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Drug-Free Pain Relief Methods That Work

If you’re someone who suffers from chronic pain, then you know that living with this can be tough. Many people try to get rid of the pain by using conventional pain killers. However, there are many drug-free pain-relieving methods available that work. You can also try iridology at Essential Balance, a painless health analysis to get to the root of your pain. If you’d like to learn more, keep reading because, in this blog post, we will be exploring some of these drug-free pain-relieving methods, including how you can use them to manage your chronic pain. These methods are much healthier than pharmaceuticals, so you will want to give them a try!

Heat Therapy

Heat therapy uses heat to relieve pain, and this is done by improving circulation as well as blood flow to a particular area in your body due to the increase in temperature. This works to soothe any pain or discomfort you might be experiencing, and it also increases muscle flexibility. Additionally, heat therapy can be used to soothe and relax muscles and also heal damaged tissue, which makes this an ideal form of treatment.

If you are a female who experiences period pains or cramps, you can use heat to relieve the pain. This is a much healthier way to find relief without the negative side effects associated with pain meds.

TENS Therapy

TENS therapy or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation is a way to relieve pain by using mid electrical currents. This machine is small and battery-powered, with leads that are connected to pads called electrodes. You attach these sticky pads directly onto your skin, and when the machine gets turned on, small electrical impulses get delivered to the area of your body where you are experiencing pain which then causes a tingling feeling. These pulses are known to reduce pain by reducing pain signals that travel to the brain and spinal cord. Additionally, endorphin production gets stimulated, which are known to be the body’s natural painkillers. If you’re interested in a more unique and portable form of TENS therapy, there is the Pain gone pen which is easy to use and is an excellent drug free pain relief. TENS therapy is recommended for those who suffer from period pain, arthritis, endometriosis, knee pain, back pain injury from sports, and it also serves as a good relief for women during labor. This treatment is safe and has no side effects.

Massage Therapy

Massages have no scientific link to relieving pain; however, they are linked to increased relaxation and easing muscle tension which overall results in decreased pain levels. For more effective results, opt for more intense massage options such as sports massages or deep tissue massages, as these work well with other pain-relieving strategies. Next time you experience muscle pain or strain, book a massage because this is a safe and effective way to help your body relax while soothing pain in the body.


Acupuncture is an Asian medicine technique that involves the placement of needs into certain points in the body. This form of treatment is one of the most ancient and most popular in traditional Chinese medicine, and although there is no science to back this treatment, a few studies have shown the link between acupuncture and pain relief. This is a creative and more daring way to relieve pain.

Chiropractic adjustment

A chiropractic adjustment, also known as spinal adjustment, is the practice of spinal manipulation or adjustment. This practice involves a trained specialist, known as a chiropractor, who will use his hands or a hand-sized instrument to apply sudden and controlled force onto a joint in the spine. This practice aims to improve the motion as well as the physical functions of the body in general. If you suffer from back, neck, or hip pain, then this might be the treatment for you to try.

Yoga and Stretching Exercises

 Yoga and stretching involve breath control work, meditation, and gentle movements that allow you to stretch your body and strengthen your muscles. Numerous studies have revealed that this is an effective way to help people manage pain caused by many conditions, including arthritis, headaches, knee pains, and muscle and joint pains.

This is a form of treatment that improves your overall health and not just the pain you are targeting, which makes it a much better option than conventional pain meds, which only target the pain symptoms while deteriorating your health in the process.

6 Ways Mental Health Counseling Can Improve Your Life

It’s a common misconception that counseling or seeking help from a mental health counselor is only for people with severe mental health issues. However, nothing could be further from the truth. You don’t need to be diagnosed with a mental disorder to benefit from counseling. Instead, it can also help you address everyday concerns better when seeking assistance from such professionals.

Although advancing technology, modern medicine, and innovative machinery have made our lives incredibly easy, it doesn’t discount that we still live in unprecedented times. For instance, the recent COVID-19 pandemic upended the entire world and left people dealing with situations they never saw coming and were unprepared for. Loss of a loved one, unemployment, self-doubt, relationship problems, and stress are only a few major concerns people face regularly. Therefore, mental health is more important now than ever before.

While counseling can get intense and overwhelming, it can help you build positive habits and encourage you to prioritize your emotional well-being.

Here are the top 6 ways mental health counseling can improve your life.

Helps You Help Others

When you discuss and work through your experiences and emotions with a professional, other people around you build a better understanding of their feelings too. Seeing you open up about your challenges and difficulties will encourage family, loved ones, and coworkers to express themselves more freely. More importantly, if you want to help others, you can even enroll in an online masters in counseling program. Such programs offer a wide range of curricula and activities to help you gain the relevant knowledge and skill set needed to counsel individuals.

Provides Objective Accountability

While it’s easy to set goals, the real struggle comes from trying to attain them. Self-doubt, poor confidence, and constant worrying often keep us from meeting our goals by creating mental blocks and taking us two steps backward every time. But a counselor can help you overcome these blockades and teach you ways to work around them to accomplish your objectives.

Mental health counselors understand how the human brain works better than anyone. Therefore, they can help break down an ambition that may seem impossible into smaller doable steps. They also keep you accountable throughout the entire process so that you become your greatest advocate and push yourself to achieve the desired targets.

