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Does Everything Really Happen For a Reason?

Last time I was at a cafe, I came up with this blog about honesty and our relation with it. Months after, again a cafe trip has inspired another article. While sitting there, blowing my cappuccino so that I could drink it, I watched pigeons from the glass window.

A man who was feeding them stumbled and the coins from his pocket rolled out. He caught himself before he fell, dusted off his jacket, must be the shock of it, and then bent down to pick up his coins.


One of the coins rolled toward my window, while his shaky hands were trying to pick the coin up from the edge, the coin kept flipping, and then this thought struck me, about coins having two sides.

There are two very different sides to every coin. There are some who feel things don’t happen for a reason, and some say they do, that the universe is deterministic.

I watched a video once about how bangles are made and the condition of the workers. One of the ladies working in those glass bangle factories told the interviewer that people working in these industries were usually devoid of basic necessities and exploited both mentally and physically. 

She herself wanted to learn embroidery and get out of this ugly industry and life. But she had accepted her life as it was, saying, “God probably wanted it to be this way.” She then went on talking about why she believed that everything had a higher purpose to it that humans couldn’t understand.

There was another instance where one of her friends had a terrible breakup. She was heartbroken and kept crying for days. In these tough times, her guy best friend supported her. Eventually, she ended up falling in love with him. Things went so well with them that they even got married. 

After the wedding ceremony, her friend came to her and said, “I am so glad my ex went away from my life, I’m glad I found my best friend instead. Everything happens for a reason”

Things that happen have both causes and consequences. But people have always had a different meaning for the statement “everything happens or a reason.” They believe God predetermined everything according to a divine plan like the woman and her friend from the video.

Now let us suppose a situation. Consider a hard-working person, who has just got promoted to a senior position at his job. Later that evening, while driving back home, he accidentally gets hit by a truck, leaving him crippled for the rest of his life. 

Now the question is did the person deserve to get promoted? Of course, he did, he worked hard enough. But did he deserve to be hit by the truck? This is when people will be unable to give a clear answer.

There are reasons for things to happen. But sometimes they happen just randomly. ‘Everything happens for a reason’ is a good explanation for happy things. When bad things happen, this statement gives hope for a brighter future. As long as things are working out, what is wrong in believing in this?

Maybe not everything is according to the pattern. Maybe not everything in life is fair. Maybe

sometimes the universe decides to go random. Maybe not everything has a reason. Or maybe everything does happen for a reason. Change is the only constant that we can be certain of.

Either way, life is what you make of it. There are some situations where you have choices and some situations where you have none. Do what you can do the best, and the results will follow. Not always because of the grand scheme of things, but sometimes they just might because of it.

Healthy Activities to Do as a Family

Family time is something that helps us bond with each other and also helps us learn about each other. If we do not spend time together, then we are just strangers living in the same home, tied down by the titles of our relationships. Actually creating a bond is what makes a family.

With our work and other commitments, we often neglect our family and children. I agree that being responsible is hectic, but what is the point of earning things when the people you are doing it for will miss you the most.

Health is another one of the important aspects that are often neglected. Why not combine it both and do activities together that will help you bond with your family and also help you stay fit.

1. Turn Chores into Games

Teaching kids chores is our duty, it helps them transition into fully functional adults. Knowing how to do things around the house is important for surviving independently. Why not turn doing chores into a game that you can all do together.

Who can fold more clothes fast or who can put the CDs back in the covers fastest, etc. can be the little competitions you hold. Cooking food together is another of the activities that will let you bond and gives you enough workout if you are making something from scratch like making pasta.

2. Host a Dance Party

dance party

Dancing is something that the majority of people enjoy. What better way to have fun while also working out. Dancing is my favorite way to get in a workout. Host a family dance party, put on some music, introduce each other to your favorite tunes, teach each other your signature dance moves.

Dancing together will leave you laughing in stitches and will help you work up quite a bit of sweat. It is one of the best exercises that you can do together as a family.

3. Plan Scavenger Hunts

You can make a day your treasure hunting day. Hide things around your home, your background, or involve your friendly neighbors in it. Give a list of clues to your kids so that they can reach the final treasure of the treasure hunt or give them a list of items to find. Whoever finds the most item wins. 

