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DIY Ideas to Save and Generate Electricity

If you are a housewife with kids at home, you might have, at least once, quarreled your husband because of the high electricity bill. Electricity bills are getting high due to rise in the prices of fuel. But still where there’s competition, you can still find electricity at a lower cost. So the best idea is electricity retailers’ comparison before you apply for the connection. Once you are sure that you have applied for the connection to the company or retailer offering lowest rate, you have half the job. The next job will be done by you, not the electricity supply company or the retailers.

Here we will tell you how can you save or generate electricity at home with little or no cost. Start saving from electricity bills and start investing in your own power generation so that you may bring the electricity cost to zero.

light bulb

Solar Panel

Solar Panel is considered the most economical and eco-friendly energy source. Once you install it, you have installed your own powerhouse at home, which can supply you free energy for at least a decade. Now the problem is that you can’t afford to install these because prices are high. But the good news is that you can still afford smaller units.

In the market, you can buy smaller plates of solar panels which come under your budget limit. Bring them home and then buy the affordable new or used battery and an electric charger or unit which will consume the energy from the solar panels and will start charging your batteries. Now one thing more is required, i.e. a converter that will convert the DC power of batteries to AC, which is used by your home appliances. If you don’t want to get involved in technicalities, you can buy smaller units of solar panels and then simply bring them home and start generating your own electricity.

Wind Turbine

Solar Panels give you energy during the day time, and at night you have to use the electricity of the electricity supply company which will generate bill. Getting wind turbines installed at home will save the electricity cost event at night. You can buy wind turbines, and the dynamo from the market or you can build at home as well. Various DIY project guides are available on YouTube and other blogs. Install the wind turbine at home if you live in the area where wind blows at a speed of 9 kilometers or more.

But for wind turbines, you need a powerful electric system that may control the voltage and keep your batteries safe from getting ruined from voltage fluctuation due to rapidly changing wind speed. The plus point of wind turbines is that you don’t need large batteries as you need in case of solar panels.

Now using these ideas, you cannot just save but generate your own electricity. It will save you good cost, and you can use this money to invest

How to Choose the Correct Life Insurance

One of the important things to figure out as you start living your life, taking responsibility, is choosing the correct life insurance for yourself and your family. Once you have decided to invest in life insurance, comes the difficult part of choosing the one for you. You must learn the basic steps about how to select the right product from the different life insurance plans so that you can get a plan that covers what all your needs.

life insurance

There are a lot of life insurance policies available in the market, it can be overwhelming. What you have to keep in mind when looking is your goal. The goal here is to invest money in a plan that will secure your life and your family’s life without any stress to you. If it is a matter of getting coverage for entire life, go for whole life insurance, but if the requirement is for a relatively shorter period, then consider term life insurance. Here are some of the steps you should be taking.

Know Your Needs

Calculating the life cover you need starts from knowing your needs. Make notes of all your income sources, the number of dependents, your expenses, debts, and any other liabilities that may occur. Once you have the requirements and base data down, it becomes easier to choose a life insurance plan that fits your need.

You now have the data needed to make an informed decision. Now, you need to zero in on the purpose of your insurance. Is it an investment? Is it for the financial security of your family? Is it a retirement plan? This will give you more of a filter to go through the plans and narrow down your options.

Know the Advantages

Every plan is going to have different benefits, while the core plan can be the same, additional benefits will most likely be different. Compare all the life insurance policies based on term, whole, child and endowment to see which one gives you the maximum benefit. Getting life coverage and financial security against death to the family is usually what people look to get at an affordable premium rate for a predetermined time.

The Investment

The premiums to be paid that varies from policy to policy. The payment of the premium can’t default so you need to pick a plan that works the best with your income sources. You need to be regular with your payment to reap the benefits of the policy.

Take Advice

While everything is available on the Internet, it can still get pretty taxing for some people. If you are confused among options, then taking advice from an expert is the best route to take instead of just choosing one of the options. Most policy providers will send you an expert or representative who will help you understand the nitty-gritty and will also help you calculate the life cover and the sum insured.

