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Shopping Osh Kosh plus #Coupon

Shopping for Shae is really fun these days. She’s old enough to pull of fun trends and designs but still young enough that we can go bright with the colors and exaggerated with the details. Osh Kosh has been a shopping staple since Sabreena was little, that’s where her first pair of overalls came from. Today I shop Osh Kosh for Shae for their variety, quality and price. I’m lucky to have an outlet nearby that I can visit on a regular basis.  This most recent shopping trip was a complete success.

For about $103 I got Shae 3 complete outfits, a long tunic to go with existing leggings and a thick patterned pair of tights for a dress already in her closet.

Shopping Osh Kosh for Kids

Shopping Osh Kosh for Kids

Shopping Osh Kosh for Kids

Shopping Osh Kosh for Kids

I try to shop with purpose. I hate coming home with seperates that don’t have a match or unusual items that end up sitting in the closet or drawer.  I like to get an inventory of what my kids need in advance.  This was simple for Shae since I still handle her clothes. I knew what she needed. This doesn’t always help m e shop easier.  I stepped into my local Osh Kosh store and was blown away by the selection for Shae’s size. I tend to find some stores focus on the baby to preschool age but Osh Kosh had her sizes in almost everything I picked up.  Even their clearance section had lots to choose from.

Shopping Osh Kosh for Kids

Shopping Osh Kosh is fun and easy and affordable. It seems they are always having a sale.  And best of all you can save even more money with their rewards program or by using this 25% off coupon.

Osh Kosh Coupon

Making Breakfast #kidsinthekitchen

Getting kids interested in actual cooking isn’t as hard as I thought it would be. I asked Shaun if he wanted to make pancakes for breakfast and he jumped at the chance.
Kids Cooking #kidsinthekitchen
him measurements but just told him to eyeball things. That’s the way I cook.
Kids Cooking #kidsinthekitchen
Things went pretty well, he even made breakfast for his little sister. He followed most instructions except he kept swinging the dirty spatula around like it was a sword. At the end of breakfast he asked if he can make breakfast on the weekends for the whole family. This kid knows how to warm my heart.
Kids Cooking #kidsinthekitchen

Did you have fun in the “kitchen” this week? Did you try a new food or a new kid friendly restaurant? Did your littlest ones use their snacks to count to 10? We invite you to share your experiences, photos, stories or recipes that include your #kidsinthekitchen.

Come join me and my co-hosts, Paula at Frosted Fingersfollow, Sarah of PlaytoLearnwithSarah and Sara at Sensibly Sarafollow, each week linking up a post, new or old, that feature the theme Kids in the Kitchen. It doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you are doing it together, enjoying it and learning something along the way.

Linky Rules, #kidsinthekitchen

#KidsintheKitchen Weekly Linky

Trying Dippy Eggs #kidsinthekitchen

My kids are creatures of habit when it comes to breakfast. Maybe it’s because school days don’t offer lots of time to work in a large hot meal or maybe they just really like eating their old standbys. This week Shae sent me into shock by asking for runny eggs so she can dip her toast. I like eggs like this, so does Rob but typically getting my kids to eat eggs is a battle.

Trying Sunny Side Up Eggs #kidsinthekitchen

I obliged and made her 1 sunny side up egg, a sausage link and a slice of toasted wheat bread. She spent the first couple of minutes poking the hell out of the yolk. She dipped and ate, dipped and ate. I then showed her how to scoop up the remaining egg to put on the other half of her toast. Her conclusion, she loved it! I’m still surprised but happy that she experimented a little and went for something unfamiliar.

Trying Sunny Side Up Eggs #kidsinthekitchen

What has been the strangest food request from your child?

What did you do in the “kitchen” this week? Did your kids try a new food or new family-friendly restaurant? Did you teach your littlest to count using their snacks ? We invite you to share your experiences, photos, stories or recipes that include your #kidsinthekitchen.

Come join me and my co-hosts, Paula at Frosted Fingers, Sara at Sensibly Sara, Lisa of HooplaPaloozafollow and Sarah of Play2LearnwithSarah each week linking up a post, new or old, that feature the theme Kids in the Kitchen. It doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you are doing it together, enjoying it and learning something along the way.

Don’t have a blog? Share an instagram photo or Facebook update.