The competitive nature of the game makes it fun and makes all the participants go scrambling to find things that will help them win. It gives a great workout because everyone is running around for hours on end, and the adrenaline has us pushing forward to win.

Final Thoughts

No matter what activities you choose, the goal should be having fun and spending time together as a family. If you can work in activities that teach the children new things, helps you learn about them, inculcates good habits in them, etc. then that should be a bonus. Spending time together is the key here because no bond was ever formed merely by being born in the same family.


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Change is an Inevitable Process, Learn to Embrace It

Nothing on this planet stays the same throughout. Change occurs whether we are ready for it or not. The universe doesn’t wait for us to get comfortable. Darwin proposed that the life we see now too arose through a series of variations in the environment and hence fluctuations in the genes of the populations all starting from a common species of life about a million years ago. From single celled algae to a multi celled human being. When almost every day the nature is adjusting to a million little changes, why do we fuss about not being able to cope up with the constant changes in our lives? 


You change. I change. We change every day, every moment. To say a person is a happy or unhappy person is ridiculous. We are a thousand different variations of ourselves every hour. A year changes you a lot. You cannot even imagine how much things would change in a year. Have you wondered what you would be or who all would be around you next May? 

“It’s funny how day by day, nothing seems to have changed, but looking back, everything changed.”

While we are all cribbing about how fast everything is changing, how people change when they leave to settle in a new place, how your favorite TV show has just ended, how your school has ended, how things are simply ending, we are losing out on the new beginnings that come along with every ending. 

We have built a wall around ourselves, as a defense measure for our comfort zone. We are living in a place where we are content with our daily routine. We are scared or change and constantly try to recover from or get things back to normal (what we deem normal) as quickly as possible from even a little change dumped upon us. 

This is because we are not confident about our capability to deal with an unexpected change, so we put on a fake smile and wait for things to get normal. Even though the technologies have developed, man has mastered in almost all fields, our societal mindset still remains stagnant.

People have this perception that changes are bad. They feel that a man is supposed to stay the same throughout his life. If he is trying to adjust to a new personality or lifestyle, he isn’t supported by the majority for his new endeavor. This impulse to get back on track is responsible for our failure to sense and interpret the changes and develop healthy strategies to deal with it.

Instead of learning from our mistakes and taking note of the circumstances, we are busy trying to bury feelings and pretending to be just fine. For example, ageing is a natural phenomenon. But as soon as we notice some wrinkles or dark circle, we rush to get ourselves an anti-aging cream. We lose someone, we do every possible thing to keep our mind off them, and engage ourselves in some job or the other. 

Yes, changes are confusing. Confusion immediately thrusts us into a world which makes us feel hopeless about ourselves. But what we really need to remember is that “change is not a sign that we’ve failed. It’s a sign that we’re still alive.”

Is it Okay to Lie? How Honest Should We Be?

I was sitting at a cafe, sipping my latte, when I heard a kid ask his mom why was honesty the best policy – something about what his teacher said when it came to lying and being honest. Listening to their conversation got me thinking.

“Honesty is the best policy.” Is it always though? 

Is being completely honest and open with everyone always a good idea? Are we never supposed to lie to anyone, even if it is to make someone feel better? 


If a child comes up to you, asking if her drawings are pretty or not, would you mock the little girl because she couldn’t get the tree right? Or would you simply smile at her, and encourage her to draw more? I believe that it is ok to lie as long as the intention is good considering that the person cannot perceive the truth. It is acceptable to lie whenever that person doesn’t have the maturity to understand the truth.

‘The truth’ itself is an individual concept. There are a lot of differing opinions, different backgrounds, and different perceptions of the same fact. What may be true to you may not be the same for me. Everybody will appreciate your honest, straight-forward nature as long as you don’t give them one of your truth doses. 

Let’s take an example of the most common situation: ‘Do I look fat in this dress?’ Somewhere in the back of your head, you know that you are looking fat, but just when someone else points it out to you, you hate it. But if you like yourself in that dress, others’ opinions cannot bother you. Your perception is your reality. 

The amount of honesty depends upon our relationship intimacy levels. How close are we to the person? Because we are no one to trouble random people with our honest opinions and thoughts. Not everyone is going to acknowledge our radical honesty. If you are honest with everyone, people won’t trust you to keep their secrets.  

