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Crispy Gnocchi #recipe

Crispy Fried Gnocchi have become my kids new favorite food. These now trump sausage sandwiches and pizza.  I can’t blame them. I dream about these. I crave them.

Crispy Gnocchi #recipe

One would think that we would eat them way more often with how much we all love them but honestly I hate fried food. Well actually I love fried food I just try really hard not to fry too much. It’s just not healthy. I won’t eat gnocchi any other way though.  The traditional boiled balls of dough are gross to me. These are completely different.


  • Gnocchi
  • Salt
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Oil for Frying
  • Spicy Tomato Sauce


In a wide pan at least 3 inches deep add about 1/4 inch of oil.  I like to mix canola and olive but since it’s such a quick process any oil will work.

Heat this up to medium – high for several minutes till you see it ripple.  Carefully add a single layer of gnocchi to hot oil.

Crispy Gnocchi #recipe

Cook for a few minutes each side but be careful it’s easy to overcook them then you’re left with little bullets.  I flip mine around with a wooden skewer, so simple.

Crispy Gnocchi #recipe


Once they’ve reached a beautiful golden brown remove them from the oil with a large slotted spoon. Drain on paper towels then sprinkle with salt and parmesan cheese.

I serve mine with a spicy tomato sauce.  I make mine with a simple pasta sauce doctored up with LOTS of garlic, red pepper flakes and crushed basil.

Making Breakfast #kidsinthekitchen

Getting kids interested in actual cooking isn’t as hard as I thought it would be. I asked Shaun if he wanted to make pancakes for breakfast and he jumped at the chance.
Kids Cooking #kidsinthekitchen
him measurements but just told him to eyeball things. That’s the way I cook.
Kids Cooking #kidsinthekitchen
Things went pretty well, he even made breakfast for his little sister. He followed most instructions except he kept swinging the dirty spatula around like it was a sword. At the end of breakfast he asked if he can make breakfast on the weekends for the whole family. This kid knows how to warm my heart.
Kids Cooking #kidsinthekitchen

Did you have fun in the “kitchen” this week? Did you try a new food or a new kid friendly restaurant? Did your littlest ones use their snacks to count to 10? We invite you to share your experiences, photos, stories or recipes that include your #kidsinthekitchen.

Come join me and my co-hosts, Paula at Frosted Fingersfollow, Sarah of PlaytoLearnwithSarah and Sara at Sensibly Sarafollow, each week linking up a post, new or old, that feature the theme Kids in the Kitchen. It doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you are doing it together, enjoying it and learning something along the way.

Linky Rules, #kidsinthekitchen

#KidsintheKitchen Weekly Linky

Trying Dippy Eggs #kidsinthekitchen

My kids are creatures of habit when it comes to breakfast. Maybe it’s because school days don’t offer lots of time to work in a large hot meal or maybe they just really like eating their old standbys. This week Shae sent me into shock by asking for runny eggs so she can dip her toast. I like eggs like this, so does Rob but typically getting my kids to eat eggs is a battle.

Trying Sunny Side Up Eggs #kidsinthekitchen

I obliged and made her 1 sunny side up egg, a sausage link and a slice of toasted wheat bread. She spent the first couple of minutes poking the hell out of the yolk. She dipped and ate, dipped and ate. I then showed her how to scoop up the remaining egg to put on the other half of her toast. Her conclusion, she loved it! I’m still surprised but happy that she experimented a little and went for something unfamiliar.

Trying Sunny Side Up Eggs #kidsinthekitchen

What has been the strangest food request from your child?

What did you do in the “kitchen” this week? Did your kids try a new food or new family-friendly restaurant? Did you teach your littlest to count using their snacks ? We invite you to share your experiences, photos, stories or recipes that include your #kidsinthekitchen.

Come join me and my co-hosts, Paula at Frosted Fingers, Sara at Sensibly Sara, Lisa of HooplaPaloozafollow and Sarah of Play2LearnwithSarah each week linking up a post, new or old, that feature the theme Kids in the Kitchen. It doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you are doing it together, enjoying it and learning something along the way.

Don’t have a blog? Share an instagram photo or Facebook update.

Linky Rules, #kidsinthekitchen

#KidsintheKitchen Weekly Linky

Don’t forget about the 2 sets of Felt Play Food giveaway going on. Enter here to to win for a little one your know!
Play Food #giveaway

belVita for Breakfast

Mom Central belVita DisclosureBreakfast for me is most time non-existent. I make sure the kids get fed a balanced meal with their vitamins but when it comes to making something for myself I quickly lose interest. I like grab and go; things like coffee are my go to. I realize coffee isn’t breakfast but that’s usually what I get until 11am.