Final Thoughts

A risk-free life is never a guarantee so you have to smart and secure yourself with life insurance, especially your family. With the market filled with hundreds of insurance policies with different plans and different benefits, selecting one can become cumbersome.

You just need to have a clear idea of what you need from the plan and then keep on narrowing down your options. Once you have zeroed in on few, you can talk to experts to help you make an informed decision.

Here’s Why You Sometimes Bite Your Teeth in Your Sleep

Everyone has bitten their tongue at least once in their lifetime. Very often, this happens when you’re eating or talking. When the meal is a little too delicious, your teeth can confuse your tongue for bits of food. It’s only normal. Something even more annoying than biting your tongue while eating or talking is biting your tongue in your sleep. It’s painful enough to wake you up. 

Comfortable Sleep

What causes you to bite your tongue in your sleep, and what can you do about it? Read on to find out.

It’s normal in most people.

The first thing you should know is that biting the tongue while sleeping is common. This phenomenon is called bruxism or nocturnal biting. Bruxism can be defined as the clenching and grinding of the teeth while asleep. Its causes aren’t currently known, although doctors believe it has something to do with dreaming. They believe it can also be caused by sexual arousal during sleep.

Bruxism mostly affects the teeth and jaws, and it causes soreness and pain. It also causes injury in the situation where you bite your tongue. It only occurs seldom, and no treatment is necessary. You may experience some bleeding and swelling on your tongue when you wake up. However, if it occurs more frequently or you have severe injuries on your tongue, you should see a dentist.

Several conditions can also cause it. 

There are also disease-oriented causes for nocturnal tongue biting. One of them is spasm of the facial muscles. Muscle spasm is an unconscious contraction, and when it occurs in the muscles that control the jaw and chewing muscles, it can cause tongue biting. It’s most common in children where it causes uncontrollable trembling of the chin during sleep.

Another condition that can cause nocturnal biting is epilepsy. Epilepsy causes uncontrollable seizures in the body, and when they happen at night, they can cause tongue biting. Usually, this biting occurs on the tip and the sides of the tongue, and it can be quite painful.

Sleep apnea is the third cause, and it’s a condition in which breathing stops and starts during sleep. People who have sleep apnea tend to bite their tongues during this cessation of breath. Even though it doesn’t directly cause tongue biting, people who have sleep apnea still experience it. Other signs of sleep apnea include loud snoring, headaches, and fatigue after waking up.

What can you do about it?

Your doctor may refer you to a sleep specialist who can better diagnose your condition. They may also prescribe continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy to help you get the right amount of oxygen while you sleep. Pressurized air from a CPAP machine, which is delivered through a CPAP mask, solves this problem by opening up your airways and providing the appropriate amount of oxygen into your lungs. With this, you get to enjoy a good night’s sleep and wake up feeling refreshed in the morning.

Sometimes, if you have an uneven dentition, the frequency of your tongue biting can increase, both during the day and at night. For this, you can visit Golsen Dental to have your teeth checked. You can also get a dental night guard. They are soft, thin, and specially designed to keep your teeth from biting your tongue while you sleep.  

If you bite your tongue due to conditions like epilepsy and jaw spasms, you can consult your doctor for treatment. There are also medications to tackle the conditions. If you have bruising on your tongue, a salt solution can help. You prepare it with warm water and wiggle it around in your mouth for about a minute. You shouldn’t use hot water because it can cause further discomfort.

What Does It Mean to Be a Savvy Shopper?

Everyone knows at least one savvy shopper. They always seem to have new clothes on and are always moving in and out of the store. But then, despite their apparent shopping adventures, they also always have enough money left for other activities such as makeup lessons in Toronto.
How do they do it? Read on to find out.

Smart shopping

Savvy shoppers look out for the best deals. 

