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#TouchdownDeals @Sears Twitter Party 1/29 12pm CST

Just in time for the Big Game come join the #TouchdownDeals Twitter party where we’ll talk sports, game day food and gathering with friends and family.

#TouchdownDeals @Sears Twitter Party #TouchdownDeals @Sears Twitter Party

To RSVP and have a chance to win one of the prizes, make sure you do the following:

  • Follow the host @Sears, as well as co-host @SearsDeals.
  • Retweet the promotional tweets announcing the party.

Ready, Set, Hike! Join @Sears for #TouchdownDeals Twitter Party Wed 1/29 12pm CT! $200 in prizes, RT to RSVP:

  • Participate in the conversation when it occurs Wednesday, January 29th at 12:00PM CST by answering questions and chatting to others under the #TouchdownDeals. Make sure you use #TouchdownDeals, or we won’t be able to see your replies!

The winners will be selected as the party goes on, but if any of the above criteria are missing you will be unable to claim your prize. If you are announced a winner, simply reply that you accept the prize and a Sears Holding rep will be in contact with you via DM for the next steps.

Hope to see you at the #TouchdownDeals party!

Shaun Hitting The Sled

Here is Shaun (in the red jersey) hitting the sled at football practice on Monday. It’s a little hard to see but this picture takes me back to high school because Shaun is playing the same positions I played. I can remember hitting the sled daily in practice now Shaun is doing the same thing.  

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I don’t understand this behavior

I admit I have a bit of an obsession with handbags and makeup but I keep them reasonably tucked away in their own spot for when I need them.  What I don’t understand is a man’s need to dedicate his love of a sports team from floor to ceiling and everything in between.

giants mancave

image courtesy of Google Images

Man Caves are meant to be a sanctuary, a getaway within the walls of your own home.  These hideaways have been known to really take on a life of their own.  Bright obnoxious paint, lifesize decals, framed signatures on anything a signature would fit on and of course the oversized loud colored reclining furniture.  I’ve just pretty much described my father’s basement.  Though he has spared my mother the obnoxious paint he went overboard on the chotchkies and Philadelphia Eagles Christmas Village Collection.
eagles village, man cave
Behavior like this can be found all over the country. What it all means is men love being a part of something and bringing together friends and family for the same thing.  Getting together is what it’s all about.   Good Food, Great Friends and Close Family.

Ball Park Hot Dogs, Facebook, men easier fed than understood
Ball Park wants to know about the quirky and sometimes nonsensical behaviors that the guys in your life take part in that you just don’t understand.

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Wordless Wednesday-Football Practice

Shaun is in his 2nd week and practice. He’s looking good!

doing the karaoke-it keeps the groin loose

running sprints

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I Have Been Waiting For This Day

So today is the day that I have been waiting for since the day Shaun was born, Football. We maybe not since the day he was born but I am super excited about today and so is he.

Today starts the first day of football practice and this is a whole new journey for Shaun and I. Shaun has played soccer in the past and did well but football is pretty new to him. Shaun and I have been throwing the ball as well and doing blocking drills over the last month or so and so far he has done really well. Time will tell how he does when he gets knocked down or when it comes time for him to make his first tackle but I feel pretty confident he will do fine.

Along with Shaun playing football comes added responsibly that I have taken on like assistant coaching, website management and a few other tasks.

I am looking forward to being a part of the team but my biggest task will be our teams website. With the website being brand new I need to create forms and provide information about registration, practice, etc that parents can easily find a print. I also want to create a few web forms along with a feedback form so that our organization will know how we are doing. Parents sometimes don’t like to voice their opinions in public but with a feedback form this will give them the opportunity to let us know what is on their mind.

So today is the start of something entirely new for Shaun and I but I have a good feeling about this season and feel as long as Shaun wants to he will do great.

Wish us luck!!!

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Shaun’s First Taste Of Youth Football

This Wasn't Shaun's camp but it sort of looked like this

Yesterday Shaun wrapped up a 3 day football camp and in my opinion for his first time ever playing organized football I think he did pretty well.

