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Yoga for Anxious Kids


Anxiety disorders are fairly common among children. However, if not treated, it could affect the child’s overall confidence and happiness. Yoga has been known to help alleviate anxiety and stress in people. The ancient practice of yoga helps to unite one’s mind, body and spirit. Kids are known to grasp concepts faster than adults, and have extremely flexible bodies. Doing yoga is an effective way for children to reduce anxiety. It is also helps improve their confidence, and discipline them. Help your little ones try out these ten yoga postures in order to alleviate anxiety and boost their confidence!

1. Snake posture

Benefits: Helps improve blood circulation, improves flexibility, reduces stress and useful for people with respiratory problems.
• Lie face down with your feet together, and your forehead touching the ground.
• Place your palms in line with your chest
• As you inhale, raise your head and chest off the floor; looking upwards.
• Exhale, and slowly release the posture to come back face down on the ground.

2. Warrior posture

Benefits: Strengthens the legs and pelvis, relieves back pain, and alleviates anxiety.
• Place your legs four feet apart; with your right leg in front and your left leg at the back.
• Turn your torso to a side.
• Now, turn your right foot 90˚, and your left foot 60˚.
• As you inhale, stretch your hands upwards.
• When you exhale, bend your right knee as you stretch your left leg.
• Repeat with your left leg in front and your right leg at the back.

3. Tree posture

Benefits: Helps strengthen the bones and muscles, improves concentration and stability, and helps calm the mind.
• Stand straight with your feet close to each other.
• Keep your hands to the sides, with fingers pointing downwards
• Lift your right leg, and place your foot on the inner thigh of your left leg.
• Fold your hands in prayer position and focus on your breathing
• Slowly place your right foot down, and repeat the steps with your other leg.

4. Camel posture

Benefits: Corrects hunched-back, relieves chest congestion and helps improves confidence.
• Kneel down, with your legs slightly apart and your palms on your hips.
• As you inhale, extend your chest and abdomen forward and bend backwards while looking upwards.
• Focus on your breathing, and slowly return to the start position.

5. Fog posture

Benefits: Helps tone legs, improves blood circulation and reduce stress.
• Stand with your feet slightly apart.
• Bend your knees and sit down, placing your hands between your feet.
• While you concentrate on your breathing, lean forward and shift your body weight to your hands.
• Slowly raise the soles of your feet upwards.
• Gently place the soles of your feet to the ground and stand up.

6. Downward facing dog posture

Benefits: Helps tone muscles, strengthens the body and leaves you feeling energized and calm.
• Get on all fours so that your back remains straight and parallel with the floor. This is the table pose.
• Now, push up your hips by straightening the knees and elbows so that your body forms an inverted V shape.
• Hands must be shoulder-width apart, feet must be hip-width apart and parallel to each other, and toes should point straight ahead.
• Hold the pose for 30-60 seconds and take long deep breaths.
• Exhale and slowly return to the table pose. Relax.

7. Cat posture

Benefits: Improves blood circulations, relaxes the mind, strengthens the wrists and shoulders and improves spinal flexibility
• Get on all fours so that your back remains straight and parallel with the floor. This is the table pose.
• Your arms must be perpendicular to the floor; with your hands directly under the shoulders and your knees must be hip-width apart.
• Look straight ahead.
• As you inhale, raise your chin and tilt your head back and push your navel downwards. Raise your tailbone upwards and compress your buttocks.
• Hold the pose and take long, deep breaths.
• As you exhale, drop your chin to your chest, arch your back upwards and relax the buttocks.
• Hold the pose for a few seconds before returning to the table pose.

8. Star posture

Benefits: Improves flexibility, helps maintain balance and builds confidence.
• Stand straight with your feet close to each other and your hands by your side.
• Slide your legs widely apart.
• Stretch your arms upwards on either side in such a way that you take the shape of a star.
• While you hold this position, concentrate on your breathing.
• Lower your hands and slowly stand upright again.

9. Child posture

Benefits: Helps alleviate anxiety and strengthens the back.
• Sit on your heels. Bend forward and lower your forehead to the floor.
• Keep your arms alongside your body with the hands on the floor and your palms facing upwards.
• Gently press your chest on the thighs and hold the pose.
• After holding the pose for one or two minutes, slowly lift yourself up to sit back on your heels.