Savvy shoppers can buy as many clothes as they do because they rarely buy anything at full price. Very often than not, they buy things at the best prices, even if it means checking out four different outlets, as well as tons of websites. In this day and age, at least one store is going to be offering discounts at any given point in time. Savvy shoppers know where to find these stores, and they know how to buy the right stuff. A side benefit is this can help you stay out of debt, so you don’t end up with companies like SCA Collections coming after you!

Savvy shoppers read comments and reviews.

As a savvy shopper, you’re always looking for relevant information for consumers. Savvy shoppers know how to look for information and clues in places most people never think of looking into. This includes newsletters, online forums, the stores’ websites, and of course, product reviews. This helps them stay on top of their game and know where the best sales are, long before they begin.

Doing due diligence doesn’t just apply to shoppers. Even people that are looking to buy cars, new furniture, and even houses are always looking for the best deals. If you’re not a fan of these mediums of research, the sooner you get on board, the sooner you can start finding the best deals on whatever you want to buy.

Savvy shoppers shop frequently.

It’s effortless to confuse a savvy shopper with a spendthrift. This is because they have so many similarities. They both love to shop, they buy things frequently, and they both always have new clothes in their wardrobes. In fact, you’ll need to look closer to figure out the significant difference between them. While a spendthrift just buys stuff, a savvy shopper looks out for the best deals.

Savvy shoppers are willing to plan their purchases and wait.

Just because savvy shoppers make a habit of shopping frequently doesn’t mean they can’t be patient. Actually, patience is one of the hallmarks of smart shopping. If you need a specific kind of boots, you should be willing to wait until it comes on sale, or until you see an excellent deal. Otherwise, you might buy it today and find that it comes on sale tomorrow!

Savvy shoppers are also willing to plan their purchases ahead of time. For example, everyone knows that some of the best sales are in the summer. But then, only people who know how to shop are willing to wait for that long. They put some money away and wait for the discounts in summer to buy their stuff.

Savvy shoppers stock up on coupons.

As a savvy shopper, your buying frequency also means you’re a favorite customer to several stores. Favorite customers always get rewards like coupons and discounts. On top of being able to find the best deals, you’ll also be able to save money on coupons and customer discounts. What could be better than that?

Now, you know what makes a savvy shopper tick, and you’re that much closer to becoming one yourself.

Best Ways to Recover After Your Workout

It’s a great feeling once you manage to stick to a workout routine faithfully, both mentally and physically. Your body begins to feel better, and results are gradually starting to show, but there may come a point where you begin experiencing fatigue. You’ve made commendable progress, but you’ve hit the proverbial wall. Your body has seemingly thrown in the towel, and you start looking for excuses not to exercise. This could be an indication that you aren’t letting your muscles recover properly. There’s more to it than just drinking a recovery shake after every workout. To make sure your body is ready for your next session, look into incorporating some of these practices.

Go for walk


When you exercise, you’re essentially breaking down the muscle. It’s the rest period in between workouts when the muscles get the opportunity to adapt, repairing themselves to become bigger and stronger. What you put into your body after a workout is crucial. You have to find the optimal balance of nutrients that will enable your system to rejuvenate and build strength. Often, chocolate milk and protein aren’t enough. You may need to add supplements that help target aching muscles. Click this link for more on relaxing products to help you recover.


After an intense workout, your muscles will inevitably tighten up if you neglect to stretch properly. This won’t only lead to prolonged recovery time, but unnecessary soreness as well. Take advantage of your body’s warmed up state to engage in some deep stretches. Most people opt to skip this part since they just want to wrap up their workout. However, this phase of your routine doesn’t have to take long to be effective. Two additional minutes dedicated to focusing on the muscles you just put through the wringer not only deliver proven post-recovery benefits, but it also feels pretty good.


If you’re looking for an excuse to get a massage, post-workout recovery has you covered. Even if you don’t have the means to get a professional massage on a regular basis or a friend who’s willing to help you with those hard to reach spots, there are techniques and devices that can help you relax those muscles on your own. Rollers are often the least expensive and most effective to boost your circulation and loosen up the muscles you just worked.