Linky Rules, #kidsinthekitchen

#KidsintheKitchen Weekly Linky

Don’t forget about the 2 sets of Felt Play Food giveaway going on. Enter here to to win for a little one your know!
Play Food #giveaway

Gymboree Fall Fashions Shopping

It has unofficially turned into fall in our home.  Back to school time doesn’t immediately mean the kids are sporting jeans, sweaters and warmer clothing but since we are seeing cool temps in the morning they are scrambling to keep off the chill.  We did Shae’s back to school shopping at Gymboree using a $100 GC they provided.  I’ve been enjoying this store more lately, picking up things here and there that catch my eye.

This year’s collections capture the sweetness and innocence of kids.  Gymboree stays trendy and stylish without losing its audience. You won’t find midriff baring tops, too short skirts or inappropriate sayings on graphic tees.  Florals, plaids and bright colors make your children stand out.

Shae picked out a few pieces all on her own on this shopping trip. These Gem Dot Cuff jeans and Playing in the Rain tee is a perfect outfit of a rainy school day.  She picked these jeans because of the embellished polka dots and loose fit. She’s not a fan of tight jeans.

Gymboree for Girls #fashion

The Gem Safari Flower Caftan was a huge hit.  It was bought with fitted black pants but this pink skirt already in her wardrobe is a perfect match.  I think it was the gems that attracted Shae in the first place.

Gymboree for Girls #fashion

Shop Gymboree for boys and girls when you want to keep the kids looking their age. They specialize in the clothes and accessories that show off kid’s best features.

UMI Shoes Recap

It’s back to school time and that means we are cleaning out closets and drawers and seeing what the kids need in terms of new clothes and shoes.  While I love scouring thrift and consignment shops for clothes I know nothing beats a quality pair of new shoes.

UMI shoes has been making an appearance in our home for almost 4 years.  Shaun was able to wear UMI shoes for a short time before he grew man size feet. Shae has been the main receiver of some of the cutest shoes though.

This year I let her consider the UMI shoes website and pick out exactly what she wanted to wear.  I wasn’t surprised when she chose boots. She likes boots with everything from leggings and jeans to skirts and shorts.

Umi Shoe Endrea Boot

Pairing these Endrea II boots is going to be easy. In fact she’s already pulled out a dress from her closet and said she needs new tights to wear underneath when it gets cold out.

Umi Shoes Endrea Boot

Shop UMI shoes not just because their shoes are stylish but because they are built to support and comfort your child’s feet. Enter for your chance to win a $60 Umi Shoes GC right here.  Let me know which pair of shoes you would choose if you won.

To receive these extra opportunities for entries, you must fulfill the first REQUIRED entry above. Please note the changes to the entries and frequency, entries that don’t follow rules may be disregarded/ignored/deleted

  • SUBSCRIBE to LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! via NEW Email Subscription or BlogLovin
  • SHARE this giveaway on your social networks such as Facebook, Google +, Pinterest, Stumble Upon or Other (let me know where you shared)
  • LIKE LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! and Umi Shoes on Facebook
  • FOLLOW Mom, Dad and Umi Shoes on Twitter and TWEET this giveaway (1 time per day), please leave your twitter link each time: Win a $60 GC to @UmiShoes from @lkwhtmomfound @anddadtoo #giveaway 
  • ENTER another Giveaway – let us know which one in the comment

Your entries must follow the rules or they won’t be eligible for prizes. This contest ends 11:59 pm, Tuesday,  September 10, 2013. The winners will be emailed and will have 48 hours to claim their prize. This contest is open to Contiguous US residents, age 18 or over. For complete rules please read our blog contest rules page.

Kids Backpack from Lassig

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Like mother like daughter. Shae is growing up to love bags. Backpacks, coin purses, lunch bags, it doesn’t matter. She spots them in stores or in my closet and wants to take ownership. Can you imagine her delight when I gave her this Lassig Mini Backpack.

Lassig Backpack Mushroom

Lassig Backpack Mushroom

Lassig is a German brand of bags and accessories. Their relaxed and functional fashions are coveted by the whole family in over 50 countries. The high-quality bags made by LÄSSIG pass modern mothers’ tests of daily use with flying colors and leave a lot of room for responsibility, fashion and a good conscience.
Lassig Logo
When I was approached to consider a Lassig product I immediately went to the kid’s products. I’m a sucker for cute designs but I knew I wanted something of substance for when Shae starts 1st grade. Last year’s backpack was cute but was definitely for a preschooler. The Lassig Mini Backpack is made from eco friendly materials free of PVC, nickel, AZO dyes, cadmium and phthalates.

