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Unbecome Everything That Isn’t You

Be you

“Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.”

The world is a very pretentious place. We are everything, but ourselves. From Instagram filters to fake nails, from wearing uncomfortable high heels to keeping up with the cigarette smoke, from hiding behind mushy comfort zones to locking up our emotions. We’ve built these walls, covering up our flaws, trying to play safe, and over time suffocating ourselves as those walls push us to the edges.  But why have we built these walls? What is blocking you from seeing your true reflection? Why do you do things you know you don’t like? Do you want to impress someone? Are you embarrassed that no one likes the real you? Do you want to fit in? How would you define yourself in your own terms? Who are you really?

When you look at a sunset, you don’t find yourself suggesting corrections. You can’t control a sunset. Each morning it’s different. You just sit there, with an overwhelming feeling of reverence. People are the same as sunsets; everyone is different, yet beautiful in their own way.

Have you looked at your face in the morning, right after you’ve woken up? It has bizarre glow. That tells you what you actually are. The scars, freckles, moles, tattoos, birthmarks, are all exposed. These are evidence, reminding you that you have lived, you’ve grown and maybe you’ve fallen down a few times, but you haven’t given up, because you are still there looking into the mirror, before you are ashamed of all that truth and you decide to cover it all up with makeup. If you are ashamed to face yourself every day, you are not living it right.

Cultivate yourself. Just be yourself. You are not what you pretend; you are much more than that. You are different, you have your own cracks, and that how your inner lights comes out, blinding the whole world with your glow. You are talented, you are powerful, you are beautiful. You are enough.

Strip away all the filters that is hiding the raw you. Come out of your skin, and don’t let anyone try to put you back in. Dance, even when the world is stepping on your feet. Like a dandelion, lose your mind into the wind, and scatter into a thousand seeds. Break free of the chains that keep to inside the four walls. Your grief would become a window, when you would be able to see what you couldn’t before, through a glass of your most battered dream.

10 Tips on Surviving Pregnancy Number 2

second baby

You made it through one pregnancy, so a second should be no problem, right? Although this seems like common sense, it couldn’t be further from the truth. Experienced moms with multiple pregnancies, deliveries, and babies under their belts can attest to the fact that every pregnancy is different. Predicting how pregnancy number 2 will play out is impossible: That’s where these survival tips come in!

Be prepared for new sensations.

As much as you might be dreading them, it’s a good idea to reacquaint yourself with pregnancy symptoms. At the same time, note that there are likely to be some differences between your first pregnancy and your second. For example, the Mayo Clinic reports that your breasts might show fewer changes, but your bump might show earlier. You might feel baby’s motions earlier too!

If you had complications during your first pregnancy, know that they might return.

If you had gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, high blood pressure, or any other complications during your first pregnancy, it is possible that they might return during your second pregnancy. The good news is that you now know what to watch for, and that you have developed strategies for coping, if necessary. Reduce associated stress by sharing your concerns with your doctor before any problems arise.

Remember how you coped during your first pregnancy.

How did you deal with your sore back? What helped keep your feet from swelling? Which foods made you feel good? Recalling some seemingly insignificant details can help you feel more comfortable throughout your pregnancy.

Prep your body for labor, delivery, and postpartum demands.

Many women find that their bodies recover more slowly from the second pregnancy than from the first. Ask your doctor if it’s OK to exercise, and then enjoy the process of building your strength. You can take your current child on walks with you or even get him or her involved in your prenatal yoga routine, making fitness more fun and for the second time around, a dual girdle should help you even when exercising isn’t an option, that’s why so many turn to a postpartum girdle from Bellefit.

Consider taking a refresher labor and delivery course.

If it’s been a while since you had your first child, consider signing yourself and your partner up for labor and delivery courses. Be sure to practice your breathing and kegels just like you did during your first pregnancy.

Plan for childcare ahead of your expected due date.