Better Physical Health

Historically, science has kept a clear distinction between the mind and the body. But through emerging knowledge, we’re now discovering that the two interweave together. And thus, for an individual’s well-being, both physical and mental health must be integrated.

When you’re good to your mind, you’re also good to your body. Poor mental health can compromise your ability to make healthy decisions. It can lead to severe medical complications and cause chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, or obesity. In contrast, a stress-free brain allows you to weigh the pros and cons of every situation appropriately and make judgments accordingly. It also allows you to practice other healthy behaviors like proper sleeping, a nutritious diet, and regular exercise, which contribute to your overall well-being.

Builds Healthy Relationships

One of the fundamental goals of mental health counseling is to improve interpersonal dynamics. Contrary to popular belief, counseling isn’t always a last-ditch effort to save a marriage or prevent a breakup. Even happy couples and other personal relationships can benefit from regular sessions that help maintain and enhance the healthy bond between two people. By learning to work through disagreements and other issues, you can improve emotional and physical intimacy with your partner and understand them better.

Relationships often fail due to poor communication or failure to understand one another. But relationship life coaches can help you gain insights into why you behave the way you do. Doing so keeps an argument from escalating with your loved one every time you don’t see eye to eye over certain situations.

Improves Self-Esteem and Self-Acceptance

Self-esteem plays a significant role in how you perceive yourself. Low self-esteem can prevent you from finding fulfillment in relationships or following your dreams. It’s typically associated with feelings of shame, inadequacy, and self-doubt and is often so subtle that you hardly register it. But specific negative thoughts that constantly repeat in your mind influence your personal and professional choices that can have far-reaching consequences on your well-being.

A mental health counselor can help you channel these thoughts and develop positive statements that push back the power of destructive self-talk. Mental health counseling teaches you to show kindness to yourself, recognize that no human is perfect, and builds awareness of your emotions. These strategies help you learn self-compassion, which is vital for boosting self-esteem and bringing you closer to accepting yourself.

Lets You Manage Stress More Effectively

Stress is a part of life and may not always require professional assistance. However, learning strategies to manage stress is a highly beneficial tool as it allows you to stay productive even when things get overwhelming.

Counseling aims to identify the cause of an individual’s stress in a judgment-free environment and develop ways to manage and reduce it. In your professional life, this tool can provide you with a better self-understanding, get you more engaged in the workplace, and reduce absences and turnover.


Like all things worthwhile, counseling takes time and effort. But if you give it a chance, you can build better-coping skills, stronger relationships, a healthier body, and an even healthier mind.

Ways to Help Your Child Succeed in Every Step of Life

Raising children can be a rewarding but often challenging task with unpredictable results. It’s an interesting and complex endeavor for any parent to embark upon. Even more difficult is the ability to raise the child in a manner that guarantees success in every step of their lives. There is no magical solution to this, but there are a few basic things that you can do as a parent to help your child succeed.

Encourage Them to Explore and Take Risks

One of the most important things you can do as a parent is to help your child explore and take risks. This doesn’t mean that you should let them do whatever they want, but you should allow them to experiment and try new things. It enables them to learn and grow. It also helps them develop the skills they will need to succeed in life.

Help Them Set Goals

Another important thing you can do as a parent is to help your child set goals. This includes both short-term and long-term goals. Helping your child set and achieve goals is a great way to help them develop a sense of accomplishment, and it will also teach them how to plan and execute tasks. For instance, attending a music school is one of the best ways to help your kids identify, set, and achieve goals.

Teach Them to Handle Failure

One of the most important aspects of childhood that you can instill in your child is the ability to handle failure. This is important because failure is a part of life, and it is something that they will eventually encounter. Teaching your child how to handle failure will help them stay positive, and it will also help them learn from their mistakes.

Encourage Them to Stay Motivated

One of the biggest challenges that kids face is staying motivated. This is especially true when they are facing complex tasks or challenging goals. As a parent, you can help your child stay motivated by encouraging them and providing them with the necessary support. 

You can also help them set achievable goals and develop a plan for reaching those goals. Finally, you can praise your child for their efforts, even when they fail. This will help them to feel motivated and encouraged to continue trying. 

Another understated aspect of parenting is helping your child build self-confidence. Self-confidence is essential for success. Helping your child build self-confidence will allow them to take risks, and it will also help them believe in themselves.

Time Management

Teaching your child to manage their time and stay organized can do wonders for them. They’ll be better at completing tasks on time and staying organized.

Another importance of time management is that it can help to prevent procrastination. If your child learns how to manage their time at a young age, they are less likely to procrastinate on tasks as they get older. This is a valuable skill to have, especially in today’s world where there is so much to do. 

When it comes to learning how to manage your time, there are a few ways. One possible way is for you/your child to do small tasks first before gradually increasing the difficulty of the task. This will help your child to become comfortable with managing their time. 

Another way to help your child learn time management is to establish rules and guidelines for them. For example, you could tell your kid that they can’t watch TV until they finish their homework. This will help them be more mindful of how to balance their time.

Finally, you can help your child keep track of their time by giving them a timer or a calendar. This will help them see how much time they have to complete a task.