Ironically, this means they won’t be honest with you. The closer you are to the person, the more truth you must tell. But, the most intimate connection you have is with your own self. Never, ever lie to yourself. Tell yourself the whole truth, nothing but the truth. We all occasionally engage ourselves in the self-lie-denial. We are sometimes so afraid of the truth that we refuse to accept it; we chose not to recognize the reality, a defence mechanism we all use to erase uncomfortable memories and situations. Sometimes our heads need to admit what our hearts already know.

We can’t build relationships on the basis of a lie. But, white lies are harmless. Small untruths told to spare someone’s feelings or from politeness are just fine. Even if we are to tell someone some harsh truth, we should go about it calmly, making sure that we don’t upset the other person. 

So, is it okay to lie? Yes, ‘everybody lies and everybody dies.’ The truth is that not everything is black and white, grey is what we need to learn to embrace.

Mom Comedians Taking Over The Comedy Scene

Motherhood is beautiful, but there are a lot of daily struggles that come as a package deal with that beauty. Recently, a lot of moms have started sharing their motherhood struggles – from sleepless nights to the perks of having to deal with poopy diapers. This has brought on an influx of mom comedians, and trust me, even if you are not a mother, the way they talk anecdotes and laugh over the most ridiculous of things their babies do will have you laughing.

It is one of the most relatable forms of comedy to not only new moms but also others because we have all experienced those things at least through others. Honestly, it is better to laugh at the difficult journey while you complain, than complain and be sad about it, which is why many women are turning to shows that are focused around women and especially mothers. Things toddlers say – is one of the most hilarious parts of these shows that people in every age group enjoy. They are bizarre, stupid, smart, and adorable at the same time.

Mom comedians like Kristin Hensley and Jen Smedley, Ali Wong, Christina Pazsitzky, Natasha Leggero, to name a few – have taken over the comedy scene with their sometimes in-your-face and sometimes subtle humor. It works because it is good to see people, especially women, open up about their bodies, crack jokes to lighten the mood when nothing seems to be going right.

standup comedy

Motherhood comes with a lot of questions and worries – new mothers go through the constant struggle wanting to do the best and sometimes failing to do the best and beating themselves up for it. This helps them regroup themselves sometimes through dark humor and sometimes through absurdity.

With mom comedians becoming more mainstream, women are getting more comfortable in their own skin. Men have started realizing the positive effects it has on the women, and they have started being a part of the conversation as well. Through humor it is sort-of educational to men because it tells them more about what women go through with the pregnancy and early days of motherhood and then throughout. Ladies, on the other hand, find many humorous tales of womanhood, some light-hearted chatter, and learn to laugh at themselves and their mood swings that they were always taught were problematic.


A BuzzFeed initiative has many women feeling good about themselves. This show revolves around Hannah Williams a.k.a. Wine Mom, who has two children and is on the quest of being the world’s okay mom. Honestly, the normalcy of the activities is like a reality check punch in a right way. It is relatable and funny. While it is not entirely comedy, it shows where comedy stems from for the mom comedians.

Us learning to laugh at our struggles makes it easier for people to understand it better. Mom comedians are not only taking on the comedy scene with their humor but are also helping open discussions that are considered taboo or uncomfortable like sex, periods, menopause, orgasms, breastfeeding, etc. It is “woke” humor, and I am all up for it!

Four Signs you are Dealing with a Troubled Teen

Teenage years are among the most difficult ones during our whole course of life. The relationship with parents typically worsens at this time as a teen feels like their parents cannot possible understand them. What is more, there are lots of problems at school, no to mention the fact that it is time to start thinking about an undergraduate degree at college or university. In case a child or his parents have chosen homeschooling instead of a traditional schooling program, the lack of socialization can have its negative impact on the way a teenager views themselves and makes friends. Here are the four most obvious signs you are dealing with a troubled teen. 


