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Fruit Painted Rocks #craft #kidsinthekitchen

Don’t we all have pretty bowls and vases on our kitchen table filled with fruit, flowers and other lovely centerpieces. On our tables I have a bowl of fresh produce and on the other table I have a tray filled with junk. I’m talking about coupons, sunglasses, notebooks, beads and business cards. It’s the catchall for the room.

I gave Sabreena and Shae a task to make something pretty for the table.  They hunted under our deck for very specific shaped river rocks and made a this bowl of fruit.

The first thing they had to do was wash all the dirt off of the rocks and set them aside to dry. A couple minutes in the sun is all it took.

river rocks

The girls brought out all of the acrylic paints plus some kid friendly washable poster paints, tons of brushes like these ones  and protection for my table. They wrote down lists of all the fruits and veggies they thought they could paint and started mixing colors.

Shae went for her favorite fruits first, strawberries and blueberries. Sabreena went for more elaborate designs like corn an squash. Hours and hours went by and they were still sitting there painting rocks to resemble something completely new and beautiful.

Painting Rocks-Corn #kidsinthekitchen

painting rocks #kidsinthekitchen

Did you have fun in the “kitchen” this week? Did you try a new food or a new kid friendly restaurant? Did your littlest ones use their snacks to count to 10? We invite you to share your experiences, photos, stories or recipes that include your #kidsinthekitchen.

Come join me and my co-hosts, Paula at Frosted Fingers and Sara at Sensibly Sara, each week linking up a post, new or old, that feature the theme Kids in the Kitchen. It doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you are doing it together, enjoying it and learning something along the way.

Don’t have a blog? Share an instagram photo or Facebook update.

Linky Rules, #kidsinthekitchen

#KidsintheKitchen Weekly Linky


Trying New Foods #kidsinthekitchen

Kids as a general rule tend to be picky. Mine are no different. Sabreena as a 17yo turns her nose up to applesauce and melons but will eat apples and red pepper slices for a snack. Shaun and Shae share a disgust of beans, Brussels sprouts and red meat. I know as they grow up their tastes will change but what I don’t expect is them to be very adventurous right now.

Color me surprised when Shae requested Honey Mustard at a recent grocery store trip. The night before we ate at a local restaurant where she was served honey mustard with her corn dogs. She proceeded to dip her french fries in it and LOVED it. So I bought her honey mustard. She was so excited about it she grabbed it and took it to her room and stored it under her pillow for 2 days till I remembered she took with it.

She’s been putting it on her burgers, hot dogs, fries and even dipped broccoli in it. Shaun discovered sriracha a little while back. While he isn’t drowning his food in it like his father he does add some for flavor and kick.
Trying New Foods and Flavors #kidsinthekitchen
I think sauces and dressings might be the way to go to get my kids to try a wider variety of flavors. Simple adding chopped mango to salsa makes it something they will eat with chips and not just on tacos.

Did you have fun in the “kitchen” this week? Did you try a new food or a new kid friendly restaurant? Did your littlest ones use their snacks to count to 10? We invite you to share your experiences, photos, stories or recipes that include your #kidsinthekitchen.

Come join me and my co-hosts, Paula at Frosted Fingers and Sara at Sensibly Sara, each week linking up a post, new or old, that feature the theme Kids in the Kitchen. It doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you are doing it together, enjoying it and learning something along the way.

Don’t have a blog? Share an instagram photo or Facebook update.

Linky Rules, #kidsinthekitchen

#KidsintheKitchen Weekly Linky

Dessert Quesadillas #kidsinthekitchen

The kids like elaborate desserts at home. Make your own sundaes and homemade strawberry shortcakes usually top their list. This are delicious but I sometimes crave something a little different. Quesadillas are a regular lunch for us so I asked Shae and Shaun to come up with some Dessert Quesadilla ideas.

I pulled out ingredients that I thought would fit well into a dessert theme and let them create their own treats.

Dessert Quesadillas #kidsinthekitchen

Shaun was first. He loves chocolate covered strawberries so he went with sliced strawberries and chocolate chips. He made it almost all by himself. I helped with flipping the quesadilla and moving it to a plate but he manned the stove pretty well.

Chocolate covered Strawberry Dessert Quesadillas #kidsinthekitchen

Shae went with  my favorite combination, S’mores.  She wasn’t as confident at the stove but was able to help quite a bit.

S'mores Dessert Quesadillas #kidsinthekitchen

The final one was made for dad; bananas, chocolate chips and crushed salted cashews.  He loved it.  This is something we are going to keep experimenting with, coming up with new combinations and ingredient ideas.

Dessert Quesadillas made by kids
Did you have fun in the “kitchen” this week? Did you try a new food or a new kid friendly restaurant? Did your littlest ones use their snacks to count to 10? We invite you to share your experiences, photos, stories or recipes that include your #kidsinthekitchen.