Details likea large main compartment with three inner compartments, zip pouch and a snap hook for keys. the padded shoulder straps with additional chest strap ensure a comfortable fit all year round make this a bag that Shae can grow into for the next couple of years.
Lassig Mini BackPack Big interior
I’m eyeing the Green Label Urban bag. Even though it’s built to work as a diaper bag it’s definitely something I could use every day with or without my kids. We are past the diaper stage but I’m all for organized chaos in my handbag with compartments, pockets and hooks.
Lassig Urban bag

I hope you check out their selection of kids and family bags and other accessories. You are bound to find something you just gotta have.

Popsicle Stick People #kids #craft #KidsintheKitchen

Craft staples in our house include glitter glue, scrapbook paper, buttons of all shapes and sizes and paints. You can also always find popsicle sticks in our house too. We’ve built houses and frames and made shapes using velcro with popsicle sticks in the past.

This week we made Popsicle Stick People using markers, tape and ribbon. I used Pinterest to show Shae for ideas but what she came with was all her own.

I found that using ultra fine tip Sharpies worked best for small details like eyes and hair ribbons. Popsicle Stick People #Kids #Craft
Shae used washi tape and other similar products to dress her dolls and even used ribbon as trim.
Popsicle Stick People #Kids #Craft
She really wanted to make sneakers for her doll’s feet but the sticks were too thing. I might have to look into tongue depressor size sticks next time.

Did you have fun in the “kitchen” this week? Did you try a new food or a new kid friendly restaurant? Did your littlest ones use their snacks to count to 10? We invite you to share your experiences, photos, stories or recipes that include your #kidsinthekitchen.

Come join me and my co-hosts, Paula at Frosted Fingers and Sara at Sensibly Sara, each week linking up a post, new or old, that feature the theme Kids in the Kitchen. It doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you are doing it together, enjoying it and learning something along the way.

Don’t have a blog? Share an instagram photo or Facebook update.

Linky Rules, #kidsinthekitchen

#KidsintheKitchen Weekly Linky

Kid’s Chore Chart #kidsinthekitchen #printable

Growing up I learned how to clean the kitchen, bathroom, vacuum, dust and even cook. I wasn’t necessarily taught these things but I had to figure out how to do them and do them right. Saturday was cleaning day and it had to be done before any fun stuff. Today I’m trying to instill the same principles in my kids.

Each day they have their own set of chores to be completed before playtime, tv time, video game time. Shae is only 5 so her chores aren’t as elaborate or difficult but she likes to help the others. With Summer coming up I have to be more diligent with enforcing chores because we all like to be a little lazy when there aren’t pressing matters or errands to run.
Click to Print 🙂

Chore Chart for Kids

Here is what I’ve come up with or my kids according to their age.



  • Set table, prepare for dinner (not cook)
  • Clean kitchen after dinner; includes sweeping and steam mopping floor
  • Vacuum area rug in living room and hallway


  • Dust house excluding kitchen, Shaun’s room and Shae’s room
  • Vacuum 1/2 house



  • Empty small trash cans
  • Take out recycling
  • Dog Poop Patrol in yard
  • Set table, prepare for dinner (not cook)
  • Clean table after dinner


  • Dust his and Shae’s room with Shae’s help
  • Bring dirty laundry down
  • Vacuum 1/2 house



  • Empty backpack and lunchbag
  • Put backpack and shoes in bedroom
  • Help set table and clear table after dinner


  • Help dust bedroom
  • Help bring laundry down

Looking at it on paper it seems like a lot but most things just take minutes to complete. This lists are kept in the kitchen since that is the hub of the house; it’s the first room they come into and usually the last one they visit on the way out.

Did you have fun in the “kitchen” this week? Did you try a new food or a new kid friendly restaurant? Did your littlest ones use their snacks to count to 10? We invite you to share your experiences, photos, stories or recipes that include your #kidsinthekitchen.

Come join me and my co-hosts, Paula at Frosted Fingers and Sara at Sensibly Sara, each week linking up a post, new or old, that feature the theme Kids in the Kitchen. It doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you are doing it together, enjoying it and learning something along the way.