The first day of camp the kids rotated to 4 different stations: Quarterback, Running Back, Wide Receiver and Offensive/Defense Lineman. The second and third day the kids selected what position they thought they may want to play once the season starts and then they went to that station for the day. Shaun selected the offensive/defensive station (with a little push from me) and did really well. I attended camp on Tuesday to watch Shaun and for this being Shaun’s first time at this position he got right into the correct stance and did really well at blocking and exploding off of the ball.

Shaun did complain a little that he wanted to go to the wide receiver station but after me explaining to him he needs a little more work on his hands and catching he sort of agreed that maybe this year wasn’t the right time for him to go out for a wide receiver position. I think if I work with Shaun over the summer and through out the season he may be able to go out for a wide receiver next season but if I have it my way he will stay at the offensive/defensive position. Those are the positions that I played in high school and I feel Shaun could really excel there if he gives it a 110%.

It is too early to tell how Shaun will do this season but if he listens to me and we work on a few things I think he will have an awesome first season. The one thing he REALLY needs to work on is his emotions. Right now he is still a little sensitive and cried a few times at camp when kids yelled at him for making a mistake but as time goes on hopefully he will just let that stuff roll of his back and not let it affect him mentally or emotionally. Only time will tell and we have been practicing because practice starts full time beginning July 31st.

Wish us luck!!!!

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The Weight Has Been Lifted

Melinda and I resigned from our youth football board positions yesterday and today I feel relieved because I know I no longer need to deal with the craziness of the team we were associated with. We did this to save our sanity and to lower our stress level.

When I called back in March to be a part of this youth football organization I was excited. I was excited for Shaun to play, I was excited to help in any way I could but over time that excitement turned into stress, bitterness and resentment. Volunteering for a youth football program should be fun not annoying and dreadful and that is what it became so we bailed out.

It started at the top with the president of the team and went all the way through to the commissioner. To me this team was mismanaged and no one ever knew what they were doing. We needed to field four teams and needed a minimum of 80 kids and after a month and a half of recruiting we had only 20 kids and with practice starting August 1st it wasn’t looking good.

I know this is a post where I am coming off mean and angry but I feel like Melinda and I were taken advantage of because we were willing to do whatever it took to make this team successful but after a while we realized not everyone felt the same way as us. We would see the same people sitting back and saying they were willing to help but when the time came for them to help they were nowhere to be found. It just seemed like the two guys who started this team acted like they wanted help but didn’t really want the help. I guess in a way they got their wish because Melinda was the fundraising coordinator and I was the PR person/website person and now they will have to absorb these two positions themselves.

We are currently looking for other football programs in the area that we can have Shaun play for. The thing that really makes me mad was that I was going to be the head coach of Shaun’s team which I was really looking forward to but now if we move to another league that most likely will not be the case. I am hoping that I can at least be an assistant coach because I really do want to be involved in the development of Shaun’s football skills as well as other youth.

I guess only time will tell. Thanks for listening to me complain. I needed this and feel a little better now!

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Philly Soul is Back in Town #Giveaway

There’s more to Philly sports than the Eagles and the Fightin’ Phils. Last week we experienced a whole new side of the sports world at the Philly Soul. Philly Soul is Arena Football. Arena Football is fast-paced, high scoring, modified version of American or Canadian football. The field is smaller and the rules are unique to the field but the intensity is higher and the fans are just as hyped.

On Sunday, April 13, 2003, the face of Philadelphia sports changed by an event taking place across the country – Jon Bon Jovi and Craig A. Spencer’s first taste of Arena Football. Bon Jovi and Spencer attended a Los Angeles Avengers game at the Staples Center, taking their first steps on a path that would bring another professional football franchise to the City of Brotherly Love.

Our first experience with the Philly Soul was an enjoyable one. Shaun was chanting and yelling and freaking out like a real live sports fan, just shorter. The atmosphere was different than that talked about of Eagles games. The arena was filled with kids and families and people who wanted to be there to support their home town.