Make plans as early as you can, and you’ll alleviate some of the third-trimester stress that comes with adding a new baby to an already-busy household. Grandma, an aunt, or even a family friend might be willing to stay with your first child while you’re at the hospital.

Let some things go.

Let your toddler watch more TV so you can relax. Let up on the housework (just a little) if you’re exhausted, or hire someone else to help out once a week. Allow your first child to eat more convenience foods, or pre-pack snacks all at once so you have a little less work to do each day. Cutting a few insignificant corners can help a lot, so consider easing up!

Look forward to shorter labor.

While it’s not always the case, your second visit to the labor and delivery department might be shorter than the first. This is definitely something to look forward to!

Know that love is an unlimited resource.

Many second-time moms are worried about whether they’ll have enough love to share with a new baby. Love is something that expands and grows. Your second child will be just as precious as your first – and it will be a lot of fun to share all the new experiences together.

Have fun preparing child number one for life as an older sibling.

It can be a lot of fun to share your pregnancy with your first child, and bond over how much your family will love having a new baby to care for. Read special stories to prepare for baby’s arrival, teach songs, and make this time special. It’s one of the best things about pregnancy number two!


All Good Things Must Come to an End


Why do things that feel so right end? Why does your best friend need to move to another country? Why does the college trip have to end? Why do we all need to graduate and take up a job, instead of staying in college all our lives? Why do we need to move to a job which pays better, leaving the one which was so comfortable? Why can’t we simply continue our life the way it is right now?
Nothing lasts forever. Not even your best experiences. Things we embrace, times we enjoy, people we love, all come to an end. What eventually stay are the million memories we’ve made all along. A good book, school, college, a movie, your favorite TV show, all end at some point.
Remember your past in a glorious manner, instead of cribbing about the changes in your life. Let us rejoice our memories and be glad about it.

All good things must end, because there is always better, which is yet to come. There is always a more adventurous experience waiting for you at your doorstep. You need to accept the fact that this is now over, and instead of being sad about it, you should be excited about the new beginnings. As they say, every end is another new beginning.

Sometime you need to let go of things simply because you don’t want things to go bad in future. At times things that were good go sour only because you held on to it for far too long. At times things which are good right now are disrupted by unfortunate life events which leave a long-lasting negative effect. All of a sudden, something that was a source of joy and comfort is gone, leaving us with a bewildering void. Realize the right time. Leave before things go south.

Maybe at this point you are complaining about why it ended, but there would be a point in life when you would be mature enough to understand why it was necessary. You would realize that whatever happened was meant to happen and everything you are today, you are because you let things go at the right time.

‘The light is more powerful than the dark; and perhaps, in some sense, knowing those moments in our past that still glow are enough to enable us to let them go.’

Back To School With #LifeLock

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I am a LifeLock Ambassador and was compensated for this post but ALL opinions are my own!!

School for most kids has either started or will be starting within the next week.  School here in Delaware started on Monday which meant new clothes, sneakers and tons of school supplies for Sabreena, Shaun and Shae. The kids seem pretty excited for school for the most part and I am as well but the one thing that I am not looking forward to is all of the forms that Melinda and I will need to fill out.

I am not a fan of filling out tons of forms that contain personal information and then trusting my children to get them back to school. I’m not saying I don’t trust my kids I am just saying a lot of stuff can happen between the bus stop and the classroom.  I often wonder how much of the information that we are required to fill out and send back to school is actually needed.  Shaun and Shae go to the same school but we are still required to fill out the same general forms with the same exact information.  I often wonder who at the school sees these forms and what is being done to safe guard our personal information.  I am hoping that the forms are filed and that only authorized personnel are able to access them when necessary.

According to LifeLock, children make prime targets for identity thieves specifically because they have no credit history and thus, clean credit reports. Also, because parents don’t think to check their children’s credit histories, the theft can continue unchecked for over a decade. How appealing are children’s identities to identity thieves? According to a recent news article, police agencies are saying children are now the fastest growing segment of identity theft victims.

