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We are headed in the right direction

We finally had our meeting with Shaun’s teachers, filled out some evaluation papers and met with the doctor.

Shaun indeed has ADD(no surprise). Thankfully there are no other issues to deal with such as violent or aggressive tendencies or an inability to learn. His teachers sung his praises about his intelligence and eagerness to participate and how sweet he is. The problems are his lack of focus, careless mistakes and following through on tasks. We have those same challenges at home along with emotional outbursts; crying.

We’ve started him on medication on Sunday. I hope to see some improvements by week’s end.   Along with his medications we need to work on some behavior management. Unfortunately we are a yelling family; we know we need to change this but especially more now. A month ago we just thought he was being a pain in the ass but now that we understand better what is going on we can handle it much better. I’m just happy to  know my boy isn’t broken.

Thank you everyone for your kind words, support and well wishes. We will keep you all updated with the progress, challenges and changes going on.

FOLLOW UP – Shaun’s Doctors Appointment

On Wednesday Shaun had an appointment with our family doctor so we could begin talks on getting Shaun evaluated for ADD/ADHD.  Our doctor is so cool and when he first came into the room he spoke with Shaun first asking him if he knew why he was at the doctors.  Shaun told him why he thought he was there and he was right then we moved on with talking with the doctor. 

The doctor went over things that could be possible signs and gave Melinda and I some paperwork that needs to be filled out by us and by Shaun’s teachers.  After all of the paperwork is filled out we will then move forward in determining what needs to be done.  The doctor would not talk about any treatment plans or medication.  He told us lets do the paperwork first and move from there which I thought was cool because I do not want to rush into anything.

Melinda is trying to get an appointment with Shaun’s teachers today as she had one Wednesday but it was cancelled due to the snow storm.   So we are on our way to getting to the bottom of this but it is going to take a few weeks but I am ok with that.  I don’t want to rush Shaun’s diagnosis.  We will continue to keep everyone posted!

Our Poor Boy Shaun

Recently Shaun’s quarterly school evaluation came home and it wasn’t good.  It said Shaun talks excessively in all of his classes, distracts others and is below 2nd grade level.  Needless to say Melinda and I aren’t happy and are very upset about this. 

At his last report card Shaun was at “Meets 2nd Grade Expectations” so we are a little suprised at his declining progress in school.  Melinda called to set up a meeting with all of his teachers for this Thursday and a doctors appointment for today.

Melinda and I want to get Shaun evaluated to see if he may have ADD.  I know people think ADD is an excuse but we have been putting this off for a year or so and we can’t ignore it any longer.  Shaun talks excessively, is easily distracted, always moving and has zero attention span.  I am not a fan of medicating young children but if it helps Shaun in school and life I am all for it.  I want Shaun to be successful and I feel right now he is to hyper and distracted for that to happen. 

We will make sure to update everyone as these appointments take place and let you know how things are progressing.

My Boy Cries Waaaaayyyyy To Much!

Our only son Shaun who is 7 cries all of the time.  He cries when you tell him what we are having for dinner.  He cries when you tell him to drink water.  He cries when you tell him he can only have one topping on his ice cream.  He cries when you tell him it’s bed time.  He cries when….ok I think you get the picture.  I have NO clue why he cries so much. Is it a boy thing?  I am only asking because Sabreena our now 15 year old daughter never cried as much as Shaun.  I don’t think Shae who is 3 cries as much as Shaun.  It is really baffling to me.  It doesn’t matter if you are nice or mean he cries either way.

It is so frustrating and it drives Melinda and I nuts.  It’s so out of hand lately and we have no clue what to do so he won’t cry.

Do you have any boys and if so do you have any advise?  Heck, even if you don’t have any boys but have any advise we’ll take it.

First Decent Snow of 2011!!!

Here in Delaware we were suppose to get 4-8 inches of snow overnight and we did get snow yet I am not sure how much but it was enough for school to be cancelled and for me to take the day off of work.

We got an inch or so a week ago and Shae was dying to go outside and make snow angels which we never did but she made up for it today.  Shae literally just came in now for lunch but she was outside for about 3 hours.  Melinda and I were outside with her for a little while while she did some sledding and snow angel making then we came in and Sabreena took the second shift.

Shaun on the other hand is still outside.  We even put his lunch and water on the front step so he didn’t need to get undressed to come in for lunch.  I am sure we won’t see him until dinner time.

Must be nice to be a kid and love the freezing cold snow. LOL!!

Skating on Thin Ice-literally

The other day at 5pm it was dark and Shaun wasn’t in the house. I ventured out in the cold to look for him. The neighbors said they saw him and Red in the park.

Red is who we call the trouble maker in the neighborhood. He’s not my favorite kid and he knows it.

Anyway I yelled out for Shaun and out he comes running from the wooded area, Red right behind him. Shaun walked with me home while I asked what he was doing back there. “I was at the pond.” Let me tell you all it’s not a pond, it’s an overflow for the high water table in this area. I refer to it as the scum pond. The kids like to throw rocks in it, pretend they are fishing and dumb boy stuff like that.

I asked what he was doing at the pond, he got all shifty and said he and Red were walking on it because it was frozen. My heart sank. I immediately got mad, telling him it wasn’t a smart thing to do, he could’ve fallen in, stop following what Red does….etc. I grounded him for the rest of the week and told him I would think about his attending Ice Hockey lessons this weekend. I over-reacted a bit with the punishment I know but I was so freaked I couldn’t help it. Later that night I started thinking about it again.

What if the ice broke?
What if he couldn’t get out of the water?
What if his stupid ass friend freaked out and ran home instead of getting help?
What if I waited 10 minutes before looking for him?
What if? What if? What if?

Shaun has it pretty loose in this neighborhood. It’s small so there really isn’t anywhere to go so he can be outside for hours and all we have to do is peek outside and we usually can see him. The image of him in the dark, in icy cold water, calling out for help is haunting me. I think a couple hundred more grays sprouted out overnight, the worry lines on my face got deeper and my heart is pounding harder.

Wordless Wednesday – The Three Amigos

This was taken on Thanksgiving.  I can’t believe they are all smiling and looking at the camera.

Wordless Wednesday-Jean Hair

2 1/2 year old Shaun just being Shaun at The Children’s Place!  A moment I was glad to have shoved the camera in my purse! Moments like these are common in our household.