Last year the AFL (Arena Football League) took off to restructure the organization’s finances.
Your ArenaBowl XXII Champions Philadelphia Soul are back for the 2011 season! You bring the heart, they got the SOUL!
Win a 4-pack of tickets for the Philly Soul at the Wells Fargo Center, 3 games available.
Friday May 27, 2011 vs New Orleans Voodoo 7:05pm
Friday June 17, 2011 vs Tulsa Talons 7:05pm
Friday July 8, 2011 vs Cleveland Gladiators 8:00pm

We will be choosing 3 winners, 1 a week before each game. May giveaway ends 5/20, June giveaway ends 6/10 and July giveaway ends 7/1. This will give us time to mail the winner their tickets.

To enter just let me know if you’ve ever been to an AFL game.
To receive these extra opportunities for entries, you must fulfill the first REQUIRED entry above. Please note the changes to the entries and frequency, entries that don’t follow rules will be disregarded/ignored/deleted.

  • Subscribe to LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! via email or RSS feed, bottom of page
  • Publicly follow this blog of Google Friend Connect, bottom of page
  • Like Us in Networked Blog, bottom of page
  • Follow Mom and Dad and Philly Soul on Twitter and Tweet this giveaway 1 time per day, please leave your twitter link each time, tweet a form of this message: 4-pack ticket #giveaway to #Philly @SoulFootball @lkwhtmomfound & @anddadtoo 3 WINNERS
  • Like LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! and Philly Soul on Facebook AND like this giveaway.
  • Enter another Giveaway – let us know which one in the comment (one extra entry per giveaway you enter, just leave separate comments)

Your entries must follow the rules or they won’t be eligible for prizes. This contest ends 11:59 pm, EACH DAY MENTIONED ABOVE. The winners will be emailed and will have 24 hours to claim their prize. This contest is open to Continental US residents only. For complete rules please read our contest rules page.



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Football Will Be The Death Of Me

This year Shaun is finally old enough to play tackle football and I found a new team that is part of a 14 team Pop Warner League in our area.  When I found this league I dove in head first not thinking about all of the work and hours it was going to take to help make this team successful.

Currently I am the head coach for the mitey mite which is for kids that are 7,8,and 9 years old and weigh between 45 lbs and 90 lbs.  Being that this team is new they were looking for volunteers so I have been trying to help in every area that I can.  I have worked on recruiting, registration as well as website redesign.  I work on something football related everyday weather it is for myself or for the team.  Today I spent some time finding CPR classes as well as coaches clinics in the area.  Tomorrow we have a meeting at 7pm.  Since this past Friday today will be the third straight day with tomorrow being the four where I have had something to do for football.  Recently Melinda was lucky enough to be pulled into the madness.  Right now the team is very disorganized and we have a long way to go but I feel in the end we will be successful and a great asset to the community.

Right now I can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel but the end is coming and I am really excited to see what unfolds and maybe be able to rest a little.  I guess being a head coach is going to make it hard to relax. Guess I will have to relax after my team makes it to the playoffs.

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Football and Fellowship

On Saturday morning I attended a breakfast meeting for the upcoming local youth football season. Shaun has wanted to play tackle football for a while now and I finally found a local Pop Warner league. Sign ups are on April 9th so I attended the breakfast meeting because I wanted more information on the league as well as I have an interest in being an assistant coach.

It was funny because the President of the league texted me on Thursday with the details for the breakfast meeting and it made mention of food (obvious) and even better fellowship. The text seemed odd and when I told Melinda about the meeting and fellowship she asked if it was a religious meeting and would we be praying. I told her I wasn’t sure but I didn’t think so. Don’t get me wrong I have nothing wrong with fellowship or religion or a religious meeting it just threw me off a little was all.

I got to the restaurant on Saturday morning and a few of the guys arrived late and one of the men in particular upon arrival pulled out a book that at first I thought was a Bible. I thought Melinda was right and this was a religious meeting and we would be discussing the Bible and things of that nature which I was ok with I just thought it was a meeting about youth football. After looking more closely it was just a leather journal that looked really sophisticated and way to fancy for a youth football meeting. I didn’t even come with a crappy notebook or even a piece of paper let alone a fancy leather journal like this gentleman did. All in all it was a pretty good meeting and the guys I met were really nice.

I am really excited to be a part of this league and for Shaun to be playing football this fall.

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