Come join me and my co-hosts, Paula at Frosted Fingers and Sara at Sensibly Sara, each week linking up a post, new or old, that feature the theme Kids in the Kitchen. It doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you are doing it together, enjoying it and learning something along the way.

Don’t have a blog? Share an instagram photo or Facebook update.

Linky Rules, #kidsinthekitchen

#KidsintheKitchen Weekly Linky

Snacks for the Pool #kidsinthekitchen

This week was very unproductive! We worked on some crafts but that was the extent of any action on our kitchen table. Even our dinners were dull. I did realize that I need some better ideas for summer time snacks at the pool. I need to have things on hand that go beyond grapes, granola bars and peanut butter crackers. Here are some finds that I think the kids would really love and that would hold up in the cooler and pool bag.
Snacking by the Pool #kidsinthekitchen

Finger Sandwiches-tea party style sandwiches made with peanut butter & nutella, cream cheese and strawberry preserves or chedder and ham. Cutting this into triangles or strips will make them easy to handle which usually means the kids will eat more.

Fruit Kabobs-toothpicks instead of skewers of bite size in season fruit of all kinds. Using toothpicks reduces the amount of food I need to carry to the pool and making a handful for each kid gives them exactly what they want.

Fruit Smoothies-a mix of yogurt, fruit and juice for a refreshing and filling snack. Whipping up a batch using my kids favorite flavors of yogurt and types of fruit then pouring into their own insulated cups makes for a convenient on the go treat.

Little Bit of Everything-using a craft box with compartments kids can design their own day’s worth of snacks. Similar to a tackle box these craft boxes can be customized to suit each child with tons of different snacks and treats. Here is an example of this exact idea

Did you have a more productive week in the kitchen? Did you try a new food or a new kid friendly restaurant? Did your littlest ones use their snacks to count to 10? We invite you to share your experiences, photos, stories or recipes that include your #kidsinthekitchen.

Come join me and my co-hosts, Paula at Frosted Fingers and Sara at Sensibly Sara, each week linking up a post, new or old, that feature the theme Kids in the Kitchen. It doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you are doing it together, enjoying it and learning something along the way.

Don’t have a blog? Share an instagram photo or Facebook update.
Linky Rules, #kidsinthekitchen

#KidsintheKitchen Weekly Linky

Making Their Own Snacks #KidsintheKitchen

Since the kids aren’t in school they have way more opinions about what kind of meals and snacks they should be eating throughout the day. During the school year they eat what is packed for them or what school is serving them.

I’m really liking most of their input especially when they can get it themselves. The kids love making their own trail mixes. Shae raided the pantry to come up with this concoction

Chocolate Chips
White Chocolate Chips
Cinnamon Chips
Yogurt Covered Raisins
Chocolate Covered Raisins
Chex cereal
Nuts (cashews, almonds, honey roasted peanuts)
Mini Graham crackers
Choosing the Right Ingredients #kidsinthekitchen
Making Trail Mix #kidsinthekitchenThe ingredient list may sound like a lot but she only added a little bit of each but also tailored the mix to suit her brother. While I would prefer this mix to have MORE dried fruit sans the chocolate coating it’s really a great mix of flavors and textures while still being healthy and satisfying.

Did you have fun in the “kitchen” this week? Did you try a new food or a new kid friendly restaurant? Did your littlest ones use their snacks to count to 10? We invite you to share your experiences, photos, stories or recipes that include your #kidsinthekitchen.

Come join me and my co-hosts, Paula at Frosted Fingers and Sara at Sensibly Sara, each week linking up a post, new or old, that feature the theme Kids in the Kitchen. It doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you are doing it together, enjoying it and learning something along the way.

  • preparing healthy snacks
  • having a tea party
  • counting skills with m&ms
  • pouring from measuring cups
  • discovering a local restaurant that your kids love
  • creating new family friendly recipes
  • Don’t have a blog? Share an instagram photo or Facebook update.

      Linky Rules, #kidsinthekitchen

      #KidsintheKitchen Weekly Linky

      Subscribe to our weekly reminder email so you don’t miss the fun the going on each Friday on #KidsintheKitchen

    Blueberries right from the Garden #KidsintheKitchen

    Last year I forked over $20 for a teeny tiny blueberry bush at a fancy schmancy nursery down the road. I was all excited to be able to harvest pints and pints of blueberries in my own backyard without spending $4.99 per container. The birds didn’t like that idea and ate almost all of the berries before had a chance to get them into the house. Shae was the most disappointed. You see, I don’t even like blueberries very much. I like them in muffins and in pancakes but I’m not one to snack on plain blueberries.

