts down from a number, and when the countdown reaches zero, time’s up! The seeker has to go find the hiders. The evidence of how fun this game is can clearly be found at BoredPanda, where they go through a series of funny bloopers where kids think they’re hiding … in plain view.

So there it is folks, just a few ways kids can have great outdoor fun without costing an arm, a leg, an iPad, or an iPhone.

Want Your Kids To Spend More Time In Your Garden? Read This

Pic via Flickr

A garden is a perfect place for kids to have fun, get healthy and learn new things. Yet many parents find it difficult to get their kids to spend any time in their outdoor space. This is often because kids see spending time indoors as a more appealing option. As parents, it’s our responsibility to change this opinion and make our gardens seem more enjoyable. So if your garden is not currently accommodating to your kids, now is the time to do something about it. Here are some useful suggestions you can use to get your kids regularly using your garden with ease.

Buy outdoor playsets

Your kids will find it hard to resist spending time outside when they have a new playset to play with. These can provide hours of fun while also boosting their imagination and playtime. Swings and slides are popular playset options as they can be used by children of all ages. But if you don’t have enough room for a playset, why not consider a playhouse or trampoline for kids instead. Think carefully about your available space and which playset your children would enjoy the most. Always have your outdoor playset set up by a professional for optimal safety before your kids play with it.

Build a treehouse

Building a treehouse in your garden is an excellent way of encouraging your kids outside. Not only can they play with it once it’s constructed, but they can also get involved in building and painting it. This project will teach your kids new skills while also allowing your family to bond in the fresh air. Start looking online to see what treehouses other people have made and start assessing the trees in your garden. They need to be strong and secure enough to support a structure and keep your children safe. Your kids will love the process and having somewhere to call their own. You may even find it difficult to get them inside once it’s built. Seek assistance from experts at your local hardware store to help you get your treehouse started.

Start a vegetable garden

Another outdoor activity your kids will love is starting their own vegetable garden. Choose a small area in your garden where your children can get planting their seeds. This is ideal for kids who love to get messy and can teach them more about where their food comes from. Once planted, put them in charge of looking after their patch. They can water it, remove weeds and log how much their vegetables have grown each day. If your kids aren’t interested in vegetables, consider giving them flowers or fruit bushes to care for instead. Being responsible for their own patch will make them more eager to get outside more often.

As you can see, getting your kids to spend more time in your garden doesn’t have to be difficult. You just need to show your kids that your garden is an attractive and appealing space to spend time in. So make the most of the summer sunshine and utilize your outdoor space more.


Forget London! Here’s Why You Should Make Blackpool Your Destination Of Choice On Your Trip To The UK

Planning a break to the UK anytime soon? Whilst London certainly has plenty of attractions, other parts of the British Isles also have lots to offer. Plus, you can avoid the hustle and overpopulation of larger UK cities by venturing out to some of its lesser-known gems. Get nostalgic and revisit days of old by taking a trip to a traditional seaside town such as Blackpool.

Situated on the West Coast of England, and bordered by the Irish Sea, Blackpool is one of England’s oldest seaside resorts. Up until the 18th century, the town was nothing more than a sleepy coastal hamlet. However, at the turn of the century it started to become fashionable for British people to have their holidays at the coast. British seaside culture started to emerge and the Blackpool as we know it today began to emerge. With plenty of things to do in Blackpool this year, take a look at our top picks suitable for all the family.

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Go for a walk in Stanley Park

With 390 acres to its name, Stanley Park offers some stunning horticulture and plenty of activities available too. Take a stroll through the Italian gardens and take in the various statues and water fountains. There is even a lake on which you can hire various kinds of boat. Or, if you’re feeling a little more adventurous, rent out a couple of inflatable giant hamster balls for you to float around in! If all that walking and adventuring tires you out, stop off for some lunch at the Art Deco Cafe, which offers spectacular views across the park. Another great outdoorsy attraction is the Marton Mere Nature Reserve, where you can try and spot different kinds of wildlife.

