I can’t believe this is the 19th Saturday of the year. Anyway, welcome to Project 52, a weekly update on our lives behind the blog. This is where I fill in the blanks for what goes on that we don’t always post about; random pictures and video that I want to share.
This week was quiet. Rob had lots of after work things to do so we didn’t go anywhere. We had 1 really really warm day, warm enough that I got Shae and Madi (my niece) outside with the water table. Other than that, not much to bring you up to speed on.

she literally passed out where she landed

is this a shrimp?

bright blue skies

shining sun
here are my 2 neices, Madi (the blonde) and Ella playing at the playground.
Share your Project 52 post, let’s see what you’ve been up to!