Help Them Develop Good Habits

One thing that you can do to make your child succeed is to help them develop healthy habits. This is important because good practices will allow them to stay disciplined and help them achieve their goals. Helping your child develop good habits is a valuable gift that will serve them well throughout their lives. Creating a reading culture is an excellent way to get started. See ways to help your kids learn.

A parents’ input on kids’ lives heavily influences their eventual success. Parents are the ones who most influence how their children turn out – based on what you do and say. Check out how to help your child succeed.

Six Tips to Make Sure Your Jewelry Compliments Your Outfit

Marilyn Monroe may have said that diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but in effect, moon star ring in itself is a woman’s beloved companion. Your jewelry goes hand-in-hand with your ensemble, and if paired correctly, it can morph your vibe into whatever you need it to be. Do you wish to look professional? Stand out at a party? Or perhaps add a little bit of flair to your otherwise casual outfit? Well, your jewelry can do all that and more if you pay a little more attention to how you style it.

Your jewelry can make or break your outfit according to how it fits with your clothing. Some accessories can complement your clothes perfectly, like pieces of a puzzle falling back together to form a masterpiece. But more often than not, adorning yourself with the wrong choice of jewelry can give off a rather less refined sense of style. 

Jewelry is a potent part of how you present yourself. Getting the right accessories for your outfit is not only about looking fashionable but also about expressing yourself. However, because choosing the said accessories can be a tedious task, we have listed down some tips to help you with it. 

Choose Your Necklace According to Your Neckline

Your necklace can clash with your neckline in two ways: if you are not mindful of its length or the neckline is too pretty for further embellishments. Different types of necklines call for different kinds of necklaces. For instance, if your top has a sweetheart or strapless neckline, short necklaces, such as collar necklaces or chokers, may be the right choice. If your outfit gives off a softer feminine vibe, go for a delicate choker instead of an intimidating one to keep the concept; you may find some dainty chokers at Bryan Anthonys to be the right pick for your next outfit. Similarly, if you have a V-neck top, a pendant that falls close to your cleavage will accentuate your outfit the best, while a high necked or collared shirt would go well with a long necklace instead.

However, not every neckline necessarily has a necklace to go with it. Some necklines are dramatic enough that putting on a necklace can make it look like a lot is going on. If you find yourself wearing an illusion neck or an asymmetric neck top or dress, ditch the necklace for other accessories instead.

Choose Only One Statement Jewelry

Picture this: a woman wearing a chunky necklace, huge hoop earrings, and many bangles on her wrist. One would hardly call that a sensible fashion choice. Why? Because some jewelry pieces demand an onlooker’s attention and wearing all these together will throw off your entire look. When all the jewelry pieces are fighting each other for attention, it will take away all the focus from your outfit.

Hence, do not pair your focal pieces together, as it can look too overwhelming. More is not always the best. Try to keep the number of statement pieces to a minimum, or you might end up looking like a walking jewelry box instead!

Accessorize According to The Occasion

Work, friendly outings, formal events- they all call for different kinds of accessories. There are wrong pieces of jewelry for certain types of occasions. Just like a bold choker would not go well in a work environment, an elaborate diamond piece may not be appropriate for a low-key hangout with friends. Similarly, dangling necklaces or loose bracelets may be inappropriate for events requiring physical activities.

Your outfits at different events give off unique impressions, and your jewelry is only an extension to your outfit. If you choose the right piece of clothing for your event but miss the right snake ring, you are still not dressed your best. Hence, make sure your jewelry works with the theme of your occasion while matching your outfit.

Coordinate Your Bracelets With Your Sleeves

Long sleeves equal fewer bracelets: that is the unwritten fashion rule. Bracelets and long sleeves do not complement each other- the bracelets either keep getting in the way or are barely visible. Bracelets work the best will short sleeves as they decorate the bare skin of your visible arms.

With different types of sleeves, you may have to rethink your choice of bracelets as well. Short-sleeved or sleeveless outfits go with elaborately designed bracelets, whereas mid-length sleeves look better with simple and dainty Puravida Bracelets.

Experiment by Contrasting

Bold jewelry for basic outfits. Dainty and simple jewelry for flashy outfits. Black, silver, or gold jewelry for vivid clothing. Bright and colorful for clothes of monotone color. Fashion is all about experimenting and finding the right look that balances all the items. “Opposites attract” is the phrase we all have heard, and that is sometimes true when pairing your jewelry and outfits together as well. Therefore, try bringing cooler and warmer tones together. Sometimes, the conflict can create the most beautiful of looks.

Wear Jewelry That Goes With Your Skin Tone

For the best look, your jewelry should complement your skin along with your outfit. Focusing on your tastes and preferences when buying jewelry is completely fine; you can wear whatever you like. However, you may find that some pieces of jewelry you buy, no matter how beautiful, do not look as good on you as you had hoped. That may have something to do with your skin tone. It’s better to visit a shop and buy jewelry pieces after trying them on.

The jewelry you wear is generally for your skin. Therefore, its color and your skin tone have high chances of clashing. Some gem colors go well with certain types of skin tones. You may have to identify whether your skin tone is warm or cool to find what colored jewelry may suit you better. For instance, rose gold, yellow, and coppery shades would suit someone with a warmer skin tone, while shades of blue, emerald, pink, or purple would suit someone with a cooler one.