10. Corpse Pose

Benefits: Helps alleviate insomnia, useful in reducing stress and calm the mind.
• Lie flat on your back and close your eyes.
• Keep your legs apart, with your toes facing to the sides. Place your arms a little spread apart from your body, with your palms open and facing upward. Relax your arms and legs completely.
• Slowly relax your entire body by taking your attention to different parts of your body.
• Begin by bringing your attention to your right foot, move on to the right knee and so on. Slowly move upwards to your head after relaxing both your legs.
• Focus on your breathing; keep breathing slowly, gently and deeply.
• After 10-20 minutes, while keeping your eyes closed, slowly roll onto your right side. Lie in that position for a minute or so.
• By taking the support of your right hand, gently sit up.
• Keep your eyes closed and focus on your breathing as you gradually become more aware of your relaxed body and mind. Slowly open your eyes.

The Benefits of Counselling for Relationships


Lots of relationships suffer from lying and cheating and it can often make people feel like they are not good enough for their partner. Depending on whether you stay together with the partner who has deceived you or you split up with them, you will likely still feel very strong emotions about what has happened. It is very important not to let your feelings build up because it has been proven that talking about your feelings helps lighten the burden.

What is counselling

Counselling is traditionally a paid service that takes place face to face with a trained professional. This is also known as talking therapy and it can be very effective in finding the root of any problems that you may have. This goes for everything from job dissatisfaction to issues with parents and our focus – relationships. People are often afraid to try a counsellor but those who do, often wonder why they didn’t do it sooner.

Online counselling

Counselling does not necessarily need to take place in an office. A great way of talking about your problems is by using an online relationship counsellor. Websites like Ask a Coach allow you to choose your own budget and get counselling when it suits you. This is great for people who maybe don’t want their partners to know about their counselling. It is important to note however that you should never be embarrassed about getting help from someone.

Benefits of counselling

Counselling is very important, and the benefits definitely outweigh any drawbacks or doubts that you may have. Unfortunately, counsellors cannot always solve your problems immediately. Over time, they can help to uncover any underlying issues that you may have. This could range from traumatic events that have affected you more than you realise to previous relationships which have affected how you react to new ones.

In terms of relationships, counselling can be very effective in saving your relationship or telling you that it is time to move on. Counselling does not always have to be a one on one chat. Relationship counselling can include both members of the relationship. If you’ve suffered from a cheating partner, this is a great way to talk through your problems in a safe environment. This can often lead to revelations as often the partner does not see how the other person feels until they are forced to face up to what they have done with a counsellor present.


We think that counselling is very important, regardless of whether you do it in the traditional way or through online services. Overcoming any problems with a partner is crucial, whether they are because of lying, cheating or just a lack of trust in a relationship. Your mental health is something that you should take great care of and talking through your problems is a great way of doing this. If you need any more advice check out the other topics on our websites which can help you think clearly about your relationship.

Memory Foam: Why It Is Best for Pregnant Ladies and How to Buy Them

Memory foam mattress

Eight out of ten people that you come across in the span of a day is burdened with responsibilities in some way or the other. Whether it is at school, work or home, tasks keep piling on top of each other, and before long, managing everything becomes so exhausting that it starts affecting one’s health. As per recent studies, most people suffer from sleep apnea these days. If not treated with urgency, this disorder can lead to serious health problems.

Sound sleep is essential for expecting mothers:

Pregnant women need a good night’s rest more than others. Sound sleep and a healthy lifestyle go hand in hand, especially during pregnancy. Now, the mattress that you are sleeping on has much to do with how well you are sleeping.

Foam mattresses or spring mattresses that have conventionally been used by pregnant ladies have been found to be insufficient in terms of back support that ladies need during this particular phase. That is why doctors suggest the use of memory foams for expecting ladies to reduce the strain on the back, shoulder, and feet that they often have to endure.

Memory foam provides pregnant ladies with adequate lumbar support:

It would not be wrong to say that memory foam mattresses are in high demands these days, primarily due to its excellent support attributes. When a person uses it, the mattress can mold itself to provide the best support to the person’s back, neck, and feet according to the person’s body weight and temperature. The best part is, the mattress again regains its previous form once it cools down. If another person uses it then, it will again mold itself to provide maximum support.