The first sign to mention is the desire of a teenager to be the center of attention all the time. In order to achieve this goal, they typically do everything they can to remind everyone around them about their persona. In most cases, it results in doing something completely stupid. Even though it is hard hard for a teen to talk about their feelings, the actions speak louder than words. Thus, what they are trying to say is that they need to spend more quality time with their parents. In other words, they want their parents to pay more attention to their life. Having some pedagogy skills might help when dealing with a student teenager but a lot of knowledge on the subject in required in order to assure a teenager that you care and are ready to listen. A teacher who has got specific training in this field might be able to help. What a student might need in a difficult situation is somebody to talk you without any kind of judgment. They need to feel the support. Teaching others how to talk to troubled teens is of vital importance as well. 

The next sign to mention is the loss of self-esteem. As a result of that, it is very hard for a teenager to believe in their own success. So, some of them stop trying at all. In case one is constantly required to deal with a hectic curriculum while the learning process does not bring any fruitful results, it is not surprising one stops believing they will be able to achieve any goals in life. For example, one get the task of writing an architecture essay and cannot quite understand everything that is specified in the instructions provided by their teacher. Well, architecture paper writing has never been easy. In case you are that troubled teen who is currently trying to complete the academic writing task of writing an essay about architecture, keep in mind that the majority of students feels the same way. 

Studying at college leads to dealing with tons of problems. No matter whether a student has got a scholarship for learning personal finance or is paying tuition, being able to to do in the academia plays a vital role. Speaking about architecture paper writing, it has never been easy. In case you are that troubled teen who is currently trying to complete the academic writing task of writing an essay about architecture, keep in mind that the majority of students feels the same way. What you need to do in such situation is to go to your teacher and talk to them about all those aspects which are not clear in regards essay on architect. Surely, googling something like what is architecture essay writing help will be helpful as well. However, searching for write my architecture paper information will not help you in any way. Thus, simply ask your teacher or your classmates to help you figure out how to write an essay on architecture. This way, you will be able to submit a well-written paper with an impressive conclusion architecture essay part. 

A constant fight for self-affirmation is another sign a teen is experiencing some difficulties at the moment. Thus, doing various things to prove something to themselves or to the society is another way of making certain they are worth something. The only problem is that some teens unfortunately resort to abuse, bulling and violence to demonstrate their self-affirmation. Doing others physical or emotional harm, as well as the desire for revenge is another element of dealing with a troubled teen. Because of the fact that teenager is unable to process their emotions, they resort to such ways to express what they feel. The most useful thing to do is give a teen an opportunity to talk about it with a person they trust, as well as to demonstrate them how wrong it is to be violent and to wish for revenge. 

3 Benefits of Choosing Montessori Education For Your Kids

Every parent wants the best for their child. Giving them the best education is one of the major concerns that most people have. Many have started questioning our education system because it doesn’t seem to focus much on the overall growth of the children. People homeschool their children or look for different methods that they can incorporate in their children’s life along with traditional education.

Extra activities

Before I tell you the benefits of choosing Montessori education for your kids, let me tell you what it is all about. Montessori Method is a method of education that is based on the natural course of learning, such as self-directed activities, hands-on learning, and collaborative play. The classroom is designed to offer age-appropriate activities and children learn by making creative choices in their learning.

1. Children Become Capable

Allowing the children to make their own choices is the base of the classroom designs in the Montessori method. Children are free to choose which activity they want to work with based on their internal motivation without the adult giving them directions – this helps develop capability in children.

While some children choose to work with others, the younger ones often choose to partake in solo activities. But, that is of no worry because the course and curriculum intentionally provide small group instruction and collaborative activities. There is a combination of the independent, partner, small-group, and whole-class lessons and activities so that the children are capable in all sorts of interpersonal dynamics.

2. Children Become Accountable

Self-correction and self-assessment are an integral part of the Montessori method which helps children learn to look critically at their own work so that they can also learn to become adept at recognizing, correcting, and learning from their errors. Because they take charge of their own learning, they become accountable for their own knowledge.

The children are assessed daily by the teachers and the observations, and academic outcomes are used to prepare an environment that is simultaneously stimulating and accessible academically, physically, socially, and emotionally.

3. Children Become Knowledgeable

Order, coordination, concentration is nurtured in the Montessori method, which results in children developing the ability to educate themselves and to think about what they are learning. It also focuses on independence, which is basically the underlying foundation of the course.

The Montessori method ensures that the children are introduced to complex learning concepts via the means of hands-on experiences. Practical learning is the best way to get a deep understanding of any subject – this is why it is said that in many cases, Montessori learning exceeds state learning.

