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You’ve Started A Business! Now What? Here Are 5 Essential Things to Consider


Starting a business is only the first step. What do you do once you’ve picked out a business name? There’s a long list of things to get done, but you have to start with a handful of the first ones and work out from there. No point overloading yourself on your first day as a new enterprise.

Now that you’ve started a business, it’s essential to ensure it’s legally protected and properly structured. If you’ve set up as a LLC or are considering this business structure, it’s worth exploring how reliable different formation services are. Checking out zenbusiness customer reviews  will give you a clearer perspective about their service quality and customer experience, helping you make the best decision for your business.

Here are five essential things to get done when you’ve started a new business.

1.      General Liability Insurance

At a minimum, you must get a general liability insurance for small business policy to protect the company. The coverage is intended to protect both the company and employees should they have an accident or injure themselves on the premises. For instance, if some office equipment is knocked off a desk and lands on an employee’s foot, breaking it. You never know what kind of accident can occur. Protect the business from the unexpected.

Get coverage in place to avoid losing your business to a lawsuit, medical costs, and huge damages. It insures the business against a claim that could undo years of hard work developing and scaling up a new business due to a single accident. The coverage level is variable and cover is inexpensive.

2.      Register a Domain Name

While registering an LLC or another form of corporation is something you’ve probably already done, have you registered a domain name for your website yet? For many new businesses, especially ones that plan to sell offline initially, the domain is an afterthought. However, that shouldn’t be the case because there are virtual squatters that will deliberately buy a domain name to match your newly registered company. It’s important to stake your claim early. Most of the best web hosting for small business providers offer free domain registration so you should decide on which one suits your need the most.

Check with NameCheap whether the company name is available in a dot-com [.com] version. If you have a brand name picked out that differs from the company name, you’ll probably want to pick that up as well. If the name isn’t available, see what the domain is currently being used for and whether it can be purchased inexpensively.

If the domain isn’t available, consider buying an alternative top-level domain like one with dot net [.net], dot org [.org], dot io [.io] or another alternative. There are also some generic top-level domains available that are mostly based around certain business types.

3.      Get a Website Developed

Use a professional web designer to get a website developed. The best platform to use is WordPress because it’s easy to update and publishing new content doesn’t require technical assistance. Plan the site structure out yourself, so you can discuss your company’s requirements knowledgeably with the web studio and get a sensible quote for the final web design.

4.      Assemble the Right Team

When you’re putting together your team, don’t go for the first people who apply. Sit down and think about the qualities, experience, and qualifications of the people you wish to hire. Where will you find them and how much will it cost in agency, advertising, or other related costs to complete a successful hiring process?

Avoid working with family or friends. If they don’t work out, it’ll be difficult to fire them later and the friendship will likely never recover. Find the right person for each position. Don’t take shortcuts in finding them. You can always accept a temporary placement until you can find the full-time employee that are right for a given position. You never know, the temporary worker might turn out to be ideal for the full-time position and be willing to make the switch for a solid role with benefits.

Think about the human resources issues too. Things like health and safety in the workplace, an employee manual for the first day, employment contracts, and other important matters must be attended to. Use the services of a good lawyer to take care of the finer details.

5.      Create Financial Projections

Create the best financial projections possible for the first twelve months. Try to include all likely costs and a contingency for things you haven’t thought of. Also, bear in mind that most new business owners overestimate the sales they’ll generate in the first 2-3 years and underestimate their likely costs. Don’t make that mistake if you wish to stay in business.

Once you have a financial projection, work out a plan for how the business will get there. If you’re planning for a certain number of customers and sales per customer, what will the acquisition costs of each customer be? It may be higher than you think. Financial projections don’t mean anything for a business unless there’s a detailed plan of attack to turn the forecast into a reality.

This list is not exhaustive. The work never really ends when you have your own business, but at least it’s yours. That makes it all the more gratifying when you go to work in the morning.