By that time my stomach is growling and I’m looking for something that I can eat with one hand so I don’t have to interrupt what I’m doing. Yogurt and cereal require a spoon so that is too much work most busy days. belVita Soft Baked Breakfast Biscuits is something I can enjoy quickly and conveniently.

belVita Soft Baked Breakfast Biscuits will join the five flavors of crunchy belVita Breakfast Biscuits, which launched in the United States in February 2012. belVita Soft Baked are delicious biscuits made with whole grains to provide nutritious morning energy at breakfast. The NEW belVita Soft Baked are available in two flavors, Mixed Berry and Oats & Chocolate.

belVita Soft Biscuits

Last week I had an especially busy day getting ready for a weekend getaway and knew I had to fuel up for the day and grabbed a Mixed Berry belVita Soft Baked Biscuit. I paired it with a yogurt, glass of orange juice and coffee and was able to last till lunch.

I found the belVita Mixed Berry Soft Baked Biscuits to be on the dry side but I’m guessing that is because it’s just 7 grams of fat. Any more butter or oil would make it moister but also defeat the purpose of making it a wholesome option. The texture is a cross between a cereal bar and a cookie. But the Oats and Chocolate Soft Baked Biscuit was definitely a soft more pleasant experience. Both varieties pack a lot of flavor in a small package.

With Back to School on our heels how do you keep your stress level down while keeping up with the high demands of parenting, school schedules and activities. These tips from Lifestyle Mom, Dana Hilmer could be a great help to get you ready:

  1. It’s important to schedule down time for you and your family. Before signing your kids up for this year’s after-school activities, think about your family’s priorities and the impact each activity will have on your schedules.
  2. It’s just as important for you to have a tasty, healthy breakfast as it is for your kids. Perfect for eating on the go, belVita Soft Baked Breakfast Biscuits come in two varieties, Mixed Berry and Oats & Chocolate, grab a banana and a latte and you’re good to go with nutritious morning energy.
  3. Take a little time each night to get organized for the following morning. By making lunches and selecting outfits before bed each night, you’ll free time each morning for other things.
  4. Be sure to keep healthy snacks in the kitchen for after-school snacking. Nuts, crackers and fruit are great to give kids right when they walk in the door to keep them from grazing on unhealthy snacks, or spoiling their appetites for dinner.
  5. Moms often complain about not having enough time for themselves, but when life gets busy, it’s even more important to carve out that time. Treat “me time” as a priority.
  6. Start a to-do list with three sections: the priority of the day for yourself, the priority of the day for your family and the priority of the day for your work. Start with these items, and only move on to other less important items once they’re done.
  7. Use Sunday nights to plan your dinners each week. If you take a few minutes to think about how you can creatively use the leftovers from one night to the next, you can create a full week’s worth of healthy, tasty dinners that your family will enjoy.
  8. Give yourself the freedom to say no without guilt. Activities or commitments that may not be right for your family are okay to decline. Saying NO gives you the permission to say YES to things that are important to you.
  9. Back-to-school season is also cold and flu season. You can keep your entire family healthy with these simple habits: eating well, getting enough rest and washing hands regularly.
  10. Create a network of support for yourself. This network looks different for everyone. Consider asking your partner and kids for support. They can be a great help with tasks you feel comfortable handing over.

belVita wants you and your family to start off the day right no matter what breakfast options you choose. If belVita sounds like they would be a good fit you can find these in your local grocery store in the cookie and cracker aisle for just about $3.69 for a 5-count box.

Chicken and Rice My Kids Eat #KidsintheKitchen

Each week I usually feature my kids working on something food related. We’ve played pretend restaurant, colored rice for crafts and even worked on our measuring. This week(which was supposed to be last week’s post)is about how I take 2 simple ingredients and make them my own to serve to my family.
#KidsintheKitchen, getting them to eat chicken
Chicken and Rice tastes so nice. This is the little diddy my family sings when I tell them that’s what we are having for dinner. We eat a lot of chicken. For a couple years all we ate was boneless skinless breasts. They’ve been cooked all different ways with all different sauces and spices. Over the last year I’ve been incorporating more chicken on the bone like thighs and legs. This week i went big and made chicken quarters. This is a large piece of meat; it includes the leg and thigh. Typically I bust out my cast iron pot an give these a really dark crispy skin but since they are so large I had to go the over roasted route.
I quarter 4-5 small onions to give the chicken a place to sit above the juices and fat it will release. Our side was brown rice with Mexican black beans. The onions in the bottom of the pan get eaten too, they are delicious!
raw chicken , kids in the kitchen
I didn’t even get a picture of the kids eating because it was gone so fast. They’ve really embraced the different texture and flavor of the darker meat. It’s way more forgiving when baking too, it stays moist and really just needs salt and pepper for a boost of flavor.
Did you have fun in the kitchen this week? Did you try a new food or a new restaurant? Did your littlest ones use their snacks to count to 10? Share your experiences, photos, stories or recipes that include your #kidsinthekitchen. I would love for you to join me and my co-hosts, Paula at Frosted Fingers and Sara at Sensibly Sara, each week linking up a post, new or old, that feature the theme Kids in the Kitchen. It doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you are doing it together and enjoying it and learning something.