After reading that children are prime targets for identity theft it scares me even more that I am required to provide so much personal information that I am not even 100% sure is really necessary.  All I can do is cross my fingers and hope that the school is taking every precaution necessary to keep my kids identity safe and every piece of personal information confidential.  Since I am not a fan of crossing my fingers the only fool proof thing to do is stay protected with LifeLock so that I know I am cover and that my children’s  identity is safe and secure.

If you are looking for that extra step in keeping you and your families identity safe make sure you have LifeLock.

Also, find LifeLock identity theft tips that fit your lifestyle in their new LifeLock for Life Tips tab HERE.

For more awesome tips and offers be sure to follow LifeLock on Twitter and Facebook.

Keep Safe While On Vacation With #LifeLock

I am a LifeLock Ambassador and was compensated for this post but ALL opinions are my own!!

If your family is like mine you look forward to June so that school ends and the kids are finally on vacation for the summer.  I always look forward to summer because to me summer means vacation.  I love vacation but packing and getting ready for a week of fun in the sun tends to be very stressful on so many levels.  We are a family of five so a week away from the house means Melinda and I need to pack a lot of clothes, food and toys and the last thing I want to worry about is identity theft.

Don’t forget vacation time doesn’t mean relax on protecting your identity time.  Vacation destinations are prime spots for you and your identity to be targeted and stolen.

Here are a few tips that can help keep you protected:

  • Use public Wi-Fi carefully – Don’t access banking or private information via public Wi-Fi especially in your hotels.  Hackers can easily hack non-secure Wi-Fi connections.
  • Utilize the hotel safe – If your room has a hotel safe be sure to place any personal items in it such as passports, extra money, travelers checks, birth certificates, etc.
  • Use credit not debit – if for some reason your information is stolen or you lose you card you will be less liable with a credit card than with a debit card.
  • Keep your smart phone safe – If you are like me your smart phone has tons of personal information on it that a thief would have a field day with if they got their hands on it. Be sure to keep it safe and know where it is at all times.

During vacation it is very easy for chaos to break out and for you to become disorganized.  I know on many occasions I have misplaced items like my keys and even my phone for a short period of time but thankfully I found them relatively fast.  Sometimes people aren’t as lucky and that is when bad things can happen.  I am not saying that all fo my tips are fool proof and will protect you 100% but they will help you drastically.

If you are looking for that extra step in keeping you and your families identity safe make sure you have LifeLock.

Also, find LifeLock identity theft tips that fit your lifestyle in their new LifeLock for Life Tips tab HERE.

For more awesome tips and offers be sure to follow LifeLock on Twitter and Facebook.

Getting Married with #LifeLock

LifeLock Logo with TaglineI am a LifeLock Ambassador and was compensated for this post but ALL opinions are my own!!

Unfortunately identity theft is real and happens daily to innocent people all over the world so be sure to protect yourself with LifeLock so that you don’t become another statistic.

This July Melinda and I will be married 12 years and when we first got married I am not sure we ever thought about if our identity was safe but that isn’t the case today.  With everything being done electronically it’s way to simple for someone to swoop in and steal your identity without even blinking an eye so it’s more important than ever to protect yourself as well as your loved ones.

Thankfully #LifeLock has your back 24/7 365 days a year so you no longer need to worry about your identity being stolen.  If you are about to embark on a life together with your soul mate there is no better way to start your marriage than with LifeLock. A lot of people figure having their identity stolen will never happen to them but why take that unnecessary chance if you don’t need to. People are always giving gifts like money or a serving platter that will never get used so why not give the bride and groom a gift that will keep on giving them piece of mind and I am talking about LifeLock.  I know it seems like a weird wedding gift to give but I think the bridge and groom will appreciate the effort you are trying to make.

Here is a good LifeLock tip for new brides or brides to be : Getting married and changing your name? Keep personal info safe by doing identity-changing paperwork in person.