Many athletes commonly hop into ice baths or cold showers right after a workout. The sudden shock to your system gets you breathing deeply and encourages blood to flow more quickly to warm up your body and start the restoration process. Others claim that alternating between hot and cold showers can facilitate the removal of waste products in body tissue, so your muscles are laser-focused on repair and rebuilding.

In fact, according to a leading source in the field of athletic recovery, the Pod Company, incorporating cold therapy into your post-workout routine can offer numerous benefits. The company specializes in providing insights and resources for optimizing recovery strategies. They emphasize that cold therapy, such as ice baths or cold showers, aids in reducing inflammation, decreasing muscle soreness, and promoting faster recovery. By immersing yourself in cold water, your body responds by increasing blood circulation and triggering the natural healing processes. So, next time you finish your workout, consider the benefits of cold therapy recommended by experts to help enhance your recovery and overall performance.

The old standbys, which include drinking enough water and getting plenty of sleep, are also incredibly effective when it comes to maximizing muscle recovery. It’s even possible to be too gung-ho with your workouts, and not allowing yourself enough time in between for your muscles to recover, which is why it’s a good idea to alternate muscle groups. The human body is undoubtedly complicated. When you throw in the variables like juggling busy schedules and staying motivated, maintaining your fitness is akin to managing a three-ring circus. Just keep your eyes on the prize, because a healthy lifestyle makes it easier to get through the day and prepares you for a more favorable long-term outlook.

5 Advantages of Introducing Toy Rotation

Last week, I talked about how toy rotation can help you tame the chaos that toys create – in your house and in your life. I thought it was a good idea to talk in-depth about the advantages it can have for you, your home, and your child. Honestly, the advantages are more so for the parents, let’s face facts – toddlers don’t care!


Anyway, there are lot of advantages of introducing this method in your playtime routine or the way you manage the playroom and even your budget. Let’s get to them one by one.

1. Less Clutter

When all the toys are out at the same time, it is easy for the child to keep pulling out toys whenever they get bored with one. And they do get bored quite easily so you end up with no floor space to walk. Have you ever stepped on legos? If yes, then you know the pain. The toys can be ruthless to us. It sure makes your life easier to have fewer toys accessible.

2. Budget-Friendly

When your child is born and as they keep growing, you are bound to receive many toys as presents – add those to the overly enthusiastic shopping you did when you were pregnant. You anyway have way too many toys than your child could play with. So, why not store some and keep only a few out and when the child starts getting bored, you can bring out the stored toys and they will have new toys to play with.

Store the ones they were already playing with, chances are that they will forget most of them and you can reintroduce these toys later. Yes to saving money by not having to buy new toys.

3. Ahh! Organized Playroom

Keeping the playroom organized can be a task. When you have kids keeping the whole house organized can be a task. They are little hurricanes, wreaking havoc wherever they go.  Limited number of things lets you keep the place organized and also lets you store the toys after playtime. It makes cleaning up easier and it’s also easy to remember what is stored where.

4. Secret Weapons – Bribes!

Bribing isn’t good. But, there are some days, when all you want is a little peace and quiet. Having ready bribes to keep the tiny minds busy can be a savior. On difficult days, just get out one new toy from the storage and hand it to the kid to leave you alone, or maybe to make them put on the dress you got them to take cute pictures, or to maybe make them eat their vegetables.

5. Rewards

I am a firm believer in rewarding good behavior. When they do something particularly nice, having gifts handy can be a great thing. It helps boost their morale. It also encourages them to do more things that will help them earn new toys. This also makes them appreciate toys more because they know that they weren’t just given the toys but they earned it. If they have worked for the toy, they will obviously love it more and take care of it more.

Thinking about Divorce? Consider Divorce Mediation.

What is Divorce Mediation?