Factors to consider before buying memory foam mattresses:

  • This type of mattress can have a thickness anywhere between seven inches to sixteen inches. These mattresses can also be customized. Buy one that is most suitable for your use.
  • Gel-infused foam is the latest version of this type of mattress. These lose heat very fast after a user gets up, and it regains its original form sooner than the others. Thus, these are easier to use.
  • The thickness of the mattress is directly proportional to the user’s sleeping comfort. The thicker a mattress is, the more will be the cozy comfort that the user experiences.

Since memory foam mattresses have been confirmed as one of the best types, many companies are developing and designing their own versions of memory foam. Needless to say, various offers are out on a variety of these products. Some come with pillows, some are infused tea extracts, and some others are designed keeping the users’ sleeping habits in mind. To know which ones are the most suitable for your requirements, view full review of each mattress that is available on different sites. You can also ask your doctor for guidance. So, get ready to train your mattress and sleep well.

Author Bio :Silvia Watson is a freelance content writer. She has written many good and informative articles on different categories such as technology, health, fashion, education, career, travel etc. She is a featured author at various authoritative blogs in the health and fitness industry and currently associated as a blogger with

The Bodybuilding Benchmark – Raising the Bar For Form and Safety

Body building

One thing that bodybuilding hasn’t ever done well is looking after the health and wellbeing of its partakers. You see bodybuilding and “muscle men” competitions, filled with people who are visually strong but physically weak in many ways.

Due to the drive of having the most visible muscles, many bodybuilders neglect developing the mobility they need to stay flexible and limber throughout their competitions. This is why many bodybuilders can be seen walking around stiffly – their entire upper body moving very little. This can be avoided with proper form and technique training, and we’re going to go into that a little today in our article on raising the bar for form and safety.


When it comes to exercise, knowing your limits and how and when to push them is very important. Working out isn’t as rewarding when you aren’t doing things you didn’t think you could do, so pushing your limits is a must However, pushing yourself too far can result in injuries that can last a long time. Keep in mind that, when it comes to weight training, the weight should not weigh so much that you struggle to prepare for your sets with it. Keeping your back straight when dead lifting and squatting is an absolute must, and you shouldn’t undertake these exercises unless you know how to do them properly. This is because back injuries can seriously and negatively affect you for the rest of your life.


Making sure that any possible guards and safety protocols are in place for potentially dangerous equipment can save your life, so spare no effort to that end. Leg press machines are designed to place huge loads of weight on your legs, and even safety stops won’t always stop them from breaking your legs if you aren’t careful. Worse still, those without safety stops can kill you if you fumble the plate. Never operate dangerous machines alone, and always be ready to vacate an area if a machine begins to malfunction.


Being a good spotter means learning when you should help your partner and when you should take them out of the exercise entirely. When bench pressing, for instance, you have to be beside the gym bench and ready at all times to take the bar away from your workout partner the second they struggle to lift it in any reasonable amount of time. If their arms are shaking, take some of the weight but not all of it, and if they can’t extend their arms fully, always take the whole weight away. Remember, if you can’t lift what they need help with, you can’t help them and you should find someone who can.


Knowing the theory behind the exercise you’re doing will help you to not only be safer and smarter when working out, but will also help you to tailor your workouts to your chosen goal. Say you want to have decently muscular legs and a ripped torso, you also need to work out a new diet plan for yourself to ensure you get their sooner, and your exercises should be largely chest, back, arms, and shoulder related, with a leg day every week. Taking the time to work out all of this when you begin training is important, because it will make it easier for you to stick to your plan on the days when you really don’t feel like exercising.

These tips and pointers will help you to stay safe when exercising, and avoid injury. Remember to always try to work on mobility every time you work out, as this will prevent you from having to work through multiple injuries and problems at once later on.