Sandcastle Waterpark

Been hit with some unfortunate British weather during your stay in Blackpool? Shelter from the rain whilst still enjoying some seaside fun at Sandcastle Waterpark. It is the biggest indoor waterpark in the whole of the UK, offering 18 amazing slides and an 84 degree tropical atmosphere. There’s also some more relaxed options such as the free flowing action river for those who don’t fancy too many thrills and spills!


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Sea Life Blackpool

Get closer than ever to life beneath the waves at Sea Life Blackpool. Walk through over 50 incredible displays featuring a whole array of exotic creatures. One of the residents, Nobby the giant lobster, is believed to be over 100 years old! If you want to get even closer to nature, opt for a Snorkelling With Sharks experience package. Trained divers will take you into the beautiful ocean tank where you will be able to get up close and personal with these amazing creatures. Of course, if staying on dry land is more your thing, spectators tickets are also available!

Blackpool Beach

Make the most of the sun shining and pay a visit to Blackpool’s famous beach. The town’s tourist trade was built around its beach, so this is not something to be missed. Live the traditional British life for a day and paddle in the sea before relaxing in a deckchair with an ice cream. Blackpool also features three traditional piers which host a number of attractions such as amusement arcades. If you’re going in summer season, try to catch the Blackpool Donkeys too!


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Madame Tussauds/Ripley’s Believe It Or Not

Who said you had to go all the way to London to see some of these iconic British landmarks? Blackpool offers it’s very own Madame Tussauds museum, so you can get closer than ever to a whole host of famous faces. You can catch everyone from Shirley Bassey to Shrek there in all their waxwork glory. Another London staple, Ripley’s Believe It Or Not, also made it to Blackpool. Situated on the world renowned Blackpool Pleasure Beach, the museum offers a range of weird and wonderful oddities to entertain the whole family.

Blackpool Zoo

The 32 acre Blackpool Zoo is also a must-visit on your trip. Situated in 32 acres of stunning parkland, the zoo plays host to a whole range of animals from across the world; including lions, penguins, giraffes and elephants. All the enclosures closely mimic the animal’s natural habitat. There’s a number of cafes on site and also a great gift shop so your kids can take a cuddly friend home with them after their visit.


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The Blackpool Tower Dungeon

Fancy testing your nerve? If horror and comedy is your thing, the Blackpool Dungeon is not one to be missed. Situated underground deep below the famous Blackpool Tower, delve into the region’s murky past as your guide shocks you will gruesome tales and scary stories.

Perfect Gifts for the Sports Lover

Do you know someone who lives and breathes sports? Who swings the bat in his dreams? Who yells and throws stuff at the TV during football season? Who has a panic attack when the sports page was inadvertently left out of his Sunday paper? Yep, we know that guy, too. And if you’re buying a gift for him for his birthday or the holidays, you might be stumped on how to get him front row seats at the next Knicks game. Don’t stress. We know the perfect gifts for the sports lover in your life. Read on to find out.

Sporty Duds

You don’t have to write a fashion blog to understand what the sports lover in your life likes. All you have to do is simply listen to him talk. He’s probably mentioned that he loves the official “unis” that the Indiana Hoosiers basketball team wear. Or that Kris Bryant is his favorite Chicago Cubs player. He’s probably talked excessively about one sports team all his life. Simply getting him a jersey, a cool tee, and/or a hat from said team or athlete would make him think, “Gee, she really does listen to me. Huh.” Of course, you’ll want to buy it at a quality store and not as a last-minute pickup at your local Walgreens. Grown men wearing cheap looking sports attire is not good. Not good at all. And if you really love him, you could even buy yourself a tee that supports his favorite team. But, please, whatever you do—don’t buy the exact same one, as matching couples outfits are the worst.

If he’s a sock guy, he’ll love these comfortable basketball socks from Stance. Just because you’re getting your sweat on doesn’t mean you have carte blanche to look like a slouch.