According to Somerset County, New Jersey family law attorney Katherine Wagner, divorce mediation is a popular alternative to litigation, being a process during which couples meet with a neutral third party who helps them amicably negotiate a divorce settlement. While mediation is not for every couple, the fact that it is non-adversarial helps the parties negotiate a divorce settlement and continue to cooperate and co-parent amicably after the marriage ends.

Divorce parenting

Kathy also noted that while divorce mediation exists in some form in every state, her experience is in New Jersey. Couples in other states should consult with their attorneys to find out the particulars of how divorce mediation works there.

How Does Divorce Mediation Work?

Generally, the process begins with finding a local divorce mediator. Divorce mediators are usually attorneys trained in family law and in mediation. Mediators do not give either of the parties legal advice, but they are familiar with all of the issues that can arise during divorce as well as possible solutions and compromises.

A mediator will either meet with the parties together or separately to gather information, find out where each party stands on contested issues. The parties will also sign a confidentiality agreement so that nothing discussed during mediation sessions can be shared with anyone other than the parties’ attorneys.

Can My Attorney Be Present During Divorce Mediation?

That is up to the parties, but it is common for divorce mediators to ask that they try without their attorneys present at first.  This keeps costs down and if the parties are able to discuss and resolve issues with the help of the mediator, legal representation is not necessary.

Of course if one of the parties insists on having an attorney present, then both must. If a party feels unsure about whether he or she can effectively communicate their position during mediation, they should consult their attorney for advice.

What Problems Can Be Solved In Divorce Mediation?

Just about any issue that arises during marriage dissolution can be addressed and resolved by mediation. From the distribution of property (both assets and liabilities) to child custody and parenting time, everything can be discussed and agreed to during mediation. Even a compromise regarding child support or alimony can be reached during mediation.

How Agreements are Negotiated

It is typical for a mediator to suggest that the parties discuss and resolve simpler issues first. Initial success helps the parties begin to trust each other and the process, and this makes it more likely that the more difficult issues can be similarly resolved.

During negotiations, the mediator will keep the parties on track, help them listen to each other and understand each other’s position, and help them avoid getting confrontational or overly emotional. The mediator will also be able to suggest possible solutions or compromises if the parties get stuck. 

Completing the Mediation Process

When all issues are resolved, the negotiation process is complete. This may take several sessions depending upon the number and complexity of issues to be resolved. In New Jersey, a mediator records the parties’ agreements in a document called the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).  The parties’ attorneys will review the MOU and convert it to a Marital Settlement Agreement (MSA) which becomes part of the divorce judgment.

Five Reasons Couples Should Consider Divorce Mediation

  1. It is much less expensive than litigation and is often quicker.
  2. It is possible to settle all of the issues arising from marriage dissolution with compromise.
  3. It is confidential and there is no public record of the negotiations.
  4. It allows couples to come to compromises based on their ideas of what is fair and right for them, rather than having solutions imposed upon them by a judge.
  5. The process improves communication between the parties, giving them the skills to resolve future conflicts.

Divorce Mediation Is Not For Everyone

Kathy Wagner had one important caveat – not every divorcing couple belongs in divorce mediation. Where domestic violence has occurred, mediation is likely not appropriate and may even be prohibited if there is a Final Restraining Order (FRO) in place. And if one of the parties is trying to use the mediation process to stall proceedings and/or avoid paying support, that is also inappropriate and mediation should terminate.

For couples who are willing to accept the help and guidance of a divorce mediator, mediation is a way to resolve their issues as amicably as possible and move on.

About the Author


Veronica Baxter is a writer, blogger, and legal assistant operating out of the greater Philadelphia area.

5 Jobs to Try If You Love Animals

They always say that if you do something you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. Well, for many people, that love is animals. Being around animals can be a highly fulfilling career choice with many benefits. Just make sure you choose the right one.

The Best Job Positions for Animal Lovers

animal lover

You don’t need to go through seven or eight years of schooling to become a veterinarian in order to work with animals. There are plenty of jobs that require far less schooling (if any at all). Here are some positions and careers that will allow you to get started quickly:

1. Veterinary Technician

If you’d like to do many of the things that veterinarians do without going through the painstaking process of becoming one, you can always pursue a career as a veterinary technician.