How to Talk With and Teach Children about Issues of Safety

accidentsEvery parent in the world wants his or her child to be happy and safe. Most of the children do live a happy and well-loved lives but the world we live in may sometimes get scary and unsafe for them. The concern of parents even rises after watching on the news the type of crime and security issues related with children that are happening around the world. Reports like accidents, molestations, kidnapping etc. are quite common these days. This has made the safety and security of the kids, the top priority for the parents. However there are certain ways through which parents can teach their children about their safety, make them aware and reduce the risk of them becoming vulnerable to such incidents. Here are some of them that will help you out to deal with this issue.

1. Safety is more important as an aspect to be focused on rather than the danger itself. As a parent one needs to be comfortable enough to talk to the child about how to deal with unknown people and situations. A child should also feel comfortable enough to open up to the parents about any mishappenings. Parents should make sure that the child is informed about the safety measures as per the suitability of their age. Kids should know what to do when they are alone at home or when someone does any inappropriate things to them.

2. Give up the fact that only strangers can harm your children. In fact in most of the cases, the real culprit is someone known who may be a relative, caretaker or guardian of the child. As a parent it is your responsibility to make your child recognize the danger arising from people who are close to him. He should be able to realize it, whenever any inappropriate action is done against the by people close to him. Thus, they need to know that they should be able to look out for their safety in all contexts and not just the strangers.

3. Kids are rule followers and they follow their parents, guardian since the very start of their lives. Use this attribute of the child to teach them some basic safety rules but should also promote reasoning and critical thinking on their part. You do not have to simply make them follow rules, but make them realize the importance and logic behind them.

Innovative Games for Family Picnics

Family picnic

Sandwiches, soda, chips etc are essentials for any outdoor picnic taking place. But not only can these things make the picnic a fun outing. Some energizing activities are also required to make the outing a fun day to remember. Activities and game that kids and also adults will enjoy and keep them occupied. If these games are not there then boredom can cut short the picnic time very quickly. With the games for all age groups, these games also are the means for the laughter and create new memories to be remembered. Also these games make the family bond even stronger and encourage the good interactions among the family members. Some of these games are listed below:

1. The Banana game: All the members stand in a line where there is a starting mark. With the help of a string a banana is kept hanging from their waist and it hovers nearly above the ground level. Each player is provided with a ball in front of them. They have to swing the tied banana and hit the ball and make it cross the finish line first. The finish line is nearly 300 feet away from the start point.

2. Egg Race: this is one of the favorite games, and it is a great game when played in a large group. Teams of two members are made and these two members are made to stand 30 feet apart from each other. They should be facing each other. An egg is placed on the spoon which they have to hold with their teeth. Now the first player has to run to their teammate without letting the egg fall. They pass the egg to the teammate and he r she runs to the initial point to complete the race.

3. Charades: this is one of the traditional games are everyone enjoys it a lot. You have to come up with list of shows or movies or anything to act out and let others guess. You cannot speak at the time you are acting or describing the name of the movie or a show. Groups can be made and each category must be made from which then type of thing must be chosen to writ in the list. These categories could be:
• One movie
• One famous person
• One phrase
• One book
• One activity
And many more games are there which refreshes the family and cut the boredom away. These games always make the picnic time enjoyable and fun to be remembered.

4 Commonly Asked Questions About Cialis


When most men are first diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, or ED, a doctor or physician may begin to recommend different medications in order to help their patients remain sexually active. One of the most commonly prescribed medications is Cialis.

Most men never look into or understand the differences between ED medications until after their diagnosis. And it can be easy to feel confused and intimidated by the multitudes of opinions, dense terminology, and various lists of side effects when beginning to take Cialis.

Going on Cialis doesn’t have to be a scary and complex experience—in fact, Cialis is commonly prescribed, widely used, and generally quite safe for men with erectile disfunction to take. If your doctor has prescribed Cialis to you, or would like to know more about the medication, here are the answers to four of the most commonly asked questions about Cialis:

1.    How can I expect to feel after taking Cialis?

Perhaps the most common question for men that are prescribed Cialis is what they can expect in terms of sensation or feeling. Given the relative obscurity of open conversations about ED in greater society, it’s perfectly understandable to be unaware of what exactly Cialis does to your body.

According to the official Cialis website, the medication is typically prescribed and designed to be taken daily, as opposed to just before you would like to attempt intercourse. Of course, the goal of the medication is to eliminate common symptoms of ED and allow you to complete successful intercourse whenever the time is right—and Cialis is available for use as needed as well.