Tickets Are So Money (And Everyone Knows It)

And we mean that in the literal sense, too, as tickets to sporting events can be very pricey. If you plan enough in advance, however, you can do some research on what ticket outlets to use to get the best price for whatever sporting event you think he’d enjoy. Give a shoutout to friends on Facebook and see if anyone has any connections. And, of course, there’s always StubHub. Plus, it’s not out of the question to consider the so-called “nosebleed seats” or the bleacher sections. Chances are he’ll just be glad to be there, cheering on his fave team. He’ll also likely be quite moved that you’ve decided to join him in supporting the good guys.

Movie Tickets

Of course, this is best when there is a movie playing about sports but, these days, that’s more common than not. From Moneyball and Concussion and the documentary about Steve Bartman and Jerry Maguire, it seems that there’s always something to watch that is sports-related. Don’t forget the extra buttery popcorn!

Man Crates

We know, we know, this sounds a bit Caveman-esque but man crates are pretty darn cool. Each crate is personalized to your guy’s tastes. With a Pizza Grilling Crate, an Exotic Meats Crate, a Whiskey Appreciation Crate, and much more, there aren’t many men that won’t be pleased when receiving these. Your sports fan will undoubtedly love the Legends of Baseball Man Crate. Filled with four MLB Cooperstown pint glasses, four coasters/bottle openers “immortalizing” the best players from each team, ballpark peanuts, BEER NUTS, pistachios, and BIGS Sunflower Seeds, he might have to sit down lest he break down in tears at the beauty of it all.

Quick ‘n’ Quirky

This list from Uncommon Goods has a ton of sports-themed gifts that are nothing if not completely unique. From the Portable Table Tennis Set and the Hockey Stick BBQ Set to the Desktop Golf and Snow Ski Wine Rack, this stuff will blow your sports fan’s mind.  We especially love the Golf Club Rocking Chairs!

Have a super fan in your house? Follow this guide to hit a homerun when buying gifts for the sports lover in your life.








Fun and Active Days Out to Trick the Kids into Exercise

  1. Getting the kids to get off their butts isn’t always easy. Some of them love to run around at any opportunity, but sometimes all they want to do is play video games. If you’re struggling to remove them from in front of the TV, a day out might be just the thing you need. You can take them for a treat and get them to do something active, without it feeling like you’re forcing exercise on them. You don’t want to turn exercise into a duty for your kids, or they might struggle to connect with it when they’re older. So instead of pushing them into a walk or bike ride, try one of these fun and active days out.

From Pixabay

Rope Courses and Ziplines

If you’re not one for heights, this option may not be for you. You can always watch from the ground, but it’s more fun if you join in with your kids. On the other hand, it’s a great way to get over your fears while helping your kids to conquer theirs. You can show them that it’s alright to be scared but that you can also push past your fear to have fun. Rope courses and ziplines can be great fun for all the family, and you’ll get a great workout by climbing about. Of course, sailing down a zipline is a little less active, but getting to the top often takes some work.

Laser Tag

Kids love to chase each other about anyway, but throw some pretend combat into the mix, and it’s even more fun. Laser tag is great for some friendly rivalry or maybe to help form camaraderie among your kids. Maybe you could team up as kids against parents to encourage some sibling bonding. You can spend a good few hours doing this activity, and it’s excellent for kids birthday parties too. Everyone is sure to be tired out by the time you’re finished. Paintballing is another, similar activity, which can also be great fun.


Jumping on a trampoline is an incredible way to be active. You might not realize it, but it’s great cardio exercise. In fact, ten minutes on a trampoline is worth as much as a 30-minute run. There is a growing number of places to go to where the kids can jump about on giant trampolines. You can usually book a session for a few hours. If you don’t have one of these places close to you, there’s always the option of a trampoline in your own backyard.

Walks and Bike Rides with a Purpose

For adults, the experience of walking or cycling and some beautiful scenery is often enough to keep them entertained. But kids sometimes don’t see any point in walking or cycling just for the fun of it. They want their journey to have a purpose, so why not give them one? You can spice up a trip by creating some activities or finding a trail where there are already things to do. You could have a scavenger hunt, look for mythical creatures, or make up a story along the way.

There are lots of fun ways to get out and about with the kids without boring them. Choose an activity you can do together to make keeping fit exciting.