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Wordless Wednesday – Time to turn off the TV

Ever here of the Gerber Grow Up Plan? Well Shaun obviously has, they play the commercial constantly in between his cartoons.

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Wordless Wednesday – Just The Boys

Shaun and I went to the Advance Auto Parts Monster Jam show in Philly this past Saturday at Lincoln Financial Field. This was the first time that Shaun and I have ever been to this event but I must admit we had a blast. Before the show we got to meet the drivers and get their autograph. The show was loud but it was an awesome time. Shaun and I had such a great time we are thinking about going to the July show in Baltimore.

The tire alone is bigger then Shaun

The Crusader - Shaun and I picked this truck to cheer for

Shaun and Linsey Weenk (driver of The Crusader)

All of the trucks making their way into the stadium

Monster Mutt - One of my favorite trucks. Looks cool too!

The Grinder had a little accident

Monster Mutt getting some air!

These trucks get some serious air!

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The Weight Has Been Lifted

Melinda and I resigned from our youth football board positions yesterday and today I feel relieved because I know I no longer need to deal with the craziness of the team we were associated with. We did this to save our sanity and to lower our stress level.

When I called back in March to be a part of this youth football organization I was excited. I was excited for Shaun to play, I was excited to help in any way I could but over time that excitement turned into stress, bitterness and resentment. Volunteering for a youth football program should be fun not annoying and dreadful and that is what it became so we bailed out.

It started at the top with the president of the team and went all the way through to the commissioner. To me this team was mismanaged and no one ever knew what they were doing. We needed to field four teams and needed a minimum of 80 kids and after a month and a half of recruiting we had only 20 kids and with practice starting August 1st it wasn’t looking good.

I know this is a post where I am coming off mean and angry but I feel like Melinda and I were taken advantage of because we were willing to do whatever it took to make this team successful but after a while we realized not everyone felt the same way as us. We would see the same people sitting back and saying they were willing to help but when the time came for them to help they were nowhere to be found. It just seemed like the two guys who started this team acted like they wanted help but didn’t really want the help. I guess in a way they got their wish because Melinda was the fundraising coordinator and I was the PR person/website person and now they will have to absorb these two positions themselves.

We are currently looking for other football programs in the area that we can have Shaun play for. The thing that really makes me mad was that I was going to be the head coach of Shaun’s team which I was really looking forward to but now if we move to another league that most likely will not be the case. I am hoping that I can at least be an assistant coach because I really do want to be involved in the development of Shaun’s football skills as well as other youth.

I guess only time will tell. Thanks for listening to me complain. I needed this and feel a little better now!

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My Kids Think Dessert Is Their Right!

I may have written a post at some point on this topic but I think it is worth a follow up if I did. My kids feel dessert is their god given right and that they should receive it EVERY night and it is getting annoying.

Don’t get me wrong Melinda and I definitely spoil our kids and allow them to have ice cream often with all of the trimmings. Well, I think the trimmings are my fault. When I say trimmings we are talking waffle bowl, sprinkles, wet walnuts, magic shell (which Melinda HATES), caramel, mini chocolate chips, whipped cream and cherries. Now before you get up in arms about the amount of toppings I mentioned we typically limit them to two per dessert and every once in a while will let them have three to four.

I am sure the kids have become accustom to dessert and ice cream because there is rarely a time when we don’t have two half gallons of ice cream in the freezer and the kids know that. There have been times they would ask and I would tell them we are out because we are and they literally run to the freezer to check for themselves because they think there is no way dad would ever allow that to happen.

What really bugs me is when the kids (Shaun and Shae) ask for dessert and either Melinda or I tell them no and they start to cry. Really? Last time I checked ice cream wasn’t part of the five major food groups. To me it’s a treat and not your god given right as a child to have ice cream for dessert. When this behavior happens I instantly get annoyed because we are pretty lenient when it comes to dessert and they get it often but when they don’t they let you know how unhappy they are about it by voicing their displeasure.

I am not sure if all kids are like this but I am going to start offering vegetables for dessert if these kids keep up this nonsense.

Do your kids get mad/sad if you tell them no to dessert or are my kids the only ones?

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Shaun Is Moving Through The Ranks

Shaun has moved up through the Cub Scout ranks pretty quickly and tonight crossed over from a Wolf to a Bear.  He has worked hard since September learning everything he could about scouts and really dedicated himself and did everything he was suppose to do.  Melinda and I are so proud of him.

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Football Will Be The Death Of Me

This year Shaun is finally old enough to play tackle football and I found a new team that is part of a 14 team Pop Warner League in our area.  When I found this league I dove in head first not thinking about all of the work and hours it was going to take to help make this team successful.