Common side effects and unintended consequences of taking Cialis includes headaches and indigestion as well as possible muscle aches and a runny nose. More serious but rare side effects can include an erection lasting longer than four hours and impaired vision. As with any medication, if any unexpected happens or serious side effects begin to appear, consult a doctor or physician immediately.

2.    How much does it cost to take Cialis?

Adding any new medication or prescription to your regimen will certainly have an effect on your finances, and Cialis is no different. Unfortunately, the daily cost for Cialis may be higher than you were expecting.

Even when compared with several vendors, the average cost of Cialis can be hundreds of dollars for a bimonthly or monthly dosage. Even with assistance from your health insurance provider, these pills can be pretty pricey.

If you’re concerned with the financial burden of taking daily Cialis, or you simply want to save money if you can, don’t put your health at risk by personally lowering your recommended dose. Many reputable sources for savings and discounts on Cialis are available. Utilizing one or more of these services can serve to help you keep costs down and help you afford to continue your fight with ED.

3.    Will this affect my other medications?

Adding another medication to your daily regimen is not as simple as an extra pill per day. Extraneous chemicals ingested orally can have adverse effects with each other, so be sure to consult with your doctor to ensure both of you know exactly what’s going into your body each day.

Aside from professional consultation, many helpful pieces of information about taking Cialis alongside other commonly ingested medication can be found on the Cialis website. Many of these recommendations are logical, and are to be assumed when taking medication—such as the need to avoid other ED medications, and ingesting too much alcohol.

But these aren’t the only things you need to avoid when taking Cialis. Those who suffer from hypertension (or high blood pressure) need to be especially careful when introducing Cialis into their bodies. Since both medications lower your blood pressure, taking both at the same time can result in a drastic change in blood pressure that can be hazardous and potentially fatal.

Alway remember to follow your doctor’s instructions when taking Cialis, and to never take hypertension medication at the same time as Cialis, unless otherwise professionally told to do so.

4.    How fast does Cialis work?

There’s a common misconception around ED medication and their effects on the body. And while it can be easy to assume that Cialis must be taken immediately before attempting intercourse, the truth is, the active ingredients in Cialis don’t need a heads up.

The Cialis website dictates that most prescriptions of the ED medication recommend a daily dosage that should last you all day. Or, in other words, there’s no need to take an extra dose if you’re planning to be sexually active immediately.

Alternatively, if you’re prescribed Cialis for use as needed, a 20mg dose can work as quickly as half an hour.

Regardless of how often you need to take Cialis, remember that the effects of Cialis last for up to 36 hours. If you find yourself sexually active more than once in such a time frame, there should be no need to take an extra dose.

Compared to many other ED medications on the market, there’s no bypassing the half hour it takes for Cialis to enter your bloodstream and take effect. In fact, much of the draw for men to use Cialis specifically is due to the freedom it grants, and the elimination of a need to plan around your pill for intercourse.


There are many misconceptions out that can be found about erectile dysfunction, drugs like Cialis, or the results and side effects that you may experience. Luckily, there’s a wealth of information online to be found that to inform you of how often you need to take Cialis, what to expect when on the pill, and different ways to seek discounts on your medication.

Don’t let Cialis and ED stop you from living your life or hurting your ability to have successful intercourse. We hope that these answers about the function and necessity of Cialis have given you some piece of mind when implementing Cialis into your daily routine. Soon enough, you’ll forget that you ever even worried.

Did you find the information in this article helpful? Leave us a comment with your feedback in the section below.

How to Get Your Kids to Stop Begging


Children can be very demanding. When they want something, they expect to get it, and will not take no for an answer. There are so many kinds of parenting styles; some parents are strict and others are pretty liberal. It is extremely important for parents to find a middle ground; to know when and how to discipline their young ones. Every house must have one basic rule: “No means No”. However, it can be really difficult to be firm with kids when they are constantly throwing tantrums to get things their way. Throwing tantrums does not make them greedy children; they just don’t know how to control their desires. It is hard not to say no to those adorable puppy-dog faces that they make, but parents have to be firm and consistent with their decisions. I remember this one time when I noticed a colleague hesitantly giving her daughter candy before lunch. When I questioned her about it, she admitted that she does so only because she was sick and tired of listening to her daughter’s tantrums. When parents give in to their children’s demands, not only do the kids get what they want, but they also gain knowledge for future reference that their parents can be easily convinced. It can be difficult to handle such kids, but with a few tricks up your sleeves, you will be able to finally get your kids to stop begging. Given below are a bunch of situations starring Parent and Child, where Child begs for something, and how Parent deals with it. Good luck!