Don’t have a blog? Share an instagram photo or Facebook update.
Linky Rules, #kidsinthekitchen

#KidsintheKitchen Weekly Linky

Paper Bag Tree for Earth Day #kids #craft

The first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, activated 20 million Americans from all walks of life and is widely credited with launching the modern environmental movement. Today you can find green efforts everywhere you turn.  Brands are working towards reducing their carbon footprint, local recycling centers are charged with reducing landfill piles and everyday people are working towards reducing their waste using more renewable resources.

In our home we actively recycle, plant a veggie garden, use less toxic cleaning products and reuse and upcycle items.  Kids Crafts can be done more green too. I try not to buy too many crafting supplies and use what we have or find items that can be recycled.  Paper lunch bags are something we keep in the house but don’t really use since the kids pack lunch boxes with reusable containers.

Making this Paper Bag Tree is a great Earth Day craft because one of the best things you can do on this day is plant a tree.


  • lunchsize paper bag
  • green paper for leaves
  • colored tissue paper for flowers
  • glue
  • kid safe scissors (I also usually keep lefty scissors on hand too in case someone comes over that needs them.)
  • heart hole punch, optional


I drew lines a little more than halfway down the bag so Shae could cut to get her branches.

cutting with kid scissors

Once all the lines were cut, Shae opened up the the base of the bag to make a trunk and started scrunching up the pieces of bag to get her branches.

scrunching up a paper bag

Once the strips of paper have softened up it’s time to twist them into branches.  Be careful not to twist too hard or you’ll rip them.  Take 2-4 strips at a time and gently turn them in your fingers to get a branch-like shape.

twisting branches

Twisting Branches for Paper Bag Tree

Now it’s time to make your leaves and flowers.  Leaves can be hand cut or can be made by cutting a heart shape in half.

Cutting a Heart in Half

Colored tissue paper cut into about 2″ squares in your child’s choice of color is all that is needed for flowers.  Have them pinch them and add a dab of glue to stick them onto their tree along with their leaves.

Tissue Paper Flowers on Tree

Adding Tissue Paper Flowers

Make some final adjustments and twists and your paper bag tree is done.

Paper Bag Tree

This can be modified with brown or green paint to give it more dimension.  Stuffing the bag loosely with a napkin or ad of paper will give it more standing power if you are worried about it falling over. Pre cutting the strips and tissue paper and leaves are simple ways to make this more toddler and preschool age friendly.

What are your plans for Earth Day this year?


CocoonKids for KlaasKids Safe Internet Browsing

It’s been said before that we are a very tech focused household. With mulitple laptops, smartphones, iPods, tablets and gaming systems in the house it’s definite that at least 1 person is plugged in at any given moment. Being a blogger you can imagine the amount of clicking around the internet that I do for reading, researching and browsing. That’s just the way it is for us.

The kids though don’t have as many reasons to be browsing the internet willy nilly. We’ve used different software and USB tools to monitor the kid’s web usage but over time it seems to become more of a irritant than anything else.

CocoonKids for KlaasKids is a different approach to safe internet access for kids since studies show 90% of children age 5-8 have access to a computer. In 1998 The Children’s Online Privacy Protection was drafted to protect kids online privacy. But since then the invention and explosion of technology with smartphones, WI-Fi, social media networks and mobile accessibility has made our children more susceptible to predators of a digital kind.

Simply doing a history search of the visited sites on your computer for that day puts you a step behind any activity that your children may have been involved in. Stop the potentially harmful activity before it can even happen with the Coocoonkids for KlaasKids toolbar.

A quick free toolbar download creates a safe internet browsing space for your kids. With preselected approved sites by you at their fingertips you never have to worry about them accidently clicking read more links or flashing blinking lights. Their space will be populated with the websites, blogs and activity sites you know are safe.

Using the already approved White List is a great starting point especially for littler ones., and are some of our daughter’s favorites. Clicking on a link that will take your child outside of the approved site will show them this.

Password needed for KlaasKids

This requires a password, your password when signing up. That password will allow access to THAT page just that time. It does not automatically add it to your approved sites. Clicking through that temporary site doesn’t work to access other sites. Each subsequent unapproved site click requires a password. Kids can’t bypass the installed toolbar without a password.

Sign up today for a FREE Cocoon account to experience these CocoonKids for KlaasKids Benefits
• Protects kids personal data from marketers and predators
• Protects the family computer from harmful downloads of viruses and malware
• Helps parents manage their family’s online lifestyle

*Installation on the Firefox web browser is required as the CocoonKids for KlaasKids works as an add-on toolbar.