The fashion world may have its own rules, but life is all about enjoying what you do. If you liked that one pair of earrings, buy them. If you want to wear a pearl necklace with your T-shirt, do that. If following the many guidelines of fashion do’s and don’ts is not your cup of tea, make your own flavor. Dress up how you want to dress up. Express yourself as you wish others to see you. The world is your oyster; you can do whatever you want as long as it makes you happy.


How to Prepare for a Hardwood Floor Installation: What You Need to Know

 Installing hardwood flooring is a long and intense process that can be daunting and time-consuming. It’s wise to leave the installation in the hands of professional wood floor installers to avoid mistakes or problems down the line because it’s often more costly to fix mistakes than just installing them professionally from the start. However, there are a few things you can do ahead of time to make their job a bit easier. In this blog post, we will discuss what you need to know in order to prepare for a hardwood floor installation!

Why Should you Prepare for it?

First and foremost, you should prepare for a hardwood floor installation because it will make the process go much more smoothly. If you have everything ready to go when the installers arrive, they can get right to work and likely finish up sooner than expected. This means less time disruption in your home!

A few preparations can help the installers do their job well and avoid any headaches on your part. Also, this will speed up the process because the installers will focus more on the vital part of the process rather than simple processes like taping up plastics or turning off your heating system.

First Things First

As with any major project, you’ll need to first spend some time getting familiar with what’s available. You can choose different types of hardwood, different types of stains/finishes, and more. These choices will be based on your personal preferences as well as factors like budget, traffic in your home, and whether or not you have pets.

You should also make sure that the subfloor in your home is level and in good condition. The installers will need a stable surface to work with, and any issues with the subfloor will need to be addressed before they begin.

Remove the Doors

Another thing you can do to prepare for hardwood floor installation is to remove the doors in the rooms where the floors will be installed. This will give the installers more room to work, and it will make it easier for them to avoid damaging the doors. This will also ensure that your doors are properly stored away.

Help Their Dust Control System

Most wood floor installers will make the proper preparations in order to minimize the dust. So you have a few options to help them contain it:

  1. Seal the rooms that are not part of the installation. Make sure to not just keep the doors and windows shut, but cover them with plastic sheets. This will help to keep the dust from traveling to other parts of your home.
  2. Use plastic sheeting. This can be used to seal off any openings that might let dust pass through. This will prevent dust from circulating all throughout the house.
  3. Run a humidifier. This will help to reduce the amount of dust in the air, and it will also help to protect your hardwood floors from shrinkage.

Prepare a Cutting Area

If you are doing any cutting on-site, make sure to do it in an area that can easily be cleaned, preferably outside. This will help to prevent the dust and debris from getting everywhere. An ideal place for cutting are:

  • Close access to the entry of the home
  • Good lighting
  • Access to an electric outlet

An outdoor cutting area is always the idea, so the professionals will have more freedom to do it.

These are just a few of the things that you can do to help prepare for a hardwood floor installation. Communication is always key so if you have any other questions, be sure to speak with your installer. They will be able to give you more specific instructions and advice on how to best prepare for their arrival. By taking a few simple steps, you can help ensure that the process goes smoothly and that your new hardwood floors look beautiful for years to come.

Hardwood floor installation is a big project done by professionals, but it’s one that can be completed with relative ease if you’re prepared. This guide will help you understand what to expect and how to best prepare for the installation crew’s arrival.

Tips to Make Moving Easier

Moving can be a painful experience since it means leaving your home behind, along with the memories you have made there with family, friends, and colleagues. As for the process itself, it need not wear you down even before starting a new life somewhere else.

The key to a successful move is plenty of preparation, from packing your stuff to dealing with car shipping companies to transport your car. Avoid stress from last-minute packing by learning about these tips on making moving easier.

Start Planning Once the Move Is Confirmed

Moving may seem overwhelming to some, but mostly because they fail to prepare for it as soon as possible. You can start preparations when you’re sure you’re moving and know when the moving day is.

Prepare a checklist of the things you need to do for the move and rank them according to priority. You can do this by using pen and paper, online tools, or mobile apps. Create a schedule based on how much time you have and distribute the entries on your checklist there.

Don’t forget about time-sensitive tasks such as utility installations and renovation work on the new house. You should accomplish these tasks before moving day. You may set reminders and alarms to help you remember these activities.

Request Records and Update Your Information

This step is not for you if you’re simply moving to the next block or even the next town. But when moving long distances, you must not overlook securing all the important records you’ll need, including school, medical, and dental records. You should list these tasks among your top priorities.

You may request your kids’ old school to transfer their records to the new school directly, so you don’t have to bring the documents yourself. Medical and dental records may be requested from your family doctor and dentist at least a week before moving day to give elbow room for corrections.

Updating your information is also critical when making a long-distance move. If transferring to another state, you need to update your personal information and documents like your driver’s license and car registration. Failing to do so will cause you issues later on, such as not being allowed to drive your car in your new neighborhood.