Remember identity theft isn’t segregated to any one group and it can happen to anyone at any time and when it does it will be a total mess to fix and get straighten out unless you have LifeLock.

If you enroll today you will receive a special promo offer for 30 DAYS FREE and 10% OFF your membership for the lifetime of your account. Click HERE or call 1-800-543-3562 and use the promo code ORG30 to redeem your discount offer and get protected today.

Trust me when I say this will be the best gift you ever gave.

Also, find LifeLock identity theft tips that fit your lifestyle in their new LifeLock for Life Tips tab HERE.

For more awesome tips and offer be sure to follow LifeLock on Twitter and Facebook.





Keep Your Kids Protected With #LifeLock

I am a LifeLock Ambassador and was compensated for this post but ALL opinions are my own!!

Two weeks ago our 17 year old daughter landed her very first job at a place that is near and dear to my heart, BWW (Buffalo Wild Wings).  I am extremely happy that Sabreena is now working but with work comes responsibility and she now has to be sure to keep her identity safe from people who may try to pray on her due to her age.

The first thing we needed to do was open a checking account for her so that she has an account for her paychecks to be direct deposited into.  With her checking account comes an ATM card and this will be her first checking account and ATM card so needless to say I am pretty nervous.  Sabreena sometimes tends to be scattered brained and I am worried her ATM card or checking account information may fall into the wrong persons hands. Thankfully LifeLock will keep Sabreena safe and protect while giving me the piece of mind that I need so that my OCD doesn’t kick into overdrive.  I know when I was 17 I never worried about keeping my identity safe and I am sure Sabreena isn’t either which is fine because that is my job as well as LifeLock’s for the time being.

Just remember identity thieves don’t just pray on older established people they pray on anyone who leaves their personal information out for the taking.  Teens and young adults need to try and remember this if possible and do everything in their power to keep themselves safe and secure.

If you have a young teen or recent college grad you may want to give them a gift that will keep on giving and that gift is a LifeLock membership.  If you enroll today you will receive a special promo offer for 30 DAYS FREE and 10% OFF your membership for the lifetime of your account. Click HERE or call 1-800-543-3562 and use the promo code ORG30 to redeem your discount offer and get protected today.

Trust me when I say this will be the best gift you ever gave.

For more awesome tips and offer be sure to follow LifeLock on Twitter and Facebook.


Document Spring Cleaning #LifeLock

April 15th is less than two weeks away which means most of us should be in the home stretch when it comes to taxes. If you aren’t in the home stretch you better get a move on and fast because the tax man waits for no one. Just because tax day is less than two weeks away doesn’t mean you should drop the ball now after being so diligent and proactive all year long. You need to always keep your eye on the prize and the prize is keeping your identity safe and secure from thieves.

The way I like to keep my families identity safe is every spring after tax time I like to organize all important documents from the year prior and shred what I no longer need. I could probably do a little every month throughout the year but I don’t and I wait every single year until the last minute and do it all in one day which takes ALL day. The good news is that I am pretty good at keeping everything all in one place but I am not very good and keeping it all organized during the year.

Like I already mentioned any documents that I no longer need from the prior year I make sure I shred them. Don’t just throw your important documents in the trash for someone to find and steal your identity. Also, tearing up documents is better than nothing but if you want to make sure your important documents don’t get into the wrong persons hand invest in a shredder and you will never have to worry again.

What do you do to keep your identity safe? Do you go through your important documents and get rid of ones you no longer need?

Also, don’t forget to play the LifeLock for Life Sweepstakes on Facebook where all you need to do is “LIKE” LifeLock on Facebook then visit the LifeLock for Life tab and begin playing by answering different questions for great prizes. For the month of April the questions will be focusing on tax time so make sure you play every week for a chance to win some really cool prizes.

Be sure to follow LifeLock on Twitter, Facebook and Google +

I have received compensation for my participation as a LifeLock Ambassador but ALL opinions are my own.