As a veterinary technician, you can expect to perform an array of tasks. In the front office, you’ll provide administrative support, greet people and their pets, schedule appointments, and handle billing. In a clinical setting, you’ll handle everything from obtaining animal vital signs and completing diagnostic testing to administering medication and handling injections.

“Because of the administrative and clinical tasks performed by veterinary technicians and the health and safety protocols veterinary work requires, enrolling in a degree program is an important step to becoming a veterinary technician,” explains. “Equally import is finding a program that incorporates a hands-on externship as well.”

With a degree in hand, you’ll find that you’re able to work in a variety of settings – including private clinics, specialized care facilities, shelters, and even zoos.

2. Zoologist

Zoology is the perfect field for people who want to work with animals in the wild and controlled environments (like zoos and preserves). The work entails supporting wildlife conservations efforts, enacting preservation policies, conducting research, and analyzing data.

There’s a wide spectrum of work available in this field. For those with bachelor’s degrees, it’s fairly easy to find jobs in most areas of the country. If you have a doctoral degree, you’ll earn significantly more, but must be willing to move in order to find the most competitive opportunities.  

3. Pet Adoption Counselor

While you aren’t going to get rich in this career field, becoming a pet adoption counselor can yield a significant amount of joy and fulfillment. In this role, you’re tasked with facilitating pet adoptions and connecting humans with pets who are in need of a home.

Pet adoption counselors often work in tandem with shelters and animal hospitals. The pay is relatively meager, but it’s a great part-time gig for someone who has another job and wants to work with pets on the side.

4. Pet Sitter/Walker

If you want to work for yourself and enjoy being outside, you may consider pursuing a career as a pet sitter and/or walker. This business is all about networking and efficiency. If you build up a large enough client-base and learn to maximize your routes and capacity, you can actually make a pretty decent hourly salary.

5. Pet Groomer

Would you love the opportunity to work one-on-one with dogs? Do you have a gentle touch and creative side that you’d like to explore? Becoming a pet groomer provides you the chance to satisfy all of these goals and skills.

As a pet groomer, you can set up your own business out of your home (or even out of a van that travels around). You can also go to work with a local veterinarian office or dog boarder.

Choosing the Right Job

There are a multitude of factors that go into selecting the right job. As you consider which area of the industry to work in, make sure you’re giving weight to the factors that matter and blocking out the ones that don’t.

For some people, salary is the ultimate factor. Other people have a spouse who is the breadwinner and merely want a fulfilling way to spend their days. Some people like working in a big, fast-paced business, while others would prefer a small business with a family feel. The good news is that you can find jobs fitting any of these descriptions in this field. The key is to make sure you know what you want before you start looking. From there, you can adjust your expectations and requirements until you find the perfect job for your animal-loving heart.

5 Rules when You Invest in Silver and Gold for Your Kids

When you set aside money for your kids, you want it somewhere safe. Investing can be tricky business, and while growth is important, you have to be responsible with it. You’ll likely be more cautious investing your kids’ money than your own. From education funds to trusts, saving for your kids gives them a leg up when they become adults.

One way you can invest without risking the principle is in gold and silver. Bullion performs well when you have a long period of time in which you don’t want to take too many risks. It also means your savings will always be ready when you need it; you can’t prevent your kid from needing tuition money just because a market crash drained your education fund.

investing rules

Before you make the investment, you should know how to buy silver bullion as well as gold. Follow these rules and you can confidently make secure investments online.

Rule #1 – Only Buy Physical Bullion

Precious metals are best purchased in bullion form. That means gold and silver coins and bars that you can hold in your hand and that you can control ownership of. While ETFs may seem like a convenient way to invest in paper gold or silver, there are too many regulatory concerns arising, as well as questions about ownership of bullion in a bankruptcy.