This is also the case for your medical and dental records. It’s quite easy to check out dental implants in Chesapeake or wherever you will move, however, getting your medical records sent in advance will make the process much smoother for you and your new dentist.

Book Services Early

Book your service providers immediately once you set the moving schedule in stone. If your moving day falls within the peak season, you may find it challenging to secure the services of a reliable moving company. You wouldn’t want to adjust everything in your timetable just because you booked the movers late.

Make time to visit your new home to ensure construction work is ahead of schedule and submit applications for utilities. It would be ideal to have complete utility services before the actual move. It would be a disaster if you arrived there without water, electricity, or both.

Secure Moving Insurance

Protect your belongings from accidents and theft by getting moving insurance. Although your mover can be one of the most reputable companies in the country, the unexpected can still happen, so you have to get moving insurance.

Depending on the specifics of the policy, this type of insurance can cover any form of damage to your belongings while in transit. It doesn’t matter whether the damage is from an earthquake or accidental breakage.

Don’t confuse moving insurance with the valuation coverage included in your moving contract. Valuation coverage does not compensate for everything damaged, unlike moving insurance.

Valuation coverage does not pay for damage to belongings placed in boxes that you packed yourself. It also does not cover damage from Acts of God, including earthquakes, fire, and hurricanes. Get additional protection through moving insurance if you’re transporting items of value for peace of mind.

Pack Your Things Properly

Before starting packing, ensure you have enough supplies so that you don’t have to stop in the middle of the process because you run out of something. Go supply shopping at least a day before you begin packing your goods.

Avoid randomly placing items inside boxes and organize moving boxes by room, size, or category. Only pack things that you plan on using in the other house. Disassemble oversized items, such as bookcases and bed frames, into smaller parts that take less space. This way, you can maximize the space in the moving truck.

It’s a common misconception that heavy items belong to big boxes while lighter ones to smaller boxes. The reverse is true since you have to pack bigger items into small boxes and lighter ones in bigger boxes to make it easier for movers to carry them.

Label the boxes with your name to prevent them from getting mixed up with other people’s things. This may occur, particularly with some long-distance movers that use large trucks. These containers carry parcels from different families moving to the same area.

Prepare for Car Shipping

When moving across states hundreds of miles away, it’s more convenient and practical just to use the services of an auto shipping company to transport your car than drive it yourself for several days. Just make sure that before you hand over your vehicle, you have removed all personal items, even the GPS chip.

These items could get stolen during transit, and they also add to the car’s weight, costing you more in fees. Take photos of your car before drop-off and after delivery to have a basis for comparison if you find signs of damage.


These tips are meant to help you make your move easier and keep you from committing the mistakes that most people do. Moving doesn’t have to be a stressful experience, but only if you prepare ahead of time.

Why Atrantil Is A Great Remedy For Abdominal Discomfort

Abdominal discomfort is a pain from the abdomen that could be caused by muscle strain, stress, overeating, wind, constipation, or something severe that needs emergency attention. With the countless number of medications available for abdominal discomfort, some people may have difficulty selecting the right drug for their discomfort. Atrantil is a wonder drug that can help you ease your pain.

Atrantil is formulated as a nutraceutical that can relieve of constipation, abdominal discomfort, and symptoms of bloating. Over the years, many people who complained of such symptoms often do not have a drug that treats them as the source of their problem. Atrantil is unique because it concentrates on bacteria that stay in our gut.

The elimination of such bacteria in our gut makes it easier for the body to experience a healthy, sterile abdominal state. While most drugs require a prescription before you buy, Atrantil can be bought over the counter. The drug is not antibiotic or a probiotic.

What Ingredients are in Atrantil?

Atrantil is a popular nutraceutical formulated with natural botanical extracts like saponin, polyphenol, and an anti-spasmodic. The ingredients used in Atrantil are commonly found in our food supply.

We can define nutraceutical as any substance that we consider as part of our food that offers us health benefits. Nutraceuticals range from dietary supplements, isolated nutrients, and diets to herbal products, genetically engineered foods, and processed foods such as beverages, soups, and cereals.


How Does Atrantil Work?

People who suffer from symptoms of constipation, abdominal discomfort, or bloating need fast relief. Thanks to this, atrantil is great for IBS. The first thing that Atrantil does to such people is to stop the gas-producing bacteria found in their guts. The aim of Atrantil’s ingredients is to synergically soothes the troubled gut and eliminates the bad bacteria from our digestive system. The drug works in three steps to stop the source of our abdominal pain. 

Step 1

M. balsamea Willd extract or peppermint leaf soothes the small bowel. When the small bowel is calmed, it offers the other natural botanicals the opportunity to function effectively.

Step 2

Atrantil contains flavonoids extracted from Quebracho, which is a South American hardwood tree. Flavonoids starve the gut of hydrogen and make the environment unhealthy for the archaebacteria. When there is a lack of hydrogen, the cell walls of the bacteria weaken.

Step 3

The last ingredient in Atrantil is a natural antibacterial extracted from Conker Tree. The ingredient attaches itself to the reductase enzyme in the weakened cells of the archaebacteria. The result is the prevention of the production of methane.

Who Can Take Atrantil?