Relax, Let The Experts Design Your Retirement Plan

Retirement plan

Retirement is supposed to be the best time of your life—sipping a glass of wine while lying under the hot summer sun on a white sand beach. Perhaps dining in a cozy restaurant with your special someone in a skyscraper without the hassle of daily meetings, reports, and deadlines.

When you retire, you are supposed to fully leave working life behind and enjoy a new exciting chapter in your life. However, this may not be achieved by most retirees who are bearing retirement woes and are scared of the chilling issues of social security, puny savings and 401(k) retirement savings plans. These people are anxious about how to go about their retirement life.

When you’re clouded on which goal to accomplish, you’ll definitely be just wasting your precious time on things that aren’t beneficial. Avoid these woes by taking a good retirement planning.

Retirement planning is not to be assumed but must be well designed by an expert who is knowledgeable about the many challenges of financial planning and time management. They will provide you with tools and processes to optimize your retirement for contentment and success.

A good retirement planning coach

It is always best to speak with professionals. Find one who can give you a top-to-toe advice on the course you want to take when you retire. They will help you answer questions like to get a new job or put up a business? They will lay out a clear vision of both the positive and negative factors of the course and help you contextualize pre-retirement decisions. They will also help you view your legacy in full, not only the distribution of assets.

A good retirement planning tool

There are a lot of retirement planning apps to choose online. Choose something that will fully help you determine both income and lifestyle goals. Look for features that tell you how much to save for retirement, how much your retirement savings will be at your target age pension and how much do you need to set as your monthly savings. Find one that is simple and easy to use in analyzing tax benefits, ways to reduce costs and financial issues in context.

A good retirement planning process

This may be quiet hard to gauge when you can’t easily jump from one provider to another, but check the following factors that will guide you toward whether you are working with the right process…

  • It will help you set your goals by developing an action plan designed to motivate and guide you all along the way.
  • Fully assesses your financial position
  • It’s able to identify safe retirement income resources
  • Helps evaluate retirement risks
  • Assists you in understanding health issues
  • Helps you invest your retirement assets
  • Teaches you how to manage your retirement income
  • Gives you peace of mind

With the right retirement planning tool, coach and process, your retirement life is something to look forward to and not fear.

6 Safety Tips to Consider When Decorating a Nursery


There is nothing quite as exciting as awaiting the birth of a baby, but this excitement can create a number of issues in ways you least expect. One of the first things many new parents-to-be do when learning that a baby is on the way is to begin decorating a nursery. Sometimes they wait until the gender of the child is determined and other times they just go for generic themes. Even so, décor should be the least of their considerations, although important, but safety always comes first. Here are some tips on how to plan and decorate a lovely nursery with safety always first and foremost in your design.

1. What You Should Know About Mobiles and Toys

Most parents love those musical mobiles that hang above baby’s cot. Not only are they lovely to look at, but they are soothing to infants who are lulled to sleep by the motion and gentle lullabies they provide. However, those cute little figures hanging from strings can pose a danger once your child reaches a certain age in his or her development. It is recommended that you remove all such mobiles and toys from baby’s cot as soon as they can push themselves up far enough to reach and grab for the strings. These can be choking hazards, and that’s something you want to avoid altogether!

2. Positioning of Baby’s Cot

Here’s a safety issue you maybe hadn’t thought of. When positioning baby’s cot in the room, always avoid placing it in such a way as to face any direct sunlight. Babies obviously don’t know not to look directly into the sun and of course, most babies will stare at bright colours or lights. Don’t let your baby suffer damage to their sensitive little eyes by positioning their cot in such a way as to give them direct line of vision to bright sunlight. If there is no way around it, check out window treatments and coverings on that will provide maximum protection as needed.

3. Cords, Strings and Choking Hazards

Speaking of window coverings, always choose a kind that can be pulled down or across without the use of cords. Although your baby will probably not be toddling around any time soon, there will come a point when your little one will be playing in their nursery as you convert it to a toddler room. To ensure maximum safety for your child, ensure that all cords, strings and other choking hazards are removed from the room. This includes electrical cords from lamps and other electrical devices as well as drawstrings on curtains and small knobs on furniture which are not solidly attached.

