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What It Takes To Be A Dad

I was asked to talk about the World’s Greatest TV Dad contest over at Man of the house and it got me thinking about being a dad and what makes a great dad.

After looking over the TV dads the one that I can most relate to is Michael Kyle from My Wife and Kids. He and I have a lot in common especially when it comes to messing with our kids. I remember watching My Wife and Kids and laughing because some of the things he did to his kids I do to my kids like joke around and poke fun all in good humor. He also always made sure to teach his children life lessons along the way through his humor which I feel I do but probably should do a little more.

To me being a good dad means being there for your kids when then need you most no matter how good or bad the situation is and provide non stop unconditional love. Do I get mad and annoyed at my kids sometimes depending on how they are acting? Yup, but I wouldn’t change a single thing and I would do anything for my kids.

I try to mirror myself after my own father but this is a very hard task. He is the type of person that will do anything for anyone no matter what and I wish I was more like him in this area. My dad was pretty hard on us growing up but thinking back now it was just to make sure we were good decent people. At the time I didn’t see it that was but I do thank him now for that and I hope my kids understand why I am so hard on them one day as well.

Being a dad these days is sooo hard. You have a lot of outside forces to contend with that just makes your job so much stressful and difficult. I feel like if you stick to your guns and do the best that you can it will all work out in the end and that is what the kids will remember when they become adults.

Head over to Man Of The House and vote for your favorite TV Dad.

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Dad Central Consulting on behalf of P&G and received promotional items to thank me for taking the time to participate.

Nominate a Dad

sears-blue-tool-crewDads across America are gearing up for their special day, Father’s Day. For the 2nd year in a row Sears Blue Tool Crew is announcing the “Unsung Heroes: Dads Making a Difference Contest”.
ty-pennington-sears-unsung-heroesTy Pennington and Sears wants to hear about those dads that are making a difference and making an impact on the community around them. Nominate an unknown, unsung heroes who use their tools AND talents together for the greater good of the community. Last year’s winner, Charlie Muller, converted a dilapidated building into a safe place to feed the poverty stricken children in Albany, NY.

Get your nominations in up intil June 10th. Then from June 20 – July 3,  Americans will cast their votes for who they think is the most deserving dad. The winner will receive a visit from the Sears Blue Tool Crew with the tools and resources to bring their projects to life.

Official contest rules are available at under the ‘Dads Making a Difference’ application. The grand prize winner will be announced on Facebook on July 11.



I Disclose

Hard Time Letting Go On Sunday

This weekend I allowed something to happen that I was nervous about for the entire 2.5 hours they were gone. I let Shaun go with Sabreena to the movies to see Rango on Sunday afternoon.

It wasn’t difficult because I don’t trust Sabreena because I totally do. She is 15 yrs old and goes out with friends alone all of the time after school and on the weekend. Maybe it is because Shaun is 7 yrs old (8 on March 31st) and that is why I was freaking out. Maybe it was because my two kids were out alone and I was freaking out that something might happen to them. Who knows, maybe I was just being way to over protective.

Melinda and I were home watching a DVD and numerous times I mentioned how I hoped the kids were ok and she told me they were fine. In my head I believed her but was still freaked out until I went to pick them up. Only after they were in the van was I able to calm down and able to be at ease.

They said the movie was awesome but I will be honest I am not sure if I will be able to let Shaun go to the movies alone with Sabreena again. I am not sure my heart or mind can handle it. LOL. I guess I am just that dad that finds it hard to let go.

Am I being crazy or do you think I was justified in my thoughts? Be honest here I can handle it. LOL.

I Disclose

Last Night Was A Great Night

Last night I ran to the store to pick up a new belt and cologne and Sabreena (my teen) wanted to tag along.

She needed a few new sweaters so I said yes and we went.  Usually I feel like I don’t have much to say to her and that is 100% my fault.  She is into Nerd Fighters and stuff like that so I guess I am out of the loop but last night was AWESOME!!!

I really enjoyed spending time with her and we had a lot of conversations.  Some important some not but that is what made it fun.  It was just me and my now teenage girl and it was really really nice.

I need to listen more instead of bitch at her over stupid shit because she does have stuff to say and no matter what I think it is important.  Last night opened my eyes to a whole new world and I am liking it a lot!!!  It sucks it has taken me so long to realize this!!!

Need to Get My Priorities In Order

Yesterday was a day where everyone stayed in and did nothing.  When I say nothing I mean no running around doing errands or things like that. 

Shae and I played this:

And after dinner Shaun and I built this:

In case you couldn’t tell from the top picture Shae and I played Candyland. I told her I would play Hi Ho Cherrio but that didn’t work, LOL. Shaun also hounded me all morning to make the Solar Rover that he got yesterday and FINALLY we did.

Today made me realize I do not spend enough time with the kids just playing and having fun with them.  Between work, the blog, Cub Scouts and life the kids playtime with me seems to come last.  In reality they should be a priority and not last on the list.  Today was an eye opener for me and made me realize where my priorities need to be.