Don’t have a blog, then share a photo you uploaded to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Share whatever you have, we want to see it.

Linky Rules
1. Link up only your kid friendly recipes, stories, pictures or cooking lessons here.
2. Link directly to a specific post, update or tweet not your homepage.
3. Please add a Kids in the Kitchen button or link on your site or blog post or share through social media so readers know you are participating.
kids in the kitchen, meme

kids in the kitchen, cooking with kids, weekly series
4. Click through and comment, pin, like, tweet or share with other participants. We love to share inspiration and ideas with each other, don’t link and run.
5. Follow the hosts of this feature, Paula at Frosted Fingers, Sara at Sensibly Sara and me, Melinda at LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too!

SnackTime, Ladybug Apple Snack #KidsintheKitchen

This week was snack time with #KidsintheKitchen. I’m all over pinterest and kid friendly food blogs like In the Kitchen with My Three Sons and see all of these awesome food pictures on a plate. They amaze me. I consider myself crafty and creative but this is so far beyond my expertise. I’m in awe at some of the ideas these moms come up with.

I wanted to make something with the kids but knew I needed to keep it simple and use things we have in the house. Check out our Ladybug Apple Treat.
It took just a few minutes from start to finish and the kids ate everything that was involved.
Ladybug Apple Snack for kids #kidsinthekitchen
As you can see I pulled out all kids of candy ideas for the ladybug head. I wasn’t sure what was going to work best. We ended up using a apple (half for each ladybug), creamy peanut butter, chocolate chips (raisins would work), pretzel twists.
Ladybug Apple Snack Supplies
I cut the apple into quarters, as evenly as I could and gave the kids each a half, opened up a little to resemble wings. The rest was up to them. The peanut butter was the glue so everything used was edible. I think the snack was a good mix of healthy foods and sweet treats.  This is definitely a snack we’d try again. Maybe next time we get more creative with the whole picture.
Ladybug Apple Snack #kidsinthekitcen
eating ladybug apple snack
eating ladybug apple snack
Did you have fun in the kitchen this week? Did you try a new food or a new restaurant?  Did your littlest ones use their snacks to count to 10? Share your experiences, photos, stories or recipes that include your #kidsinthekitchen. I would love for you to join me and my co-hosts, Paula at Frosted Fingers and Sara at Sensibly Sara, each week linking up a post, new or old, that feature the theme Kids in the Kitchen. It doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you are doing it together and enjoying it and learning something.

  • preparing healthy snacks
  • having a tea party
  • counting skills with m&ms
  • pouring from measuring cups
  • discovering a local restaurant that your kids love
  • creating new family friendly recipes

Don’t have a blog, then share a photo you uploaded to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Share whatever you have, we want to see it.

Linky Rules

1. Link up only your kid friendly recipes, stories, pictures or cooking lessons here.
2. Link directly to a specific post, update or tweet not your homepage.
3. Please add a Kids in the Kitchen button or link on your site or blog post or share through social media so readers know you are participating.
kids in the kitchen, meme

kids in the kitchen, cooking with kids, weekly series
4. Click through and comment, pin, like, tweet or share with other participants. We love to share inspiration and ideas with each other, don’t link and run.
5. Follow the hosts of this feature,Paula at Frosted Fingers, Sara at Sensibly Sara and me, Melinda at LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too!

I can’t wait to see all of the fun food themed ideas, excursions and photos you have to share.

Manayunk StrEAT Food Festival

Newark, Delaware isn’t known as a food town. If we want to try something new or eclectic we head to the Philadelphia area.  Even the food trucks are better there.

This weekend we are headed to Manayunk StrEAT Food Festival where 30 local food trucks will be featured to kick of Restaurant Week.

On April 13th, 2013, a variety of vendors will offer samples of delicious food on Main Street. Then, from April 14th-26th, Manayunk restaurants will host a Restaurant Week. Snag amazing deals on even more amazing meals at Manayunk’s finest eateries.  Be sure to mark your calendars, because this event is not to be missed!