The curriculum is grouped in 3-year cycles rather than year by year like traditional learning. This is because the method respects the fact that children learn academic topics at different speeds. The teacher supports the learning of every area in spurts for the children to get an all-round academic knowledge.


Montessori education is based on focusing on children’s growth where they turn out to be capable, accountable, and knowledgeable people, who also have a strong sense of self and are confident and comfortable in themselves and their abilities. 

How to Avoid New Baby Budgeting Blues

Having a baby might be a wonderful experience, but it’s difficult to ignore the expense that comes hand-in-hand with the pitter patter of tiny feet. Babies need a lot of things that you wouldn’t generally account for in your budget, like formula, new clothes, nursery furniture, and countless diapers. If you’re not careful, you could end up spending thousands of pounds before you’ve even hit your second trimester. 


It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you’re preparing for the arrival of a new baby. However, the critical thing to remember is that just like any other financial goal, making sure that you’re ready for a baby just requires a little bit of planning and the right budget. 

Here’s what you need to know if you want to avoid excessive new baby debt.

1. Decide if You’re Going to Need a Loan

When most people think about taking out a loan, they consider borrowing money for things like a new car, or even a new house. However, there’s also a chance that you might need to turn towards loan products for help with your baby costs too. Don’t wait until the baby arrives to start considering your loan options. Start by figuring out how much you need to borrow to pay for things like prams and car seats now, and head online to compare your options.

Remember, even if you don’t have the best credit, you can still reduce the amount you need to spend on your loan by comparing providers such as HappyPenguin Loans and looking for the one that can give you the lowest interest rate and the least fees. 

2. Get Ready to Adjust your Lifestyle

There’s a good chance that you’re going to need to do some compromising to make sure that you can afford your new baby. After all, with new expenses to think about, something in your budget is going to need to take a hit, and you can’t afford to ignore things like your rent payments or your emergency savings. With that in mind, look for thing you can cut down on.

Maybe you can afford to spend less on entertainment each weekend – as you’re likely to spend more time at home with the baby anyway. Additionally, there’s a good chance you’re not going to be interested in going to the gym for a little while after your bundle of joy arrives so that you can cut costs there too. 

3. Find Out What Financial Help is Available

Even single parents aren’t alone when it comes to raising a baby. Maternity leave is available to mothers around the UK, although the amount you get from your employer can vary. It’s a good idea to get in touch with a boss and learn as much as you can about what you can expect to receive while you’re away from work. 

While you’re at it, think about creating an appointment at your local citizen’s advice bureau, where you can find out about any child tax credits or government schemes you can get involved with. You’d be surprised how much help is out there if you’re willing to search for it.

4. Remember Other Kinds of Assistance

When it comes to getting help with the baby budgeting blues, don’t forget that it’s not just financial assistance that you may need to think about. Asking around among your friends and family members to find out what kind of support you can get with things like babysitting and childcare will save you a fortune on paying for babysitters. 

Additionally, don’t be afraid to ask about hand-me-downs from other people in your circle that have recently had children too. Most people won’t mind letting you borrow some essentials, so you don’t have to splash out extra cash yourself. 

5. Practice a Frugal Lifestyle

Finally, as soon as you learn that you’re pregnant, start working on becoming more frugal with your money. That means continually looking for ways to cut the costs of everything that you buy – whether it’s food or baby supplies. Go online to check whether you can get lower prices from another supplier or find out whether it’s cheaper to buy certain items in bulk.

Some companies like Boots and Amazon even allow you to sign up for free parenting communities where you can get access to vouchers and special deals on the must-have items you need. The quicker you get into the routine of using these tools, the better off you’ll be when your baby arrives. 

7 Ideas For Mom’s “Me” Time

Being a mom is a full-time job and can get extremely tiring, especially if you are a new mom. You want to take a break but worry how on earth will your kids and your family function without you. It feels like you are the only thing stopping your house from collapsing. I feel you. I used to feel the same. I then realized how important it is to take a break.

Yoga poses

I talked about how important it is to take a break without your kids. While I focused on why childless trips are important for the couple, here I want to shed some light on the importance of spending time with yourself. Here are ten ideas to take some time out for yourself daily or once a week.