4. Babyproofing Electrical Outlets

For many years parents have been using electrical socket covers to childproof any areas where children are likely to play. However, recent information has led to a huge controversy over whether these type of socket covers are as safe as we once thought they were. Just two years ago, the DoH provided guidance as to what types of outlets and safety assurances would best suit nurseries and baby play rooms, so it is advisable that you learn exactly what you can do to prevent children from sticking their little fingers and toys into those outlets. You can read about this latest guidance here

5. Choose Lamps and Decorations Wisely

Every parent knows that some children just naturally fear the dark. For this reason, they place lamps and other night lights in baby’s nursery or a toddler room. This can create a safety hazard in a number of ways. Firstly, lamps placed on tables and stands can be easily tipped and although LED lamps now in use pose less of a fire hazard than their incandescent predecessors, they can break, sending glass in all directions. The same goes for night lights plugged into sockets. Not only is a child in danger of electrocution if unplugging it (as children are inclined to do) but also because those tiny lamps are fragile and just one shard of glass can quickly cut your child.

6. Padding and Bedding

With so much concern over Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in the UK as well as abroad, medical research has led to the conclusion that padding on infant cots and soft, plush bedding on toddler beds can be a huge art of the problem. To learn more about SIDS, check out the NHS website for the most current statistics and guidance, but do know that plush animals, toys and bedding of any kind are thought to be a safety concern for young children. Children can suffocate quickly and this is more common in infants who can’t lift their heads yet.

Just remember that children don’t have the life experience their parents do and babies are not able to discern what is a danger and what is safe. They learn by touching and exploring at this young age so it is up to you to remove any dangers from their nursery or play areas. Start your safety standards with these six considerations and expand your search from there. Safety is always paramount when planning a baby’s room.

The Effects of Stress and How to Combat Them

Stress affect

Whether you are about to make your first presentation at work, playing a big game and you have 30 seconds to break a tie, the brain has a way of sending the command for stress hormones to be released during these crucial moments. Stress is a mechanism that your body uses to prepare you to react promptly to emergency situations. Your breath fastens, your heart races and your muscles are ready to act. However, if you are always under stress, your health might suffer severe effects.

1. Chronic stress makes losing weight difficult

Stress hormones increase your appetite because your body requires extra energy. Also, when you are stressed, your body relies on sugar as it can only metabolize carbohydrates to produce energy. You also sweat when you are stressed.  You can just feel the perspiration forming. Sweating during a stressful time is normal, but can adversely affect the clothing we are wearing. We can machine wash our clothes from sweat, but how to get sweat stains out of hats is a good question.  The best way would be to handwash them if you are not sure of the material.

· Why burning fat is difficult

So long as you are under stress, burning fat will be nearly impossible. So, you might run that treadmill all you want without any positive changes. The reason for this is that stress prevents oxygen from reaching your cells, which makes it difficult for your body to metabolize fat. That leaves you to depend on carbohydrates as your sole energy source.

· It exhausts your insulin stores

You require insulin to convert sugar from the blood to your cells. Stress hormones prevent proper insulin secretion from the hormones. It gets worse when the sugar overload makes the pancreas hyperactive, to the extent that it cannot produce enough insulin.

· Sugar cravings

During a stress reaction, the hormones raise your blood pressure; thus accelerating your breathing and heartbeat. This sends glucose to the blood to help in freeing sufficient energy for the brain and muscles. As the shortage of energy increases, sugar is the only way to fix the deficit, making one to crave excessively for sweet foods.

How to fight this effect: Keep moving

Exercise is an ideal way of combating stress. However contradictory it might sound, the truth is that putting physical pressure on your body by working out is a practical way of relieving mental stress. The benefits are best experienced when you exercise regularly. Going on vacations often can also help in managing stressful situations.

2. Chronic stress triggers health-related problems

Chronic stress responses damage different body organs and cells in the bodies. It does not only make the body prone to infections, but it also interferes with the body’s ability to heal itself by lowering one’s immunity. Adrenaline causes your heart to beat faster than it should and increases blood pressure. Too much of it results in hypertension. Similarly, an excess of cortisol prevents the artery walls from functioning as they should.