Currently I am the head coach for the mitey mite which is for kids that are 7,8,and 9 years old and weigh between 45 lbs and 90 lbs.  Being that this team is new they were looking for volunteers so I have been trying to help in every area that I can.  I have worked on recruiting, registration as well as website redesign.  I work on something football related everyday weather it is for myself or for the team.  Today I spent some time finding CPR classes as well as coaches clinics in the area.  Tomorrow we have a meeting at 7pm.  Since this past Friday today will be the third straight day with tomorrow being the four where I have had something to do for football.  Recently Melinda was lucky enough to be pulled into the madness.  Right now the team is very disorganized and we have a long way to go but I feel in the end we will be successful and a great asset to the community.

Right now I can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel but the end is coming and I am really excited to see what unfolds and maybe be able to rest a little.  I guess being a head coach is going to make it hard to relax. Guess I will have to relax after my team makes it to the playoffs.

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Project 52 – Week 14

Welcome to my 14th installment of Project 52, my attempt to capture our lives in a couple pictures once a week.

We celebrated Shaun’s 8th birthday this week. The weather was gloomy and cold so there weren’t many opportunites for pictures outside but that made for a very crafty week. Shae and I did lots of crafts so i’m sharing the finished products with you. Many of them are inspired by GummyLump’s 300 Crafts for Kids Project and some by random ideas found online.

dinner at Red Robin

looky looky shaun got a Kinect

why does my 15 year old look 21 years old

soap from the kid's shower, what are they doing with it?

blinged out sunflower, check out her signature on the bottom

old school comes alive, pompom bear

fancy cuff bracelet

Hope this gives you a glimpse onto our lives behind the blog. If you are doing Project 52 this week leave your link in the comment so I can come check out your life.



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Project 52- Week 12

Welcome to my 12th edition of Project 52, my attempt to capture our lives in a couple pictures once a week.

The week started a bit busy.  Shae and I went to Sesame Street Live with my best friend and her little girl; it was so much fun.  The rest of the week was normal and ended with Shaun’s Cub Scouts Blue and Gold Banquet.


Shaun getting his Wolf Badge


this is our whittled down collection of Wii games

one of those games is Shae's; an Elmo numbers and letters game

playing sleepover

Are you participating? Add your link in a comment and I’ll come check out your week.

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Football and Fellowship

On Saturday morning I attended a breakfast meeting for the upcoming local youth football season. Shaun has wanted to play tackle football for a while now and I finally found a local Pop Warner league. Sign ups are on April 9th so I attended the breakfast meeting because I wanted more information on the league as well as I have an interest in being an assistant coach.

It was funny because the President of the league texted me on Thursday with the details for the breakfast meeting and it made mention of food (obvious) and even better fellowship. The text seemed odd and when I told Melinda about the meeting and fellowship she asked if it was a religious meeting and would we be praying. I told her I wasn’t sure but I didn’t think so. Don’t get me wrong I have nothing wrong with fellowship or religion or a religious meeting it just threw me off a little was all.

I got to the restaurant on Saturday morning and a few of the guys arrived late and one of the men in particular upon arrival pulled out a book that at first I thought was a Bible. I thought Melinda was right and this was a religious meeting and we would be discussing the Bible and things of that nature which I was ok with I just thought it was a meeting about youth football. After looking more closely it was just a leather journal that looked really sophisticated and way to fancy for a youth football meeting. I didn’t even come with a crappy notebook or even a piece of paper let alone a fancy leather journal like this gentleman did. All in all it was a pretty good meeting and the guys I met were really nice.

I am really excited to be a part of this league and for Shaun to be playing football this fall.

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Despite Their Age!

I don’t care what my kids say they are close and love each other to death even thought they seem to argue, bicker and fight frequently.

This picture is from a few weeks ago but since that night Shaun and Shae ask to have a sleep over almost every night. They had one over the weekend and another one last night.  I have no idea why they want to sleep on the floor when they have perfectly comfortable twin beds but who am I to tell them what surface they should sleep on.   All I can assume is that they love each other and like spending time together.  Funny thing was last night Melinda asked if I remembered Sabreena and Shaun having sleep overs when Shaun was Shae’s age.  I do and it is funny Shaun and Shae are now having them.

Yes Sabreena gets tired of Shaun and Shae and Shaun drives Sabreena nuts and fights with Shae and Shae annoys both Sabreena and Shaun but at the end of the day I know they love each other and are there for each other.  When I see Sabreena playing and hugging Shaun and Shae it wants to make me cry because it shows me what kind of kids Melinda and I raised.  Loving ones who hopefully as they become adults and move through the world will still have a close bond that siblings should have no matter what.

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