1. Solo lunch date

Take yourself out to lunch. You cook every day, and you make meals that everyone likes. What do you do for yourself? Most you would do is maybe hit the drive-thru or order some takeaway. But, you can do that anytime, and you don’t get some time just to relax. Take yourself out to a proper sit-down restaurant and enjoy your favorite meal in peace.

2. Catch up on your reading

With motherhood, a lot of hobbies take a back seat. Considering how time-consuming reading could be, nobody can blame you for not picking that book back up. Like lunch, you can instead head out to a coffee shop, get yourself a nice coffee and maybe some pastries, and read for a while.

3. Yoga workshop

You might not have time to join a yoga class, but a yoga workshop can be a great opportunity to learn some new things while also not having to commit for a longer period. There are usually workshops available that last only a few hours. It can be a great way to socialize and learn and let loose.

4. Get a massage

I know how much your body hurts from running after your kids all day and trying to do everything at once. You might not need to exercise considering the chores are an exercise in themselves, but you definitely need to relax. Book a nice full body massage session and relax while stress knots are all relieved.

5. Get a pedicure

My manicures don’t last so I have turned to getting pedicures more than manicures. Taking care of your feet is important, and your whole body will thank you. Throw in a foot massage with the pedicure.

6. Take a bubble bath

Create the whole home spa experience by lighting some candles and playing some soft music. Use bath salts or bath bombs if you like. Don’t forget a glass of ice-cold sparkling cider. Nothing speaks pampering like a nice long bath.

7. Go for a drive

Go for a drive by yourself. No yelling at your kids to put on seatbelts, to keep their hands, legs, and head inside the car, and no cribbing about long car rides. Play your favorite songs and sing along, put the windows down and let the wind blow through your hair, drive to someplace far away to do something from the options I have talked about or something completely different or drive with no destination in mind.

5 Parenting Tips That Actually Work Really Well

Parenting can sometimes be a task, let’s be hones, it is a task most of the times. There are wonderful moments sure, but there are so many painful and teary moments. Getting frustrated when children wouldn’t listen is really common. We always look for ways to make our children listen to us, do as we say. I am talking about tiny tots here, teenagers are a whole different topic.


Teaching them things starts from a very early age. We have to talk to them, remembering that they do not have world experience, we have to tone everything down. Some people forget this when they punish their children or get pissed about something that the child did or something that they questioned.

It is their age to be curious and also to not understand the exact implications of their words and their actions. Teaching them how some things can be insensitive, can hurt others, or themselves is important. But, simply yelling at them helps no one. Here are some things to keep in mind.

1. Be kind in your firmness

Yes, there are times when being firm with your children is important and needed. But being firm doesn’t mean you have to be rude or mean to them or shout at them. Being firm doesn’t mean raising your voice. When you do that, you are not putting your point across. The point takes a back seat and the negative feeling rises. Being kind doesn’t mean you are a pushover, it just means that you show them respect. Make them feel their opinion matters while also putting your point across and letting them know that there wouldn’t be more arguing about something.

2. Teach them why they are wrong

Have you ever wanted to do something just because you were told not to. Children are curious, a lot more than we are. When you tell them not to do something just because you told them not not. The “why” will haunt them. It is important to explain to them why something is wrong and why they shouldn’t do it. When they have answers, they won’t go out looking for it.

3. Don’t be resentful

When children continuously do something we have told them not to, or disobey us time and time again. It is natural for us to develop resentment toward them. It can then skew our judgment and give rise to anger. This is how relationships go sour. You have to learn to identify bothersome behavior and nip it in the bud so that you don’t develop a feeling of resentment against your own child.

4. Be gentle with your teachings

It is easy to get frustrated teaching something again and again. Also, when you have to teach them why something is wrong after you have yelled at them for doing it, the anger can seep into your explanation and the child will focus on the anger rather than the lesson. When you child does something that you don’t want them to you have to gently explain it to them, which also entails the point about being kind.

5. Hold their hand while they learn about life

It is inevitable that your children will have to go through life, their own set of pain, tests, disappointments. As parents we want to protect them as much as we can, but we cannot. Every person needs to learn about life themselves. What you can do is, let them make their own mistakes and learn their own lessons. Let them know that they always have you in their corner, that you are always there.