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Protect Yourself During Tax Season #LifeLock

People say that March and April are the two worse months of the year due to tax season.  I guess in a way I can agree but in my mind it’s something that needs to be done regardless of how horrible it’s going to be so I just try to muscle through it as fast as I can so that I can put it behind me for another year.


Just remember that tax season is when ALL of your most important information is all in one place so you need to be extra careful and make sure your tax information doesn’t fall into the wrong hands leading to identity theft.

Here are a few tips you should try and remember this tax season:

  • There are hundreds if not thousands of tax prepares that claim they can check current as well as past tax returns to get you the largest refund.  Make sure the person you get to check your returns is legit and belongs to a reputable tax firm.
  • While doing your taxes at home never leave all of you important tax documents laying out in the open.  When you are finished with your taxes be sure to secure your documents.
  • Make sure if you are searching for tax forms online to only search  Any other site could be phishing for your personal information.
  • NEVER carry your social security card with you.  Always keep it in a safe place at home.
  • Keep important documents locked in a safe if possible.
  • Buy a shredder and shread any documents that you no loonger need that may contain your personal information.

Now that tax season is in full swing be sure to keep your eyes open and your guard up to identity thieves and even more so once the tax season is over.  Thieves will be hoping that once tax season is over you will let your guard down which will allow them to steal your identity without any fight.  Don’t be that person.

Also, don’t forget to play the LifeLock for Life Sweepstakes on Facebook where all you need to do is “LIKE” LifeLock on Facebook then visit the LifeLock for Life tab and begin playing by answering different questions for great prizes. For the month of March/April the questions will be focusing on tax time so make sure you play every week for a chance to win some really cool prizes.

Be sure to follow LifeLock on Twitter, Facebook and Google +

I have received compensation for my participation as a LifeLock Ambassador but ALL opinions are my own.

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Keep Your Identity Safe While Moving #LifeLock

For the month of January and February we are talking about buying a new home while keeping your identity safe.  You can see my post that I did for January HERE.

Buying a home is the biggest purchase we will ever make and keeping our identity safe while doing so is just as important and buying the house.  These days everyone asks for our social security number to verify our identity but we as consumers and home buyers need to make sure that doesn’t fall into the wrong persons hands.  Our identity is who we are and we need to remember that and keep it as safe as we possibly can.

I am not saying you can never reveal anything about yourself to anyone but here are a few tips to remember that will help safeguard your identity:

  • Never give a person or company your Social Security number unless they have a legitimate reason for knowing it. If a company doesn’t need to check your credit, they most likely don’t need your Social Security number.
  • Keep all financial documents in a safe place like a lockbox or safe.  If you no longer need statements or documents that contain your personal information be sure to shred them so that your information doesn’t get into the wrong hands.
  • When buying a new home and moving use a reputable moving company that comes highly recommended.  Never use a mover unless you know who will be handling your personal items.
  • Consider placing an alert on your credit report. Fraud alert messages notify creditors to verify a person’s identification before extending credit in that person’s name.
  • Be present during your entire move if possible.  Movers that see you walking around and checking stuff out will be less likely to try any funny business.
  • Transport any sensitive information yourself like wills, bank statements, credit card statements, etc.
  • NEVER keep your laptop or desktop computer open and unattended during your move.  Keep them password protected and close by so that your information doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.

So like I have said in the past none of the above tips are 100% fool proof but you can greatly reduce your risk of identity theft if you are extra cautious and take the extra steps necessary to keep your information and identity safe.

Also, don’t forget to play the  LifeLock for Life Sweepstakes on Facebook where all you need to do is “LIKE” LifeLock on Facebook then visit the LifeLock for Life tab and begin playing by answering different questions for great prizes.  For the month of February the questions will be focusing on buying a new home so make sure you play every week for a chance to win some really cool prizes.

Be sure to follow LifeLock on Twitter, Facebook and Google +

I have received compensation for my participation as a LifeLock Ambassador but ALL opinions are my own.

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