    This year we took measures against the dumb birds. I dug up the bush and replanted it in a pot and it sits on the deck where we can keep an eye on it against the vultures I mean sparrows and robins.

    Shae has been staking out the plant for the last few days. On Monday she saw one that was ready to pick and pick it she did. Wednesday she managed an entire handful and held onto them for an afternoon snack. This morning she got a small handful and ate them immediately. I keep telling her to wait a couple days in between or try saving them up for a recipe but she’s not interested.

    Letting my kids eat right from our own garden might be one of the most satisfying feelings ever. The tomatoes, peppers and beans might not be ready to pick but just knowing there will be entire meals dedicated from what they have grown makes me feel good as a mother.
    #kidsinthekitchen, blueberries from the garden
    Did you have fun in the “kitchen” this week? Did you try a new food or a new kid friendly restaurant? Did your littlest ones use their snacks to count to 10? We invite you to share your experiences, photos, stories or recipes that include your #kidsinthekitchen.

    Come join me and my co-hosts, Paula at Frosted Fingers and Sara at Sensibly Sara, each week linking up a post, new or old, that feature the theme Kids in the Kitchen. It doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you are doing it together, enjoying it and learning something along the way.

    Don’t have a blog? Share an instagram photo or Facebook update.
    Linky Rules, #kidsinthekitchen
    #KidsintheKitchen Weekly Linky

    Homemade Rock Candy #FAIL #KidsintheKitchen

    I was never a great student in science. I mean I did enjoy it but it didn’t always make total sense to me. Maybe that’s why I completely botched our homemade Rock Candy experience.

    Shae wasn’t too sure what rock candy was until I showed her a picture of it online. I asked if she wasn’t to make some and she was excited. I figured this was something she was going to be able to see results over a few days making it really fun and interactive. I was wrong wrong wrong.

    Shae was a great help with the stove work. She poured the water and sugar and helped stir but when it came to pouring I was in charge.

    Rock Candy #Fail #kidsinthekitchen

    The gorgeous blue color reminded me of the Caribbean Sea and I thought we would have some pretty Rock Candy to eat afterwards.

    Rock Candy #Fail #kidsinthekitchen

    Something happened. The day after pouring it into the jar there was NOTHING to see.

    Rock Candy #Fail #kidsinthekitchen

    According to everything I read I was supposed to reboil and add sugar, so I did. I knew from the looks of the mixture after the reboil and sugar addition it wasn’t going to turn out well. I was right. Within an hour it had turned into a solid block of sugar with skewer sticking out of it.

    Oh well.. Shae had fun helping to make it and had a few laughs when it didn’t turn out so well.

    Did you have fun in the “kitchen” this week? Did you try a new food or a new kid friendly restaurant? Did your littlest ones use their snacks to count to 10? We invite you to share your experiences, photos, stories or recipes that include your #kidsinthekitchen.

    Come join me and my co-hosts, Paula at Frosted Fingers and Sara at Sensibly Sara, each week linking up a post, new or old, that feature the theme Kids in the Kitchen. It doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you are doing it together, enjoying it and learning something along the way.

    Don’t have a blog? Share an instagram photo or Facebook update instead.

    Linky Rules, #kidsinthekitchen

    #KidsintheKitchen Weekly Linky

    Kid’s Chore Chart #kidsinthekitchen #printable

    Growing up I learned how to clean the kitchen, bathroom, vacuum, dust and even cook. I wasn’t necessarily taught these things but I had to figure out how to do them and do them right. Saturday was cleaning day and it had to be done before any fun stuff. Today I’m trying to instill the same principles in my kids.

    Each day they have their own set of chores to be completed before playtime, tv time, video game time. Shae is only 5 so her chores aren’t as elaborate or difficult but she likes to help the others. With Summer coming up I have to be more diligent with enforcing chores because we all like to be a little lazy when there aren’t pressing matters or errands to run.
    Click to Print 🙂

    Chore Chart for Kids

    Here is what I’ve come up with or my kids according to their age.



    • Set table, prepare for dinner (not cook)
    • Clean kitchen after dinner; includes sweeping and steam mopping floor
    • Vacuum area rug in living room and hallway


    • Dust house excluding kitchen, Shaun’s room and Shae’s room
    • Vacuum 1/2 house



    • Empty small trash cans
    • Take out recycling
    • Dog Poop Patrol in yard
    • Set table, prepare for dinner (not cook)
    • Clean table after dinner


    • Dust his and Shae’s room with Shae’s help
    • Bring dirty laundry down
    • Vacuum 1/2 house



    • Empty backpack and lunchbag
    • Put backpack and shoes in bedroom
    • Help set table and clear table after dinner


    • Help dust bedroom
    • Help bring laundry down

    Looking at it on paper it seems like a lot but most things just take minutes to complete. This lists are kept in the kitchen since that is the hub of the house; it’s the first room they come into and usually the last one they visit on the way out.