How to fight this effect: Meditate

Taking a few minutes of silence daily to think through the day’s events is a proven method of battling stress. Meditation alters the brain’s neural pathways and makes you resilient to stress. Thankfully, meditating is simple. All you should do is to sit with your eyes closed and feet on the floor and then focus on reciting a mantra. You can do so either silently or loudly. The mantra should be positive, such as “I love my life” or “I am at peace.” Place your hand on your belly so that you can link the mantra with your breaths.

3. Chronic stress shrinks the brain

The effect of stress goes beyond your physical health. Cortisol has been found to shrink the brain. They affect the part of the brain that is responsible for judgment, decision making and concentrating. Eventually, it makes the affected to be susceptible to severe mental problems like Alzheimer’s disease and depression.

How to fight this effect: Reach out

Your social network is your best defense for combating stress. Talk to those around you, whether over the phone or face to face. Share what you are going through. It is easy to find a fresh perspective that will strengthen you.

Stress and anxiety may arise from your personal life or in your workplace. Whichever way, there are several ways to reduce the pressure. If things don’t get better, do not shy away from getting professional help.

Does Your Dog Need Vitamins? Tips on Choosing Healthy Options

Vitamins for dog

If you are a pet lover, you must know that pets need healthy nutrition just as humans do. And since we love our dogs as much as we care about our children, giving the right food to them is a number one priority.

According to the American Kennel Club, there are seven vitamins that dogs need for a healthy lifestyle, including Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, K and Choline. Before you run out to buy supplements, let’s take a look at when your dog needs them.

If your puppy is on a commercial diet (as in, it eats formula food from the grocery or pet store), it probably does not need vitamins. Naturally, this doesn’t apply to cases where a veterinarian has prescribed vitamins. However, your dog does likely need supplements when on a homemade diet. You need to give some supplements to ensure that your pet gets enough vitamins with its meals.

Now the question is how to choose the right vitamin for your pet? To be honest, you can’t decide on your own. You need to get the advice of a veterinarian or an animal nutritionist to determine what your dog needs. A lot of factors affect on the type and amount of vitamins needed for your pet, including the kind of food it eats or the type of medication it takes. So, first things first, consult the veterinarian.

The second question is how to choose from the abundance of vitamin supplements that the market offers. Here are some questions to ask before you buy a supplement:

  • Has the brand commissioned clinical studies?
  • Does the company undergo quality control checks by an trusted organization?
  • Is the company’s expertise confirmed?
  • What does the label say? Do not believe the magic cures. Supplements are just supplements.
  • What other medication does your pet take and how the supplement fits with that?

You may also want to read some influential sites that can recommend to you the right amount and type of vitamins. Search for sites that have reviews, studies and information about all the products on the market. is a site that can help you with reviews and case studies into how dogs have responded to different foods. They are trusted by some because they were started by a group of dedicated dog lovers.

Whatever your choice, never make an uninformed decision. Too many vitamins or the wrong type of vitamins can do more harm than good to your pet. As the dog nutrition guide of the National Research Council of the National Academies writes,  “As our knowledge of the relationship between diet and health continues to advance and as the range of foods available for dogs continues to expand, it’s more important than ever to base feeding choices on good information.”

As long as you don’t get experimental, you’re not in much danger of harming your friend. Just make sure you don’t make any serious changes before talking to a vet.

How to Save Money when Getting new Flooring in your Home?

Home flooring

Flooring is an equal and a very important participant within your homes interiors, and it should not be overlooked, especially during a home renovation. But does this mean that you have to shell out pots and pots of money, just to get the right flooring for your house? No, this is surely not the case; just because you are buying new flooring for your house, it does not need to mean that you have to burn a hole in your pocket.

When it comes to saving money on flooring, you need to be a smart Alec to get things done, without ending up with heavy financial losses. The idea is to make the most of your available resources, without going overboard. Through the following steps, you too can save a lot on your investment, and end up with your dream flooring.