People who suffer from bloating after they consume their food may want to try Atrantil. How does the body suffer from bloating? When bacteria in the body’s small bowel consume carbohydrates in patient’s absorbed food, they produce methane. Methane in the small bowel ends up causing the stomach to bloat.

When you consume Atrantil, the three-step elimination process happens, which includes weakening the bacteria cell walls and starving them of hydrogen to produce methane. Hence, the bacteria cannot form bloats in your abdomen.

Maintenance Dose 

Many people want to know the dose they can take to calm their abdominal discomfort. You can take two capsules of Atrantil daily to maintain a healthy gut. In addition, the drug ensures that you experience a digestive balance. Atrantil contains polyphenols and antioxidants that help the body enjoy overall digestive wellness.

Digestive Health Benefit of Atrantil 

The gut harbors countless bacteria that can be bad or beneficial to the body. If the immunity is low, the bad bacteria take over the gut and cause problems like soreness of the throat and other painful problems. However, when we consume healthy diets rich in polyphenols, the bacteria are reduced. When we suffer from abdominal discomfort and take Atrantil, its polyphenols work to protect the gut.

We can tell you that Atrantil works to improve the overall digestive system wellness. However, if you have an underlying medical condition or other abdominal pain prescription, you should talk to your doctor. 

Atrantil can help people suffering from small intestinal bacteria overgrowth (SIBO). This condition happens when the body experiences the excessive presence of bacteria in its small intestine. You can suffer from bloating, constipation, or diarrhea when SIBO happens. However, taking Atrantil helps you bring your stomach to normalcy. 


How to Use Mindfulness Meditation for Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Suffering from anxiety and panic attacks can be difficult to navigate sometimes. No matter the severity or frequency of your anxiety attacks or panic attacks, being stuck in the feeling of nervousness, racing thoughts, and fear can take a serious toll on the health of your mind, body, and emotions.

While plenty of people will probably tell you that meditation, yoga, mindfulness, or other self-help practices will get rid of your problems, there’s much more to it than that.

Mindfulness meditation is all about being present in your current thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. It can help you clear your head of some of the racing thoughts and help you connect better to yourself and the sensations around you. While this isn’t a cure for anxiety — because anxiety isn’t as simple as curing things with one technique — it can be a great coping mechanism.

While many people say that they can’t meditate because of their anxiety, mindfulness meditation is a flexible practice that exists to help you find balance by working with your needs. There are a few key tips and techniques you can explore and keep in mind as you try out mindfulness meditation to help with anxiety and panic attacks. It’s all about figuring out which ones work for you.

Focus on the Breath

One of the easiest techniques you can use when you’re having an anxiety attack or panic attack — even if you’re not explicitly meditating — is to do breathing exercises. Simply counting the breaths, trying to even them out, or doing another favorite breathing exercise can help slow the physical anxiety responses as well as the mental ones.

This technique gives your whole system something to focus on. Whether you’re meditating, going about your day, or realizing you feel anxious, taking it back to the breath is always a great idea.

Check In With Your Body

Another great mindfulness meditation technique you can do anywhere to curb anxiety is a full-body scan or a body check-in. Simply scanning how your whole body feels from top to bottom — or the other way around — can help you find awareness of all the sensations in your body. It gives your mind something to focus on and reminds you to relax. This is an example of how mindfulness can help you connect to the body. Incorporating healing crystals into your yoga practice can help you to feel more connected to your body and promote a sense of well-being. For example, they can help to boost the energy of your meditation, improve your focus, and promote a sense of calm and relaxation. Each crystal has its own unique benefits, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs. In particular, Black Tourmaline benefits are known for promoting balance and grounding. It helps to absorb negative energy and protect against electromagnetic fields. Other popular crystals for yoga include amethyst, rose quartz, and citrine.

Repeat Positive Affirmations

If you’re looking for a place where your mind can go, positive affirmations are a great idea. Anxiety attacks and panic attacks can often come with a swirl of thoughts, and replacing anxious thoughts with positive ones by telling yourself good things can help pull you out of that anxious spiral.

Phrases like, “this feeling will pass,” “I will be okay,” “I feel calm and relaxed,” or other affirmations more specific to your situation can be great places to start.

Use Grounding Techniques

Grounding techniques are a favorite of both the mindfulness and mental health world. While there are many grounding techniques you can choose from, such as using tuning forks for healing, the common thread of them all is their role in bringing you back to your surroundings and helping you focus on the immediate sensations of your body.

The five-four-three-two-one grounding technique is a great example of this, as it’s easy to remember, engages all your senses, and helps to relax you gradually.

Notice Your Passing Thoughts and Let Them Go

One of the biggest misconceptions about meditation is that the intention is to “clear your mind.” Most people who meditate will tell you that this isn’t the goal at all. Instead, it’s about calming and allowing your thoughts to pass slowly. This means that, rather than trying to banish your anxious thoughts in meditation, the goal is simply to acknowledge them and let them go.

Understand that your anxious thoughts don’t make you bad at meditation, and they don’t mean you’re doing it wrong. Simply notice them and allow them to pass from your mind, and you’ll be well on your way.