SCENE ONE: The Departmental Store

SITUATION: Parent and Child are out grocery shopping. Finally, they reach the much dreaded candy isle. The Parent tries to divert the attention of the child, but the child runs right over to the tall rows of candy. The excited Child asks the Parent to buy a candy. Like all good parents, the Parent says NO. The Child asks again and again, but when he realizes that the Parent is trying to be firm, he falls to the ground, in public, and starts bawling. Embarrassed, the Parent has to buy the candy to make the Child stop crying in public. Child gets what he wants.
REMEDY: Saying NO over and over again does not put an end to the conversation. Initially, when the Child asks for candy, the Parent can say no. When the Child tries to beg, the Parent can just simply say “Asked & Answered”. It lets the Child know that the conversation is over. If you are consistent with it, your child will eventually stop begging!

SCENE TWO: “Parent, there’s this party tonight…”

SITUATION: The Child nervously approaches her Parent. Gathering up enough courage, the Child asks the Parent if he can go for a party tonight. After asking for details, the Parent says no and justifies their decision. The Child asks again. The Parent says no. The Child begs, and tries to emotionally blackmail the Parent to let him go. Feeling bad, the Parent gives in, and allows the Child to go.

REMEDY: It is extremely likely that a child will try to emotionally blackmail a parent to get his/her way. The Parent must stay firm no matter what the Child may say. The Parent takes the decision knowing what is best for the Child. When the Child asks for the first time, the Parent can say no and justify their decision. When the Child asks again, the Parent should say,” We have already spoken about it. This conversation is over.” Saying this dialogue over and over again like a robot will teach the Child that the Parent’s decision is final, and there is no point begging.


SITUATION: The Child begs the Parent for permission to watch the television while having dinner. The Parent refuses, and reminds the Child that it is against the rules of the house to watch the television while eating dinner. The Child starts throwing tantrums and refuses to eat the food. The helpless Parent is forced to let the Child watch television, so that the Child eats his dinner.
REMEDY: It is really important for parents to remain firm with their decisions, so that the child understands that the parent cannot be taken advantage of. In this case, Parent should have really stuck to her decision in not allowing Child to watch television and eat dinner at the same time. By allowing the Child to do so, the Parent is letting the Child know that the rules of the house can be easily bent according to the demands of the Child. The Child will feel that throwing tantrums is the easy way to get what he wants. Instead, the Parent must be consistent with her decision, and stay by it no matter what. When the Child asks initially, the Parent can refuse and remind the child that it is against the rules of the house. When the Child asks again, the Parent can say,” The decision has been made. If you ask again, there will be consequences.” If the Child dares to ask again, the consequence will be that he will be grounded for a week. The Child might initially throw a lot of tantrums, but he will soon realize that nothing can make the Parent change her mind. Eventually, all the begging will stop!

How to Transition Your Elderly Parents into Your Home

Many people decide to move their children into their own home to provide love, care, and support as they age. Your parents have been there to love you and watch you grow up, and now you want to give back. If you’re considering moving your parents into your home, follow this guide to make the process easier.

parents at home

  1. Be Realistic About how Much Care You Can Provide

You want to give them the world, but you have to be realistic about the type of care you can provide. There are several factors to consider, including:

  • Your Budget

Your budget will affect how much care you can provide. You’ll need to factor in your parent’s lifestyle needs and medical costs to create a proper living situation that accommodates both of you.

  • Your Time

If you want your parents to move in with you, it’s time to make room in your schedule. If you have a job, a family, and other responsibilities, making time can be tough. Rearrange your schedule with you and your partner to determine what you can both handle.