1. Know what your end objective is:

In the beginning, it is important to know your end objective, and what you want within your house. Before Choosing your flooring you need to know what you want from your flooring. Do you want something hard wearing because you have pets or do you want something stylish but has low maintenance? There are lots of things to think about when purchasing flooring.

2. Don’t overlook repair opportunities:

If your flooring is not in a good condition, don’t lean towards buying a new flooring immediately. If a little sanding and redoing your floor can help you out then that should be your first option. If the current flooring is beyond repair, you should then think about buying a new set of flooring for your room or house.

3. Do-it-yourself is not a bad option:

Many people, who are looking at saving money on flooring tend to choose the DIY way of floor installations. If you are already into DIY and consider yourself to be an expert, then you should not have any issues going this route. If this is not your cup of tea, there are always guides available online to help you install the floors efficiently. Do your research wisely, so that you land up with the right working guides to take you through the installation procedures. One site which can help you with your research is is

Depending on your budget, you can always look for various options to do your bidding. By choosing discounted options, there is a lot of saving which can aid your financial conditions. What you do and how you achieve your targets is going to determine your financial savings in the long run.

Why Money Will Certainly Help You to Be Happier

Money saving tips
We often hear people talk about how money cannot make you happy, a sentiment that I do not entirely concur with. As a mother there is obviously not a chance that any amount of cash could make me happier than spending time with my kids and watching them grow, so I understand how someone who could not have children for example, may not be happier than me, despot perhaps having a million dollars in the bank. With this being said, money most certainly can help you to be happier, and here is why.


Throughout the world, there are people who do not receive the very best medical care, simply because they cannot afford it. I will not get political here, but this is a simple unpleasant fact and there are people all over the world who receive the very best medical care, based on how much money they have. Take for example the amount of people refusing chemotherapy because of the cost, you cannot tell me that these people would not have a better standard of care if they were to buy megamillions lottery tickets online and hit the jackpot, that they would not be infinitely happier and healthier.

Better Situation

The key causes of stress come down to work and to finances, two issues that will be completely avoided if you had a healthy bank balance. Now in many cases people who become reach remain with these issues, at least the finance issue, because their lives become more expensive, this however, is not a prerequisite of being rich. The people, who have money and live stress free, are those who have managed their cash in such a way that there is no reason to be stressed out by the monthly income and expenditure. This type of situation also allows people to invest their time doing something that they enjoy, rather than grinding day in and day out, just to pay the bills and fill up the fridge.

More Fun

You do not need possessions to have fun, but they most certainly help. For example if you like to drive cars, what better way to do so than in your beautiful new Ferrari, if you like to ski then why not take a tour to the world’s greatest ski resorts, if you like to go to concerts, you can sit front and center in the VIP section. The point is that money will help you to upgrade your fun times, and make them even more special.

What people should say when they mention this comment about money, is that money ‘alone’ cannot make you happy. Having money can improve many aspects of your life but if you are not happy within, then money will certainly not change that. The key is to go after the money, but always remember the simple things that make you happy.

This is Why Homeowners Love Solid Wooden Flooring

Wooden flooring

A glance at new homes, as well as new commercial premises, reveals the increase in the use of solid hardwood flooring. This is an interesting trend, and it is one of the recommendations you will get if you visit any of the flooring Dallas TX stores in search of the right flooring materials. The increase in popularity of this flooring material is not by any chance, but due to the certain subtle advantages, it has over other flooring materials. If you have been wondering why solid wooden floors are all of a sudden receiving too much attention in the construction world, here are some of the reasons to help you understand-:

They have great aesthetics

Home flooring


The interior look of the home is always a huge factor of concern when deciding on the flooring materials. In most cases, the desire of the homeowner is not just to find a strong material for the floors, but also one that will be in tandem with the desired interior décor. With regards to wooden flooring, they have the strength as well as the aesthetics needed to enhance the interior décor of homes. They are available in a variety of styles, colors, and designs that irrespective of what you already have for your décor, you are sure to find just the right kinds of wooden floors to match them.