Find Mindful Activities

Another technique you can try in order to use mindfulness in a way that works for you is to find activities that embody mindfulness and help you engage with your surroundings in a conscious way. You may not be up to the challenge of sitting still yet, and that’s okay. Really, you can make anything mindful.

Try focusing on the sensations of the outdoors during walking meditation, making tea and drinking it without distraction, mindfully eating a meal, or engaging in a workout or yoga practice.

Use Tools That Work for You

If you think you need a little bit of guidance and direction, lean into that instinct. Anxiety can make it difficult to focus and hold to the exercises you set out for yourself. Finding apps, videos, and guided courses to help you can allow you to focus completely on what you’re hearing and let that lead the way.

Finding Your Mindful Niche

Mindfulness and meditation are practices that work with you to meet you wherever you are in your journey. While meditating can’t cure anxiety and get rid of all panic attacks forever, it can help you cope, ground yourself and find a bit more relaxation in your life as time goes on.

10 Health Tips for Your Kids This Spring

In some parts of the country, the weather is warming up, and that means that spring is on the way. This warming trend also means we’re seeing the end of flu season, though COVID is still an ongoing issue. People spend less time indoors and take advantage of the wonderfully temperate weather before the summer heat sets in. Unfortunately, kids are still germy messes, and spending time outdoors is not proof against illness. Follow these 20 tips to help keep your kids healthy this spring. 

 1. Stay Hydrated

Warm weather means sweaty afternoons spending time in the sun — and that means it’s more important than ever to stay hydrated. Make sure your kids have access to water or other hydrating drinks. Start getting them hydrated before you leave the house. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that a child who weighs 88 pounds should drink 5 ounces of water every 20 minutes while active. Kids up to 132 pounds should drink 9 ounces of water in the same period. 

 2. Wear Sunscreen

We love a sunny afternoon, but it’s essential to protect your skin if you’re going to be out in the sun. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends wearing sunscreen with an SPF 30 or higher whenever you’re in the sun — regardless of your skin tone. Put on your sunscreen 30 minutes before you head outdoors, and reapply it every 90-120 minutes for the best effect. If you’re spending time in the water, you may need to reapply every time you towel off. 

 3. Keep an Eye Out For Allergies

We love spring, but some of us show that love from the bottom of a bottle of Benadryl. Seasonal allergies are not fun, and if you live in a part of the country where every outdoor surface turns yellow for a few weeks during the spring, you probably know what we’re talking about. Keep an eye on your kids for signs of seasonal allergies and treat them accordingly. You may wish to speak with their pediatrician before administering any over-the-counter antihistamines or other allergy treatments. 

 4. Deal with Insect Bites

Your kids aren’t the only ones coming out of winter hibernation and enjoying a little fun in the sun once temperatures start to rise. Insects of all shapes and sizes will start coming out of the woodwork. Insect stings are uncomfortable at best and dangerous at worst. If insect sting allergies aren’t a risk, make sure you’re treating these bites and stings as quickly as possible. They get itchy fast, and scratching them open is an easy way to get an infection.

 5. Keep Up Good Handwashing Practices

If living through the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it’s how important good handwashing practices are. That importance doesn’t change just because they’re playing outside instead of indoors. Make sure you’re reinforcing those good handwashing techniques, especially after if they’re spending time on public playground equipment. Let’s face it — kids are tiny germ factories. If they can find a way to get sick, even from playground equipment, they will. 

 6. Get Outside and Play

Most kids aren’t discouraged by cold temperatures, but they’re usually excited to get outside once things warm up. It’s just a lot more fun to explore the world without the extra jackets and gloves that you need to stay warm in the winter. Take advantage of these warmer temperatures and get outside! Play helps teach your kids essential life skills as well as helping them to maintain their physical and mental health.

 7. Maintain Your Sleep Schedule

Spring is great until you lose an hour of sleep and suddenly it’s dark until 8 pm. Getting your kids to go to bed at a reasonable hour flies right out the window at this point. Before it’s time to spring forward, start making minor changes to their sleep schedule, so it isn’t such a dramatic change when the time does change. 

 8. Eat Healthily

Spring is here, which means we’ll start seeing an influx of seasonal fruits and vegetables. Switch up your diet and opt for locally grown produce to supplement your meals. There are plenty of options, depending on where you live. Adding fresh produce to your diet might be just the thing to refresh your immune system after a long winter. 

 9. Practice Water Safety

If it’s warm enough to jump in the pool, it’s essential to practice water safety — especially with younger kids. Don’t ever leave children unattended in or around water. Pools need to be locked up and childproofed when not in use. Make sure your kids know how to swim, but keep an eye on them anyway. There’s no replacement for good supervision when it comes to water safety. 

 10. Learn to Identify Poison Ivy/Oak/Sumac

We love wandering in the woods, but there are a few things that you should always be on the lookout for. Make sure you know how to identify poison ivy, oak and sumac so you can avoid contact with them. The rashes that these plants can cause are uncomfortable and can be dangerous if they trigger an allergic reaction. 

 Enjoy The Warm Spring Weather!

Don’t let these tips scare you back into the house. Enjoy the warm spring weather, but make sure you’re taking enough precautions to keep your kids safe while you stretch your legs and shake off the winter blues. 

Should You Introduce Your Cats and Dogs to CBD Oil?

