As a parent, you always want the best for your kids, especially regarding their education. For them to grow up happy and prosperous in all aspects of life, with as few or as little bumps along the way. Now more than ever, it’s imperative to keep kids stimulated and nurture their active imaginations. Even the youthful exuberance of a child can be sullied by the tedium of long hours stuck inside. Exacerbated by the ongoing pandemic. In short, it isn’t always good for their creativity. Homeschooling can be very boring, but it doesn’t have to be To make learning more engaging and enjoyable, consider adding activities like tennis lessons. You must find ways to help kids learn and have a little fun along the way.
But how do you make sure that happens?
We have some ideas! Here are six super fun and creative ways to help your children learn:
Snow Tiger Media
Snow Tiger Media is the creator of the Winning@range, which is a series of activity books filled with lots of fun things to do and is produced to accommodate children in forming a love of learning from the young age of 3 years old. Understanding the need to find new ways to help kids engage in their education was a major driving force behind the brand new series. The fun exercises support children in achieving their scholastic goals while building up their confidence. Every page has a different purpose highlighted to trace the improvement and inspire children to work freely. All the masterfully crafted illustrations and narratives were completely designed and penned by the creators themselves.

Maryan, part of the dynamic couple behind the series, explains more “We want children to keep up, top up and catch up as pandemic restrictions continue, and the entire world of learning has been turned on its head. The books are designed to be fun, and we hope they’re incredibly useful, too.”
The new series is literally hot off the press, being made available just a few days prior on the 12th of April, 2021. To find out more, download free worksheets and how to purchase the new range, we recommend visiting their website, Snow Tiger Media. You can check out their TikTok too, give them a follow, and see how the magic happens!
Reusable sight-word sandbox
A re-usable sight-word sandbox is a lunchbox with sugar, salt, or even actual sand placed inside it with a sticky note on the inside of the lid with a word written on it. With a pencil, your child will then write an imprint of the same word in the sand. The kids will find it fun as it’s easy to play and the benefit of using this is that it’s inexpensive and easy to set up. The perfect combination.
Alphabet Matching
Teach your children the letters of the alphabet by utilizing a magnetic alphabet set and a spare cookie sheet. Write the alphabet letters on the cookie sheet by using washable markers or stickers of the alphabet and have your child match the magnetic letters to the letters that they find on the sheet. You can also do the same thing on the fridge by placing the letters of the alphabet and asking your kid to match them with the magnetic alphabet set. The benefit of using this is that it can become adapted as the kid gets older by asking them to name the alphabet in order until they know the sound and the letter off by heart.

Sunflower Word Family
Kids who are in the beginning stages of learning how to read can explore various sound mixtures with a word-family sunflower. You do this by using yellow paper to create sunflower petals and writing word endings on the yellow petals. Afterward, you attach the petals around a paper plate, add all the letters of the alphabet around the rim, and then let kids spin the plate and read the results. The benefits of using this are it is easy to use, and it helps your child practice their reading and enunciation skills.
Catch a letter fishing game
The ‘catch a letter’ fishing game is essentially an activity where your child uses a fishing rod to ‘catch’ fish-shaped objects with letters on them. You can ask your kid to identify the letter and test their recall. The benefit of using this is that it’s really fun and engages the memory part of your child’s brain. Several bands make versions of the game and you can order a set from most good toy stores.
Indoor gardening
The benefit of gardening is that it helps your children learn about where the food they eat every comes from, and how things grow, which will help them in school in the future. Since we may be in lockdown for a while, and it’s not as easy as it was to go outside to enjoy nature, you may want to consider creating an indoor garden. Many YouTube videos explain the process, and it’s a fun activity for both you and the kids.

Being indoors with your kids as you try to balance work and being a parent can be tough. But, it shouldn’t be. There are many fun and creative ways for you to help your kids learn, regardless of how young or old they are. It also gives you an opportunity to bond with your kids and really get to know them. The current situation has given new opportunities to not be as reliant on their teachers when it comes to learning and educating. Use the extra time to teach them new and fun ways to learn about the world. It’s important to note that every child is different and should be treated accordingly. Perhaps, using an activity book may work best for you and your kid. Or maybe your child is more of an arts and craftsperson. Luckily this is the time for you to find out, so don’t be scared when it comes to experimenting with different types of methods. Just keep your kid’s interests always at heart, and with a bit of creativity, there are lots of fun ways to help your children’s education.
Learn keyboard typing for kids
One extra but fun indoor activity. Teach your children how to type through some fun games