    Did you have fun in the “kitchen” this week? Did you try a new food or a new kid friendly restaurant? Did your littlest ones use their snacks to count to 10? We invite you to share your experiences, photos, stories or recipes that include your #kidsinthekitchen.

    Come join me and my co-hosts, Paula at Frosted Fingers and Sara at Sensibly Sara, each week linking up a post, new or old, that feature the theme Kids in the Kitchen. It doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you are doing it together, enjoying it and learning something along the way.

    Don’t have a blog? Share an instagram photo or Facebook update.
    Linky Rules, #kidsinthekitchen

    #KidsintheKitchen Weekly Linky

    Making Homemade Play Dough #kidsinthekitchen

    I’ve been seeing them for years; different colors, scented, mixed with herbs and flowers. I’m talking about Homemade play dough. I consider myself pretty crafty but this isn’t something ever attempted on my own. I was always intimidated. This week after seeing a couple more gorgeous activities and simple recipes I knew we had to give it a try.

    I used the simplest recipe I could find.

    1 1/2 cups flour
    1/2 cup salt
    1/2 cup cool water
    Making Homemade Playdough
    I added the flour and salt to a bowl and let Shae add the water and mix mix mix. It took her about 10 minutes to get everything incorporated enough to turn out onto the table. She played and rolled and kneaded, creating different shapes and designs. She ended with a strawberry and star. The next step is to bake them and paint them.
    Homemade Playdough
    Playing with play dough is a great way to let little hands explore. It’s a fantastic medium for endless ideas like jewelry, ornaments, figurines and more. Trust me this process was simple, the cleanup of the table afterwards was way more work.

    Did you have fun in the “kitchen” this week? Did you try a new food or a new kid friendly restaurant? Did your littlest ones use their snacks to count to 10? We invite you to share your experiences, photos, stories or recipes that include your #kidsinthekitchen.

    Come join me and my co-hosts, Paula at Frosted Fingers and Sara at Sensibly Sara, each week linking up a post, new or old, that feature the theme Kids in the Kitchen. It doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you are doing it together, enjoying it and learning something along the way.

    Don’t have a blog? Share an instagram photo or Facebook update.
    Linky Rules, #kidsinthekitchen
    #KidsintheKitchen Weekly Linky

    Making a Forever Flower #kidsinthekitchen

    By now hopefully you realize that #kidsinthekitchen is about more than just letting the kids mix cookie dough or slice strawberries. In our home the kitchen in the backdrop for just about anything we have going on. Homework is done there, conversations about our schedule are discussed there, we eat meals as a family there and ofcourse we prep those meals there.  The kitchen is also the place where we educate, create and play. Crafts and activities are HUGE in our home. They aren’t always blogged about but there is usually something happening each day.

    This week we are playing with our food again.  Colored Rice is an incredibly popular medium to stimulate sensory awareness, work on color recognition and work on fine and gross motor skills.  In our house we play with it because it’s pretty and fun to run our fingers through it.

    While sitting at the kitchen island this week Shae was admiring the flowers Sabreena gave me for Mother’s Day. Each day I sort through them, throw away the dead ones, change the water and re arrange them.  Shae then decided she wanted to make me flower that would last forever. This is when the colored rice comes in.
    Using flowers as inspiration
    We pulled out  a piece of heavy cardstock, school glue, colored rice, popsicle stick, markers a couple fabric leaves from previously dismantle fabric flowers. I drew out  flower shape on the card stock and let her create my flower.

    The trick to getting a nice layer of rice is to go heavy on the glue. Shae used a paintbrush to fill each petal with lots of glue and then over poured the rice so it would stick in every nook and cranny.
    lots of glue for colored rice crafts

    lots of rice for colored rice crafts
    The clean up was simple, rice is easy to sweep up. This needs to dry overnight at the very least.
    Colored Rice Flowers

    Did you have fun in the “kitchen” this week? Did you try a new food or a new kid friendly restaurant? Did your littlest ones use their snacks to count to 10? We invite you to share your experiences, photos, stories or recipes that include your #kidsinthekitchen.

    Come join me and my co-hosts, Paula at Frosted Fingers and Sara at Sensibly Sara, each week linking up a post, new or old, that feature the theme Kids in the Kitchen. It doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you are doing it together, enjoying it and learning something along the way.

    Don’t have a blog? Share an instagram photo or Facebook update.

    Linky Rules, #kidsinthekitchen

    #KidsintheKitchen Weekly Linky

    Kids in the Kitchen with LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too!

    I can’t wait to see the fun you worked on this week.