The medical science related to cats and dogs is limited. Historians suggest that the ancient world sure did pet them, but there was hardly any medical progress. We all are familiar with medieval humans using dogs on their farms. Cats came in handy in hunting mice in many cities. Silly, how things work out when it comes to the animal kingdom. Experts have records of animals having viruses, influenza, and many more. There was no cure due to the limited research in the previous century. The most they could do was medicines for typical ailments, which could faze out with time anyway.

As the world progressed, medical science started to take better strides. There was research in the field of animal ailments. The focus was mainly on cats and dogs as they were the most popular pets. There were new inventions that helped assess the medical conditions in animals better. With time, the medicines available increased for the severe diseases in animals. It also made them popular among individuals. A study by Statista states more than 700 million dog and cat pets globally. The figure stands at 100 million coming to households in the United States of America. It shows their popularity as pets in houses. It is also due to the better medical facilities available readily for them. 

Cats and Dogs in the modern world almost look out of place. These animals are famous for their stamina levels and curiosity. Modern close households do not help. After all, the high-rise buildings do not allow much room for the pets to play with their parents. It has increased the ailments in cats and dogs. It also has increased the worries of pet parents. We will explore how you can introduce the CBC oil for sale to your pets and decrease their medical woes.

What is CBD oil?

The typical CBD-based products are solid. However, there are variants in the fluid part too. CBD oil has Tetrahydrocannabinol, Hemp extract, and other mixtures inside. Coconut oil can also be present in the oil. The Hemp extract comes from the leaves of the Sativa plant, which have it inside. CBD oil contains less than 0.03% THC in the United States of America. It makes it legal and non-psychoactive. The trance is absent, and all the user experience is laziness. The CBD oil has Hemp extract, which contains many clinical benefits inside. The rise of popularity is also due to the recreational and clinical benefits of the Hemp extract.

study by Statista states the legal Marijuana-based product market is worth more than 21.9 billion US dollars globally. It indicates a steep rise after the clinical trials on Marijuana-based products. They highlighted how they come in handy in reducing many complications in the body.

What is CBC oil?

CBC or Cannabichromene has similar origins to CBD. The Cannabichromene comes from the leaves of the Marijuana plant known as the Sativa. CBC oil comes from the Hemp extract of this plant and decomposes to form various Marijuana-based products. CBC and CBD are one of them. The low content of THC also makes CBC non-psychoactive in nature. It comes from an acid that imparts the properties to different Cannabinoids.

Here is how CBC oil can help your cats and dogs-

Helps with Pain

Pain can be a typical complication in your pet. It can be due to vigorous exercise or laziness. Vets suggest muscle pain can become typical for dogs and cats after a certain age. There can be many signs of the same. One can experience dogs and cats feeling uneasy due to muscle pain. It can stop them from doing any activity and make them breathe heavily.

The Hemp extract in Cannabichromene oil can ease the muscle pain of your favorite pets. The anti-inflammatory properties will take care of inflammation-causing substances and reduce pain instantly. Experts suggest these substances can cause stiffness in the muscles of cats and dogs. With pain, they can also tend to skip exercises. CBC oil, just like CBD oil, can help your dog and cat with pain.

Helps with Sleep

Sleep can be another typical problem in pets. It can be due to their irregular diet and daily habits. A lack of exercise can also cause Insomnia in dogs and cats. Many vets suggest that the unused energy in your pets can stop them from sleeping. It is necessary to reach a certain point to make them sleep. The low Tetrahydrocannabinol content in the CBC oil is just enough to make your dog and cat sleep without any worries, and it will improve their sleep cycle and promote freshness. It can also make them practice a balanced diet and regulate their eating habits. Experts suggest a good sleeping schedule can aid your pet in various other activities.

Help with the Upcoming Summer

In many countries, summers are on the horizon, and these months can be complicated for your dogs and cats. It is due to the extreme temperature that they become uneasy. Their fur can make their body heat which will cause problems. Vets suggest making them consume more beverages. Water and other drinks are perfect for reducing their temperature levels. One can mix CBC oil inside the fluid. The Hemp Extract will calm down your pet and decrease those high fur temperatures, and it will provide a soothing feeling to their body. It will calm them down and relax in the summer heat.

Give it in the form of Treat

Making your cats and dogs consume unknown substances can be difficult. They will first smell and then eat the same. It is due to their curious nature. Many pet parents suffer from the problem of their dog not eating the new products. The best way is to introduce CBC oil in the treats of your cats and dogs. These familiar treats will make them consume the oil-infused treats consistently. With time, they can get familiar with the same. Many experts also recommend drowning their favorite treats in CBC oil or CBD oil.

Avail Coupons and Cashback

To learn more about these products, try it first hand and purchase it using codes like Herb Approach coupon.


Being a pet parent can be complicated. It is due to the curious nature of the pets. Cats and dogs should be a part of your family. As a pet parent, you must treat any sign of ailments you notice. One must visit the vet before introducing CBC oil to their pet. They will suggest the best way to introduce this excellent product to your cats and dogs. They can also guide you with the dosage to each. The dose can vary from one pet to another, depending on their body. The low THC content also makes them legal in many states of the United States of America.