The trucks will be lined up along Main Street facing the sidewalk for easy pedestrian access.  Visitors are encouraged to stroll the street, taste the offerings from their favorite trucks, and sit and enjoy the food at picnic-style seating areas around the district.

Find unique Food Truck offerings like:

Mac Mart Cart-mac and cheese, old school and new school styles

Farm Truck-feature local and seasonal produce

The Cow and the Curd-a midwest favorite comes to Philly

My goal is to get a taste of at least 1/2 the Food Trucks there.

If you’re local to Philadelphia and the Tri-State Area come by either for the StrEAT Food Festival or take part in the Restaurant Tour next week.

Celebrating Something On A Stick Day

I’m a sucker for nonsensical goofy holiday especially if it’s centered around food.  I realize that “Something On A Stick” could be about other things but food on a stick is more fun than most other things. So here I am celebrating with YUMMY Food on a Stick ideas I found and may even try.
Burger on a Stick

Source: viaMelinda on Pinterest

Pop Tarts on a Stick

Caprese on a Stick

Source: viaMelinda on Pinterest

Smores on a Stick

Strawberry Shortcake on a Stick

So, there are my special finds for Something on a Stick day. I bet you won’t forget it next year 🙂

DOLE Fruit Crisps, Dessert or Snack?

The fruit cup has come a long way. My kids still love diced peaches and orange segments packed in their lunch but we’ve been introduced to new flavors and combinations recently with DOLE Fruit Crisps.

Recently we had family and friends over to celebrate Rob’s birthday. I took that moment to introduce them all to new Dole Fruit Crisps. I knew they would be a great snack for kids but I wanted to give the adults something different to try on that didn’t feel like a kids snack. I popped a couple in the microwave for a few seconds and out came a delicious warm treat that no one was expecting.

Apple Cinnamon, Apple Pear and Peach all come in convenient single serve cups with a healthy portion of sweet crunchy granola to top with. Our guests were pleasantly surprised and all agreed that these would make a better dessert alternative to ice cream, cookies or cake.

eating dole fruit crisps

While the adults enjoyed themselves over good food we talked about other shortcuts we take as busy parents. Some of us shop for convenience foods to pack in kids lunches, some of us bulk cook on weekends to make weeknight mealtime easier. When moms and dads get together we tend to share not only our mishaps and mistakes as parents but also the ways to make our lives simpler and less stressful.

The night ended with a Peach Dole Fruit Crisp inspired cocktail for me and Rob.
Peach Cocktail
In 2 rocks glasses I smashed about a tbls of diced peaches each and then added ice. I poured into each glass 1 ounce of Vanilla Vodka and 2 ounces of Peach Juice and 1 ounce of Ginger Ale. It was a sweet ending to a great night with great food and fun with those that we love.

“I wrote this review while participating in a campaign for Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Dole. I received product samples to facilitate my party and review, and a promotional item to thank me for participating.”

Steps to Healthy Eating for the New Year

With the New Year comes many promises of change. Changes to eating habits, changes to exercise, changes to habits. Some changes come easier than others. Starting on the road to a healthier diet can be quite simple. Taking steps to incorporate new ingredients or techniques can be done in baby steps. Jumping feet first into an elaborate diet plan isn’t the answer for everyone. I believe that living an overall healthy lifestyle is the best answer, Using the old adage “All things in Moderation” fits perfectly here.

I’ve included below some steps you can take to incorporate into your everyday menus and meal plans. Take into consideration your own restrictions and allergies. Apply what makes sense and enjoy the food you eat.

  • Desserts, treats and snacks should never be excluded. Indulge a little.
  • Use smaller dinner plates; you’ll be surprised how your eyes can fool your belly.
  • Swap whole wheat pastas and breads for energy draining simple carbs like white bread and rice.
  • Serve plated meals rather than family style it will discourage unnecessary 2nd and 3rd helpings.
  • Use flavorful options like Parmesan cheese, spices and fresh herbs in place of excess salt and fats.
  • Utilize hidden kitchen gadgets to encourage healthy meals like the salad spinner, grill pan or non-stick griddle.
  • Cut back on the fat by going meatless once a week. Boost protein with tofu, edamame or flaxseed.
  • Try new cuisines to update flavor and presentation to everyday ingredients.
  • Shop light. Swap regular grocery items for healthier ones; low fat sour cream, milk, salad dressing and yogurt.
  • Use spices, herbs, mustard, vinegars and honey as marinades and dressings, skimp on the oil.
  • When you are done baking those delicious gooey brownies, package and freeze individual portions for less temptation.
  • Stock up on nourishing snacks; fruits, ready to eat veggies, nuts and cheese.
  • Eat slower, savor each bite, enjoy your food.