  • Your Space

Your parents will need their own room if they’re to live with you. You may need to move your kids to the same room, or add a bedroom downstairs to accommodate them.

  1. See if Your Parent can Contribute

If your parent has a retirement savings, ask them to contribute to their new living situation. Together, you can combine resources to pay for home renovations, cost of living, and a better living environment for everyone in the home. If you have other siblings or close family members, ask them to contribute to your parent’s care to ease the financial burden.

  1. Prepare Your Home

If your parent has a specific medical condition, you’ll have to adjust your home to accommodate them. Major modifications include stair lifts, hand rails, sit-down showers, slip-proof floors, and padding the corners of countertops and coffee tables.

Hire an occupational therapist or contractor to assess your home and suggest any modifications. They’ll take into account your parent’s special needs, including whether they use a wheelchair, a walker, or have another physical limitation. They may compile a list of changes like an entry ramp or brighter outdoor lighting to make your space livable for your parent.

  1. Speak with Your Family

Before your parents move in, you need to talk to your family about the changes they’ll face. Have an open discussion with your spouse and kids about what they can expect, and ask them about their needs. Negotiate together what you can accommodate within the family and establish a new routine for everyone to follow. If you have young children, talk to your spouse or partner about splitting the family responsibilities between the two of you.

  1. Set Up Family Activities

You need to make the most out of the remaining time you have with your loved one, so plan activities that the whole family can enjoy. Cook a Sunday dinner together, or have a game night once a week. Engage your parents by having them share their memories with the whole family, and take them on a day trip once a month. Create family memories together that you and your kids can look back on for years to come.

family activities

  1. Consider a Caretaker

You love your parent, but you may not be able to shoulder the responsibility on your own. Lack of time and unforeseen circumstances may require you to rely on a caretaker for help. A professional home caregiver will allow you more time to tend to your responsibilities without leaving your parent alone.  Additionally, home caregivers provide medicine reminders, basic housework, and personal care.

If your parent suffers from dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, or another neurological impairment, consider installing the best medical alert systems to help. With a medical alert device, you can track your parent using a built-in GPS. Should they get confused, have a fall, or suffer another unforeseen circumstance, they can click a button and alert an emergency service right away.

If you’re planning to move your parent into your home, consider these steps to arrange the right accommodations for your family.

How can you be a Great Networker?

become a better networker

Networking basically involves interacting with others, something that is absolutely necessary to be a successful entrepreneur. Taking note of others’ expectations and adjusting our behavior accordingly, to leave a positive impression isn’t something that everyone is equipped with. This article is going to list down some qualities you could work on:

  • Good Listener: Success comes to those who listen and learn. When you listen to your customer’s requests and queries, you’re able to gather all the information and then make the appropriate changes to fit your customer’s need. Listening skills also improve a company’s interaction with customers.
  • Positive Attitude: Having a positive attitude and greeting your customers with a wide smile certainly pays-off, because believe it or not there’s a lot more to business than pushing your product. Have a “Can-do” attitude. If you believe, only then can you convince the world to believe in it too. Enthusiasm is a contagious energy. When you are enthusiastic about something, you increase the positive energy around you. It relaxes others, and people are more receptive to you and your message.
  • Be collaborative: Get out of the ‘doing-it-only-for-myself’ zone and have a willingness to help others. Helping others shows you care and it builds trust. Trust is important for every transaction- business or personal.
  • Sincerity and Authenticity: People in this field when you are faking it. Faking it isn’t sustainable — and it doesn’t work. Clear your head of the distractions and try to focus on the speaker and less on what’s going around you. Listening demands full attention as difficult as it may sound. Try to shut off your own agendas and listen to what the other has to say.
  • Communicate Clearly: A conflict can arise when an individual feels misunderstood or mistreated, so try to ask more questions to clear everything out.
  • Follow up: You can’t have a great first conversation and never catch up again. The real game lies in the follow ups, most people lose the ball when they don’t follow up.
  • Trustworthy: Competence is nothing but simply the ability to do something. And there is no doubt that competency arises from guaranteeing your work. No one will work with you if they are not able to trust you.
  • Approachable: Allow people to feel comfortable around you, and they will never forget you. Effective deals and networking start with approachability.