Rule #2 – Buy High-Liquidity Forms

The most-easily exchanged forms of bullion are always a better bet. They will be easier to sell no matter what the market looks like when you decide you need to cash out. The easiest forms of bullion to sell are 1 oz. coins and bars. With silver, you may want the coins in a stack, as it’s relatively cheap. Heavier bars are more expensive, harder to sell, and impossible to break up without melting down.

Rule #3 – Find a Place to Store Precious Metals

Some investors love the fact that precious metals storage is under their control. In a world where it can feel like your money is just a number on a screen, having hard assets in a safe somewhere provides a sense of confidence. Explore storage options for precious metals before you buy, including:

  • Allocated storage (also called segregated storage) from the dealer or a third-party
  • Safe deposit box
  • Home safe (consider getting appropriate insurance)

Most investors won’t leave bullion in a bank. Your property rights in a bail-in or bankruptcy are at-risk.

Rule #4 – Invest Money for the Long-Term

Use the five-year rule when you’re going to buy silver or gold. If you need the money in the next 5 years, consider an alternative. Precious metals provide better returns in the long run. Plus, the longer you keep an investment, the lower your capital gains taxes.


Rule #5 – Learn About Taxes

The taxes you pay on bullion change depending on where you are. In some states, gold bullion is treated as an investment and tax-free, whereas jewelry is a luxury. Silver may not be treated the same as gold, and in some states, you must purchase a certain quantity to avoid taxes.

With these rules in hand, investing in silver and gold should be a cinch. They’re a great way to confidently start investing for your children.

Could CBD Oil Help Kids with Autism?

Autism is a condition that, even in this modern age, is poorly understood. Children with the more severe forms of this disorder battle to operate according to established social norms. They’re often ostracized by their peers and their behavior is often misunderstood by adults as well. 

Situations outside of their normal routine cause them a great deal of anxiety and make them act out. This is often misconstrued as misbehavior. What’s heart-breaking for parents is to see their child being treated insensitively for something that is beyond their control.

Worse still, there’s no known cure for the condition. There are ways to manage the symptoms more effectively, but there’s no magic pill that the child can take to make them go away completely.

Or Is There?

That is something that might change in the future, though. A study conducted by researchers in Israel in 2018 made some interesting findings. It was a small study consisting of 53 children at different stages along the autism spectrum. The children were given CBD oil on a daily basis for a minimum of 66 days.

The results were that:

·         Rage attacks and self-jury: In 67.6% of the cases there was an improvement. In 8.8% of them, these symptoms worsened. The remaining 23.6% of cases showed no change.

·         Hyperactivity: In 68.4% of the cases, hyperactivity decreased. In 2.6% of the cases, it increased. The remaining 29% showed no change.

·         Sleep problems: In 71.4% of cases, there was a reduction in sleep problems. In 4.7% of the cases, sleep problems increased. The remaining 23.9% showed no change.

·         Anxiety: In 47.1% of the cases, anxiety levels dropped. In 23.5% of the cases, anxiety levels increased. In 29.4%, there was no change. 

Before You Start Dosing Your Child With CBD

The results are encouraging and certainly warrant further study. The side effect profile of CBD oil is undoubtedly a lot better than the psychoactive drugs that are commonly used to treat the more severe symptoms of autism, like rage attacks.

That said, even the doctor leading the study admits to being cautiously optimistic. He believes that it’s too early to give CBD the all-clear. We don’t know what the long-term effects of its use are at the moment.

Better Regulation Is Needed

Of especial concern is the lack of regulation in the industry as a whole. CBD products are classified as supplements and so not subject to the same rigorous testing and quality standards as pharmaceuticals are. In 2017,  a random sampling of products found that 70% of the sampled products were mislabelled.

Final Verdict

At this stage, CBD is showing promise in the treatment of autism but there’s no need to rush. Until the industry is better regulated, and until we know more about the potential long-term effects, it’s not absolutely safe to do so.

cbd trends