They require low maintenance

Low maintenance

One of the admirable features of solid wooden floors is that they require very little maintenance. They are easy to clean and will remain clean for longer than most floors made from other flooring materials. In most cases, you will be required to clean them by sweeping just once a week, or a couple of times if they are installed in a place that gets a lot of foot traffic. You can also dry mop or vacuum clean them occasionally to keep them in great condition. The reason why solid wooden floors are easy to care and maintain is that they are stain resistant compared to carpets or other flooring materials such as tiles.


Hardwood flooring is very strong and durable. Though they may get scratches or dents at some time, these are never enough to interfere with their core attributes of strength, durability, and aesthetics. Besides, when the floors take up stains, scratches or marks, such can always be removed with little care and maintenance, as well as regular cleaning. The last thing homeowners want is to be replacing their floors every now and then, and in solid wooden floors they have found the right solution, since it is almost a kind of install and forget floor style.

Improve acoustics

Improve acoustics

The use of solid wooden floors helps in improving the acoustics inside the rooms in which they are installed. There are certain times when vibrations and hollow sounds may be experienced in rooms, and if you have the wrong flooring materials, it is possible for such sounds and vibrations to be exaggerated within the rooms. The acoustic properties of these floors are the primary reason why they are the ideal choice for installation on premises such as music halls, dance studios, and other commercial premises. But don’t think that if you don’t have a dance studio or a music hall, then you should not install these floors in your home. With them installed at home, you will have a better experience with your home theatre or whatever the sound system you may have in your house.

Improves the air quality

Air Quality

The other admirable feature of solid wooden flooring is the fact that they don’t trap animal dander, dust, particulate matter or any other kind of allergens as is always the case with carpets and other flooring materials. As such, they help to improve the air quality of the rooms in which they are installed. Tiles and laminate may also not trap dirt and other allergens, but they do have grout lines where lots of dust and other allergens to accumulate. When that happens, the indoor air quality will be compromised and it may mark the genesis of all manner of allergic reactions amongst the family members. If you have allergies or have family members with allergies, the choice of wooden floors will go a long way in helping them have some reprieve from some of the allergies.

They are eco-friendly

In addition to saving your money because of their affordability, solid hardwood floors also help in saving the environment. Though they are made from trees, the trees used in making most of the hardwood flooring materials are known to grow and regrow very fast, thus making the flooring materials natural and eco-friendly.

Add value to your home

It has been established that buyers are willing to pay more for your home if you have installed solid hardwood floors. Most of the homeowners currently don’t appreciate carpets on floors very much. When they come to home viewing and they find an old, dirty carpet on the floor, their perception may change so quickly and they may be hesitant to give a great offer. But with the solid hardwood on the floor, you will be highly likely to entertain better offers because the buyers also know about the importance of hardwood flooring in homes.

They come with natural patterns

With carpets, you will mostly get one solid color, perhaps with a few varying patterns. But they are never as beautiful, authentic and natural as what you find with solid hardwood flooring. Real solid hardwood floors will not have the regular factory patterns and all you will find are natural unique patterns featuring a blend of swirls and shades that will add more flavor to your interior décor. Additionally, the colors on the solid hardwood flooring will not fade over time, as is the case with the other types of flooring materials. They will thus look better for longer, ensuring that your home will always have the charm to wow your visitor every time they come in.

Kids & Skincare: A Look at What’s Appropriate and at What Age

Skin care

The skincare industry is one of the biggest and robust industries out there. Experts forecast that by the year 2021, the global skincare products industry will hit an incredible $135 billion. The industry is made up of all things skincare related such as creams, lotions, sun protection, anti-aging products, etc. Often it can start to feel like you can’t even flip a page in a magazine or go a few minutes without a commercial on TV advertising various skincare products. But here’s the thing, often those products are directed at adults, but what about the kids?

Just like adults can have skincare concerns, so too can kids. And it’s not just about concerns, it’s also about staple products like SPF protection and basic body cream and lotion. So, what exactly is ideal for kids to be using and at what age can they start with their own skincare regimen? Let’s take a closer look.

SPF Protection Needs to Be Used at All Times

One product that you don’t even want to think twice about your children using is SPF protection. In fact, from about the age of six months and older, SPF protection is important. Where the product differs in comparison to what you would use on yourself is that you probably want to pick a higher SPF level, and it’s usually best to go with a physical sunscreen. Physical sunscreen contains titanium dioxide or zinc oxide unlike the chemical sunscreens.

The reason the physical sunscreen tends to be the better choice for kids is that it sits on the skin rather than being absorbed like the chemical version. This absorption can lead to an allergic reaction or skin irritation.

Facial Cleanser Can Be Introduced in the Pre-Teen Years

Facial cleanser is another staple product in any skincare routine and typically can be introduced between the ages of six and nine years of age. Depending on their skin you can opt for something like a clarifying facial cleanser or something gentler. They can also follow up the cleansing with a gentle toner. Toner is meant to balance the pH level of their skin.

Follow Up Cleansing with Moisturizer

Moisturizer can also be introduced at the same time a cleanser, but the type of moisturizer will differ as they get older. The first moisturizer can be something lightweight and gentle, sometimes even baby lotion is good enough. As they get a bit older their skin needs will change. They may start to develop oily skin which can lead to acne. This is when soothing lotion can help. As they enter into their teen years, a moisturizer that targets acne can also make sense.

Exfoliants, such as the ones you’ll find on Maple Prime which include the Clarins Gentle Exfoliator and the Clinique Exfoliating Scrub are also great to introduce in those early teen years, and is a product they can continue to use into their adult years.

Keep in Mind Their Needs Will Change

When it comes to kids and skincare, the most important thing to keep in mind is that starting early is ideal but their needs will change as they age, which means they will need to change up their routine and the products used.

5 Tips to Protect Your Child’s Online Reputation

Child online reputation

With sharing so much information about yourself online being the norm nowadays you may be worried about protecting your child’s online reputation. But where do you start in this minefield of an online world? If you are really concerned you can employ a company such as Russell’s who provide privacy and reputation management. However, to start with yourself here are 5 tips to protect your child’s online reputation.

1.    Learn about how their reputation is formed

Where does all this information come from? Learning how their internet history and online profiles are formed, including how it is stored is the first step to protecting your child’s online reputation. Once you know where the information comes from and where it can be found you can take further action if necessary.

2.    Talk to them about their internet usage

Growing up in a world where using the internet and sharing information is a regular thing it is important to talk to your children about what they are sharing. Giving them the knowledge that what they post will almost never be removed is a good start. Make them understand that anyone can access what they share, and they need to be careful with their personal information. Talking to them about screen and web time is an excellent start.

3.    Search your child and analyse what you find

You are not invading their privacy if the information is in the public domain. If you can find it, then anyone else can too. What is the first image you see or website link? Visit the links and decide if any of the information is concerning or untrue. Try different search engines too as different results may be found. Look at what personal and identifying features are available to find easily. You might want to share your findings with your child and discuss what is out there.

4.    Decide if the online picture is a true picture of your child

Is what you have found a true picture of who your child really is? Do they appear to be the same age as they are, or have they been portrayed as older than they really are? A bad online reputation can have severe consequences. Especially if this has been formed over a long period of time. One bad comment can have an impact on their social relationships. But it can also cause problems in the future such as credit ratings and career prospects.

5.    Encourage your child to make changes

Small things like removing their date of birth from social media and changing their privacy settings will make a big difference. Open social media accounts are a window into peoples lives, so encourage your child to only share with persons they know and trust. Ensuring their online accounts are as secure as possible will reduce their chances of being exploited, having their identity stolen or harming their reputation.

How will you protect your child’s reputation?

There are a few quick and easy ways to help protect your child’s online reputation. The main thing is understanding what is out there and what can be done to keep your child safe.